Millions of Americans who did not like the president in 2016 now say they do


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019

A nugget of actual truth escapes from the bowels of the New York Times. I suggest reading the article.

Don’t Assume Trump’s Approval Rating Can’t Climb Higher. It Already Has.
Millions of Americans who did not like the president in 2016 now say they do.
Don’t Assume Trump’s Approval Rating Can’t Climb Higher. It Already Has.

Donald J. Trump doesn’t always seem like a candidate focused on expanding his base of support. He may have done so anyway.
The share of Americans who say they have a favorable view of him has increased significantly since the 2016 election.

Trump's Favorability Rating Is Higher Than in 2016

His personal favorability ratings surged after he won the presidency, and they haven't fallen back.
And over the last few months, some of the highest-quality public opinion polls, though not all, showed the president’s job approval rating — a different measure from personal favorability — had inched up to essentially match the highest level of his term.
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They see where things are at, and what a group of pathetic losers they have to choose from in 2020.

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Of course more people like him today. Americans are smart. Only the Antifa types and the resisters are still off the hook mouth fpamers. Viva Trump. Smart people know.

A nugget of actual truth escapes from the bowels of the New York Times. I suggest reading the article.

Don’t Assume Trump’s Approval Rating Can’t Climb Higher. It Already Has.
Millions of Americans who did not like the president in 2016 now say they do.
Don’t Assume Trump’s Approval Rating Can’t Climb Higher. It Already Has.

Donald J. Trump doesn’t always seem like a candidate focused on expanding his base of support. He may have done so anyway.
The share of Americans who say they have a favorable view of him has increased significantly since the 2016 election.

Trump's Favorability Rating Is Higher Than in 2016

His personal favorability ratings surged after he won the presidency, and they haven't fallen back.
And over the last few months, some of the highest-quality public opinion polls, though not all, showed the president’s job approval rating — a different measure from personal favorability — had inched up to essentially match the highest level of his term.

As I've repeated over and over. He just needs to keep his promises and people will turn to him. As it were, his policies were needed and would work, as America has been exploited for so long.

The Political Class in Western society needs to be held to account. It's become far more like the old Eastern Bloc system of cronies. This isn't good for our long term survival or liberty. Police agencies, need to hold any corruption and bribery to account.
When he is shown to be correct time an time again, and always holding the back of Americans... who can be surprised.

On the other side we have a gang that hates Americans in comparison.
Of course more people like him today. Americans are smart. Only the Antifa types and the resisters are still off the hook mouth fpamers. Viva Trump. Smart people know.

No descent person would ever embrace the hate and evil and violence demonstrated by the Democrats
Of course more people like him today. Americans are smart. Only the Antifa types and the resisters are still off the hook mouth fpamers. Viva Trump. Smart people know.
THIS is who people really like A ,president respected and welcomed not like the trump scum
Thank you, Mr president.

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Obama meets with families of shooting victims

I'm pretty sure that bald guy just snuck in there. His name is Robert, and he manages a Costco in Chatanooga. The Secret Service totally dropped the ball on this one.
Of course more people like him today. Americans are smart. Only the Antifa types and the resisters are still off the hook mouth fpamers. Viva Trump. Smart people know.
THIS is who people really like A ,president respected and welcomed not like the trump scum
Thank you, Mr president.

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Obama meets with families of shooting victims

It all depends on where you are from. Many people in large cities are in their own little bubble. I can assure you that Obama was not a popular president outside the metropolitan areas.
Trump is the only president not to break 50 percent approval EVER
Even Rasmussen has him at 51 percent disapproval

Trump has surpassed the filthy Kenyan socialist pig many times in fallibility at equal points in their presidencies.
THIS is who people really like A ,president respected and welcomed not like the trump scum
Thank you, Mr president.

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Obama meets with families of shooting victims

Your Kenyan socialist piece of shit is loved by nobody except idiots like you
The truth of the matter is, when Obama visited the victims of a mass shooting, the media praised him extensively.

When Trump visits the victims of a mass shooting, the media trashes him with false motivations.

edward37 has simply been manipulated. Likely, he has been manipulated his entire life and cannot distinguish any reality on his own.

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