Millions Of Electric Car Batteries Retiring By 2030, Are We Ready To Deal With What Could Be Ticking Time Bombs?

And the problem with that is that we need STEM graduates from high school to understand electronics and electricity. While schools are lowering standards for completion we need higher standards for graduates to have any employment anywhere to do anything. So...this new generation is not going to be prepared to even be able to fix or repair a vehicle.
We need STEM graduates like we always have. We literally have a manufacturing base that is depending upon foreign nations ( immigrants) to fill that huge void.
Apologies, I thought you were one on those rabid EV supporters
I’m an avid electrification supporter and EVs are a great choice NOW for some. High density population with nominal higher voltage outlets available where pollution is a big concern ? That’s European countries and some big cities here.

But, Ever try to heat your car up in sub zero weather ? ICE rules for now.

I’m a strong advocate of the Govt giving rural areas postal service choices just like I am their support for being able to choose an EV if there is a NEED.
There is no one solution for everyone.
The only advantage of EV batteries after the life of the car is to break them down into the cell packs and use a couple of those packs as a powerwall. Just have a brick purpose build detached shed/building to house them.

And since some numpty was daft enough to buy the EV in the first place, give the powerwalls away for free because they're paid for, just pay p&p.

I hoping to build beside a stream to have a water turbine to charge a bank of freebie EV battery packs as a power wall. Off grid is my goal, solar in North of England / Southern Scotland is poor and costly.
We need STEM graduates like we always have. We literally have a manufacturing base that is depending upon foreign nations ( immigrants) to fill that huge void.
Those people are busy getting gender degrees, the useful degrees are not being filled.
EVs are only viable because of government cheese....not for any other reason.
And most governments are broke these days needing to curb spending.

Another solution needs to be discovered.

Get real. The airlines and all fossil fuel companies are only accessible because of Govt cheese. You think the Govt subsides world wide isnt many times greater for fossil fuels than EVs.
Deniers are fine with our navy protecting shipping lanes for oil transport and going to war with tens of thousands dying so we can drive to work in a Dodge Ram; but provide incentives for an EV or electrified wheel chair so an ALS patient can spend a few remaining months living in dignity, and denier bozos whine like children having to share an ice cream.
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The only advantage of EV batteries after the life of the car is to break them down into the cell packs and use a couple of those packs as a powerwall. Just have a brick purpose build detached shed/building to house them.

And since some numpty was daft enough to buy the EV in the first place, give the powerwalls away for free because they're paid for, just pay p&p.

I hoping to build beside a stream to have a water turbine to charge a bank of freebie EV battery packs as a power wall. Off grid is my goal, solar in North of England / Southern Scotland is poor and costly.
Just like any technology, we need to advance the use of our waste products. New battery technology should not come on line until it’s waste management is assured. Geese’s, we’ve never done that with fossil fuels till it’s too late.
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Those people are busy getting gender degrees, the useful degrees are not being filled.
Show me the number of people getting “ gender ” degrees.
Hilarious. Gender isn’t even a prerogative of medical science. It’s a political debate. Medical science is here to save people’s lives and make the few years we have to live, in contentment. Gender is what ANYONE wants to put on an application form.
Those people are busy getting gender degrees, the useful degrees are not being filled.
It’s simple. Let’s have the gop sponsor a bill for free tuition for STEM related degrees and not “ gender” degrees. Good luck....
And since some numpty was daft enough to buy the EV in the first place, give the powerwalls away for free because they're paid for, just pay p&p.
Are you including being daft in buying batteries for all those power tools ? Cause they are made a similar way by the same makers. I’m still struggling where the best place to store them is for the winter.
Get real. The airlines and all fossil fuel companies are only accessible because of Govt cheese. You think the Govt subsides world wide isnt many times greater for fossil fuels than EVs.
Deniers are fine with our navy protecting shipping lanes for oil transport and going to war with tens of thousands dying so we can drive to work in a Dodge Ram; but provide incentives for an EV or electrified wheel chair so an ALS patient can spend a few remaining months living in dignity, and denier bozos whine like children having to share an ice cream.
First off....I am A-Political. All politicians are liars telling you what you want to hear instead of need to hear.

Our Government profits from oil imports and exports...they do not subsidize petroleum...they tax the stew out of it. Every Dock fee, pipeline, storage facility, and pump is taxed to the point that half the cost of gasoline/diesel is the result of taxes.
Crude oil is not the same. Every well is different. Refinery time is precious. So we don't just refine one product from every well. Texas/gulf oil is different from Mexico which is different from Saudi Oil which is different from Maldives or UAE. We will import and export petroleum as we use millions of various products.

Yes, gasoline is usually separated first from every crude oil but it's not the primary product. But it must be separated from the oil first before its shipped anywhere. Then the bitumen is capable of being used for a wide variety of various products...everything from credit cards to tires to vitamins and fertilizer. There is literally nothing without petroleum products used as a component these days. You are focused on the gasoline for whatever reason....but the multitude of our world is filled with petroleum products. From your cell phone to computer/tablet we use bitumen to make everything.

There will be a surplus of gasoline eventually if we stop using it.(we'll have to find a use for it) It won't happen for decades...but we are in a position that the world is never going to stop using petroleum products. Peak petroleum use is likely going to be pushed out to the year 2100. Even with the mandates of every industrialized nation requiring EVs everywhere for every mode of transportation. We are going to globally increase our use of petroleum products for another 80 years if not more.
Show me the number of people getting “ gender ” degrees.
Hilarious. Gender isn’t even a prerogative of medical science. It’s a political debate. Medical science is here to save people’s lives and make the few years we have to live, in contentment. Gender is what ANYONE wants to put on an application form.
I used "gender degrees" because it's topical and just to incorporate useless other areas as media studies, culinary arts, fashion, art, music etc.. We doctors, engineers, scientists etc.. Defund the useless ones and subsidise the useful ones (orientated to the system in the UK).
I used "gender degrees" because it's topical and just to incorporate useless other areas as media studies, culinary arts, fashion, art, music etc.. We doctors, engineers, scientists etc.. Defund the useless ones and subsidise the useful ones (orientated to the system in the UK).
I went to Callaway Gardens where these kids got a degree in "circus". They performed OK and it was entertaining....
But who sends their kid to college to become a clown?
Are you including being daft in buying batteries for all those power tools ? Cause they are made a similar way by the same makers. I’m still struggling where the best place to store them is for the winter.
The power tools that I have that take batteries, I have them on mains electric too. The battery ones are used where it's more convenient to do so. I limited myself to two batteries for umpteen years, then bought a third just a couple of years ago. The numpties are the ones that have a battery per tool and wonder why they go duff with lack of use and charging. This time of year, it would be best to keep them indoors, that is if you can be bothered to do that. I just go to the job, put all three on charge if I'm going to use them, then crack on using mains supply tools.

Some tools you're wasting your time with battery. For example, a battery Makita hoover gives you a maximum run time of 14 mins. Angle grinders fir light cutting, same with reciprocating saws. Chop/mitre saws, plunge saw, core drill, plaster mixer, table saw all mains electric. To cut bricks/concrete, 14" petrol cut off saw, electric is a no chance.
I went to Callaway Gardens where these kids got a degree in "circus". They performed OK and it was entertaining....
But who sends their kid to college to become a clown?
A Democrat.

I believe there was a degree course on Madonna. Was there a one on Klingon language too?
Just like any technology, we need to advance the use of our waste products. New battery technology should not come on line until it’s waste management is assured. Geese’s, we’ve never done that with fossil fuels till it’s too late.
I think they should be trying to advance technology to reduce and/or eliminate waste products in the first place.
Just like any technology, we need to advance the use of our waste products. New battery technology should not come on line until it’s waste management is assured. Geese’s, we’ve never done that with fossil fuels till it’s too late.
There aren't any waste products from petroleum.
We have uses for all of it. Every chemical in petroleum has a market and use. It's always sold and utilized somewhere by someone.
There aren't any waste products from petroleum.
We have uses for all of it. Every chemical in petroleum has a market and use. It's always sold and utilized somewhere by someone.
Yup, the full barrel of oil is used -

Plus, 99% of the worlds sulphur is derived from oil. Sulphur is used to vulcanise rubber, so no more EV tyres and blow-up sheep for the alarmists.
Yup, the full barrel of oil is used -

Plus, 99% of the worlds sulphur is derived from oil. Sulphur is used to vulcanise rubber, so no more EV tyres and blow-up sheep for the alarmists.
Even beer, soda, and light bulbs use petroleum products.
Can you bang a chick on the back of your solar trike?
Yes, and unlike Musk's cybertruck, the camping feature of the etrike not only includes enclosed sleeping on the vehicle but also a small flatbed trailer for the Teton Vista 1 instant popup tent.

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