Millions of people are in for a surprise

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Millions of people could be in for a tax shock
Now here's the surprise: these subsidy recipients had to estimate what they'd earn in 2014 by as early as October 2013. The actual amount they earned in 2014 probably differed from the income data they gave to the government. This means when taxpayers go to file their taxes on or before April 15, 2015, they could find out their refund is a lot smaller than expected, or worse that they owe money because they underestimated how much they'd earn! If there is a silver lining here, what they owe is capped at $2,500 as long as they remain subsidy eligible
The Obamacare Tax Shock That Could Have You Pulling Your Hair Out
And there's the rub.

I found myself applying for subsidized ACA coverage because of a recent and serious reduction in income. It's a chance I had to take- pay the reduced premiums now not knowing for sure what 2015 will bring, or continue to pay over $900/month which I can ill-afford.

As explained to me over the phone, my liability for any subsidized premiums will be calculated from the point at which income exceeds the threshold during the year.

But when you think about it, this makes sense. There's no such thing as a free lunch with the ACA, unless you're so fucking down and out that you'll never recover.
And there's the rub.

I found myself applying for subsidized ACA coverage because of a recent and serious reduction in income. It's a chance I had to take- pay the reduced premiums now not knowing for sure what 2015 will bring, or continue to pay over $900/month which I can ill-afford.

As explained to me over the phone, my liability for any subsidized premiums will be calculated from the point at which income exceeds the threshold during the year.

But when you think about it, this makes sense. There's no such thing as a free lunch with the ACA, unless you're so fucking down and out that you'll never recover.

while true that will not prevent demonstrations and riots.
We all know people under reported hoping they won't get caught, this will be interesting
We all know people under reported hoping they won't get caught, this will be interesting
When working through the machinations of the ACA website, they make it very clear that this is serious shit. You sign your application under oath and under penalty of law.

Once I completed my application (in which I low-balled my 2015 income), I received an immediate email telling me that I was eligible for Medicaid. Right away, I got on the phone and explained that this wasn't correct and that I was trying to hit the income estimate at the point where I would be eligible for subsidies, not Medicaid. The guy was very cool about it and helped me tweak the numbers. That generated another email telling me that I was eligible for the subsidies.

I have spoken disparagingly about the ACA, but it appears that it may go a long way toward bailing my ass out of some serious financial shit. I still don't like it, I still believe that it is unadulterated bullshit, and yes - I would survive without it.

But it is what it is, it's available to me, and I have to do what I have to do.

PS- Fuck Obama and his bullshit socialist agenda.
I lied about my income to get full subsidy knowing I'd have to repay it at a later date. Why? Simple - I save money in the short term. Fuck Obama and his fucked program. He's going to be a dumbshit I'll take full advantage. Obamacare can burn in hell.
We all know people under reported hoping they won't get caught, this will be interesting

They won't. It's uninforcable. There was a legal loophole and anybody smart enough took advantage. They take me to court I'll sue for 100 million. I have the best attorney's in the country.
I lied about my income to get full subsidy knowing I'd have to repay it at a later date. Why? Simple - I save money in the short term. Fuck Obama and his fucked program. He's going to be a dumbshit I'll take full advantage. Obamacare can burn in hell.
Lol let me know when you do your taxes, I know I am going to say I had health insurance and see what happens
I lied about my income to get full subsidy knowing I'd have to repay it at a later date. Why? Simple - I save money in the short term. Fuck Obama and his fucked program. He's going to be a dumbshit I'll take full advantage. Obamacare can burn in hell.
Lol let me know when you do your taxes, I know I am going to say I had health insurance and see what happens

Listen to this - Hilarious! - All I had to "tell" them was my income. They didn't specify adjust gross or gross, but simply said "tell" us what you earned. key word "tell" not "show." I didn't even have to talk to anyone I just wen to the website when it eventually worked and that's all their site said it needed. Fucking morons. Lol.. 1 box and a number.
I lied about my income to get full subsidy knowing I'd have to repay it at a later date. Why? Simple - I save money in the short term. Fuck Obama and his fucked program. He's going to be a dumbshit I'll take full advantage. Obamacare can burn in hell.
Lol let me know when you do your taxes, I know I am going to say I had health insurance and see what happens

Oh hey, since I'm a self-employed owner I get a full tax deduction for paying out o pocket for health insurance also. :) Morons.

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