Milo Yiannopolous gets a book deal...left wants him kept from publishing it...of course...

Yes...the left is not a supporter of freedom of expression or of the press......they only want it for themselves and you had better not try to write a book they don't like...

Chicago Review of Books Editor Says MILO's Words Could Inspire Terrorism - Breitbart

Adam Morgan, the Editor in Chief of the Chicago Review of Books, published an article today in The Guardian explaining why the Chicago Review of Books chose to boycott Simon & Schuster, the company publishing MILO’s new book, DANGEROUS.

The title of the Guardian article reads, “Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back.” However the URL of the article and the Facebook sharing preview reveal the title, “Simon & Schuster is rewarding alt-right hate speech. We cannot stay silent.”

This may be a simple error but it is also likely that the title calling MILO’s book “alt-right hate speech” was the original tile of the article. The Guardian may have realised their error in calling MILO “alt-right”, a political movement which MILO has repeatedly stated he is not part of, despite the media’s various attempts to paint him as a “leader” of the movement, and changed the article title.

The left, the Khmer Rouge democrats, are fighting a hot war to end civil rights. This is just another of the many battles by these Stalinist thugs.

THANK GOD that feckless twat Hillary was kept from power.
3. The book will be on the New York Time's best seller list, if they do their jobs.

That's because the conservative book clubs order millions, dumbass.

Same as with Coulter's books.

And you fall for it. Damn, you're stupid.

You are insane if you think people aren't buying and reading them. I own several myself.

HALF the country voted for TRump. Do you think they are reading the same shit you are?
So Milo the twitter twit is playing the victim _again_?

He just can't stand everyone ignoring him.

I mean, the poor baby. People are criticizing his racist crap. Boohoo. What a snowflake pussy.

If only you could put him in prison for the racism of opposing Party goals....

Is that too much for you of the Khmer Rouge to ask? You only want prison or death for enemies of the party, and the little people have the NERVE to object? You're OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA!
1. The point of punishing the publisher is to stop the book.

Boycotts are freedom of expression, and a way for the majority to hit a tyrannical minority where it hurts.

I can see why it bothers you so much.

We know how this ends up. Nobody except the conservative book-of-the-month club cares about the book, and it quickly goes into the dollar bin. Same as every Coulter book. Milo is just repeating her schtick.

Boycott away Snowflake, see how far your war on free speech goes.

Hate to break it to you, Hillary lost and the nation is in no mood for you Stalinists.
So if you're the majority, why are you pissing yourselves over the threat of boycotts?

Boycotts are a classic tool of liberty that oppressed majorities use to fight back against a tyrannical minority. No wonder they frighten you Stalinists, and have you all blubbering that it's "censorship".
3. The book will be on the New York Time's best seller list, if they do their jobs.

That's because the conservative book clubs order millions, dumbass.

Same as with Coulter's books.

And you fall for it. Damn, you're stupid.
We should ban conservatives from buying books....
It is kind of silly....what with you not being able to read above a 6th grade level and all.....
So Milo the twitter twit is playing the victim _again_?

He just can't stand everyone ignoring him.

I mean, the poor baby. People are criticizing his racist crap. Boohoo. What a snowflake pussy.
It was all about selling books.....he's following Coulter and Savage on this.....smells the $$$$.

Hillary thought she smelled the money on her book deal.....turned out she had a leaky colostomy bag.
Immediately upon learning that Milo was writing a book, thousands of LWNJ's are frantically fleeing to their safe spaces with participation trophies in hand.
So Milo the twitter twit is playing the victim _again_?

He just can't stand everyone ignoring him.

I mean, the poor baby. People are criticizing his racist crap. Boohoo. What a snowflake pussy.

Actually the snowflakes at universities try to shut him down when he comes to speak.......only marxists need apply, eh, comrade???
And bombard the publisher of his book with hate mail. Libs are so tolerant.
1. The point of punishing the publisher is to stop the book.

Boycotts are freedom of expression, and a way for the majority to hit a tyrannical minority where it hurts.

I can see why it bothers you so much.

We know how this ends up. Nobody except the conservative book-of-the-month club cares about the book, and it quickly goes into the dollar bin. Same as every Coulter book. Milo is just repeating her schtick.

You mean #1 best selling author Ann Coulter....? You mean her?
So if you're the majority, why are you pissing yourselves over the threat of boycotts?

Boycotts are a classic tool of liberty that oppressed majorities use to fight back against a tyrannical minority. No wonder they frighten you Stalinists, and have you all blubbering that it's "censorship".

We aren't moron....we are pointing out that the left only wants free speech for themselves.....they can't allow conservatives to speak on college campuses......and they want to shut down talk radio.....and that hate Milo because he makes them look like you...
How is it punishing them before they publish him? It is an act of coercion. Plain and simple.

THe libs in the OP disagree, they want to stop him from getting published.

No, they're punishing those who do publish him. There's a big difference. If you can't see it, it's becasue you don't grasp freedom.

And if you ever watch any of his speaking events, you see that the lefties are constantly trying to stop him from speaking.

YOu are delusional.

You poor conservatives. You can't force people to pay to be forced to watch your heroes. Censorship! Boohoo!

Good luck with that, snowflakes.
Snowflakes, Milo can talk wherever he wants. He just can't demand to get paid for it.

He can publish to whoever will take him. And we can punish those who try to make a buck off of him.

Aint' freedom grand? You can say all the stupid things you want, and we can make you suffer for it. We're fine with that arrangement, and you're crying.

So, what is it you love most about Milo?

Is it his prissy metrosexual pajama-boy looks?

Or is it the way he encourages his followers to stalk women with rape and death threats?

Do you have any examples of Milo encouraging this sort of behavior? Or is this just another example of lefties declaring that disagreement with a proponent of social justice is harassment?

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