Milo Yiannopolous gets a book deal...left wants him kept from publishing it...of course...

Yes...the left is not a supporter of freedom of expression or of the press......they only want it for themselves and you had better not try to write a book they don't like...

Chicago Review of Books Editor Says MILO's Words Could Inspire Terrorism - Breitbart

Adam Morgan, the Editor in Chief of the Chicago Review of Books, published an article today in The Guardian explaining why the Chicago Review of Books chose to boycott Simon & Schuster, the company publishing MILO’s new book, DANGEROUS.

The title of the Guardian article reads, “Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back.” However the URL of the article and the Facebook sharing preview reveal the title, “Simon & Schuster is rewarding alt-right hate speech. We cannot stay silent.”

This may be a simple error but it is also likely that the title calling MILO’s book “alt-right hate speech” was the original tile of the article. The Guardian may have realised their error in calling MILO “alt-right”, a political movement which MILO has repeatedly stated he is not part of, despite the media’s various attempts to paint him as a “leader” of the movement, and changed the article title.

Mein Kampf was published

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This thread is typical Conservative propaganda to get you to buy a book you have no interest in

"Liberals don't want you to read this book!"
Yes...the left is not a supporter of freedom of expression or of the press......they only want it for themselves and you had better not try to write a book they don't like...

Chicago Review of Books Editor Says MILO's Words Could Inspire Terrorism - Breitbart

Adam Morgan, the Editor in Chief of the Chicago Review of Books, published an article today in The Guardian explaining why the Chicago Review of Books chose to boycott Simon & Schuster, the company publishing MILO’s new book, DANGEROUS.

The title of the Guardian article reads, “Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back.” However the URL of the article and the Facebook sharing preview reveal the title, “Simon & Schuster is rewarding alt-right hate speech. We cannot stay silent.”

This may be a simple error but it is also likely that the title calling MILO’s book “alt-right hate speech” was the original tile of the article. The Guardian may have realised their error in calling MILO “alt-right”, a political movement which MILO has repeatedly stated he is not part of, despite the media’s various attempts to paint him as a “leader” of the movement, and changed the article title.

Mein Kampf was published

Are you supporting the idea of censorship?
This thread is typical Conservative propaganda to get you to buy a book you have no interest in

"Liberals don't want you to read this book!"

Are you saying the OP is a lie?


Here is the source material cited.

Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back | Adam Morgan

"So I made a decision that has nothing to do with political ideology and everything to do with human rights and decency: the Chicago Review of Books will not cover a single Simon & Schuster book in 2017."

Here is the man admitting that his boycott is unfair.

"Some writers, editors and publicists have pointed out that our decision isn’t fair to hundreds of other Simon & Schuster authors who had nothing to do with the publisher’s decision to sign Yiannopoulos. I agree. It’s unfair. Simon & Schuster will publish some wonderful books in 2017 through imprints I admire, such as 37 Ink, Salaam Reads and Touchstone. But I strongly believe the literary community must hold the publisher accountable."

The OP is factually accurate. Your denial is incorrect.

What point do you think you are making?
This thread is typical Conservative propaganda to get you to buy a book you have no interest in

"Liberals don't want you to read this book!"

Are you saying the OP is a lie?


Here is the source material cited.

Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back | Adam Morgan

"So I made a decision that has nothing to do with political ideology and everything to do with human rights and decency: the Chicago Review of Books will not cover a single Simon & Schuster book in 2017."

Here is the man admitting that his boycott is unfair.

"Some writers, editors and publicists have pointed out that our decision isn’t fair to hundreds of other Simon & Schuster authors who had nothing to do with the publisher’s decision to sign Yiannopoulos. I agree. It’s unfair. Simon & Schuster will publish some wonderful books in 2017 through imprints I admire, such as 37 Ink, Salaam Reads and Touchstone. But I strongly believe the literary community must hold the publisher accountable."

The OP is factually accurate. Your denial is incorrect.

What point do you think you are making?

I'm warning you!

Don't let me catch you reading that book
Yes...the left is not a supporter of freedom of expression or of the press......they only want it for themselves and you had better not try to write a book they don't like...

Chicago Review of Books Editor Says MILO's Words Could Inspire Terrorism - Breitbart

Adam Morgan, the Editor in Chief of the Chicago Review of Books, published an article today in The Guardian explaining why the Chicago Review of Books chose to boycott Simon & Schuster, the company publishing MILO’s new book, DANGEROUS.

The title of the Guardian article reads, “Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back.” However the URL of the article and the Facebook sharing preview reveal the title, “Simon & Schuster is rewarding alt-right hate speech. We cannot stay silent.”

This may be a simple error but it is also likely that the title calling MILO’s book “alt-right hate speech” was the original tile of the article. The Guardian may have realised their error in calling MILO “alt-right”, a political movement which MILO has repeatedly stated he is not part of, despite the media’s various attempts to paint him as a “leader” of the movement, and changed the article title.
A publisher doesn't represent an entire group of people associated with a political ideology..It only represents the individual or the company...I am sure you will find that many publishers have reserved an opinion that was derogatory towards the author..That they were wrong about..

What I find perplexing is rightist have some the most horrendous slurs about gays in general, yet Milo is a hero...Which is rightist? Is Milo an immoral mental deficient monstrosity of a human being, or a hero?

Consider the possibility that "rightists" are not a hive mind like you lefties.

Start with that.
I'm not a leftist, so I have only one hive, myself..
This thread is typical Conservative propaganda to get you to buy a book you have no interest in

"Liberals don't want you to read this book!"

Are you saying the OP is a lie?


Here is the source material cited.

Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back | Adam Morgan

"So I made a decision that has nothing to do with political ideology and everything to do with human rights and decency: the Chicago Review of Books will not cover a single Simon & Schuster book in 2017."

Here is the man admitting that his boycott is unfair.

"Some writers, editors and publicists have pointed out that our decision isn’t fair to hundreds of other Simon & Schuster authors who had nothing to do with the publisher’s decision to sign Yiannopoulos. I agree. It’s unfair. Simon & Schuster will publish some wonderful books in 2017 through imprints I admire, such as 37 Ink, Salaam Reads and Touchstone. But I strongly believe the literary community must hold the publisher accountable."

The OP is factually accurate. Your denial is incorrect.

What point do you think you are making?

I'm warning you!

Don't let me catch you reading that book

The Editor in Chief of a Book Review states that he is punishing a publisher for publishing a book that he disagrees with.

He is violating his professional responsibilities and ethics because his ideology in more important to him.

His view of Liberalism is that is should censor Conservative speech.

You are supporting that.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
Yes...the left is not a supporter of freedom of expression or of the press......they only want it for themselves and you had better not try to write a book they don't like...

Chicago Review of Books Editor Says MILO's Words Could Inspire Terrorism - Breitbart

Adam Morgan, the Editor in Chief of the Chicago Review of Books, published an article today in The Guardian explaining why the Chicago Review of Books chose to boycott Simon & Schuster, the company publishing MILO’s new book, DANGEROUS.

The title of the Guardian article reads, “Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back.” However the URL of the article and the Facebook sharing preview reveal the title, “Simon & Schuster is rewarding alt-right hate speech. We cannot stay silent.”

This may be a simple error but it is also likely that the title calling MILO’s book “alt-right hate speech” was the original tile of the article. The Guardian may have realised their error in calling MILO “alt-right”, a political movement which MILO has repeatedly stated he is not part of, despite the media’s various attempts to paint him as a “leader” of the movement, and changed the article title.
A publisher doesn't represent an entire group of people associated with a political ideology..It only represents the individual or the company...I am sure you will find that many publishers have reserved an opinion that was derogatory towards the author..That they were wrong about..

What I find perplexing is rightist have some the most horrendous slurs about gays in general, yet Milo is a hero...Which is rightist? Is Milo an immoral mental deficient monstrosity of a human being, or a hero?

Consider the possibility that "rightists" are not a hive mind like you lefties.

Start with that.
I'm not a leftist, so I have only one hive, myself..

You are the one that brought up something you don't understand. I'm trying to help you.
This thread is typical Conservative propaganda to get you to buy a book you have no interest in

"Liberals don't want you to read this book!"

Are you saying the OP is a lie?


Here is the source material cited.

Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back | Adam Morgan

"So I made a decision that has nothing to do with political ideology and everything to do with human rights and decency: the Chicago Review of Books will not cover a single Simon & Schuster book in 2017."

Here is the man admitting that his boycott is unfair.

"Some writers, editors and publicists have pointed out that our decision isn’t fair to hundreds of other Simon & Schuster authors who had nothing to do with the publisher’s decision to sign Yiannopoulos. I agree. It’s unfair. Simon & Schuster will publish some wonderful books in 2017 through imprints I admire, such as 37 Ink, Salaam Reads and Touchstone. But I strongly believe the literary community must hold the publisher accountable."

The OP is factually accurate. Your denial is incorrect.

What point do you think you are making?

I'm warning you!

Don't let me catch you reading that book

The Editor in Chief of a Book Review states that he is punishing a publisher for publishing a book that he disagrees with.

He is violating his professional responsibilities and ethics because his ideology in more important to him.

His view of Liberalism is that is should censor Conservative speech.

You are supporting that.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Milo Yiannopoulos has a first amendment right to freedom of speech

Anyone else has a first amendment right to oppose that speech and oppose those who publish it

Is this a great country or what?
Are you saying the OP is a lie?


Here is the source material cited.

Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back | Adam Morgan

"So I made a decision that has nothing to do with political ideology and everything to do with human rights and decency: the Chicago Review of Books will not cover a single Simon & Schuster book in 2017."

Here is the man admitting that his boycott is unfair.

"Some writers, editors and publicists have pointed out that our decision isn’t fair to hundreds of other Simon & Schuster authors who had nothing to do with the publisher’s decision to sign Yiannopoulos. I agree. It’s unfair. Simon & Schuster will publish some wonderful books in 2017 through imprints I admire, such as 37 Ink, Salaam Reads and Touchstone. But I strongly believe the literary community must hold the publisher accountable."

The OP is factually accurate. Your denial is incorrect.

What point do you think you are making?

I'm warning you!

Don't let me catch you reading that book

The Editor in Chief of a Book Review states that he is punishing a publisher for publishing a book that he disagrees with.

He is violating his professional responsibilities and ethics because his ideology in more important to him.

His view of Liberalism is that is should censor Conservative speech.

You are supporting that.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Milo Yiannopoulos has a first amendment right to freedom of speech

Anyone else has a first amendment right to oppose that speech and oppose those who publish it

Is this a great country or what?

That editor has a right to say what he wants.

Trying to punish someone else for publishing a book is not speech.

That is him abusing his position to pursue ideological ends.

Here is the source material cited.

Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back | Adam Morgan

"So I made a decision that has nothing to do with political ideology and everything to do with human rights and decency: the Chicago Review of Books will not cover a single Simon & Schuster book in 2017."

Here is the man admitting that his boycott is unfair.

"Some writers, editors and publicists have pointed out that our decision isn’t fair to hundreds of other Simon & Schuster authors who had nothing to do with the publisher’s decision to sign Yiannopoulos. I agree. It’s unfair. Simon & Schuster will publish some wonderful books in 2017 through imprints I admire, such as 37 Ink, Salaam Reads and Touchstone. But I strongly believe the literary community must hold the publisher accountable."

The OP is factually accurate. Your denial is incorrect.

What point do you think you are making?

I'm warning you!

Don't let me catch you reading that book

The Editor in Chief of a Book Review states that he is punishing a publisher for publishing a book that he disagrees with.

He is violating his professional responsibilities and ethics because his ideology in more important to him.

His view of Liberalism is that is should censor Conservative speech.

You are supporting that.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Milo Yiannopoulos has a first amendment right to freedom of speech

Anyone else has a first amendment right to oppose that speech and oppose those who publish it

Is this a great country or what?

That editor has a right to say what he wants.

Trying to punish someone else for publishing a book is not speech.

That is him abusing his position to pursue ideological ends.

I feel so sorry for Conservative Snowflakes
They are so sensitive these days

Constitutional rights to free speech cover actions by GOVERNMENT

Private citizens and businesses are allowed to do anything they wish to show disapproval of what others say and those who make a profit off it

Our country was founded on boycotts..
Constitutional rights to free speech cover actions by GOVERNMENT

You're correct.

Like all they taxpayer supported schools that censored free speech by preventing people like Milo from speaking on campus...those kind of actions by government.

Constitutional rights to free speech cover actions by GOVERNMENT

You're correct.

Like all they taxpayer supported schools that censored free speech by preventing people like Milo from speaking on campus...those kind of actions by government.


Milo is not allowed to speak on the House or Senate floor either

Doesn't mean Government is restricting free speech just because they don't provide a forum for it
So Milo the twitter twit is playing the victim _again_?

He just can't stand everyone ignoring him.

I mean, the poor baby. People are criticizing his racist crap. Boohoo. What a snowflake pussy.
Oh well even if the book is ban, I bet it sells more copies than Hillary's latest book.
Constitutional rights to free speech cover actions by GOVERNMENT

You're correct.

Like all they taxpayer supported schools that censored free speech by preventing people like Milo from speaking on campus...those kind of actions by government.


Milo is not allowed to speak on the House or Senate floor either

Doesn't mean Government is restricting free speech just because they don't provide a forum for it

It is when he's invited to speak on campus and students want to hear that speech but the school refuses because they don't like that speech.
Constitutional rights to free speech cover actions by GOVERNMENT

You're correct.

Like all they taxpayer supported schools that censored free speech by preventing people like Milo from speaking on campus...those kind of actions by government.


Milo is not allowed to speak on the House or Senate floor either

Doesn't mean Government is restricting free speech just because they don't provide a forum for it

It is when he's invited to speak on campus and students want to hear that speech but the school refuses because they don't like that speech.

Its their playpen...they get to decide who gets to play in it

Free speech does not mean you get to go wherever you please to spout your hate
Milo should say the publisher doesn't want to publish the book because he is gay. Sue them for everything they own. It worked for a queer and a baker.

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