Milo Yiannopolous gets a book deal...left wants him kept from publishing it...of course...

How is it punishing them before they publish him? It is an act of coercion. Plain and simple.

THe libs in the OP disagree, they want to stop him from getting published.

No, they're punishing those who do publish him. There's a big difference. If you can't see it, it's becasue you don't grasp freedom.

And if you ever watch any of his speaking events, you see that the lefties are constantly trying to stop him from speaking.

YOu are delusional.

You poor conservatives. You can't force people to pay to be forced to watch your heroes. Censorship! Boohoo!

Good luck with that, snowflakes.
But it is OK for liberals and Nazis to do it, I guess in their twisted minds.
Yes...the left is not a supporter of freedom of expression or of the press......they only want it for themselves and you had better not try to write a book they don't like...

Chicago Review of Books Editor Says MILO's Words Could Inspire Terrorism - Breitbart

Adam Morgan, the Editor in Chief of the Chicago Review of Books, published an article today in The Guardian explaining why the Chicago Review of Books chose to boycott Simon & Schuster, the company publishing MILO’s new book, DANGEROUS.

The title of the Guardian article reads, “Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back.” However the URL of the article and the Facebook sharing preview reveal the title, “Simon & Schuster is rewarding alt-right hate speech. We cannot stay silent.”

This may be a simple error but it is also likely that the title calling MILO’s book “alt-right hate speech” was the original tile of the article. The Guardian may have realised their error in calling MILO “alt-right”, a political movement which MILO has repeatedly stated he is not part of, despite the media’s various attempts to paint him as a “leader” of the movement, and changed the article title.
A publisher doesn't represent an entire group of people associated with a political ideology..It only represents the individual or the company...I am sure you will find that many publishers have reserved an opinion that was derogatory towards the author..That they were wrong about..

What I find perplexing is rightist have some the most horrendous slurs about gays in general, yet Milo is a hero...Which is rightist? Is Milo an immoral mental deficient monstrosity of a human being, or a hero?
Yes...the left is not a supporter of freedom of expression or of the press......they only want it for themselves and you had better not try to write a book they don't like...

Chicago Review of Books Editor Says MILO's Words Could Inspire Terrorism - Breitbart

Adam Morgan, the Editor in Chief of the Chicago Review of Books, published an article today in The Guardian explaining why the Chicago Review of Books chose to boycott Simon & Schuster, the company publishing MILO’s new book, DANGEROUS.

The title of the Guardian article reads, “Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back.” However the URL of the article and the Facebook sharing preview reveal the title, “Simon & Schuster is rewarding alt-right hate speech. We cannot stay silent.”

This may be a simple error but it is also likely that the title calling MILO’s book “alt-right hate speech” was the original tile of the article. The Guardian may have realised their error in calling MILO “alt-right”, a political movement which MILO has repeatedly stated he is not part of, despite the media’s various attempts to paint him as a “leader” of the movement, and changed the article title.
A publisher doesn't represent an entire group of people associated with a political ideology..It only represents the individual or the company...I am sure you will find that many publishers have reserved an opinion that was derogatory towards the author..That they were wrong about..

What I find perplexing is rightist have some the most horrendous slurs about gays in general, yet Milo is a hero...Which is rightist? Is Milo an immoral mental deficient monstrosity of a human being, or a hero?

Funny.....I hear religious conservatives say love the sinner hate the sin.....and the conservatives I know don't have a problem with gays...just left wingers who want to change the definition of marriage so they can attack businesses owned by devout christians....
Yes...the left is not a supporter of freedom of expression or of the press......they only want it for themselves and you had better not try to write a book they don't like...

Chicago Review of Books Editor Says MILO's Words Could Inspire Terrorism - Breitbart

Adam Morgan, the Editor in Chief of the Chicago Review of Books, published an article today in The Guardian explaining why the Chicago Review of Books chose to boycott Simon & Schuster, the company publishing MILO’s new book, DANGEROUS.

The title of the Guardian article reads, “Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back.” However the URL of the article and the Facebook sharing preview reveal the title, “Simon & Schuster is rewarding alt-right hate speech. We cannot stay silent.”

This may be a simple error but it is also likely that the title calling MILO’s book “alt-right hate speech” was the original tile of the article. The Guardian may have realised their error in calling MILO “alt-right”, a political movement which MILO has repeatedly stated he is not part of, despite the media’s various attempts to paint him as a “leader” of the movement, and changed the article title.
A publisher doesn't represent an entire group of people associated with a political ideology..It only represents the individual or the company...I am sure you will find that many publishers have reserved an opinion that was derogatory towards the author..That they were wrong about..

What I find perplexing is rightist have some the most horrendous slurs about gays in general, yet Milo is a hero...Which is rightist? Is Milo an immoral mental deficient monstrosity of a human being, or a hero?

Funny.....I hear religious conservatives say love the sinner hate the sin.....and the conservatives I know don't have a problem with gays...just left wingers who want to change the definition of marriage so they can attack businesses owned by devout christians....
They never changed the meaning of marriage, which is a vow of commitment...They only wanted access to equality....If you think marriage is only about procreation you would be wrong, it's about companionship and love..You don't have to be married to procreate, although you miss out on tax deductions..The other reason being, in a person that believes to be a Christian, no sex can occur outside of marriage or it is a sin....If gheys want to ruin their life with a lifelong contractual obligation, I see nothing wrong with, and God tells me He doesn't think it's wrong either. Since marriage was created to actually keep men from fucking everything that walks, spreading disease, hardship and the break down of ancient societies..

And as far as that tolerant right BS..I know of lesbians, gays and TG's that were kicked out of churches for being, different...Even though there is nothing derogatory about lesbianism for women, only bestiality..God wants, actually commands love and tolerance....And I know of conservative folks that do not discrimnate against LGBT's...
As far as those folks that wouldn't decorate a cake like those folks wanted? There is always some one in the community looking to make a buck by suing.....
What I find perplexing is rightist have some the most horrendous slurs about gays in general, yet Milo is a hero...Which is rightist? Is Milo an immoral mental deficient monstrosity of a human being, or a hero?
Milo is a pervert who has an appreciation for Truthfulness and he is a very clever word smith.

Those are not contradictory notions, darling.
What I find perplexing is rightist have some the most horrendous slurs about gays in general, yet Milo is a hero...Which is rightist? Is Milo an immoral mental deficient monstrosity of a human being, or a hero?
Milo is a pervert who has an appreciation for Truthfulness and he is a very clever word smith.

Those are not contradictory notions, darling.
I've heard him speak and he is no sophist, oratory professional, nor does he speak with any type of organized rhetoric..he merely panders to the controversial of the moment. Like much of the internet's so called journalist and bloggers...It is more opinion than fact to stigmatized an occurrence for financial gain and sensationalism...
1. The point of punishing the publisher is to stop the book.

Boycotts are freedom of expression, and a way for the majority to hit a tyrannical minority where it hurts.

I can see why it bothers you so much.

We know how this ends up. Nobody except the conservative book-of-the-month club cares about the book, and it quickly goes into the dollar bin. Same as every Coulter book. Milo is just repeating her schtick.

You mean #1 best selling author Ann Coulter....? You mean her?
Exactly....she knows her audience.....and their reading level. Milo has been watching.
1. The point of punishing the publisher is to stop the book.

Boycotts are freedom of expression, and a way for the majority to hit a tyrannical minority where it hurts.

I can see why it bothers you so much.

We know how this ends up. Nobody except the conservative book-of-the-month club cares about the book, and it quickly goes into the dollar bin. Same as every Coulter book. Milo is just repeating her schtick.

You mean #1 best selling author Ann Coulter....? You mean her?
Exactly....she knows her audience.....and their reading level. Milo has been watching.
She really should of had the tracheal shave done when she turned into a tranny..
Yes...the left is not a supporter of freedom of expression or of the press......they only want it for themselves and you had better not try to write a book they don't like...

Chicago Review of Books Editor Says MILO's Words Could Inspire Terrorism - Breitbart

Adam Morgan, the Editor in Chief of the Chicago Review of Books, published an article today in The Guardian explaining why the Chicago Review of Books chose to boycott Simon & Schuster, the company publishing MILO’s new book, DANGEROUS.

The title of the Guardian article reads, “Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back.” However the URL of the article and the Facebook sharing preview reveal the title, “Simon & Schuster is rewarding alt-right hate speech. We cannot stay silent.”

This may be a simple error but it is also likely that the title calling MILO’s book “alt-right hate speech” was the original tile of the article. The Guardian may have realised their error in calling MILO “alt-right”, a political movement which MILO has repeatedly stated he is not part of, despite the media’s various attempts to paint him as a “leader” of the movement, and changed the article title.
A publisher doesn't represent an entire group of people associated with a political ideology..It only represents the individual or the company...I am sure you will find that many publishers have reserved an opinion that was derogatory towards the author..That they were wrong about..

What I find perplexing is rightist have some the most horrendous slurs about gays in general, yet Milo is a hero...Which is rightist? Is Milo an immoral mental deficient monstrosity of a human being, or a hero?

There's nothing inherently right wing about being anti homosexual. Just sayin
What I find perplexing is rightist have some the most horrendous slurs about gays in general, yet Milo is a hero...Which is rightist? Is Milo an immoral mental deficient monstrosity of a human being, or a hero?
Milo is a pervert who has an appreciation for Truthfulness and he is a very clever word smith.

Those are not contradictory notions, darling.
I've heard him speak and he is no sophist, oratory professional, nor does he speak with any type of organized rhetoric..he merely panders to the controversial of the moment. Like much of the internet's so called journalist and bloggers...It is more opinion than fact to stigmatized an occurrence for financial gain and sensationalism...
No, Milo is not a Socrates or a glib deliverer of formal speeches, which is not what I said.

He is a word smith, in that he can take a new combination of words and draw a striking contrast or analogy with them that makes certain Truths apparent to more people than most can do.

When he points out that teaching little boys to not be little boys on the assumption that little boys are more prone to violence is in and of itself sexism, and he expresses it quickly, connecting the dots in real time in front of a camera. He also does not get rattled by the childish antics of ignoramuses pretending to be deep thinking philosophers who are protesting for the good of all society. Milo deflates their bullshit quicker than anyone I have ever seen.

University administration hate him for making their rank hypocrisy plain to the world.

The guy should be allowed to speak and challenge the academic dinosaurs and they are trying to shut him down with their usual threats, disruptions and violence.

Our university administrations are today's KKK terrorists.
There's nothing inherently right wing about being anti homosexual. Just sayin
Hitler was not anti-homosexual until he gained power then he let the SS dogs out on his loyal SA.

He was previously noted as the biggest 'friend' homosexuals had in Europe.
1. The point of punishing the publisher is to stop the book.

Boycotts are freedom of expression, and a way for the majority to hit a tyrannical minority where it hurts.

I can see why it bothers you so much.

We know how this ends up. Nobody except the conservative book-of-the-month club cares about the book, and it quickly goes into the dollar bin. Same as every Coulter book. Milo is just repeating her schtick.

You mean #1 best selling author Ann Coulter....? You mean her?
Exactly....she knows her audience.....and their reading level. Milo has been watching.
Why do you HATE women and gays?
He just can't stand everyone ignoring him.
Boycotting the dude's publisher is not merely ignoring Milo, you fucking liar.
Maybe the PC zealots can have themselves a good, ol' fashioned book burnin'.
So if you're the majority, why are you pissing yourselves over the threat of boycotts?

Boycotts are a classic tool of liberty that oppressed majorities use to fight back against a tyrannical minority. No wonder they frighten you Stalinists, and have you all blubbering that it's "censorship".

Except you aren't oppressed. You are the ones that are trying to suppress speech that you don't like.
Yes...the left is not a supporter of freedom of expression or of the press......they only want it for themselves and you had better not try to write a book they don't like...

Chicago Review of Books Editor Says MILO's Words Could Inspire Terrorism - Breitbart

Adam Morgan, the Editor in Chief of the Chicago Review of Books, published an article today in The Guardian explaining why the Chicago Review of Books chose to boycott Simon & Schuster, the company publishing MILO’s new book, DANGEROUS.

The title of the Guardian article reads, “Publishing Milo Yiannopoulos’ book is wrong. My magazine is fighting back.” However the URL of the article and the Facebook sharing preview reveal the title, “Simon & Schuster is rewarding alt-right hate speech. We cannot stay silent.”

This may be a simple error but it is also likely that the title calling MILO’s book “alt-right hate speech” was the original tile of the article. The Guardian may have realised their error in calling MILO “alt-right”, a political movement which MILO has repeatedly stated he is not part of, despite the media’s various attempts to paint him as a “leader” of the movement, and changed the article title.
A publisher doesn't represent an entire group of people associated with a political ideology..It only represents the individual or the company...I am sure you will find that many publishers have reserved an opinion that was derogatory towards the author..That they were wrong about..

What I find perplexing is rightist have some the most horrendous slurs about gays in general, yet Milo is a hero...Which is rightist? Is Milo an immoral mental deficient monstrosity of a human being, or a hero?

Consider the possibility that "rightists" are not a hive mind like you lefties.

Start with that.
What I find perplexing is rightist have some the most horrendous slurs about gays in general, yet Milo is a hero...Which is rightist? Is Milo an immoral mental deficient monstrosity of a human being, or a hero?
Milo is a pervert who has an appreciation for Truthfulness and he is a very clever word smith.

Those are not contradictory notions, darling.
I've heard him speak and he is no sophist, oratory professional, nor does he speak with any type of organized rhetoric..he merely panders to the controversial of the moment. Like much of the internet's so called journalist and bloggers...It is more opinion than fact to stigmatized an occurrence for financial gain and sensationalism...
No, Milo is not a Socrates or a glib deliverer of formal speeches, which is not what I said.

He is a word smith, in that he can take a new combination of words and draw a striking contrast or analogy with them that makes certain Truths apparent to more people than most can do.

When he points out that teaching little boys to not be little boys on the assumption that little boys are more prone to violence is in and of itself sexism, and he expresses it quickly, connecting the dots in real time in front of a camera. He also does not get rattled by the childish antics of ignoramuses pretending to be deep thinking philosophers who are protesting for the good of all society. Milo deflates their bullshit quicker than anyone I have ever seen.

University administration hate him for making their rank hypocrisy plain to the world.

The guy should be allowed to speak and challenge the academic dinosaurs and they are trying to shut him down with their usual threats, disruptions and violence.

Our university administrations are today's KKK terrorists.


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