Milo Yiannopolous gets a book deal...left wants him kept from publishing it...of course...

Stand tough Snowflake....

He's a "snowflake" and you're a "tea bagger?" :eek:

I think your little brain has scrambled things, yet again.

You are allowed to patronize or boycott any speech you want. It is all part of being an American

Milo Yiannopoulos is an editor at Breitbart which certainly doesn't tolerate liberal points of view

Will you of the Khmer Rouge be enforcing your "boycott" with baseball bats and fire bombs? :dunno:

They will when they can get away with it.
I'm warning you!

Don't let me catch you reading that book

The Editor in Chief of a Book Review states that he is punishing a publisher for publishing a book that he disagrees with.

He is violating his professional responsibilities and ethics because his ideology in more important to him.

His view of Liberalism is that is should censor Conservative speech.

You are supporting that.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Milo Yiannopoulos has a first amendment right to freedom of speech

Anyone else has a first amendment right to oppose that speech and oppose those who publish it

Is this a great country or what?

That editor has a right to say what he wants.

Trying to punish someone else for publishing a book is not speech.

That is him abusing his position to pursue ideological ends.

I feel so sorry for Conservative Snowflakes
They are so sensitive these days

Constitutional rights to free speech cover actions by GOVERNMENT

Private citizens and businesses are allowed to do anything they wish to show disapproval of what others say and those who make a profit off it

Our country was founded on boycotts..

That editor the sole personal owner of the Book Review he is in charge of?

Or does he have a job to do, that he is not doing?

YOu can't put a liberal in charge of an ice cream stand. They will abuse whatever authority they are given to discriminate against their political enemies.

A private book review can do whatever it wants. It is part of free speech as much as whatever craziness Milo spouts
The Editor in Chief of a Book Review states that he is punishing a publisher for publishing a book that he disagrees with.

He is violating his professional responsibilities and ethics because his ideology in more important to him.

His view of Liberalism is that is should censor Conservative speech.

You are supporting that.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

Milo Yiannopoulos has a first amendment right to freedom of speech

Anyone else has a first amendment right to oppose that speech and oppose those who publish it

Is this a great country or what?

That editor has a right to say what he wants.

Trying to punish someone else for publishing a book is not speech.

That is him abusing his position to pursue ideological ends.

I feel so sorry for Conservative Snowflakes
They are so sensitive these days

Constitutional rights to free speech cover actions by GOVERNMENT

Private citizens and businesses are allowed to do anything they wish to show disapproval of what others say and those who make a profit off it

Our country was founded on boycotts..

That editor the sole personal owner of the Book Review he is in charge of?

Or does he have a job to do, that he is not doing?

YOu can't put a liberal in charge of an ice cream stand. They will abuse whatever authority they are given to discriminate against their political enemies.

A private book review can do whatever it wants. It is part of free speech as much as whatever craziness Milo spouts

This is the posted mission statement of the Chicago Book Review.


The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review dedicated to cultivating awareness of diverse voices, settings, genres, and ideas in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, and anything else that’s printed on paper, as well as the intersection of literature and the arts."

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.
Of course the SJW Snowflake Crybullies can't stand anyone else exercising Freedom of Expression because FEEEEELZ.
This is who milo is.

"Muslims are allowed to get away with almost anything. They can shut down and intimidate prominent ex-Muslims. They’re allowed to engage in the most brazen anti-semitism, even as they run for office in European left-wing political parties. And, of course, politicians and the media routinely turn a blind eye to the kind of sexism and homophobia that would instantly end the career of a non-Muslim conservative — and perhaps get the latter arrested for hate speech when he dared to object."
New rightwing hero

Think of a gay male Ann Coulter who hates gays

You're filled with hate, but you don't know a fucking thing about the guy.

You spew hatred as fealty to the Khmer Rouge, never caring that there is literally zero accuracy in you smears

He is a tech journalist who dared think.
Milo Yiannopoulos has a first amendment right to freedom of speech

Anyone else has a first amendment right to oppose that speech and oppose those who publish it

Is this a great country or what?

That editor has a right to say what he wants.

Trying to punish someone else for publishing a book is not speech.

That is him abusing his position to pursue ideological ends.

I feel so sorry for Conservative Snowflakes
They are so sensitive these days

Constitutional rights to free speech cover actions by GOVERNMENT

Private citizens and businesses are allowed to do anything they wish to show disapproval of what others say and those who make a profit off it

Our country was founded on boycotts..

That editor the sole personal owner of the Book Review he is in charge of?

Or does he have a job to do, that he is not doing?

YOu can't put a liberal in charge of an ice cream stand. They will abuse whatever authority they are given to discriminate against their political enemies.

A private book review can do whatever it wants. It is part of free speech as much as whatever craziness Milo spouts

This is the posted mission statement of the Chicago Book Review.


The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review dedicated to cultivating awareness of diverse voices, settings, genres, and ideas in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, and anything else that’s printed on paper, as well as the intersection of literature and the arts."

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review

They can review what they want
That editor has a right to say what he wants.

Trying to punish someone else for publishing a book is not speech.

That is him abusing his position to pursue ideological ends.

I feel so sorry for Conservative Snowflakes
They are so sensitive these days

Constitutional rights to free speech cover actions by GOVERNMENT

Private citizens and businesses are allowed to do anything they wish to show disapproval of what others say and those who make a profit off it

Our country was founded on boycotts..

That editor the sole personal owner of the Book Review he is in charge of?

Or does he have a job to do, that he is not doing?

YOu can't put a liberal in charge of an ice cream stand. They will abuse whatever authority they are given to discriminate against their political enemies.

A private book review can do whatever it wants. It is part of free speech as much as whatever craziness Milo spouts

This is the posted mission statement of the Chicago Book Review.


The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review dedicated to cultivating awareness of diverse voices, settings, genres, and ideas in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, and anything else that’s printed on paper, as well as the intersection of literature and the arts."

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review

They can review what they want

But it's not Morgan's personal plaything.

I posted it's stated mission.

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.
Again, I love that Milo is making faggotry chic among conservatives.
Again, I love that Milo is making faggotry chic among conservatives.

If "gay rights" is important to you, then the fact that conservatives are willing to embrace a homosexual just because he is ripping liberals a new asshole,

should be good news for you.
ok, so this guy is not an American, but supports Trump to be our president? And leading a movement in support of Trump....Why?
I feel so sorry for Conservative Snowflakes
They are so sensitive these days

Constitutional rights to free speech cover actions by GOVERNMENT

Private citizens and businesses are allowed to do anything they wish to show disapproval of what others say and those who make a profit off it

Our country was founded on boycotts..

That editor the sole personal owner of the Book Review he is in charge of?

Or does he have a job to do, that he is not doing?

YOu can't put a liberal in charge of an ice cream stand. They will abuse whatever authority they are given to discriminate against their political enemies.

A private book review can do whatever it wants. It is part of free speech as much as whatever craziness Milo spouts

This is the posted mission statement of the Chicago Book Review.


The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review dedicated to cultivating awareness of diverse voices, settings, genres, and ideas in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, and anything else that’s printed on paper, as well as the intersection of literature and the arts."

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review

They can review what they want

But it's not Morgan's personal plaything.

I posted it's stated mission.

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

So write the Chicago Review and get him fired

That is your right to free speech
ok, so this guy is not an American, but supports Trump to be our president? And leading a movement in support of Trump....Why?

Sort of like Rupert Murdoch and Putin

Trump can't win without foreign interference
Again, I love that Milo is making faggotry chic among conservatives.

If "gay rights" is important to you, then the fact that conservatives are willing to embrace a homosexual just because he is ripping liberals a new asshole,

should be good news for you.

Milo is milking the conservative cow

Look everyone...we have a gay man who hates gays
Look everyone ....we have a black man who hates Obama
Look at all these hot looking women we have that speak against women's issues

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