Milo Yiannopolous gets a book deal...left wants him kept from publishing it...of course...

Again, I love that Milo is making faggotry chic among conservatives.

If "gay rights" is important to you, then the fact that conservatives are willing to embrace a homosexual just because he is ripping liberals a new asshole,

should be good news for you.

Milo is milking the conservative cow

Look everyone...we have a gay man who hates gays
Look everyone ....we have a black man who hates Obama
Look at all these hot looking women we have that speak against women's issues

Disagreeing with the liberal agenda on homosexuality is not "hating gays".

"Hate" is a real word with real meaning. You don't get to just make up shit.
That editor the sole personal owner of the Book Review he is in charge of?

Or does he have a job to do, that he is not doing?

YOu can't put a liberal in charge of an ice cream stand. They will abuse whatever authority they are given to discriminate against their political enemies.

A private book review can do whatever it wants. It is part of free speech as much as whatever craziness Milo spouts

This is the posted mission statement of the Chicago Book Review.


The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review dedicated to cultivating awareness of diverse voices, settings, genres, and ideas in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, and anything else that’s printed on paper, as well as the intersection of literature and the arts."

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review

They can review what they want

But it's not Morgan's personal plaything.

I posted it's stated mission.

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

So write the Chicago Review and get him fired

That is your right to free speech

I asked you to explain how MOrgan's actions were not a complete betrayal of his responsibility to the organization and it's stated mission.

Your answer is to tell me to write to them.

You know that you can't deny that he is abusing his power, but you lack the intellectual honesty to admit it.

Which is sad because this is a very small incident. Admitting that this guy abused his position doesn't mean you have to admit ANYTHING else.

And yet, you can't be honest even on this very small thing.

That reflects very poorly on you. You should really think about that.
Again, I love that Milo is making faggotry chic among conservatives.

If "gay rights" is important to you, then the fact that conservatives are willing to embrace a homosexual just because he is ripping liberals a new asshole,

should be good news for you.

Milo is milking the conservative cow

Look everyone...we have a gay man who hates gays
Look everyone ....we have a black man who hates Obama
Look at all these hot looking women we have that speak against women's issues

Disagreeing with the liberal agenda on homosexuality is not "hating gays".

"Hate" is a real word with real meaning. You don't get to just make up shit.

Milking the Conservative cow is an easy path to fame and fortune for low talent wanna-be's

No gay guy has ever tried it before
A private book review can do whatever it wants. It is part of free speech as much as whatever craziness Milo spouts

This is the posted mission statement of the Chicago Book Review.


The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review dedicated to cultivating awareness of diverse voices, settings, genres, and ideas in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, and anything else that’s printed on paper, as well as the intersection of literature and the arts."

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review

They can review what they want

But it's not Morgan's personal plaything.

I posted it's stated mission.

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

So write the Chicago Review and get him fired

That is your right to free speech

I asked you to explain how MOrgan's actions were not a complete betrayal of his responsibility to the organization and it's stated mission.

Your answer is to tell me to write to them.

You know that you can't deny that he is abusing his power, but you lack the intellectual honesty to admit it.

Which is sad because this is a very small incident. Admitting that this guy abused his position doesn't mean you have to admit ANYTHING else.

And yet, you can't be honest even on this very small thing.

That reflects very poorly on you. You should really think about that.

Not my problem....he doesn't work for me

He is a free citizen working on an independent publication

Just like Milo working for Breitbart
Free speech does not mean you get to go wherever you please to spout your hate
Calling speech you don't like "hate" is your rationalization of your vile shitty behavior.
Yeah, 80 years ago the left justified their own hatred of those who opposed them by denouncing them as 'subhuman' and 'inferior'.

The medical establishment was not too surprised that some doctor studied the effects of sexually transmitted disease by not treating hundreds of black patients whose disease was allowed to go unchecked.

This was not a Catholic thing or an Evangelical or Pentecostal idea, no, those people were as opposed to such savagery as anybody might be because all these groups had suffered at the hands of the Anglo establishment themselves. They knew that they were as easily dehumanized by the Old Blood Anglos as blacks were and still are.

But now the racist filth pretend to defend blacks while they diminish police presence in black communities, driving up the murder rate of blacks, and target black communities with abortion clinics and cover up the mass atrocities committed by monstrous murderers like Gosnell.
Free speech does not mean you get to go wherever you please to spout your hate
Calling speech you don't like "hate" is your rationalization of your vile shitty behavior.
Yeah, 80 years ago the left justified their own hatred of those who opposed them by denouncing them as 'subhuman' and 'inferior'.

The medical establishment was not too surprised that some doctor studied the effects of sexually transmitted disease by not treating hundreds of black patients whose disease was allowed to go unchecked.

This was not a Catholic thing or an Evangelical or Pentecostal idea, no, those people were as opposed to such savagery as anybody might be because all these groups had suffered at the hands of the Anglo establishment themselves. They knew that they were as easily dehumanized by the Old Blood Anglos as blacks were and still are.

But now the racist filth pretend to defend blacks while they diminish police presence in black communities, driving up the murder rate of blacks, and target black communities with abortion clinics and cover up the mass atrocities committed by monstrous murderers like Gosnell.
Amazing how you pervert political lines

Whether it was Democrats or was CONSERVATIVES who instilled slavery and fought civil rights
Again, I love that Milo is making faggotry chic among conservatives.

If "gay rights" is important to you, then the fact that conservatives are willing to embrace a homosexual just because he is ripping liberals a new asshole,

should be good news for you.

Milo is milking the conservative cow

Look everyone...we have a gay man who hates gays
Look everyone ....we have a black man who hates Obama
Look at all these hot looking women we have that speak against women's issues

Disagreeing with the liberal agenda on homosexuality is not "hating gays".

"Hate" is a real word with real meaning. You don't get to just make up shit.

Milking the Conservative cow is an easy path to fame and fortune for low talent wanna-be's

No gay guy has ever tried it before

Your belief system that a homosexual cannot disagree with you politically and be sincere in his political beliefs is you being bigoted.

I note that you have not even TRIED to challenge any of his ideas.

I posted a quote of his, and presented it as WHO he is. I judged him by his ideas. You are judging him by his sexuality.
This is the posted mission statement of the Chicago Book Review.


The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review dedicated to cultivating awareness of diverse voices, settings, genres, and ideas in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, and anything else that’s printed on paper, as well as the intersection of literature and the arts."

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review

They can review what they want

But it's not Morgan's personal plaything.

I posted it's stated mission.

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

So write the Chicago Review and get him fired

That is your right to free speech

I asked you to explain how MOrgan's actions were not a complete betrayal of his responsibility to the organization and it's stated mission.

Your answer is to tell me to write to them.

You know that you can't deny that he is abusing his power, but you lack the intellectual honesty to admit it.

Which is sad because this is a very small incident. Admitting that this guy abused his position doesn't mean you have to admit ANYTHING else.

And yet, you can't be honest even on this very small thing.

That reflects very poorly on you. You should really think about that.

Not my problem....he doesn't work for me

He is a free citizen working on an independent publication

Just like Milo working for Breitbart

Right. Because on this site we never discuss issues that don't directly impact us...

Why are you being like this? You have let your partisanship blind you.

Trump is not worth destroying yourself over. The panic mongering that has wound you up was completely bullshit.

Free speech does not mean you get to go wherever you please to spout your hate
Calling speech you don't like "hate" is your rationalization of your vile shitty behavior.
Yeah, 80 years ago the left justified their own hatred of those who opposed them by denouncing them as 'subhuman' and 'inferior'.

The medical establishment was not too surprised that some doctor studied the effects of sexually transmitted disease by not treating hundreds of black patients whose disease was allowed to go unchecked.

This was not a Catholic thing or an Evangelical or Pentecostal idea, no, those people were as opposed to such savagery as anybody might be because all these groups had suffered at the hands of the Anglo establishment themselves. They knew that they were as easily dehumanized by the Old Blood Anglos as blacks were and still are.

But now the racist filth pretend to defend blacks while they diminish police presence in black communities, driving up the murder rate of blacks, and target black communities with abortion clinics and cover up the mass atrocities committed by monstrous murderers like Gosnell.
Amazing how you pervert political lines

Whether it was Democrats or was CONSERVATIVES who instilled slavery and fought civil rights

1. It was British imperialists who instilled slavery in this country.

2. As American conservatism is based in the Enlightenment and the Founders Ideals, calling the Rebels conservatives, or assuming that all conservatives were rebels, is a stretch.

I'm sure there were plenty of conservatives in the North who were against slavery or fought to maintain the union.
I'm sure there were plenty of conservatives in the North who were against slavery or fought to maintain the union.
You mean conservatives back then might have actually tried to conserve something?

Wow, what has happened to us since those golden days of yore?
The Chicago Review of Books is an independent literary review

They can review what they want

But it's not Morgan's personal plaything.

I posted it's stated mission.

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

So write the Chicago Review and get him fired

That is your right to free speech

I asked you to explain how MOrgan's actions were not a complete betrayal of his responsibility to the organization and it's stated mission.

Your answer is to tell me to write to them.

You know that you can't deny that he is abusing his power, but you lack the intellectual honesty to admit it.

Which is sad because this is a very small incident. Admitting that this guy abused his position doesn't mean you have to admit ANYTHING else.

And yet, you can't be honest even on this very small thing.

That reflects very poorly on you. You should really think about that.

Not my problem....he doesn't work for me

He is a free citizen working on an independent publication

Just like Milo working for Breitbart

Right. Because on this site we never discuss issues that don't directly impact us...

Why are you being like this? You have let your partisanship blind you.

Trump is not worth destroying yourself over. The panic mongering that has wound you up was completely bullshit.


Do I think he should be fired from the Chicago Review?

Hell No!

I don't give a shit about the Chicago Review. Never heard of it and really don't care what they review or don't review
But it's not Morgan's personal plaything.

I posted it's stated mission.

Please tell me how the editors actions is not a complete betrayal of his job and his responsibilities to the organization he works for.

So write the Chicago Review and get him fired

That is your right to free speech

I asked you to explain how MOrgan's actions were not a complete betrayal of his responsibility to the organization and it's stated mission.

Your answer is to tell me to write to them.

You know that you can't deny that he is abusing his power, but you lack the intellectual honesty to admit it.

Which is sad because this is a very small incident. Admitting that this guy abused his position doesn't mean you have to admit ANYTHING else.

And yet, you can't be honest even on this very small thing.

That reflects very poorly on you. You should really think about that.

Not my problem....he doesn't work for me

He is a free citizen working on an independent publication

Just like Milo working for Breitbart

Right. Because on this site we never discuss issues that don't directly impact us...

Why are you being like this? You have let your partisanship blind you.

Trump is not worth destroying yourself over. The panic mongering that has wound you up was completely bullshit.


Do I think he should be fired from the Chicago Review?

Hell No!

I don't give a shit about the Chicago Review. Never heard of it and really don't care what they review or don't review

You see his actions in the OP and I have posted the stated mission of the Review.

It is only your blind partisanship that is preventing you from admitting that he has completely betrayed his responsibilities.

Do you realize how much your extreme partisanship is warping your perceptions?
It is when he's invited to speak on campus and students want to hear that speech but the school refuses because they don't like that speech.

Its their playpen...they get to decide who gets to play in it

Free speech does not mean you get to go wherever you please to spout your hate

Thank you for making my point.

Crazy Milo has gotten to speak on many campuses
Many of his appearances have led to campus disruptions

They are free to say he is not worth the aggravation

Yes, censorship.

Thanks again for proving my point.

Freedom of choice

Freedom of choice, when it's a government-supported entity is censorship.

Once again, thanks for making my point.

You're really good at that!
So write the Chicago Review and get him fired

That is your right to free speech

I asked you to explain how MOrgan's actions were not a complete betrayal of his responsibility to the organization and it's stated mission.

Your answer is to tell me to write to them.

You know that you can't deny that he is abusing his power, but you lack the intellectual honesty to admit it.

Which is sad because this is a very small incident. Admitting that this guy abused his position doesn't mean you have to admit ANYTHING else.

And yet, you can't be honest even on this very small thing.

That reflects very poorly on you. You should really think about that.

Not my problem....he doesn't work for me

He is a free citizen working on an independent publication

Just like Milo working for Breitbart

Right. Because on this site we never discuss issues that don't directly impact us...

Why are you being like this? You have let your partisanship blind you.

Trump is not worth destroying yourself over. The panic mongering that has wound you up was completely bullshit.


Do I think he should be fired from the Chicago Review?

Hell No!

I don't give a shit about the Chicago Review. Never heard of it and really don't care what they review or don't review

You see his actions in the OP and I have posted the stated mission of the Review.

It is only your blind partisanship that is preventing you from admitting that he has completely betrayed his responsibilities.

Do you realize how much your extreme partisanship is warping your perceptions?

For crying out loud.....

The guy works for Breitbart.....Who is he to whine about the journalistic standards of the Chicago Review?

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