Mini Ice Age on the Way?

Here is s friendly tid bit....

Ultralow Surface Temperatures in East Antarctica From Satellite Thermal Infrared Mapping: The Coldest Places on Earth

T. A. Scambos, G. G. Campbell, A. Pope, T. Haran, A. Muto, M. Lazzara, C. H. Reijmer, M. R. van den Broeke
First published: 25 June 2018


Plain Language Summary

The lowest measured air temperature on Earth is −89.2 °C (−129 F) on 23 July 1983, observed at Vostok Station in Antarctica (Turner et al., 2009, However, satellite data collected during the Antarctic polar night during 2004–2016 reveal a broad region of the high East Antarctic Plateau above Vostok that regularly reaches snow surface temperatures of −90 °C and below. These occur in shallow topographic depressions near the highest part of the ice sheet, at 3,800 to 4,050‐m elevation. Comparisons with nearby automated weather stations suggest that air temperatures during these events are near −94 ± 4 °C or about −138 F. Ultracold conditions (below −90 °C) occur more frequently when the Antarctic polar vortex is strong. This temperature appears to be about as low as it is possible to reach, even under clear skies and very dry conditions, because heat radiating from the cold clear air is nearly equal to the heat radiating from the bitterly cold snow surface.


Geophysical Research Letters

With Solar output going very low and even lower than when this study was done, there are a hell of a lot of people in for a very rude awakening. The earth is cooling and damn rapidly at that...
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Here is s friendly tid bit....

Ultralow Surface Temperatures in East Antarctica From Satellite Thermal Infrared Mapping: The Coldest Places on Earth

T. A. Scambos, G. G. Campbell, A. Pope, T. Haran, A. Muto, M. Lazzara, C. H. Reijmer, M. R. van den Broeke
First published: 25 June 2018


Plain Language Summary

The lowest measured air temperature on Earth is −89.2 °C (−129 F) on 23 July 1983, observed at Vostok Station in Antarctica (Turner et al., 2009, However, satellite data collected during the Antarctic polar night during 2004–2016 reveal a broad region of the high East Antarctic Plateau above Vostok that regularly reaches snow surface temperatures of −90 °C and below. These occur in shallow topographic depressions near the highest part of the ice sheet, at 3,800 to 4,050‐m elevation. Comparisons with nearby automated weather stations suggest that air temperatures during these events are near −94 ± 4 °C or about −138 F. Ultracold conditions (below −90 °C) occur more frequently when the Antarctic polar vortex is strong. This temperature appears to be about as low as it is possible to reach, even under clear skies and very dry conditions, because heat radiating from the cold clear air is nearly equal to the heat radiating from the bitterly cold snow surface.


Geophysical Research Letters

With Solar output going very low and even lower than when this study was done, there are a hell of a lot of people in for a very rude awakening. The earth is cooling and damn rapidly at that...

Billy.....dang brother. You've been talking about this for a long time while the k00ks continue to post up their dinosaur colorful ghey maps of temperatures rising 0.3 degrees.

This news sucks.... as I get older I hate the cold.:gay::gay:
Here is s friendly tid bit....

Ultralow Surface Temperatures in East Antarctica From Satellite Thermal Infrared Mapping: The Coldest Places on Earth

T. A. Scambos, G. G. Campbell, A. Pope, T. Haran, A. Muto, M. Lazzara, C. H. Reijmer, M. R. van den Broeke
First published: 25 June 2018


Plain Language Summary

The lowest measured air temperature on Earth is −89.2 °C (−129 F) on 23 July 1983, observed at Vostok Station in Antarctica (Turner et al., 2009, However, satellite data collected during the Antarctic polar night during 2004–2016 reveal a broad region of the high East Antarctic Plateau above Vostok that regularly reaches snow surface temperatures of −90 °C and below. These occur in shallow topographic depressions near the highest part of the ice sheet, at 3,800 to 4,050‐m elevation. Comparisons with nearby automated weather stations suggest that air temperatures during these events are near −94 ± 4 °C or about −138 F. Ultracold conditions (below −90 °C) occur more frequently when the Antarctic polar vortex is strong. This temperature appears to be about as low as it is possible to reach, even under clear skies and very dry conditions, because heat radiating from the cold clear air is nearly equal to the heat radiating from the bitterly cold snow surface.


Geophysical Research Letters

With Solar output going very low and even lower than when this study was done, there are a hell of a lot of people in for a very rude awakening. The earth is cooling and damn rapidly at that...

Billy.....dang brother. You've been talking about this for a long time while the k00ks continue to post up their dinosaur colorful ghey maps of temperatures rising 0.3 degrees.

This news sucks.... as I get older I hate the cold.:gay::gay:
Go see my post in the AGW thread.. I explain a little more as to why this is important.
Here is s friendly tid bit....

Ultralow Surface Temperatures in East Antarctica From Satellite Thermal Infrared Mapping: The Coldest Places on Earth

T. A. Scambos, G. G. Campbell, A. Pope, T. Haran, A. Muto, M. Lazzara, C. H. Reijmer, M. R. van den Broeke
First published: 25 June 2018


Plain Language Summary

The lowest measured air temperature on Earth is −89.2 °C (−129 F) on 23 July 1983, observed at Vostok Station in Antarctica (Turner et al., 2009, However, satellite data collected during the Antarctic polar night during 2004–2016 reveal a broad region of the high East Antarctic Plateau above Vostok that regularly reaches snow surface temperatures of −90 °C and below. These occur in shallow topographic depressions near the highest part of the ice sheet, at 3,800 to 4,050‐m elevation. Comparisons with nearby automated weather stations suggest that air temperatures during these events are near −94 ± 4 °C or about −138 F. Ultracold conditions (below −90 °C) occur more frequently when the Antarctic polar vortex is strong. This temperature appears to be about as low as it is possible to reach, even under clear skies and very dry conditions, because heat radiating from the cold clear air is nearly equal to the heat radiating from the bitterly cold snow surface.


Geophysical Research Letters

With Solar output going very low and even lower than when this study was done, there are a hell of a lot of people in for a very rude awakening. The earth is cooling and damn rapidly at that...

Billy.....dang brother. You've been talking about this for a long time while the k00ks continue to post up their dinosaur colorful ghey maps of temperatures rising 0.3 degrees.

This news sucks.... as I get older I hate the cold.:gay::gay:

It is "LibsareKooks" backwards. I knew i It!

I got "rotagilla" also. was Alligator backwards. Maybe re-named now?
Ive been saying all the signs are there for a few years. People are starting to talk about the obvious now.

Nasa: Mini ice age on the way due to lack of sunspots and it'll get very cold | Metro News

Which still doesn't negate the impact of man made global warming.
We better crank up that coal burning. 10,000 years ago Chicago was under a mile thick ice layer.
No, you dumb ass, 10,000 years ago, Chicago was not under a mile of ice. The continental glaciers had melted pretty far back by that time. Do try not to display your vast ignorance so often.
Ive been saying all the signs are there for a few years. People are starting to talk about the obvious now.

Nasa: Mini ice age on the way due to lack of sunspots and it'll get very cold | Metro News

Which still doesn't negate the impact of man made global warming.
Please quantify mans supposed impact... Provide empirical evidence to support your hyperbole..
Publication Abstracts
Hansen et al. 1981
Hansen, J., D. Johnson, A. Lacis, S. Lebedeff, P. Lee, D. Rind, and G. Russell, 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Science, 213, 957-966, doi:10.1126/science.213.4511.957.

The global temperature rose 0.2°C between the middle 1960s and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980s. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

Export citation: [ BibTeX ] [ RIS ]

Pubs.GISS: Hansen et al. 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide

A paper from a real scientist, not a burger flipper like you. With predictions that have already come to be.
Ive been saying all the signs are there for a few years. People are starting to talk about the obvious now.

Nasa: Mini ice age on the way due to lack of sunspots and it'll get very cold | Metro News

Which still doesn't negate the impact of man made global warming.
We better crank up that coal burning. 10,000 years ago Chicago was under a mile thick ice layer.
Its going to suck real bad if we are actually entering the next glacial cycle..
The Libs have been bitching about the Ice melt in the polar area/ This is the fix that you prayed for. Live with it.
Image 2 of 6 (play slideshow) Download


Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Looks like the ice is still declining.
Ive been saying all the signs are there for a few years. People are starting to talk about the obvious now.

Nasa: Mini ice age on the way due to lack of sunspots and it'll get very cold | Metro News

Which still doesn't negate the impact of man made global warming.

Soo if man is causing global warming and we go into a mini ice age, should we build more coal power plants to warm the earth back up?

No. Simple answer.

There's a natural balance in the world.

Too much sun will cause cancer and kill you.
Too little sun will cause cancer and kill you.

Too little water will dehydrate you and kill you.
Too much water will drown you.

Too much oxygen will kill you.
Too little oxygen will kill you.


What we're doing is changing that delicate balance.

Here's a big problem, regardless of whether the world is warming up or getting colder.

The ocean takes in a lot of the world's CO2. However an increase in CO2 in the oceans causes the oceans to change PH levels.

Increasing PH levels too quickly will cause life in the oceans to struggle or potentially die out. If the oceans die out, will they continue to take in CO2?

If not then what happens? Potentials are the oceans will simply exhale all the CO2 they have AND not take in any more. If this point happens, we're truly fucked. No matter how cold the lessing of sun spots and natural cooling make us, we're still fucked. Potentially fucked so much that we'll either cook or we'll freeze to death.


See that PH levels are going down, CO2 in the oceans is rising and CO2 in the atmosphere is rising.

Carbon in the Ocean

Also a video you can watch if you feel like it, 60 seconds or something.
Let’s skip your bogus data and go right to the heart of the matter.

A. Great Lakes did not exist 12,000 years ago, what occurred to create them?

B. Who the hell are you to insist today’s climate is optimum?
The Great Lakes were filling with water 14,000 years ago as the continental glaciers retreated. At 12,000 years ago, they were very much there.
Which still doesn't negate the impact of man made global warming.

Soo if man is causing global warming and we go into a mini ice age, should we build more coal power plants to warm the earth back up?

No. Simple answer.

There's a natural balance in the world.

Too much sun will cause cancer and kill you.
Too little sun will cause cancer and kill you.

Too little water will dehydrate you and kill you.
Too much water will drown you.

Too much oxygen will kill you.
Too little oxygen will kill you.


What we're doing is changing that delicate balance.

Here's a big problem, regardless of whether the world is warming up or getting colder.

The ocean takes in a lot of the world's CO2. However an increase in CO2 in the oceans causes the oceans to change PH levels.

Increasing PH levels too quickly will cause life in the oceans to struggle or potentially die out. If the oceans die out, will they continue to take in CO2?

If not then what happens? Potentials are the oceans will simply exhale all the CO2 they have AND not take in any more. If this point happens, we're truly fucked. No matter how cold the lessing of sun spots and natural cooling make us, we're still fucked. Potentially fucked so much that we'll either cook or we'll freeze to death.


See that PH levels are going down, CO2 in the oceans is rising and CO2 in the atmosphere is rising.

Carbon in the Ocean

Also a video you can watch if you feel like it, 60 seconds or something.
Let’s skip your bogus data and go right to the heart of the matter.

A. Great Lakes did not exist 12,000 years ago, what occurred to create them?

B. Who the hell are you to think today’s climate is optimum?
Oh yeah, a couple of years ago, the ice in the middle of April pushed up out of the great lakes that hasn't been seen ever..that was recorded..

Ice Shove: Giant Ice Slabs Invade Great Lakes Shorelines | The Weather Channel
An ice shove is a rapid push of free-floating lake or sea ice onshore by wind. Strong winds from the same direction over, say, a 12 to 24 hour period, are enough to drive large chunks and plates of ice ashore.
When the great lakes begin acting like the Arctic Ocean you would think some people would re-evaluate their positions.. I guess a couple of no warmth years and the formation of glacial ice is what it takes....:popcorn:
Better buy several tons of popcorn, ignoramus.
Here is s friendly tid bit....

Ultralow Surface Temperatures in East Antarctica From Satellite Thermal Infrared Mapping: The Coldest Places on Earth

T. A. Scambos, G. G. Campbell, A. Pope, T. Haran, A. Muto, M. Lazzara, C. H. Reijmer, M. R. van den Broeke
First published: 25 June 2018


Plain Language Summary

The lowest measured air temperature on Earth is −89.2 °C (−129 F) on 23 July 1983, observed at Vostok Station in Antarctica (Turner et al., 2009, However, satellite data collected during the Antarctic polar night during 2004–2016 reveal a broad region of the high East Antarctic Plateau above Vostok that regularly reaches snow surface temperatures of −90 °C and below. These occur in shallow topographic depressions near the highest part of the ice sheet, at 3,800 to 4,050‐m elevation. Comparisons with nearby automated weather stations suggest that air temperatures during these events are near −94 ± 4 °C or about −138 F. Ultracold conditions (below −90 °C) occur more frequently when the Antarctic polar vortex is strong. This temperature appears to be about as low as it is possible to reach, even under clear skies and very dry conditions, because heat radiating from the cold clear air is nearly equal to the heat radiating from the bitterly cold snow surface.


Geophysical Research Letters

With Solar output going very low and even lower than when this study was done, there are a hell of a lot of people in for a very rude awakening. The earth is cooling and damn rapidly at that...

Goodness sakes, that doesn't look all that bad. And look at poor Australia. They are very warm.
They said that exact same thing in the 1970's, didn't happen back the either.
Where I live the weather in winter is atrocious. I will leave my SUV idling in the driveway day and night to stave off a new ice age.
Ive been saying all the signs are there for a few years. People are starting to talk about the obvious now.

Nasa: Mini ice age on the way due to lack of sunspots and it'll get very cold | Metro News

Which still doesn't negate the impact of man made global warming.
Please quantify mans supposed impact... Provide empirical evidence to support your hyperbole..
Publication Abstracts
Hansen et al. 1981
Hansen, J., D. Johnson, A. Lacis, S. Lebedeff, P. Lee, D. Rind, and G. Russell, 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Science, 213, 957-966, doi:10.1126/science.213.4511.957.

The global temperature rose 0.2°C between the middle 1960s and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980s. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

Export citation: [ BibTeX ] [ RIS ]

Pubs.GISS: Hansen et al. 1981: Climate impact of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide

A paper from a real scientist, not a burger flipper like you. With predictions that have already come to be.
Your still touting this piece of garbage? Its been wholly discredited many times over... All I can do is laugh at your shear ignorance..
Here is s friendly tid bit....

Ultralow Surface Temperatures in East Antarctica From Satellite Thermal Infrared Mapping: The Coldest Places on Earth

T. A. Scambos, G. G. Campbell, A. Pope, T. Haran, A. Muto, M. Lazzara, C. H. Reijmer, M. R. van den Broeke
First published: 25 June 2018


Plain Language Summary

The lowest measured air temperature on Earth is −89.2 °C (−129 F) on 23 July 1983, observed at Vostok Station in Antarctica (Turner et al., 2009, However, satellite data collected during the Antarctic polar night during 2004–2016 reveal a broad region of the high East Antarctic Plateau above Vostok that regularly reaches snow surface temperatures of −90 °C and below. These occur in shallow topographic depressions near the highest part of the ice sheet, at 3,800 to 4,050‐m elevation. Comparisons with nearby automated weather stations suggest that air temperatures during these events are near −94 ± 4 °C or about −138 F. Ultracold conditions (below −90 °C) occur more frequently when the Antarctic polar vortex is strong. This temperature appears to be about as low as it is possible to reach, even under clear skies and very dry conditions, because heat radiating from the cold clear air is nearly equal to the heat radiating from the bitterly cold snow surface.


Geophysical Research Letters

With Solar output going very low and even lower than when this study was done, there are a hell of a lot of people in for a very rude awakening. The earth is cooling and damn rapidly at that...

Goodness sakes, that doesn't look all that bad. And look at poor Australia. They are very warm.
Your desperation of hanging onto The Narrative is hilarious.
Your desperation of hanging onto The Narrative is hilarious.

Your Ice Age Cult has been predicting TheHolyIceAge for over 40 years running now, while the rational people have been predicting warming.

TheHolyIceAge never arrives.

It's never going to arrive.

And when it doesn't arrive, you'll keep doing what every doomsday cultist does. You'll just push the date of the apocalypse forward some more.
Your desperation of hanging onto The Narrative is hilarious.

Your Ice Age Cult has been predicting TheHolyIceAge for over 40 years running now, while the rational people have been predicting warming.

TheHolyIceAge never arrives.

It's never going to arrive.

And when it doesn't arrive, you'll keep doing what every doomsday cultist does. You'll just push the date of the apocalypse forward some more.

Ooooops but the Ice Age cult is winning s0n!

If your side were winning, the science would be mattering and the Paris Treaty, for example, would be setting sail to avert the apocalypse. :oops8::popcorn::popcorn:. Instead........its as dead as a doornail because the Ice Age cult folks are dominating the politics, which is the only thing that matters.:hello77:
Good. I hope it drops another 20 degrees C just to make your day. In the meantime;

Left wing garbage heap... More bullshit from failed modeling...

Tell me Old Fraud, why doesn't your graph show the record cold and the records being set near thermal cooling maximum? Why would you omit those from your graph?
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Hey burger flipper, It shows very cold in some places, and very warm in others. Kind of like reality. Except there is more warm than cold.

Climate Reanalyzer

But dumb fucks like you have zero understanding of science.

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