Minimum Wage : I seen this movie before


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
you saw it...
this is the one where the Democrats say they want to raise minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10,
then the Republican dude says "no way can't do it', so people who earn minimum wage became Democrats.
So the media tells us all kinds of mumbo jumbo and interviews a guy who runs a hotdog cart, and he says "if I have to pay my employee more money, i'll go out of business".
...but the Democrat guy knows the Republicans will never pass an almost $3 minimum wage hike, so they pass just a little bit of a raise, and the low income public thinks they would have had a big raise if it weren't for those dirty rotten Republicans.
At the end of the movie you find out minimum wage hikes are on a predetermined time scale.

They play this movie almost as much as It's a Wonderful Life.
Simple black and white fact of life: Bobo is going to require all Federal contractors to pay their employees $10.10 min. wage.
You own a business that depends on getting government contracts. You employee fifty people. The next time some one leaves your employment you are going to think twice about hiring a replacement. Your other forty nine employees will very likely have to carry the extra work load. And if they don't like it they know what they can do.
That is NOT the way to 'grow SKA' let alone increase employment.
you saw it...
this is the one where the Democrats say they want to raise minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10,
then the Republican dude says "no way can't do it', so people who earn minimum wage became Democrats.
So the media tells us all kinds of mumbo jumbo and interviews a guy who runs a hotdog cart, and he says "if I have to pay my employee more money, i'll go out of business".
...but the Democrat guy knows the Republicans will never pass an almost $3 minimum wage hike, so they pass just a little bit of a raise, and the low income public thinks they would have had a big raise if it weren't for those dirty rotten Republicans.
At the end of the movie you find out minimum wage hikes are on a predetermined time scale.

They play this movie almost as much as It's a Wonderful Life.

Since when has minimum wage been on a predetermined time scale?

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