Minimum wage, living wage, child labor, white blue collar suburbs, black blue collar ghettos

with unsustainable tax cut policies?

our fleets and our infrastructure are in disrepair.
Don't you remember when Obama spent the stimulus money on infrastructure? "Shovel ready jobs"...…
the right wing, Preferred nothing but Repeal; the rich have to get richer and the poor have to get poorer, that is their policy.
So where did all that stimulus money go?
What is "QE"?
not into economics?

Quantitative easing - Wikipedia
You're so full of crap. I asked you what happened to Obama's stimulus money for the infrastructure. Well?
The 'Pro-management' side of the world is lying by trying to justify workers wages at all. It isn't about 'first jobs' nor is it about undeserving minorities.

Pro-management people want to pay as little as they possibly can to anybody if they can get away with it. They would bring back slavery if they could. Their justifications are disingenuine. They aren't racist they'll happily enslave anyone they can regardless of race, job skill or education.

"Suburban, white, unskilled workers on a GM assembly line during the golden years that made America great" unionized and forced higher pay and better wages.

These days management has gotten a whole lot better at stopping people from unionizing. They pay only to the level that prevents people from rebelling. The less empowered people are the lower the pay. They don't care if the least empowered rebel...they have police to deal with them.

What we need is government mandated profit sharing for all workers. That's a totally capitalistic way of fixing income disparity.

How did those "forced higher pay and better wages" (whatever that means) work out for the American Auto Manufactures and Detroit?

You just can't be happy can you? You whine if employers pay too little and then you whine if they pay too much destroying the need for an oppressive, expensive union.

Unionization worked great for both American Auto manufacturers, workers and Detroit for about 50 years.

The failures we're seeing in Detroit is primarily due to poor management decisions since the 1970s.

Nobody complains about employers 'paying too much'.

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