Minimum Wage Workers Can't afford Apartment Rent

Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
The world Bernie and the Democrats want.
I actually have a Masters degree and a CDL. For the past year I been working a job in social services for 48k yr, before that I was an OTR truck driver for a few years. But I worked 7-12/ hr jobs for many years even after I got my masters because thats all I could get hired for.


My Masters degree earned me a six figure salary for most of my employment career.

You didn't do it right. You obviously made some poor life choices along the way.

Quit your bitching.

By the way, the best way not to be poor, besides simply working hard, is to not vote for Liberals that screw up the economy with failed Leftest economic policies.
He wasn’t bitching about his job prospects. He was bitching about his wife’s. She like many Americans didn’t do well in school, so college was not an option. She like many Americans is relegated to low paying jobs, due to low IQ. I think we as a nation need to help these people.

We have a lot of poor Americans really suffering needlessly.

It sounded like he was bitching about having an advanced degree but was only making $48K a year.

The Bible says that charity should come from the heart, church and family.

If his wife needs help then there should be other people to help her. Hell, I would even be willing to help somebody like that if I thought she was deserving.

However, we don't need the thieving government to be stealing money from other people to give to her. That is morally wrong.

We also don't need the filthy government dictating wages. That should always be between the employer and employee.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
You know I just heard about this new thing called a roommate who will actually pay half of the rent for a 2 bedroom apartment

What a mind blowing concept

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and apparently they can't afford to improve their education and get a better job.

minimum wage was meant for kids to work and go to school and not be taken advantage of. leave it to the terminally lazy to commander this for their own use and make it a battle cry of those who have no ambition in life.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
At his core bernia sanders is a marxist

But in 21st Century America most lefties have rejected outright government ownership of the wealth

Instead they allow private ownership but want absolute government control
So, fascism?
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
At his core bernia sanders is a marxist

But in 21st Century America most lefties have rejected outright government ownership of the wealth

Instead they allow private ownership but want absolute government control
So, fascism?
Yes, that is the fascist economic model
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!

The first place to start is raising the minimum wage. If that's not done the rest of what he proposes is a waste of time.
Has a minimum wage worker ever been able to afford to rent an apartment?

Yes I did. I also was able to support myself when I went to college.

This was in the 70s before reagan and the change to putting tax cuts for the filthy rich before the rest of the people in our nation.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
Leftists are so compassionate with other people's money.

Here's an idea. Find a minimum wage worker and pay him $8.00 for every hour he works out of your own pocket.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
Illiterate troll. Look up the word “roommate”.

“Your Awesome”. LMAO!
Has a minimum wage worker ever been able to afford to rent an apartment?

Yes I did. I also was able to support myself when I went to college.

This was in the 70s before reagan and the change to putting tax cuts for the filthy rich before the rest of the people in our nation.

Did you pay for college?
What size apartment?
What was the minimum wage at the time?
No support AT ALL from parents?
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!
Has a minimum wage worker ever been able to afford to rent an apartment?

Yes I did. I also was able to support myself when I went to college.

This was in the 70s before reagan and the change to putting tax cuts for the filthy rich before the rest of the people in our nation.
Bullshit. .

The min wage in 1978 was $2.65. That's about $455.00/month before taxes, which is about $370 net pay at the very best. No family could survive on that in 1978. I know this because I was alive then and I don't have dementia.
Bernie Sanders is calling it a a "National Disgrace" minimum wage workers can't afford rent for a two-bedroom apartment in any city in the US. I agree with him it is awful if our economy is doing so good, yet not even those who work very low paying jobs can pay rent anywhere. Nationally the average renter's wage is $17.57 /hour, very hard for someone make $7-8/hr to pay rent anywhere.

Well thankfully Bernie Sanders has I think a brilliant plan to bring affordable housing to the working poor. From what I am reading he is thinking of having a plan to create more affordable housing and also to impose rent control laws.

Hey Bernie your awesome buddy. Feel the Bern!

The first place to start is raising the minimum wage. If that's not done the rest of what he proposes is a waste of time.

Sounds like a great idea, many landlords need a raise. What's the next step, they want waterfront views?
Part of the problem is middle class used to attainable by one person working. Now it takes two full time people(man and wife) making at a minimum 30 dollars per hour plus full benefits just to make it into the lower middle class. Then some complain they focus on their careers and forego having kids. They say this is not a good thing or the nation. So heck they want young folk to work their tails off AND have kids. Things don't work this way anymore.
Part of the problem is middle class used to attainable by one person working. Now it takes two full time people(man and wife) making at a minimum 30 dollars per hour plus full benefits just to make it into the lower middle class. Then some complain they focus on their careers and forego having kids. They say this is not a good thing or the nation. So heck they want young folk to work their tails off AND have kids. Things don't work this way anymore.
Uh-huh....How much of those paychecks are being looted by the tax man, as compared to years gone by?

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