minneapolis police acussed of having a history of racisum

We are smart enough to know we don't need one.
Lol, good one. With that attitude maybe that's why you have a problem with police. Anyway soon you will need one to vote. So by you own parties thoughts about you. Get educated so you know how to get an id. All other races already know how to get one. I'm just quoting your own racist party. So go to school.
Lol, good one. With that attitude maybe that's why you have a problem with police. Anyway soon you will need one to vote. So by you own parties thoughts about you. Get educated so you know how to get an id. All other races already know how to get one. I'm just quoting your own racist party. So go to school.
We laugh at racist dumbasses like you, fool I have enough IDs I don't need another one. Tell how not needing an ID to vote equates to dealing with the police.
We laugh at racist dumbasses like you, fool I have enough IDs I don't need another one. Tell how not needing an ID to vote equates to dealing with the police.
Lol, I think blacks are smart enough to get an id, dumbass. It's your racist party that you vote for that thinks different. Open your eyes.
Lol, I think blacks are smart enough to get an id, dumbass. It's your racist party that you vote for that thinks different. Open your eyes.
That's just it moron, we don't need another damn ID. We have been voting since the 60s without one, it is only until you Trump Humpers got butt hurt because Trump got his ass handed to him in the last election that you came up with all these new bullshit rules.
That's just it moron, we don't need another damn ID. We have been voting since the 60s without one, it is only until you Trump Humpers got butt hurt because Trump got his ass handed to him in the last election that you came up with all these new bullshit rules.
Actually we have been wanting voter id for years. You even have to have an id to get your 40 Oz everyday.
Actually we have been wanting voter id for years. You even have to have an id to get your 40 Oz everyday.
You racist POS I don't need an ID to get a 40oz sweet tea. This is the party that boot lickers like Struth supports, oh that's right she never sees these racist posts.
Nothing wrong with voting for Trump. If Trump was still president we'd have someone in the White House smart enough to keep people from shit hole countries from entering America.
That's not America, Putinist sheisskoph.

still using felon floyd to go after police.

The police departments in all blue cities are racist. They want it that way.
How is asking for an id to vote. Voter suppression?
Because no ways of getting there is included and will hit the minority poor and young, DEMOCRATS.We should have an id card for work and health for everyone, like the one Dems want for immigration etc. WITH HELP. Google it for chrissake...
Lol, I think blacks are smart enough to get an id, dumbass. It's your racist party that you vote for that thinks different. Open your eyes.
We just disagree with your bs voter suppression way of doing it duh. Too difficult for minorities elderly and the young...
Because no ways of getting there is included and will hit the minority poor and young, DEMOCRATS.We should have an id card for work and health for everyone, like the one Dems want for immigration etc. WITH HELP. Google it for chrissake...
Lol, but an id to vote is voter suppression? Can you wipe your own ass?

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