Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison's Son Supports ANTIFA

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
There you have it folks, and the attempted walk back.

It's all crashing down around the Democrat's failed cities. Burnt to the ground. Lawlessness with police too weak and restricted by their leaders to even keep law and order.

Make no doubt about it, America will not support or vote for those who are too weak to maintain law and order.

Knee jerk reactions and support for those trying to create civil unrest will backfire, bigly.

"Minneapolis City Councilman Jeremiah Ellison tweeted on Sunday that he was declaring his “support for ANTIFA."

"Unless someone can prove to me ANTIFA is behind the burning of black and immigrant owned businesses in my ward, I’ll keep focusing on stopping the white power terrorist THE ARE ACTUALLY ATTACKING US!” the younger Ellison"

We should ban menthol cigarettes and fifty cent lottery numbers until the heathens get their shit in order.
There you have it folks, and the attempted walk back.

It's all crashing down around the Democrat's failed cities. Burnt to the ground. Lawlessness with police too weak and restricted by their leaders to even keep law and order.

Make no doubt about it, America will not support or vote for those who are too weak to maintain law and order.

Knee jerk reactions and support for those trying to create civil unrest will backfire, bigly.

"Minneapolis City Councilman Jeremiah Ellison tweeted on Sunday that he was declaring his “support for ANTIFA."

"Unless someone can prove to me ANTIFA is behind the burning of black and immigrant owned businesses in my ward, I’ll keep focusing on stopping the white power terrorist THE ARE ACTUALLY ATTACKING US!” the younger Ellison"

Like son, like father.

Could be Obama's family.

No wonder things got explosive as terrorists are in charge.
There you have it folks, and the attempted walk back.

It's all crashing down around the Democrat's failed cities. Burnt to the ground. Lawlessness with police too weak and restricted by their leaders to even keep law and order.

Make no doubt about it, America will not support or vote for those who are too weak to maintain law and order.

Knee jerk reactions and support for those trying to create civil unrest will backfire, bigly.

"Minneapolis City Councilman Jeremiah Ellison tweeted on Sunday that he was declaring his “support for ANTIFA."

"Unless someone can prove to me ANTIFA is behind the burning of black and immigrant owned businesses in my ward, I’ll keep focusing on stopping the white power terrorist THE ARE ACTUALLY ATTACKING US!” the younger Ellison"


He was most likely out on the streets burning businesses down the day ANTIFA took to the streets which is why daddy has had the police stand down the whole time.


I support antifa also. Because I’m anti-fascist.

This isn’t difficult, morons.

So you support Nazis. Got it.
No, I support anti-fascism. Pay attention.
You can’t support ANTIFA (sic) and be opposed to fascism at the same time because ANTIFA (sic) promotes and implements fascism. It’s their MO. Stifling free speech and strong-arming liberty. Holding freedom hostage.
Typical Rush Limbaugh/Joseph Goebbels propaganda: accuse the other side of doing whatever it is you are guilty of.
I support antifa also. Because I’m anti-fascist.

This isn’t difficult, morons.

So you support Nazis. Got it.
No, I support anti-fascism. Pay attention.
You can’t support ANTIFA (sic) and be opposed to fascism at the same time because ANTIFA (sic) promotes and implements fascism. It’s their MO. Stifling free speech and strong-arming liberty. Holding freedom hostage.
Typical Rush Limbaugh/Joseph Goebbels propaganda: accuse the other side of doing whatever it is you are guilty of.
Demoncraps do that all the time.
Democrats are committed, stubborn and inventive. They vowed to keep the country locked down until the economy crashed. The people rebelled and began to claw their way back. Cue the democrat riot. Burn it down so there's no reopening.

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