Minnesota cafe add minimum wage surcharge

This makes me :lol:

Everyone wants to pay people more...until they personally have to SEE that it is they who are paying for it.

If the cafe HIDES the increase...that's A-OK...but do it out in the open and they are outraged.


The minimum wage there has not been raised in ten years, and businesses complain when they finally do increase the minimum. Probably the first raise any of those workers have seen in ten years.

If a worker has been working for ten years for just minimum wage, then it's his own damn fault. Now where is that shaker of salt?
This makes me :lol:

Everyone wants to pay people more...until they personally have to SEE that it is they who are paying for it.

If the cafe HIDES the increase...that's A-OK...but do it out in the open and they are outraged.


The minimum wage there has not been raised in ten years, and businesses complain when they finally do increase the minimum. Probably the first raise any of those workers have seen in ten years.

If a worker has been working for ten years for just minimum wage, then it's his own damn fault. Now where is that shaker of salt?

There are some people who are not capable of doing better than minimum wage. One of my first jobs was as a dishwasher in the early 60's. There was a clean up man that couldn't even handle being a dishwasher in a busy restaurant, let alone fry cook. Yet he was married and just had a baby son. Yet, as a janitor, he could raise a family. Today, it would be impossible. He would need help such as food stamps etc.
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This makes me :lol:

Everyone wants to pay people more...until they personally have to SEE that it is they who are paying for it.

If the cafe HIDES the increase...that's A-OK...but do it out in the open and they are outraged.


Again, no one is outraged. Everyone that I saw interviewed was okay with the charge, even the guy who didn't know it was there. My only complaint is that the charge should be listed BEFORE you order. If it's in the price on the menu, then you know what you will be paying, but when it's added later, it increases your bill unexpectedly.
The minimum wage there has not been raised in ten years, and businesses complain when they finally do increase the minimum. Probably the first raise any of those workers have seen in ten years.

If a worker has been working for ten years for just minimum wage, then it's his own damn fault. Now where is that shaker of salt?

There are some people who are not capable of doing better than minimum wage. One of my first jobs was as a dishwasher in the early 60's. There was a clean up man that couldn't even handle being a dishwasher in a busy restaurant, let alone fry cook. Yet he was married and just had a baby son. Yet, as a janitor, he could raise a family. Today, it would be impossible. He would need help such as food stamps etc.

When minimum wage was first started, it provided for a family of 3 to live above poverty. If it had kept up with inflation, it would be over $16 an hour by now.
Did anyone really expect the cost of the higher minimum wage would not be passed on to the customer?
The only thing here is the restaurant just made it a surcharge as opposed to just incorporating it into the cost.
add the total of 35 cents to the price of the 10 items ordered on the average check for a table of 3....

3.5 cents higher per average item ordered...would not have even been noticed....

the restaurant CLEARLY CHOSE this route to express his political position...surely he can stand the heat, from what he created?

Yup, business owner being a complete dickhead. Hope the restaurant goes belly up.

I don't. Yeah, the owner is a jerk but we need jobs, even crappy ones.
If a worker has been working for ten years for just minimum wage, then it's his own damn fault. Now where is that shaker of salt?

There are some people who are not capable of doing better than minimum wage. One of my first jobs was as a dishwasher in the early 60's. There was a clean up man that couldn't even handle being a dishwasher in a busy restaurant, let alone fry cook. Yet he was married and just had a baby son. Yet, as a janitor, he could raise a family. Today, it would be impossible. He would need help such as food stamps etc.

When minimum wage was first started, it provided for a family of 3 to live above poverty. If it had kept up with inflation, it would be over $16 an hour by now.

Don't think a minimum wage job was about someone trying to support a family.
Did anyone really expect the cost of the higher minimum wage would not be passed on to the customer?
The only thing here is the restaurant just made it a surcharge as opposed to just incorporating it into the cost.

And I cannot find anything which says he is upfront about that cost. Again, I have no problem with it as long as people know about it BEFORE they order. I do think he is being a jerk though. I hate all these a la carte things. The airlines charge extra for bags, food, etc. All to make it look like your ticket is cheaper when it's not.
There are some people who are not capable of doing better than minimum wage. One of my first jobs was as a dishwasher in the early 60's. There was a clean up man that couldn't even handle being a dishwasher in a busy restaurant, let alone fry cook. Yet he was married and just had a baby son. Yet, as a janitor, he could raise a family. Today, it would be impossible. He would need help such as food stamps etc.

When minimum wage was first started, it provided for a family of 3 to live above poverty. If it had kept up with inflation, it would be over $16 an hour by now.

Don't think a minimum wage job was about someone trying to support a family.

Again, that's what the minimum wage was set at when it started. You don't like it fine, but the truth is that minimum wage has the lowest spending power since it started and whereas once upon a time, in a minimum wage job, you could get your own apartment, buy a car, and go to college part time, today you can't even support yourself on a minimum wage job. It's ridiculous. Virtual slavery for our lowest paid workers today with no chance of ever improving their lot.
When minimum wage was first started, it provided for a family of 3 to live above poverty. If it had kept up with inflation, it would be over $16 an hour by now.

Don't think a minimum wage job was about someone trying to support a family.

Again, that's what the minimum wage was set at when it started. You don't like it fine, but the truth is that minimum wage has the lowest spending power since it started and whereas once upon a time, in a minimum wage job, you could get your own apartment, buy a car, and go to college part time, today you can't even support yourself on a minimum wage job. It's ridiculous. Virtual slavery for our lowest paid workers today with no chance of ever improving their lot.

in a minimum wage job, you could get your own apartment, buy a car, and go to college part time

And vacation 20 times a year,own a small boat,invest in the stock market,own 2 vacation homes....

Also it was also 1000 BC at one time.
add the total of 35 cents to the price of the 10 items ordered on the average check for a table of 3....

3.5 cents higher per average item ordered...would not have even been noticed....

the restaurant CLEARLY CHOSE this route to express his political position...surely he can stand the heat, from what he created?

Yup, business owner being a complete dickhead. Hope the restaurant goes belly up.

So you want to see those employees, unemployed? What a hypocrite.
All the crybabies complaining about the surcharge must not care that without it, some of the employees might lose their jobs or get their hours reduced.

Liberals are so ironical, ain't they.

I have no issue with them raising their prices if they need to, but I do have an issue with them charging in this manner. They are a bunch of pussy whiners and would not get my business. I'm so sick of companies who could give a rats ass about their employees. Those minimum wage employees work their asses off and are rarely appreciated.

Yet you wish for the business to close, so those employees will have no job. I guess you would rather they live off the government, instead of earning a living...yeah, you are a hypocrite...
The minimum wage there has not been raised in ten years, and businesses complain when they finally do increase the minimum. Probably the first raise any of those workers have seen in ten years.

If a worker has been working for ten years for just minimum wage, then it's his own damn fault. Now where is that shaker of salt?

There are some people who are not capable of doing better than minimum wage. One of my first jobs was as a dishwasher in the early 60's. There was a clean up man that couldn't even handle being a dishwasher in a busy restaurant, let alone fry cook. Yet he was married and just had a baby son. Yet, as a janitor, he could raise a family. Today, it would be impossible. He would need help such as food stamps etc.

In 1963 the minimum wage was 25 cents an hour. The janitor was not raising a family on 25 cents an hour, even in 1963.
Don't think a minimum wage job was about someone trying to support a family.

Again, that's what the minimum wage was set at when it started. You don't like it fine, but the truth is that minimum wage has the lowest spending power since it started and whereas once upon a time, in a minimum wage job, you could get your own apartment, buy a car, and go to college part time, today you can't even support yourself on a minimum wage job. It's ridiculous. Virtual slavery for our lowest paid workers today with no chance of ever improving their lot.

in a minimum wage job, you could get your own apartment, buy a car, and go to college part time

And vacation 20 times a year,own a small boat,invest in the stock market,own 2 vacation homes....

Also it was also 1000 BC at one time.

nope, 1968. and the rest of your response is crap too. My brother did all of those things after he graduated from high school on a minimum wage job. Granted his apartment was furnished with lawn furniture and a sleeping bag, but he bought a brand new car (well, he was making payments) and was going to college part time. All on a minimum wage job.

How do you think people are suppose to improve themselves if they can't even survive on a minimum wage job? How are they suppose to go to school? It's shameful how much spending power the minimum wage jobs have lost. Meanwhile, our income gap is greater than ever. The pie is growing but the pieces for the middle class are staying the same size and for the poor, they are shrinking. Not good for a supposedly "developed" nation. No country can long survive with a majority of it's wealth in the hands of a few.
Even liberals know that if the minimum wage is raised prices have to go up. What they object to is the restaurant telling people the reason for the rise in prices.
Wages are a cost of doing business. This company is just doing the same thing the big corp's have been doing all along.

This makes me :lol:

Everyone wants to pay people more...until they personally have to SEE that it is they who are paying for it.

If the cafe HIDES the increase...that's A-OK...but do it out in the open and they are outraged.


hysterical and sad all rolled into one. They demanded they pay more so who did they think they would pass it off on? I think a few people tried to TELL them this..
The minimum wage there has not been raised in ten years, and businesses complain when they finally do increase the minimum. Probably the first raise any of those workers have seen in ten years.

If a worker has been working for ten years for just minimum wage, then it's his own damn fault. Now where is that shaker of salt?

There are some people who are not capable of doing better than minimum wage. One of my first jobs was as a dishwasher in the early 60's. There was a clean up man that couldn't even handle being a dishwasher in a busy restaurant, let alone fry cook. Yet he was married and just had a baby son. Yet, as a janitor, he could raise a family. Today, it would be impossible. He would need help such as food stamps etc.

People in the 60s lived with much less than people today. Houses were much smaller and often had only one bathroom. Many families had only one car and momma stayed home with the kids. The life that your janitor friend lived would probably be considered a life of poverty by today's standards. It's because of people like him that LBJ started the entitlements of the great society. If he couldn't handle washing dishes then I hope his wife was capable of raising him and the baby.

By the way, the needle on my bull shit detector is swinging all the way to the right on your story. What you say may be true, but I am expecting the ghost of Paul Harvey to show up at any moment to tell the rest of the story. If the dude was not capable being a dishwasher then I highly doubt that he was the sole provider for his family.

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