Minority Leader Pelosi?


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2008
Battle lines are emerging in the House Democratic Caucus over Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) possible bid to stay on as the minority leader.

Liberal Democrats are mobilizing in support of Pelosi remaining at the head of the party in the 112th Congress, while some centrists said she should step aside in the wake of the party's loss of around 60 House seats in Tuesday's election.

Dems split over Pelosi bid for minority leader - TheHill.com

As a Republican I remain hopeful that the democrats do keep her on as minority leader, however that would be ill advised from a political point of view as she will most likely cause the democrats more issues in 2012. I did hear that she has annouced her desire to run this morning so it should be interesting.
Battle lines are emerging in the House Democratic Caucus over Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) possible bid to stay on as the minority leader.

Liberal Democrats are mobilizing in support of Pelosi remaining at the head of the party in the 112th Congress, while some centrists said she should step aside in the wake of the party's loss of around 60 House seats in Tuesday's election.

Dems split over Pelosi bid for minority leader - TheHill.com

As a Republican I remain hopeful that the democrats do keep her on as minority leader, however that would be ill advised from a political point of view as she will most likely cause the democrats more issues in 2012. I did hear that she has annouced her desire to run this morning so it should be interesting.

Yes she has announced. She must know she has the votes or it is doubtful she would do this. The voters are watching with 2012, in mind. :lol:
Battle lines are emerging in the House Democratic Caucus over Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) possible bid to stay on as the minority leader.

Liberal Democrats are mobilizing in support of Pelosi remaining at the head of the party in the 112th Congress, while some centrists said she should step aside in the wake of the party's loss of around 60 House seats in Tuesday's election.

Dems split over Pelosi bid for minority leader - TheHill.com

As a Republican I remain hopeful that the democrats do keep her on as minority leader, however that would be ill advised from a political point of view as she will most likely cause the democrats more issues in 2012. I did hear that she has annouced her desire to run this morning so it should be interesting.

Yes she has announced. She must know she has the votes or it is doubtful she would do this. The voters are watching with 2012, in mind. :lol:

Frankly if I were a democrat I would want a new face in congress to be associated with the party so that voters would see some sort of positive move. However your most likely correct , she has the votes or she would not have announced it.
wow, I first thought this was horsehockey, as krauthammer said; how food a week are the republicans having? IF she succeeds in staying on top, this is a gift. IF I were a dem. house member, knowing 12 will be a national election and a dem senator I would work against this.
If the Democrats do not stand beside, behind and in front of Nancy Pelosi after she fought so hard for the Democrats platform, and succeeded, those Democrats that abandon her are the biggest punks in the world, and their wives should worry if a mugger came upon them that she would have to fight the mugger herself and then run real hard to catch up with him, and to have a Republican tell me what to do is unimaginable.
Pelosi can be blamed for the massive bloodletting that just occurred. I'm quite surprised that cooler heads ala old dems circa late 50's haven't prevailed to expunge this type of progressivism. It is amazing to watch. I guess they're a glutton for punishment as the decimation will continue in 12 if she stays on as leader.
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If the Democrats do not stand beside, behind and in front of Nancy Pelosi after she fought so hard for the Democrats platform, and succeeded, those Democrats that abandon her are the biggest punks in the world, and their wives should worry if a mugger came upon them that she would have to fight the mugger herself and then run real hard to catch up with him, and to have a Republican tell me what to do is unimaginable.

hello, those that stood WITH her and made these past successful votes possible are pretty much all gone dude, the ones rahmn recruited so they could enact a dem platform.Apparently they are from districts that don't believe in what the, and this is key- the DEMOCRATIC leadership does, you know the old bulls who used them and then threw them away. Cannon fodder, thats all they were.
We need someone new to be the democrat's leader. The democrats will never make it through this if they appoint Nancy.
I just hope the blue dog, Heath Shuler, that's challenging her doesn't win. That would certainly be a disaster.
I thought she was a joke when they first chose her.

But she has proven to be very effective.

But she is pretty much the face of broken promises about open government and the liberal "royal prerogative " because of the way she demanded expensive services for herself.

And I don't think the loss really can be laid at her door. The big losses were all over the government. Is Pelosi responsible for the loss of all those state legislative houses? All those Governors, all those Senators?

I want her canned for her virtues and kept for her vices. And I think it a bad idea that she should be fired for 0bama's arrogance and ineptitude.
The liberals are the only ones left after the Tuesday night massacre. All the reasonable democrats who sold their souls for Pelosi and Obama got voted out. Every queen needs her subjects no matter how feeble and weak they are.
I thought she was a joke when they first chose her.

But she has proven to be very effective.

But she is pretty much the face of broken promises about open government and the liberal "royal prerogative " because of the way she demanded expensive services for herself.

And I don't think the loss really can be laid at her door. The big losses were all over the government. Is Pelosi responsible for the loss of all those state legislative houses? All those Governors, all those Senators?

I want her canned for her virtues and kept for her vices. And I think it a bad idea that she should be fired for 0bama's arrogance and ineptitude.

this was a great big *uck you to half the country, more perhaps....hubris has its limits and penalties.


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The liberals are the only ones left after the Tuesday night massacre. All the reasonable democrats who sold their souls for Pelosi and Obama got voted out. Every queen needs her subjects no matter how feeble and weak they are.
Pelosi is a proud Liberal. That's why one of the blue dogs is challenging her for leadership.
Frankly if I were a democrat I would want a new face in congress to be associated with the party so that voters would see some sort of positive move. However your most likely correct , she has the votes or she would not have announced it.

She should step down, resign, and go report to prison for collaborating with War Criminals.

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