Mirror neurons and the simulation theory of mind-reading


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere

A new class of visuomotor neuron has been recently discovered in the monkey's premotor cortex: mirror neurons. These neurons respond both when a particular action is performed by the recorded monkey and when the same action, performed by another individual, is observed. Mirror neurons appear to form a cortical system matching observation and execution of goal-related motor actions. Experimental evidence suggests that a similar matching system also exists in humans. What might be the functional role of this matching system? One possible function is to enable an organism to detect certain mental states of observed conspecifics. This function might be part of, or a precursor to, a more general mind-reading ability. Two different accounts of mind-reading have been suggested. According to ‘theory theory', mental states are represented as inferred posits of a naive theory. According to ‘simulation theory', other people's mental states are represented by adopting their perspective: by tracking or matching their states with resonant states of one's own. The activity of mirror neurons, and the fact that observers undergo motor facilitation in the same muscular groups as those utilized by target agents, are findings that accord well with simulation theory but would not be predicted by theory theory.
ScienceDirect - Trends in Cognitive Sciences : Mirror neurons and the simulation theory of mind-reading

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Mirror neurons were first documented in the macaque monkey a little over ten years ago. Their discovery has led to the formulation of several theories about their function in humans, including suggestions that mirror neurons are involved in understanding the meaning and intentions of observed actions, learning by imitation, feeling empathy, formation of a ‘theory of mind’, and even the development of language. Hypotheses have also been made about the consequences of mirror neuron dysfunction; foremost among these is the notion that such a dysfunction during development leads to many of the social and cognitive symptoms associated with the autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Yet, despite a decade of prolific research on these appealing theories, there is little evidence to support them. In this essay, we review the current state of ‘mirror system’ research, point to several weaknesses in the field, and offer suggestions for how better to study these remarkably interesting neurons in both neurotypical and autistic individuals.

A mirror up to nature

Now you see the difference between reading titles and doing research.
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1) what's with the crush?

2) All I did was link an article that forwards a certain theory. You'll note that I never said whether I concur with their conclusions or not. Now you should see the difference between projection and understanding someone's intent (ironic, really, that you fail at such a thing in a thread about just such a subject)
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It's especially hilarious in light of your moronic post yesterday about your misinterpretation of an article's title supported your moronic claims when you never bothered reading the article.
And all I did was link to another article that shows why that theory is questionable. Why do you have a problem with facts?
It's especially hilarious in light of your moronic post yesterday about your misinterpretation of an article's title supported your moronic claims when you never bothered reading the article.

I am still waiting for you to provide evidence from that article that I misinterpreted the title. So far all you have done is start a brand new thread quoting my post without pointing out that I posted it first.
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It's sad, this little crush you have and your sad attempts to act smarter than you are.

Still claiming people aren't humans because they're really homo sapiens sapiens, or did you finally get tired of making such an idiot of yourself?
you have done is start a brand new thread quoting my post without pointing out that I posted it first.
Oh really? And where is this alleged thread?

I believe people like you are known as compulsive liars.

So, windbag, TT, ST, or what?

And where's that thread? You made a claim, now back it up.

Believe it or not, I do other things than stalk you around this board.

As for the thread, try this one.


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