Misrepresentation or Misunderstanding of Arabic and Islamic Terms !

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
This article discuss islamophobes trial to spread islamophobic lies around certain arabic terms.

Misrepresentation or Misunderstanding of Arabic and Islamic Terms
Sheila Musaji

The American Muslim (TAM)


The term: Allah

How it’s used: As a negatively charged byword for a special Islamic deity

Example: “The animals of Allah for whom any day is a great day for a massacre are drooling over the positive response that they are getting from New York City officials over a proposal to build a 13 story monument to the 9/11 Muslims who hijacked those 4 airliners.” –Tea Party activist Mark Williams

What it actually means: Arabic for “God” (the term is used by Muslims and Arab Christians for God but is also used in Arabic-influenced languages and thus by Turkish and Malaysian Christians and others). Muslims believe Allah is the same deity worshiped by Jews and Christians. The first verses of the Quran present the basic Muslim view of God: “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Sovereign of the Day of Judgment. Truly, it is You we worship and You whose aid we seek.” He is creator, sustainer, judge and ruler of the universe; all-powerful and all-merciful. Allah is described as the Merciful and Compassionate; every verse of the Quran begins with “In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate.” Believed to have revealed himself to a long line of prophets (including the biblical prophets), to Moses, Jews (Torah) and Jesus (Gospels). As in Judaism and Ch
This article discuss islamophobes trial to spread islamophobic lies around certain arabic terms.

Misrepresentation or Misunderstanding of Arabic and Islamic Terms
Sheila Musaji

The American Muslim (TAM)


The term: Allah

How it’s used: As a negatively charged byword for a special Islamic deity

Example: “The animals of Allah for whom any day is a great day for a massacre are drooling over the positive response that they are getting from New York City officials over a proposal to build a 13 story monument to the 9/11 Muslims who hijacked those 4 airliners.” –Tea Party activist Mark Williams

What it actually means: Arabic for “God” (the term is used by Muslims and Arab Christians for God but is also used in Arabic-influenced languages and thus by Turkish and Malaysian Christians and others). Muslims believe Allah is the same deity worshiped by Jews and Christians. The first verses of the Quran present the basic Muslim view of God: “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Sovereign of the Day of Judgment. Truly, it is You we worship and You whose aid we seek.” He is creator, sustainer, judge and ruler of the universe; all-powerful and all-merciful. Allah is described as the Merciful and Compassionate; every verse of the Quran begins with “In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate.” Believed to have revealed himself to a long line of prophets (including the biblical prophets), to Moses, Jews (Torah) and Jesus (Gospels). As in Judaism and Ch

"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"
(The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93)

Ten Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

Phrase Used: Allahu Akbar!

Translation: God (The Islamic god) is great!
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Muslims cannot lie about their religion?

Why not? They are human are they not? What special power or force prevents them from lying? Their Faith? Their God? Or the realization that if you believe this lie then you will believe any lie I tell you?
Muslims cannot lie about their religion?

Why not? They are human are they not? What special power or force prevents them from lying? Their Faith? Their God? Or the realization that if you believe this lie then you will believe any lie I tell you?

Their religion permits them to lie to non believers.

But what the OP only did was define terms, not provide common examples on how the terms are used from an Islamic Point of View. (Or Islamic context?)
No one is confused about the term Allah. Got any actual terms that you think we are confused about and miss interpreting. I don't believe that anyone is confused at all.

Perhaps you would like to start with: Jihad

That should be interesting.
There is no God but God. But Allah is NOT His name.

Allah is the name given to God by the Islamic folks.

The actual God would not tolerate the creature the pitiful Islamic types worship.
I understand islamic terms very well and so do the miscreant murderers who spread Islam with their hateful murderous deeds all over this planet. The earth will be a better place when Islam dies.
In the Christian churches of the middle east the Bible's are printed in the arabic language.

In the verses referring to God; the arabic word "Allah" is used.

Christian missionaries have tried to get the Arab christians to quit using the word Allah to describe God.

But the arab christians have refused.

Because they know that the God of the Bible and Allah of the Quran are identical. :cool:
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I understand islamic terms very well and so do the miscreant murderers who spread Islam with their hateful murderous deeds all over this planet. The earth will be a better place when Islam dies.

You do know that there was a time that Christianity was spread by the sword all over the world.

Should we refer to Christians, like yourself, as blood thirsty? (I guess if you are Catholic, you could say "yes" in a symbolic way. You know--Thirsty for the Blood of Christ? Communion? )

I don't think you are a harden Killer for Christ--hell, I doubt you would attempt suicide to spread the word of Christ even if Christ came down from heaven and ask you to sacrifice yourself for him.

So why do you think muslims that spread Islam are crazy murderers?
In the Christian churches of the middle east the Bible's are printed in the arabic language.

In the verses referring to God; the arabic word "Allah" is used.

Christian missionaries have tried to get the Arab christians to quit using the word Allah to describe God.

But the arab christians have refused.

Because they know that the God of the Bible and Allah of the Quran are identical. :cool:

As in referring to "God" in the language of the people.

Kind of like getting the Frecnh to quit using dieu or the Spanish from using dios.
In the Christian churches of the middle east the Bible's are printed in the arabic language.

In the verses referring to God; the arabic word "Allah" is used.

Christian missionaries have tried to get the Arab christians to quit using the word Allah to describe God.

But the arab christians have refused.

Because they know that the God of the Bible and Allah of the Quran are identical. :cool:

In the Middle East and some parts of Africa, Christian churches are burnt down because they are unislamic, despite having an identical god.
In the Middle East and some parts of Africa, Christian churches are burnt down because they are unislamic, despite having an identical god.
In parts of the southern United States black churches have been burnt down by white christians despite using the same Bible and worshipping the same Jesus. :cool:
In the Christian churches of the middle east the Bible's are printed in the arabic language.

In the verses referring to God; the arabic word "Allah" is used.

Christian missionaries have tried to get the Arab christians to quit using the word Allah to describe God.

But the arab christians have refused.

Because they know that the God of the Bible and Allah of the Quran are identical. :cool:

No, they don't know that. They are "told" that. They are not identical. Give it your best shot.
In the Middle East and some parts of Africa, Christian churches are burnt down because they are unislamic, despite having an identical god.
In parts of the southern United States black churches have been burnt down by white christians despite using the same Bible and worshipping the same Jesus. :cool:
Thats racism, not religion.
Spin it how ever you want junior.

Bottom line; it was Christians burning down the churches of other Christians. :cool:
In parts of the southern United States black churches have been burnt down by white christians despite using the same Bible and worshipping the same Jesus. :cool:
Thats racism, not religion.
Spin it how ever you want junior.

Bottom line; it was Christians burning down the churches of other Christians. :cool:

The KKK isn't Christian. The KKK used religion to hide their racist politics behind. Terrorism is NOT a Christian doctrine. Terrorism IS an Islamist doctrine.

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