Good on her! BRAVO! :clap:

Since when conservative is insensitive????????????????????

He got fired didn't he?

I'm not gonna discuss his protest because you're a tRumpkin and will insist he was disrespecting the military or something like that.

Them there's also the fact that he didn't say anything, or make a big deal out of it.

He wasn't fired.

You're a hypocrite. You said it was fine for Kapernut to engage in political protest WHILE AT HIS FUCKING JOB and then you said that the beauty pageant is in the right for terminating her because she made politically incorrect statements on her personal fucking social-media account.

He was quietly kneeling on the field to highlight police violence. Not really a controversial issue. Nothing that could be construed as racist. Nobody even really noticed until tRump made a big deal about it. The person in question here made comments that could be interpreted that way.

BTW, they could have fired him if they wanted to, it wasn't my decision. They did cut him after the season, and he's been blackballed ever since.

The bible is referring to guys like you in the following verse.

The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.
Ecclesiastes 10:2
Lol, are you trying to say the Bible favors conservatives?
He was quietly kneeling on the field to highlight police violence.

And you said he had the absolute RIGHT to engage in political demonstration while on his job and on national fucking tv but NOT the woman from the no-name pageant who dared to make factual statements on her PERSONAL social-media account.

Just admit that you're a hypocrite and that you have one set of rules for liberals and another for conservatives.
Actually, I do have a problem with people expressing themselves.

Like I said, you're a fascist and you believe that only opinions with which YOU agree should be permitted to be expressed. Nobody should be able to express an opinion unless Vandalshandle agrees with it.

I have no idea why you say that. As long as you stay out of my face, physically, I don't give a rat's ass what your opinion is.
Lol, are you trying to say the Bible favors conservatives?

I'm saying that logic and reason are not your strong suits.

Bang! He is on a roll. Impressive.

Thanks. Crepitus outrage is contingent upon the political affiliation of those involved. Based on this thread, he believes that, people supporting liberal causes are free engage in political protests WHILE AT WORK but conservatives are NOT free to express unpopular FACTS, even on their own personal social-media account. Leftists like him share the same mindset as the fascists that ran Italy and Germany, he's just too fucking stupid to realize it and too dishonest to admit it.
She is a Nazi
Send her back ......send her back....SEND HER BACK

How is she a Nazi? When did she say anything Negative about the US? She has every right too as we have gone insane because of people like you aka idiots.

Shitflinger is a troll.

He backs up NOTHING, he just flings shit at enemies of the party.
I have no idea why you say that. As long as you stay out of my face, physically, I don't give a rat's ass what your opinion is.

You just said that you DO have a problem with people expressing themselves. Did you intend to say that you do NOT have a problem?
You can blame this on tRump as well. His racism and hatred have created the fear that all conservatives are racist and hateful causing people and organizations to cut ties at the slightest hint someone might be about to go off on a tRump style racist social media rant. Better safe than sorry.
That's brilliant. Let's shut down all free speech. Better safe than sorry.

I think that is what your fake messiah is trying to do with the news media. And anybody that criticize him.
I have no idea why you say that. As long as you stay out of my face, physically, I don't give a rat's ass what your opinion is.

You just said that you DO have a problem with people expressing themselves. Did you intend to say that you do NOT have a problem?

I have a problem with a stranger inviting me outside to fight because he does not like my bumper sticker. So, you think that makes me a fascist?
Why would a Miss Michigan hate blacks so much?
It hasn't been demonstrated that she hates them at all... The "hate" is in the heads of snowflakes like yourself.
She seems to obsess over blacks and Muslims

A true Trumpie
It matters little how she "seems" to YOU. What really matters is how she actually IS, and exactly what she ACTUALLY said. The rest is just leftist interpretation through their triggered colored glasses. Animals deal in feelings. Men deal in facts. So good of you to declare yourself, but... We all already knew...

You are missing something big. When a beauty contest like this ....... a winner shoulda/woulda represent the state as a whole. NEUTRAL. I believe after this contest she can be in Miss USA contest.

Just imagine if she won Miss USA and people see her as Trump supporter then this tinker bell start screaming go Tramp.
What if she represents USA in Miss Universe? When the world knew how this POTUS made us laughing stock, bully, racist assholes around the world.

Lastly......... What made you think she is accepted in Trump whites exclusively club? I heard they also hate Asians because they are taking high paying jobs from whites.
Actually, I do have a problem with people expressing themselves.

Very selective of you. Is there some reason that you did not copy and paste my whole post? Ran out of room in you copy and post notepad? I don't know what kind of bug is up your ass, but I am sure that a little therapy could help.

You said it. Don't blame me for your own words.

The mindset of leftists like you has remained the same throughout history. Leftists like Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, etc. ALL sought to BAN speech that they didn't like. If you supported freedom and individual rights, you would support the ''right'' of people to express themselves without resorting to ostracizing them from society for doing so. Leftists like you frequently want to send conservatives to virtual gulags.
I like her, particularly this.

Zhu wrote in reply: “Statistics and facts are not always pleasant. It’s disgusting how you would rather lie to the public’s face than be supportive of someone that is trying to make a difference by talking about subjects that no one dares to say.”

Democrats only want facts that support their agenda, other facts are off limits. For example, she pointed out that most black are killed by other blacks. Evidently, that little factoid is very offensive to some.

It's also true that nearly all white murders are committed by white people. Why didn't she say that? It's not that the factoid is offensive, it is the manner in which it's used.

The selective use of language to single out and slam one racial or demographic group, without qualifying that statistic by how it stacks up against other similar demographics, is a standard tactic of racists everywhere. In every segregated society, you are far more likely to be murdered by someone you share race with because those are the people you have the most contact with. Her tweet says that the black community needs to solve this problem, because it doesn't concern the rest of us.

Across every demographic, you're far more likely to be murdered by someone of your own race, but there is two consistent factors across the murder statistics across for every racial demographic of murderer and victim. Poverty and easy access to guns.

For generations conservatives have told white Americans that high levels of crime and violence in the inner cities is because non-whites are inferior. But now that displaced white American production workers are falling into poverty and drug abuse, crime rates are now higher in rural middle America than in the cities.

Last but not least: The girl is a racist, stirring up racial animosity, when she's supposed to be a good will ambassador for corporate America. That's what the job of beauty queen really is. She is supposed to be apolitical and promote American culture. This is a corporate job, not a political platform.

So no beauty queens ever use their position to shill for progressive causes?


As far as I remember NONE. It should supposed to be neutral.
Just imagine if she represents Miss USA. What and how the world looks at her or at us. Trump sluts?
I heard they also hate Asians because they are taking high paying jobs from whites.

On the contrary, it's the more enlightened, diversity-loving, inclusive, tolerant, loving-left at liberal utopias such as Harvard that systematically discriminate against Asians. Have you been critical of that?

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