There is still hope for Kathy Zhu



Stephen Colbert must also be a Nazi.
Saluting Trump
Saluting Trump

It was probably just a joke. After all, Chinese-Americans already know all about left-wing ideologies such as communism and fascism and want NO PART of it, as evidenced by their support of Trump.
I am going to lose sleep tonight over the fact that Miss Michigan no longer has a throne or a crown. Oh! The humanity!

You're a fascist and have NO PROBLEM with people being ostracized for expressing truthful, but unpopular facts.

Actually, I do have a problem with people expressing themselves. It happened to me 2 months ago, at a convivence store when some guy in a MAGA hat approached me and invited me outside, because he did not like my "Not my president" bumper sticker. He cooled down rather quickly when I turned around and pointed to my Sheriff Axillary embroidered badge on the front of my shirt.

What they did was wrong. She has the same right to freedom of speech and expression as anyone else.

I will point out that she did bad mouth America. Yet no conservative has a problem with it.

Conservatives don't treat people equally.
Please provide us with a quote in which she bad mouthed America.
You can blame this on tRump as well. His racism and hatred have created the fear that all conservatives are racist and hateful causing people and organizations to cut ties at the slightest hint someone might be about to go off on a tRump style racist social media rant. Better safe than sorry.
People are responsible for their own dumbassary.

It isn't "dumbassery", it's well justified caution based on experience.
Actually, I do have a problem with people expressing themselves.

Like I said, you're a fascist and you believe that only opinions with which YOU agree should be permitted to be expressed. Nobody should be able to express an opinion unless Vandalshandle agrees with it.
You can blame this on tRump as well. His racism and hatred have created the fear that all conservatives are racist and hateful causing people and organizations to cut ties at the slightest hint someone might be about to go off on a tRump style racist social media rant. Better safe than sorry.
That's brilliant. Let's shut down all free speech. Better safe than sorry.
How did you get that out of what I said?
"slightest hint"
Not a damn thing to do with free speech. She can say what she wants, just not from their pedestal.
She is a Nazi
Send her back ......send her back....SEND HER BACK

I dearly hope you're being sarcastic. It just amazes me how you people can call yourselves "liberals" and then turn around and try to punish anyone who dares to disagree with you.
You can blame this on tRump as well. His racism and hatred have created the fear that all conservatives are racist and hateful causing people and organizations to cut ties at the slightest hint someone might be about to go off on a tRump style racist social media rant. Better safe than sorry.
That's brilliant. Let's shut down all free speech. Better safe than sorry.
How did you get that out of what I said?
"slightest hint"
Not a damn thing to do with free speech. She can say what she wants, just not from their pedestal.
What they objected to was not said on their pedestal.
You can blame this on tRump as well. His racism and hatred have created the fear that all conservatives are racist and hateful causing people and organizations to cut ties at the slightest hint someone might be about to go off on a tRump style racist social media rant. Better safe than sorry.
That's brilliant. Let's shut down all free speech. Better safe than sorry.
How did you get that out of what I said?
"slightest hint"
Not a damn thing to do with free speech. She can say what she wants, just not from their pedestal.
What they objected to was not said on their pedestal.
If she's wearing their crown she's on their pedestal.
It matters little how she "seems" to YOU. What really matters is how she actually IS, and exactly what she ACTUALLY said. The rest is just leftist interpretation through their triggered colored glasses. Animals deal in feelings. Men deal in facts. So good of you to declare yourself, but... We all already knew...

This is my favourite post of the day! One of my best friends did his doctoral thesis on the psychometry of linguisitics. He explained that how people use language, is highly indicative of their biases and prejudices, and how such useage in the hands of those skilled in manipulation use language to twist arguments with no basis in fact or substance, and engender an emotional response, because emotions trump logic every single time.

Here Vastator uses a highly overwrought, emotional argument which to overcome the dispassionate fact that saying black murders are only a black problem and that black people need to deal with that is a highly inflammatory and racist remark.

Old Lady, her entire post is rampantly racist since it singles out blacks and blames them for a problem that exists across all demographics problem. That's about a racist as it gets.

Oh, you have a friend who did a thesis? That makes you an expert! :lol:

... It’s why the anti-abortion movement calls itself “pro-life” even though it approves of the death penalty and war.....r.

Is that the same reason the pro-death movement hides behind the word “choice”?

Btw, being a law clerk doesn’t make you a linguist any more than having a friend who wrote a thesis.

What they did was wrong. She has the same right to freedom of speech and expression as anyone else.

I will point out that she did bad mouth America. Yet no conservative has a problem with it.

Conservatives don't treat people equally.
Please provide us with a quote in which she bad mouthed America.
She refused to wear a hijab. That's bad mouthing America.
She is a Nazi
Send her back ......send her back....SEND HER BACK

I get that your schtick here is just being an ass, but -

President Trump and Trump supporters are the antithesis of Nazis, Fascists, and all other Supporters of "Collectivism".

The number one issue is Freedom of individual rights for US Citizens.

We don't say - send her back to America loving Citizens
That is reserved for non-American Loving people.
Our President is a racist

He has been declared so by our Congress

It's seems that you have been declared an idiot by near unanimous consent.
I am not an idiot.......Mother had me tested
The man said I was special
Special ED.

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