Look! The insane left has removed her title because of her conservative views. And labeled her a racist, and some of these terrorists have called her a white supremacist.

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says


She could pass as Finish or Norwegian...:10:
But now she passes as a victim of insane criminal ass stain liberals.

I think I wish I was young again because she would make the perfect Michelle Malkin in my life...
But don't you think it's terrible what the vile left is doing to her?
All Truths are Equal

But Some Truths Are More Equal Than Others

--With apologies to George Orwell

So of course, since the Right Wing are liars, you have to actually see what this girl actually said that got people upset.

Miss Michigan stripped of title over 'offensive' social media posts

"There is a 'try a hijab on' booth at my college campus.
So you're telling me that it's now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing? Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?"

"Did you know the majority of black deaths are caused by other blacks?" Zhu wrote on Twitter. "Fix problems within your own community first before blaming others."

Yup.... that'll pretty much do it.

(Waiting for Sue to whine about how I was mean to PC once.)
Look! The insane left has removed her title because of her conservative views. And labeled her a racist, and some of these terrorists have called her a white supremacist.

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says


She could pass as Finish or Norwegian...:10:
But now she passes as a victim of insane criminal ass stain liberals.

I think I wish I was young again because she would make the perfect Michelle Malkin in my life...
But don't you think it's terrible what the vile left is doing to her?

Actually I do Mike.

The reality is the left will punish all those that do not follow their way of thinking, and yet they proclaim to be liberal minded.
same old crap-blacks/leftists can speak hate/racism...when whites/etc speak the TRUTH, they get punished
..FINALLY, Trump is calling out these hypocrites/MSM for their crap
Yowzah! Unfortunately, speaking to political correctness as the prevailing de facto majority Party/official new religion of our nation, Soviet style censorship and punishment for lack of Party loyalty is the common consequence enforced by the Twitter mobs. I myself know more than one fellow fiction writer whose story was accepted for publication and then dropped all of a sudden after their would-be publishers searched their social media and discovered conservative viewpoints expressed online.

She wasn't fired for conservative viewpoints, she was fired for racist ones.
All Truths are Equal

But Some Truths Are More Equal Than Others

--With apologies to George Orwell

So of course, since the Right Wing are liars, you have to actually see what this girl actually said that got people upset.

Miss Michigan stripped of title over 'offensive' social media posts

"There is a 'try a hijab on' booth at my college campus.
So you're telling me that it's now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing? Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?"

"Did you know the majority of black deaths are caused by other blacks?" Zhu wrote on Twitter. "Fix problems within your own community first before blaming others."

Yup.... that'll pretty much do it.

(Waiting for Sue to whine about how I was mean to PC once.)
She has a future writing for Stormfront
It's OK to discriminate against women of color when they are conservative.

A woman of color who is conservative makes about as much sense as a Chicken who votes for Colonel Sanders.

That's because Democrats have done so much for Blacks!

Black Americans & Barack Obama: Going Backwards under President Obama | National Review

How Obama Failed Black Americans

Larry Elder - Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off -- Far Worse

I so love it when you open your big, fat, dumb mouth and plant your foot squarely in it, even if you are too stupid and dishonest to ever see or admit it.
That's because Democrats have done so much for Blacks!

I so love it when you open your big, fat, dumb mouth and plant your foot squarely in it, even if you are too stupid and dishonest to ever see or admit it.

Not really interested in what an Uncle Tom like Larry Elder says.

The reality is, we ALL did better under Obama compared to where Bush left the economy in a smoking ruin.
Look! The insane left has removed her title because of her conservative views. And labeled her a racist, and some of these terrorists have called her a white supremacist.

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says

  • Letting their queen be a conservative would be as bad as an actual endorsement for Trump! And the Radical Left would rather fall on a sword than do that.
  • The Left can discriminate against conservatives with impunity because they simply label freedom of thought hate speech and racist.
  • When you are a conservative, it doesn't matter what color you really are, being so makes you a White Supremacist.
In so trying to polarize others against Trump in a futile grasp to beat him in 2020, they have pushed themselves so far over the edge of sanity that come election, ever more people will find it simply impossible to pull a lever for them!
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Not really interested in what an Uncle Tom like Larry Elder says.
Convenient tard way of excluding that which you cannot refute.
The reality is, we ALL did better under Obama compared to where Bush left the economy in a smoking ruin.
Except presidents do not make economies, that is under the purview of Congress, dummy, and GW didn't wreck the economy, it was the House Democrats with the forced banking reforms and the Dodd-Frank bill + the SNL scandal!

Bush hadn't a thing to do with any of that, Stup, but your buddy Barry DID. He was in the senate and SUPPORTED IT ALL. HaHa
Look! The insane left has removed her title because of her conservative views. And labeled her a racist, and some of these terrorists have called her a white supremacist.

No, she was removed for Islamophobic and Racist comments about Muslims and blacks.
You are, as usual, a liar. Nothing she said was racist or homophobic.

race card.jpg
Look! The insane left has removed her title because of her conservative views. And labeled her a racist, and some of these terrorists have called her a white supremacist.

No, she was removed for Islamophobic and Racist comments about Muslims and blacks.
sure, sure hahahhahahahha
it's always racist when a non-black does it
but when a black does it, it's ok
we don't buy any of that crap anymore
That's brilliant. Let's shut down all free speech. Better safe than sorry.

I think that is what your fake messiah is trying to do with the news media. And anybody that criticize him.
Miss Michigan lost her gig because she has right leaning opinions. Your answer to that is waaah "your fake messiah" sasses back to news media! :uhoh3:

Miss Michigan lost her title for posting racist tropes. Spokesmodels are not hired for their politics. The promoters for hiring her to promote their products not her politics. Beauty pageants are not a political platform.
She posted statistics. Show us the "racist tropes". Are you saying that spokesmodels are not allowed to have social media accounts?
She did not post statistics
Uh huh. Still waiting on those "racist tropes".

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