Give the girl a second chance if she promises to have an abortion or lesbian relationship
It's OK to discriminate against women of color when they are conservative.

A woman of color who is conservative makes about as much sense as a Chicken who votes for Colonel Sanders.

Spoken just like a leftist lemming. Facts regarding race and the Trump presidency in particular say otherwise, but their Democratic handlers don't like them to think for themselves.
That's because Democrats have done so much for Blacks!

I so love it when you open your big, fat, dumb mouth and plant your foot squarely in it, even if you are too stupid and dishonest to ever see or admit it.

Not really interested in what an Uncle Tom like Larry Elder says.

The reality is, we ALL did better under Obama compared to where Bush left the economy in a smoking ruin.

The fact is we are ALL doing better under Trump than we did under Obama.
  • Letting their queen be a conservative would be as bad as an actual endorsement for Trump! And the Radical Left would rather fall on a sword than do that.
  • The Left can discriminate against others with impunity because they simply label freedom of thought hate speech and racist.
  • When you are a conservative, it doesn't matter what color you really are, being so makes you a White Supremacist.
In so trying to polarize others against Trump in a futile grasp to beat him in 2020, they have pushed themselves so far over the edge of sanity that come election, ever more people will find it simply impossible to pull a lever for them!

Um, no, when you use racist and Islamophobic language, you probably aren't going to keep a job as a spokesman.

Who is Kathy Zhu? Trump-supporting model stripped of Miss Michigan title over "racist" posts

"Did you know the majority of black deaths are caused by other blacks?" Zhu wrote on Twitter. "Fix problems within your own community first before blaming others."

"So you're telling me that it's now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing?" she wrote, according to The Orlando Sentinel. "Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?"

Yup. These kinds of things would probably get you fired in most workplaces if someone walked down to Human Resources and complained about you.
I think that is what your fake messiah is trying to do with the news media. And anybody that criticize him.
Miss Michigan lost her gig because she has right leaning opinions. Your answer to that is waaah "your fake messiah" sasses back to news media! :uhoh3:

Miss Michigan lost her title for posting racist tropes. Spokesmodels are not hired for their politics. The promoters for hiring her to promote their products not her politics. Beauty pageants are not a political platform.
She posted statistics. Show us the "racist tropes". Are you saying that spokesmodels are not allowed to have social media accounts?
She did not post statistics
Uh huh. Still waiting on those "racist tropes".

Like blacks are killing themselves
Or Muslim women are subjugated by wearing a hijab
Look! The insane left has removed her title because of her conservative views. And labeled her a racist, and some of these terrorists have called her a white supremacist.

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says


She could pass as Finish or Norwegian...:10:
Or Puerto Rican
She is a Nazi
Send her back ......send her back....SEND HER BACK

How is she a Nazi? When did she say anything Negative about the US? She has every right too as we have gone insane because of people like you aka idiots.
Send her back
Send her back

I am shocked you can put three words together since you went to a 4th rate school. Explains your stupidity.

Send her back

Make Trump proud

She doesn’t like America, let her go back to where she came from
A place with no negroes
when you post nonsense/babble it just weakens your already weak case
Miss Michigan lost her gig because she has right leaning opinions. Your answer to that is waaah "your fake messiah" sasses back to news media! :uhoh3:

Miss Michigan lost her title for posting racist tropes. Spokesmodels are not hired for their politics. The promoters for hiring her to promote their products not her politics. Beauty pageants are not a political platform.
She posted statistics. Show us the "racist tropes". Are you saying that spokesmodels are not allowed to have social media accounts?
She did not post statistics
Uh huh. Still waiting on those "racist tropes".

Like blacks are killing themselves
Or Muslim women are subjugated by wearing a hijab
Mention of blacks or Muslims does not mean it is racist. Just because you see everything through a racist lens doesn't make people you disagree with racist.
Except presidents do not make economies, that is under the purview of Congress, dummy, and GW didn't wreck the economy, it was the House Democrats with the forced banking reforms and the Dodd-Frank bill + the SNL scandal!

Bush hadn't a thing to do with any of that, Stup, but your buddy Barry DID. He was in the senate and SUPPORTED IT ALL. HaHa

Uh, guy, the fact was, Bush appointed the people to the SEC, FDIC and FSLIC, who did nothing while the banks ran the economy into the ditch.

Bush totally owned the 2008 recession.
Let's have someone show how her remarks were racist and homo whatever.
You can blame this on tRump as well. His racism and hatred have created the fear that all conservatives are racist and hateful causing people and organizations to cut ties at the slightest hint someone might be about to go off on a tRump style racist social media rant. Better safe than sorry.
you post nonsense/bullshit
Look! The insane left has removed her title because of her conservative views. And labeled her a racist, and some of these terrorists have called her a white supremacist.

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says


She could pass as Finish or Norwegian...:10:
Or Puerto Rican
How about she is an American with mixed Chinese heritage.
Mention of blacks or Muslims does not mean it is racist. Just because you see everything through a racist lens doesn't make people you disagree with racist.

Actually, what she said was pretty racist. If you are still unclear on the matter, when you go to work on monday, start talking that kind of shit to your coworkers...

My guess, you wouldn't make it to Friday.
Mention of blacks or Muslims does not mean it is racist. Just because you see everything through a racist lens doesn't make people you disagree with racist.

Actually, what she said was pretty racist. If you are still unclear on the matter, when you go to work on monday, start talking that kind of shit to your coworkers...

My guess, you wouldn't make it to Friday.
OK. Fill us in. Give us the exact quote she gave that is "pretty racist".
You can blame this on tRump as well. His racism and hatred have created the fear that all conservatives are racist and hateful causing people and organizations to cut ties at the slightest hint someone might be about to go off on a tRump style racist social media rant. Better safe than sorry.
You are a goddam liar!
Why would a Miss Michigan hate blacks so much?
It hasn't been demonstrated that she hates them at all... The "hate" is in the heads of snowflakes like yourself.
She seems to obsess over blacks and Muslims

A true Trumpie
It matters little how she "seems" to YOU. What really matters is how she actually IS, and exactly what she ACTUALLY said. The rest is just leftist interpretation through their triggered colored glasses. Animals deal in feelings. Men deal in facts. So good of you to declare yourself, but... We all already knew...

You are missing something big. When a beauty contest like this ....... a winner shoulda/woulda represent the state as a whole. NEUTRAL. I believe after this contest she can be in Miss USA contest.

Just imagine if she won Miss USA and people see her as Trump supporter then this tinker bell start screaming go Tramp.
What if she represents USA in Miss Universe? When the world knew how this POTUS made us laughing stock, bully, racist assholes around the world.

Lastly......... What made you think she is accepted in Trump whites exclusively club? I heard they also hate Asians because
they are taking high paying jobs from whites.

The leftists lost their minds when Trump won the election, and they still haven't found them yet.

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