That's because Democrats have done so much for Blacks!

I so love it when you open your big, fat, dumb mouth and plant your foot squarely in it, even if you are too stupid and dishonest to ever see or admit it.

Not really interested in what an Uncle Tom like Larry Elder says.

The reality is, we ALL did better under Obama compared to where Bush left the economy in a smoking ruin.
It took a World War to get us out of a depression caused by Woody Wilson by his sell out to the nation in 1913 and continued by the overrated FDR and continued by Truman. Ike then kept a calm for 8 years.
So no beauty queens ever use their position to shill for progressive causes?


Trump Supporter Stripped of Miss Michigan Title for Hijab Tweet

She didn't want to try on a hijab, and during a discussion about crime, which probably involved black crime, pointed out most blacks commit crimes against other blacks.

Just admit she's being punished for thoughtcrime.
There is no indication in any of the reports that she was involved in a discussion about crime

It was about a twitter thread. That isn't a discussion?
There is no indication of any discussion

So no one responded to her tweet, and it wasn't in response to another tweet?

You have no argument here, move along, oxygen thief.
It’s not me is Conservatives

Where is their evidence?

Still trying to find a copy of the tweet chain.

Note the term "CHAIN"
Look! The insane left has removed her title because of her conservative views. And labeled her a racist, and some of these terrorists have called her a white supremacist.

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says

  • Letting their queen be a conservative would be as bad as an actual endorsement for Trump! And the Radical Left would rather fall on a sword than do that.
  • The Left can discriminate against others with impunity because they simply label freedom of thought hate speech and racist.
  • When you are a conservative, it doesn't matter what color you really are, being so makes you a White Supremacist.
In so trying to polarize others against Trump in a futile grasp to beat him in 2020, they have pushed themselves so far over the edge of sanity that come election, ever more people will find it simply impossible to pull a lever for them!

Before you twist everything and blame the left. You may want to research what she posted against her hatred towards minorities.
You don’t want s tinker bell running around with this kind of attitude representing a state. That would be acceptable if she is representing NAZI or KKK beauty contest.

Just imagine if she posted against Trumpy. They will still disqualify her.
Spoken just like a leftist lemming. Facts regarding race and the Trump presidency in particular say otherwise, but their Democratic handlers don't like them to think for themselves.

I would agree... facts about Trump and Race speak for themselves.

He was fined in the 1970's for discriminatory housing practices.
He called for the execution of 5 innocent black children
He has opened concentration camps for people of color.
He has made racist comments about women of color in Congress.

Trump truly speaks for himself. Why you guys on the right remain in denial is the real question.
What a crock of bull.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

Donald Trump is, and has always been, a racist.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

He's the son of a KKK leader, and it shows in everything he has ever said about race. He's never attacked a white politician by calling them "Low I.Q". Sanders and Warrens are socialists. He doesn't tell them to "Go back where they came from".

Trump is a racist. We're done dancing around this issue. Racist, misogynist, fuelled by hate. People are done with Cheeto Don.
Her opinions are "an issue". What's the issue? She is too conservative.
No, the issue is that she got political.

She got the wrong political. She could be progressive as hell and probably get bumped up to a better State.
Ipse dixit.

Please provide evidence of your claim.

So no beauty pageant winners support progressive causes?

Hell, most of them do. Be it Global Warming, Pay "equality", or any other progressive cause de jour.

Beauty pageants are a Conservative vice

Look at Trump

They are mostly run by progressive nitwits.
She did not post statistics
Uh huh. Still waiting on those "racist tropes".

Like blacks are killing themselves
Or Muslim women are subjugated by wearing a hijab
Mention of blacks or Muslims does not mean it is racist. Just because you see everything through a racist lens doesn't make people you disagree with racist.
She didn’t mention them....she was demeaning and condescending
Actually no she wasn't. First she quoted actual stats about black crime and second refused to have a hijab put on her head by force. I understand that to you freedom is a foreign idea

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Unsupported by any of her postings that were released
She provided no actual stats and when challenged said....look it up yourself

It was not that she refused to wear one but that she demeaned those who do
More people being punished for thought crimes by the left. I never heard of a beauty queen being disqualified for being too liberal. The fascist left must be eradicated from America if we are ever to regain the nation.
No, the issue is that she got political.

She got the wrong political. She could be progressive as hell and probably get bumped up to a better State.
Ipse dixit.

Please provide evidence of your claim.

So no beauty pageant winners support progressive causes?

Hell, most of them do. Be it Global Warming, Pay "equality", or any other progressive cause de jour.

Beauty pageants are a Conservative vice

Look at Trump

They are mostly run by progressive nitwits.

Progressives mock beauty pageants
It is conservatives who want their daughters to grow up to be a beauty queen
Look! The insane left has removed her title because of her conservative views. And labeled her a racist, and some of these terrorists have called her a white supremacist.

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says

Beauty queen, a Trump fan, dethroned after conservative views ruled 'insensitive,' she says

  • Letting their queen be a conservative would be as bad as an actual endorsement for Trump! And the Radical Left would rather fall on a sword than do that.
  • The Left can discriminate against others with impunity because they simply label freedom of thought hate speech and racist.
  • When you are a conservative, it doesn't matter what color you really are, being so makes you a White Supremacist.
In so trying to polarize others against Trump in a futile grasp to beat him in 2020, they have pushed themselves so far over the edge of sanity that come election, ever more people will find it simply impossible to pull a lever for them!

Before you twist everything and blame the left. You may want to research what she posted against her hatred towards minorities.
You don’t want s tinker bell running around with this kind of attitude representing a state. That would be acceptable if she is representing NAZI or KKK beauty contest.

Just imagine if she posted against Trumpy. They will still disqualify her.
I read her remarks. I'm still waiting on one of you to show how it's racist. I'll tell you now though you wont do it. All you will do is spew bullshit like go back read it, or we know, or some other tired regurgartory fake crap.
You are, as usual, a liar. Nothing she said was racist or homophobic.

I didn't say anything about homophobia. Wouldn't be surprised if she did, though.
Ahhhh....The "kangaroo court" and all its trappings provided by people who pose as "little goody two shoes". This woman is more your friend then Maize will ever be. You will realize it someday.
She got the wrong political. She could be progressive as hell and probably get bumped up to a better State.
Ipse dixit.

Please provide evidence of your claim.

So no beauty pageant winners support progressive causes?

Hell, most of them do. Be it Global Warming, Pay "equality", or any other progressive cause de jour.

Beauty pageants are a Conservative vice

Look at Trump

They are mostly run by progressive nitwits.

Progressives mock beauty pageants
It is conservatives who want their daughters to grow up to be a beauty queen

Yet they run them, or at least have the political influence over them.

The progressives that hate pageants are the same ones your side is shaming because they won't go for the whole Tran thing.
Spoken just like a leftist lemming. Facts regarding race and the Trump presidency in particular say otherwise, but their Democratic handlers don't like them to think for themselves.

I would agree... facts about Trump and Race speak for themselves.

He was fined in the 1970's for discriminatory housing practices.
He called for the execution of 5 innocent black children
He has opened concentration camps for people of color.
He has made racist comments about women of color in Congress.

Trump truly speaks for himself. Why you guys on the right remain in denial is the real question.
What a crock of bull.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

Donald Trump is, and has always been, a racist.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

He's the son of a KKK leader, and it shows in everything he has ever said about race. He's never attacked a white politician by calling them "Low I.Q". Sanders and Warrens are socialists. He doesn't tell them to "Go back where they came from".

Trump is a racist. We're done dancing around this issue. Racist, misogynist, fuelled by hate. People are done with Cheeto Don.
You have no clue what real racism is
Um, no, when you use racist and Islamophobic language, you probably aren't going to keep a job as a spokesman.

NAME THEM, Cupcake! Refusal to try on a hijab in 2018, tweet about black on black gun violence statistics, are just quoting FACTS, PIN HEAD, not racism or Islamophobia.

Dude, can you even tie your freeking shoes? I thought there were some shit for brained IDIOTS on this board but you gotta TAKE THE CAKE!

I hope this woman SUES that contest and its owners for EVERY PENNY THEY GOT!
Spoken just like a leftist lemming. Facts regarding race and the Trump presidency in particular say otherwise, but their Democratic handlers don't like them to think for themselves.

I would agree... facts about Trump and Race speak for themselves.

He was fined in the 1970's for discriminatory housing practices.
He called for the execution of 5 innocent black children
He has opened concentration camps for people of color.
He has made racist comments about women of color in Congress.

Trump truly speaks for himself. Why you guys on the right remain in denial is the real question.

None of what Joe posted is accurate. That dude is insane. Meanwhile he openly hates Jews. What a hypocrite loser.
Except presidents do not make economies, that is under the purview of Congress, dummy, and GW didn't wreck the economy, it was the House Democrats with the forced banking reforms and the Dodd-Frank bill + the SNL scandal!

Bush hadn't a thing to do with any of that, Stup, but your buddy Barry DID. He was in the senate and SUPPORTED IT ALL. HaHa

Uh, guy, the fact was, Bush appointed the people to the SEC, FDIC and FSLIC, who did nothing while the banks ran the economy into the ditch.

Bush totally owned the 2008 recession.


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