Miss. Senator Hyde-Smith Posts Photo Wearing Confederate Hat

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"Something of value" means money, dumbass. Information has never been considered to be a campaign contribution. If it was, then Hillary would still be the one who needs to go to prison.
Hillary paid for her information, she did not conspire to receive it.

nor did she receive any goods or services or outright cash from a hostile foreign government or a representative/agent of one.
She paid $15 million, and the information they were offering Trump was worth zero in terms of campaign finance.
But they conspired to receive information they believed was extremely valuable. Jr's emails reveal that. It's the conspiracy that is the offence, the commission of the crime is not required.
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She paid $15 million, and the information they were offering Trump was worth zero in terms of campaign finance.
But they conspired to receive information they believed was extremely valuable. Jr's emails reveal that.

& the fact that trump dicktated to jr what to say aboard air force 1 - kinda implicates himself & he's probably looking at an obstruction of justice charge among many....
nor did she receive any goods or services or outright cash from a hostile foreign government or a representative/agent of one.

Are you talking about Hillary Clinton?

"Something of value" means money, dumbass. Information has never been considered to be a campaign contribution. If it was, then Hillary would still be the one who needs to go to prison.
Hillary paid for her information, she did not conspire to receive it.

nor did she receive any goods or services or outright cash from a hostile foreign government or a representative/agent of one.
Sure she did, moron. She paid Russian intelligence agents to manufacture dirt against Trump. She also accepted millions in bribes through the slush fund she calls a "charity."
She paid $15 million, and the information they were offering Trump was worth zero in terms of campaign finance.
But they conspired to receive information they believed was extremely valuable. Jr's emails reveal that. It's the conspiracy that is the offence, the commission of the crime is not required.
Yeah, it pretty much is. Conspiracy to throw a surprise party is not a crime. Only conspiracy to commit crimes is a crime.
There is no such thing as "unbiased links."

ya there is. when facts are omitted or skewed to become 'alternative facts' to suit a slanted political view... that is shirley biased.

huffpo will slant the same news story 180 degrees from breitbart.

I know there are biased websites. They're all biased, moron. I disputed your believe that you post links to "unbiased" websites. That takes a special kind of stupid.

the best way to get a factual story is to go to the newspapers. there is no difference in factual reporting between the NYT, WaPO, or WSJ. what separates them is the OP/ED page where the first 2 lean left & the WSJ is right leaning... but they report the actual facts equally unbiased.

damn - you really needed that to be explained to you? of course you did, since i have seen you link to breitbart many times & try to pass it off as factually true.


The snowflake believes the reporting in the NYT isn't biased!

The news section of the WSJ is almost as leftwing as the NYT. Only the opinion section is conservative.

Do you actually believe it wasn't biased when the NYT had a front page story on Abu Ghraib every day for 6 months?

corruption & war crimes are a buried subject to you? lol... no doubt, little dude - no doubt.
So any story that isn't on the front page every day for six months is "buried?"

NYT buried story on Harvey Weinstein's sexual predator behavior in 2004 to protect a top Democrat donor

The story of how the New York Times buried the Holocaust in its back pages : history

'Crossfire Hurricane' New York Times Report Buries Ledes | National Review

NYT buried story of Brian Williams's lie - Liberty Unyielding

^^^ all biased rag mags ^^^ thanx for making my point for me yet again.
The way you delude yourself and avoid contrary views by claiming the NYT is "unbiased" is hilarious.
There isn't the slightest thing illegal about that meeting, douchebag.
Apart from a campaign conspiring to receive something of value from a foreign contributor, not a thing.
"Something of value" means money, dumbass. Information has never been considered to be a campaign contribution. If it was, then Hillary would still be the one who needs to go to prison.

You're a fucking dumbass, of course. This theory has been shot down 1000 times already, yet morons like you keep dragging it up.

getting info - stolen hacked info.... from a foreign entity to influence an american election....even if the deal falls thru is a big no no.

donny jr is sweating bullets right now along with panty waist jared.
There was no deal, you delusional moron. No one offered to pay money for the information, as Hilary did with the "dossier."

It's pathetic the way you snowflakes hang on so desperately to the Trump Tower meeting as evidence of the non-crime of "collusion."
She paid $15 million, and the information they were offering Trump was worth zero in terms of campaign finance.
But they conspired to receive information they believed was extremely valuable. Jr's emails reveal that.

& the fact that trump dicktated to jr what to say aboard air force 1 - kinda implicates himself & he's probably looking at an obstruction of justice charge among many....
What to say to who? Presidents dictate to their subordinates what to say all the time. Did you cry about Slick willy dictating talking points for Monica Lewinksi? Why, of course not. You thought it was ridiculous for anyone to get upset the Clinton encouraged others to lie about a blow job.
nor did she receive any goods or services or outright cash from a hostile foreign government or a representative/agent of one.

Are you talking about Hillary Clinton?


well now... i'd like to know the source of that meme - cause it doesn't say.... even so, can you tell me exactly who on that list is a hostile foreign adversary & what elections did that influence under the FEC election fraud statutes?
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"Something of value" means money, dumbass. Information has never been considered to be a campaign contribution. If it was, then Hillary would still be the one who needs to go to prison.
Hillary paid for her information, she did not conspire to receive it.

nor did she receive any goods or services or outright cash from a hostile foreign government or a representative/agent of one.
Sure she did, moron. She paid Russian intelligence agents to manufacture dirt against Trump. She also accepted millions in bribes through the slush fund she calls a "charity."

are you talking about the steele dossier? of course you are.... lol.... cause uh - no she didn't. wait till cohen said he WAS in prague.
She paid $15 million, and the information they were offering Trump was worth zero in terms of campaign finance.
But they conspired to receive information they believed was extremely valuable. Jr's emails reveal that.

& the fact that trump dicktated to jr what to say aboard air force 1 - kinda implicates himself & he's probably looking at an obstruction of justice charge among many....
What to say to who? Presidents dictate to their subordinates what to say all the time. Did you cry about Slick willy dictating talking points for Monica Lewinksi? Why, of course not. You thought it was ridiculous for anyone to get upset the Clinton encouraged others to lie about a blow job.

oh gimmee a fucking break. i didn't even vote for bubba - so your 'what aboutisms' don't fly. besides - clinton got impeached.... now it's donny's turn.
The primary causes of the Civil War were based on economics and states rights versus centralized federal government control over the country. The final galvanizing and decisive issue was slavery. A very dark blight in our history that would one day extract blood to cleanse but never wash away the stain. The one fundamental issue that was compromised which stood in direct contradiction to the rights of all men as declared in the Constitution.
And of course the right to own slaves was the state right they were most concerned about. A hundred years later, segregation was the state right championed by southerns. However, as a legal scholar once pointed out, states rights began a slow death the day after it was written into the constitution.
"Something of value" means money, dumbass. Information has never been considered to be a campaign contribution. If it was, then Hillary would still be the one who needs to go to prison.
Hillary paid for her information, she did not conspire to receive it.

nor did she receive any goods or services or outright cash from a hostile foreign government or a representative/agent of one.
Sure she did, moron. She paid Russian intelligence agents to manufacture dirt against Trump. She also accepted millions in bribes through the slush fund she calls a "charity."

are you talking about the steele dossier? of course you are.... lol.... cause uh - no she didn't. wait till cohen said he WAS in prague.
What does Cohen in Prague have to do with the fact that when she paid for the Steel "dossier," she was paying Russian intelligence agents to manufacture dirt on Trump?
She paid $15 million, and the information they were offering Trump was worth zero in terms of campaign finance.
But they conspired to receive information they believed was extremely valuable. Jr's emails reveal that.

& the fact that trump dicktated to jr what to say aboard air force 1 - kinda implicates himself & he's probably looking at an obstruction of justice charge among many....
What to say to who? Presidents dictate to their subordinates what to say all the time. Did you cry about Slick willy dictating talking points for Monica Lewinksi? Why, of course not. You thought it was ridiculous for anyone to get upset the Clinton encouraged others to lie about a blow job.

oh gimmee a fucking break. i didn't even vote for bubba - so your 'what aboutisms' don't fly. besides - clinton got impeached.... now it's donny's turn.
You may not have voted for him, but you sure as hell defended him.
"Something of value" means money, dumbass. Information has never been considered to be a campaign contribution. If it was, then Hillary would still be the one who needs to go to prison.
Hillary paid for her information, she did not conspire to receive it.

nor did she receive any goods or services or outright cash from a hostile foreign government or a representative/agent of one.
Sure she did, moron. She paid Russian intelligence agents to manufacture dirt against Trump. She also accepted millions in bribes through the slush fund she calls a "charity."

are you talking about the steele dossier? of course you are.... lol.... cause uh - no she didn't. wait till cohen said he WAS in prague.
What does Cohen in Prague have to do with the fact that when she paid for the Steel "dossier," she was paying Russian intelligence agents to manufacture dirt on Trump?

that's all bullshit.
I'm still trying to understand why wearing a confederate hat is a problem?

She paid $15 million, and the information they were offering Trump was worth zero in terms of campaign finance.
But they conspired to receive information they believed was extremely valuable. Jr's emails reveal that.

& the fact that trump dicktated to jr what to say aboard air force 1 - kinda implicates himself & he's probably looking at an obstruction of justice charge among many....
What to say to who? Presidents dictate to their subordinates what to say all the time. Did you cry about Slick willy dictating talking points for Monica Lewinksi? Why, of course not. You thought it was ridiculous for anyone to get upset the Clinton encouraged others to lie about a blow job.

oh gimmee a fucking break. i didn't even vote for bubba - so your 'what aboutisms' don't fly. besides - clinton got impeached.... now it's donny's turn.
You may not have voted for him, but you sure as hell defended him.

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