Missing headlines: Obama’s Pentagon kills American troops

The far left has used the troops as cannon fodder under Bush and is glad and willing for them to die for Obama their messiah!

Provide a link for your claim, retard. Show us over 4000 US troops have died this year.

You are on the spot now.

Good luck with that!
I'll tell you why the retards won't post any links to the number of deaths. It's because far, far less than 4000 have been killed this year.
U.S. casualties hit 5-year low in Afghanistan as troops’ role turns to advising

The shift to Afghan security forces leading in combat and the ongoing reduction of U.S. troops here have driven American casualties during the first half of 2013 to the lowest level in five years.

"Afghan National Security Forces are primarily the units in contact with enemy forces, rather than ISAF personnel," Lt. Tamarac Dyer, a spokeswoman for the U.S.-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) wrote in an emailed response to questions about casualties.

In the first six months of the year, 72 American troops were killed in Afghanistan, according to icasualties.org, a web site that tracks casualties. The last year when casualties were that low for the same period was 2008. Then, 66 Americans died in between January and June, and 155 were killed in the full year. The worst year for U.S. casualties was 2010, when 499 Americans died. All told, more than 2,200 U.S. troops have been killed since the war began in 2001.
So what exactly is the basis for your ersatz conservatism, Koshbot? It sure as shit isn't based on knowledge or information or critical thinking.

Your kind of conservatism is an inch deep. It manufactures bullshit. It lies. It is hypocritical idiocy. The Left will never be buried by empty-headed morons like you.

We actual conservatives really don't need your kind of help. You are poison.
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According to the data that I've been able to find, 108 American military have died in Afghanistan in 2013.
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So what exactly is the basis for your ersatz conservatism, Koshbot? It sure as shit isn't based on knowledge or information or critical thinking.

Your kind of conservatism is an inch deep. It manufactures bullshit. It lies. It is hypocritical idiocy. The Left will never be buried by empty-headed morons like you.

We actual conservatives really don't need your kind of help. You are poison.

The far left has a history of spitting the troops, whether it is politically spitting on them by calling them "terrorists" or actually spitting on them (as they came home from Vietnam).

That is what you defend with your far left bunk.
According to the data that I've been able to find, 108 American military have died in Afghanistan in 2013.

Sorry to disagree but I have to mock the far left no matter the subject.

So yes 4000+ under Obama this year.
Impossible that ANY Americans have died in armed conflict.

Not a single one since January 2009 when they were all brought home exactly as promised in all those campaign speeches.

Weren't they?

As a military mom, I would give anything for that to be a true statement. Sadly, it's worse than ever. The media never cared about the troops or they'd still be reporting on how many of our troops die each day. They know most people support our troops and they played on their emotions during the Bush years. Now they go out of their way to make everything look rosy.

Argue all you want about the actual numbers. Just answer this; why doesn't the media continue to do a daily count and show caskets being taken from the planes?
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Impossible that ANY Americans have died in armed conflict.

Not a single one since January 2009 when they were all brought home exactly as promised in all those campaign speeches.

Weren't they?

As a military mom, I would give anything for that to be a true statement. Sadly, it's worse than ever. The media never cared about the troops or they'd still be reporting on how many of our troops die each day. They know most people support our troops and they played on their emotions during the Bush years. Now they go out of their way to make everything look rosy.

Argue all you want about the actual numbers. Just answer this; why doesn't the media continue to do a daily count and show caskets being taken from the planes?

Probably because we've been in Afghanistan for 12 years now and people don't care any longer. That's the sad reality of it. The good news is that the number of troops killed has been on the decline.
According to the data that I've been able to find, 108 American military have died in Afghanistan in 2013.

Sorry to disagree but I have to mock the far left no matter the subject.

So yes 4000+ under Obama this year.

We've finally found someone who has surpassed bigreb as the dumbest poster on this board. Congrats, Kosh.

Anyone that voted for Obama twice is the dumbest poster/person in the world.

If the far left can not handle the mocking then maybe they shouldn't be here.
Apparently the pentagon is killing it's own troops...thats as far as I got in the piece. Then I saw Beirbart and realized it wasn't worth going any further.

Yes it has to be a far left approved site for you to believe anything without question.

With that title, I reject it on it's surface regardless of source. However, Beirbart is a non-starter.

Yes a far left Obama drone would reject as it is not part of their programming.
Impossible that ANY Americans have died in armed conflict.

Not a single one since January 2009 when they were all brought home exactly as promised in all those campaign speeches.

Weren't they?

As a military mom, I would give anything for that to be a true statement. Sadly, it's worse than ever. The media never cared about the troops or they'd still be reporting on how many of our troops die each day. They know most people support our troops and they played on their emotions during the Bush years. Now they go out of their way to make everything look rosy.

Argue all you want about the actual numbers. Just answer this; why doesn't the media continue to do a daily count and show caskets being taken from the planes?

Probably because we've been in Afghanistan for 12 years now and people don't care any longer. That's the sad reality of it. The good news is that the number of troops killed has been on the decline.

No the reality is the far left does care anymore since they gained the power. That is the true reality and it is something the far left will not own up to.
Yes it has to be a far left approved site for you to believe anything without question.

With that title, I reject it on it's surface regardless of source. However, Beirbart is a non-starter.

Yes a far left Obama drone would reject as it is not part of their programming.

Whatever...you have to be brainwashed to believe the Pentagon is killing US Soldiers.... The 9/11 truthers that said Rumsfeld allowed the plane to hit the Pentagon (while he was in it much less) has more credibility.
Okay conservarinoes..

Write your congressmen/woman..and Senators.

Tell them to tell Obama to stop this war.

Like now.

And get this.

You completely have my support on this one.
With that title, I reject it on it's surface regardless of source. However, Beirbart is a non-starter.

Yes a far left Obama drone would reject as it is not part of their programming.

Whatever...you have to be brainwashed to believe the Pentagon is killing US Soldiers.... The 9/11 truthers that said Rumsfeld allowed the plane to hit the Pentagon (while he was in it much less) has more credibility.

More far left lies!

The only ones brain washed are in the far left, as you drones keep proving!

Then again I guess you still believe that unicorns poop rainbows.
Yes a far left Obama drone would reject as it is not part of their programming.

Whatever...you have to be brainwashed to believe the Pentagon is killing US Soldiers.... The 9/11 truthers that said Rumsfeld allowed the plane to hit the Pentagon (while he was in it much less) has more credibility.

More far left lies!

The only ones brain washed are in the far left, as you drones keep proving!

Then again I guess you still believe that unicorns poop rainbows.

So you think the 9/11 truthers have less credibility or more than Beirbart?

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