missing white women sydrome?

Yep but not much to be honest. Not exactly a state that makes alot of headlines. Lol. That is likely a good thing. Probably more peaceful than most. There was a time I was different but now a days notoriety is not something I seek.
maybe you shouldf watch disapeared more often it has plently of missing men on it.
When a white woman goes missing, usually her family and friends will quickly get involved. They'll post flyers, organize search parties, contact the media, stay in contact with the police, share information on social media, get off their asses and keep searching and looking.

Black people could also do all these things. But, that doesn't happen. And that ugly, loud-mouthed bitch, Joy Reid, could could get off her fat, stinking ass and help with the work, but I'll bet she doesn't do shit. None of these people do shit.


Because it's easier to sit on their fat asses and bitch and cry, and whine and moan, and accuse whitey and the media of racism. These fucking people are hopeless. They expect everyone to do every fucking thing for them. They'd fucking starve to death if they didn't live in America and have easy access to a welfare office.

THAT'S why missing white girls usually get most of the attention.

So Joy Reid and her whining, fat, disgusting, ilk ought to shut the fuck up and quit whining. If they had a brain, and a little class, they'd be embarrassed that they whine so shamelessly. Fuck every one of these Gawd-dammed whiners.
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Why would that matter? My point is, the news has no problem covering black "victims", so Joy Reed is an idiot.

Different crimes get different coverage. How many missing black women have gotten 24/7 national news coverage for weeks?

For that matter, how many ugly white women have gotten 24/7 national news coverage for weeks?
Different crimes get different coverage. How many missing black women have gotten 24/7 national news coverage for weeks?

For that matter, how many ugly white women have gotten 24/7 national news coverage for weeks?
Yes, hot women get more attention. This isnt a racial issue.
you know...you're right. The media covers the deaths of black criminals who have died rightfully at the hands of law enforcement (black and white) and the media makes martyrs out of them. and don't forget they made a martyr to a certain degree of that *Britney whatever her name was. I don't remember and i guarantee they don't either.

*Breonna Taylor

Do you supposed Kalamata remember her name at this point? I bet she doesn't.
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Everyone bitching about this can just turn the channel. The "news" is no different than anything else on TV they just want eyeballs because eyeballs mean ad money. Stop watching and they stop putting it on TV. I dont get the fascination with this chick either it's why I dont watch anything about it.

No one talks about missing POC's? No one talks about unarmed white men who get shot by the police. Because most people wouldnt watch a news story about it.

And the news/society talks about the LGBTQIA2 electric boogaloo coalition far more than their percentage of the population warrants.
It's pretty much ado about nothing but it gives the media something to do besides the tiresome rants about alleged racism and criticizing the president. It portrays the FBI as a viable law enforcement agency instead of a bunch of political hacks attacking the former president and protecting the current one.

more race battiung. and racisum from the black community.

They hate white women



She has a point

No,actually, she doesn't.....the left controls the media....she has a show....why didn't she focus on missing black people....or don lemon, or any other number of left wingers who control television programs and cable news shows.......they control the majority of the media.......and then complain about what they don't cover.........
yep it is. i'll say it again. put a sock in it.
Lol, sorry people don't give a fuck about the missing white guy it is fact. A missing white guy will not get national media attention. As far put a sock in it , well fuck you and the horse you rode in on
Native indian women do not even get a mention..and no stats are kept on their disappearances an they disappear and are murdered without ever having that murder solved EVER. DOes this Reid person care about any other women except those of her own color?
Did you read the accompanying article? If you had, you would have seen this:

"It goes without saying that no family should ever have to endure that kind of pain. And the Petito family certainly deserves answers and justice," Reid said. "But the way this story has captivated the nation has many wondering, why not the same media attention when people of color go missing?"
Reid spent the remainder of the segment discussing multiple instances of missing Black and Native American individuals she claimed to have never heard about in the same way as the Petito case.

Next time, try reading more and posting less. Will help you look less of a fool.

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