Mississippi Governor Declares April as Confederate Heritage Month

Every confederate civil war group I follow on Facebook pays respect to blacks like I never seen before. They honor black soldiers men and women. It’s the complete opposite of how democrats talk about southern confederates

How in the hell do you pay respect to someone you enslaved, raped, maimed, dehumanized and murdered. It would be like saying Nazis pay respect to Jewish folks who suffered in the Holocaust.
Well when you stop lying about history, then you can understand..

The liar is you Trump Humper, I guess next you are going to tell us that the Confederacy treated their slaves great.
There was once a thread on here and some right wing lunatic claimed black people should be thanking white people for slavery.
I kid you not.

Each and every negro in the USA whose ancestors were brought here as slaves should get down on his/her knees and give thanks each and every day for that fortuitous event. Otherwise, they would still be in the steaming, fetid jungles of Africa, dying of malaria, Ebola, AIDS, malnutrition and countless other maladies, subsisting on bushmeat and grass soup.

Got it?
As a matter of fact, I don't "Got it." Neither do you. I suggest you do some research.

Mirabeau, has, indeed, conducted YEARS of research with respect to matters of history, geography and race, with advanced degrees which bear witness to same. It is an indisputable FACT that each and every negro in the USA today who is here due to his/her ancestors being brought from Africa as slaves owe a PROFOUND debt of gratitude for those who brought them here.

Got it, NOW?

I got it that you are an ignorant, racist moron.
Every confederate civil war group I follow on Facebook pays respect to blacks like I never seen before. They honor black soldiers men and women. It’s the complete opposite of how democrats talk about southern confederates

How in the hell do you pay respect to someone you enslaved, raped, maimed, dehumanized and murdered. It would be like saying Nazis pay respect to Jewish folks who suffered in the Holocaust.
Well when you stop lying about history, then you can understand..

The liar is you Trump Humper, I guess next you are going to tell us that the Confederacy treated their slaves great.
There was once a thread on here and some right wing lunatic claimed black people should be thanking white people for slavery.
I kid you not.

Each and every negro in the USA whose ancestors were brought here as slaves should get down on his/her knees and give thanks each and every day for that fortuitous event. Otherwise, they would still be in the steaming, fetid jungles of Africa, dying of malaria, Ebola, AIDS, malnutrition and countless other maladies, subsisting on bushmeat and grass soup.

Got it?

Racist like you need to move to Siberia, where it's lily white and no black folks.

Racists such as you need to move to Burkina Faso, where it's coal black and no white folks.

Got it?

I am not spreading racist bullshit like you and the fools giving you the likes.
It is hard to forgive and forget the war in which your ancestors were invaded and conquored by a hostile gaggle of conscripted drunk Irishmen.
Maybe your ancestors shouldn’t have started a war with those conscripted drunk Irishmen.
I was speaking for the South.

MY ancestors fought for the North and were from Indiana, lol.

Colonel John F Cheek led the Indiana 7th rifles regiment, and fought in many battles.
Every confederate civil war group I follow on Facebook pays respect to blacks like I never seen before. They honor black soldiers men and women. It’s the complete opposite of how democrats talk about southern confederates

How in the hell do you pay respect to someone you enslaved, raped, maimed, dehumanized and murdered. It would be like saying Nazis pay respect to Jewish folks who suffered in the Holocaust.
Well when you stop lying about history, then you can understand..

The liar is you Trump Humper, I guess next you are going to tell us that the Confederacy treated their slaves great.
There was once a thread on here and some right wing lunatic claimed black people should be thanking white people for slavery.
I kid you not.

Each and every negro in the USA whose ancestors were brought here as slaves should get down on his/her knees and give thanks each and every day for that fortuitous event. Otherwise, they would still be in the steaming, fetid jungles of Africa, dying of malaria, Ebola, AIDS, malnutrition and countless other maladies, subsisting on bushmeat and grass soup.

Got it?

Racist like you need to move to Siberia, where it's lily white and no black folks.
But he’s right.. you all should be celebrating slavery lol

He is a racist fool just like you.
Ok I disagree
Which day will be lynching day?

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


No you can't, because they are one and the same. Who made up the Confederacy? The same racist who raping, maiming, beating and murdering black folks. Duh.

Wow. That is completely ignorant of you.

The Confederacy was a regional (the south) government of states that rebelled against the National government.

Lynching was mob attacks on people for various reasons from informal law enforcement to racial terrorism, that was found though out the nation as as whole, not limited to the South.

TO say they are the same thing is just a... oh, right.

You are lying. Sorry, and I'm the guy that started the thread the Lesson of Charlottessville.

Yeah, your lie is dismissed.

My point stands.

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


What people made up the Confederacy? People that had just come over from Europe.

No, they weren't.

There is nothing wrong with Southern's having some regional pride. It was over 150 years ago, why do you care?

What is the pride in owner another human being, what pride do you take in treating another human as less than human, what is the pride in inventing the KKK and before you start whining about they weren't Southern that's bullshit.

I've never heard or seen any Southern who celebrate his regional pride, by mentioning any of those things.

You ever hear this song? Not one mention of slavery or the Klan. Funny how they seem to pick and choose. Like everyone else does. And you are living in a fantasy land.

Every confederate civil war group I follow on Facebook pays respect to blacks like I never seen before. They honor black soldiers men and women. It’s the complete opposite of how democrats talk about southern confederates

How in the hell do you pay respect to someone you enslaved, raped, maimed, dehumanized and murdered. It would be like saying Nazis pay respect to Jewish folks who suffered in the Holocaust.
Well when you stop lying about history, then you can understand..

The liar is you Trump Humper, I guess next you are going to tell us that the Confederacy treated their slaves great.
There was once a thread on here and some right wing lunatic claimed black people should be thanking white people for slavery.
I kid you not.

Each and every negro in the USA whose ancestors were brought here as slaves should get down on his/her knees and give thanks each and every day for that fortuitous event. Otherwise, they would still be in the steaming, fetid jungles of Africa, dying of malaria, Ebola, AIDS, malnutrition and countless other maladies, subsisting on bushmeat and grass soup.

Got it?

Racist like you need to move to Siberia, where it's lily white and no black folks.

Racists such as you need to move to Burkina Faso, where it's coal black and no white folks.

Got it?

I am not spreading racist bullshit like you and the fools giving you the likes.
Blacks are dying in Chicago who do you blame?

Europeans did not introduce slavery to this continent. Many, though not all, of the Native groups in the land that later became the United States and Canada practiced slavery before Europeans arrived. Native tribes, in their diversity, did not have a uniform approach to enslavement (given Americans’ propensity to collapse all Native people together, this bears reiterating). Many of those traditions also changed when tribes began to contend with the European presence. “There are many slaveries, and colonialism brings different slaveries into contact with one another,” historian Christina Snyder, who wrote a history of Native slavery in the Southeast, told me. Contact pushed Native practices to change over time, as tribes contested, or adapted to, European demands. But, broadly speaking, Native types of enslavement were often about kinship, reproductive labor, and diplomacy, rather than solely the extraction of agricultural or domestic labor. ....
Historian Pekka Hämäläinen, in his 2009 book The Comanche Empire, writes of Comanche uses of slavery during their period of dominance of the American Southwest between 1750 and 1850. The Comanche exercised hegemony in part by numerical superiority, and enslavement was part of that strategy. Hämäläinen writes that Comanches put captives through a rigorous process of enslavement—a dehumanizing initiation that brought a non-Comanche captive into the tribe through renaming, tattooing, beating, whipping, mutilation, and starvation—but stipulates that once a person was enslaved, there were varying degrees of freedom and privilege she or he could attain.

By the time Morrison v. White went to trial, Alexina Morrison would claim that her whiteness made her free, but when Morrison and White first met, in the slave market, it might simply have made her more valuable. It is well known that slaveholders favored light-skinned women such as Morrison to serve in their houses and that those light-skinned women sold at a price premium. What is less often realized is that in the slave market apparent differences in skin tone were daily formalized into racial categories—the traders were not only marketing race but also making it. In the slave market, the whiteness that Alexina Morrison would eventually try to turn against her slavery was daily measured, packaged, and sold at a very high price.5
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Freeman made explicit what lay behind the descriptions; according to the ideology of slaveholders' racial economy, which associated blackness and physical bulk with vitality, such bodies were useless for production. Light-skinned and slender, these women were the embodied opposites of those sought as field hands; their whiteness unfitted them for labor. For slave buyers, near-white enslaved women symbolized the luxury of being able to pay for service, often sexual, that had no material utility—they were "fancies," projections of the slaveholders' own imagined identities as white men and slave masters. Indeed, the description that Blakenly gave of Brooks's body was part of a courtroom effort to prove that her death had been caused by "improper intercourse" forced upon her by her buyer: Blakenly used a description of Brooks's body to impute a character to the man who had bought her.
And so, at a very high price, whiteness was doubly sold in the slave market. In the first instance the enslaved women's whiteness was packaged by the traders and imagined into meaning by the buyers—into delicacy and modesty, interiority and intelligence, beauty, bearing, and vulnerability. These descriptions of enslaved light-skinned women, however, were projections of slaveholders' dreamy interpretations of the meaning of their own skin color. Indeed, in the second instance it was the buyers' own whiteness that was being bought. The fantasies they projected onto their slaves' bodies served them as public reflections of their own discernment: they were the arbiters of bearing and beauty; their slaves were the showpieces of their pretensions; their own whiteness was made apparent in the bodies of the people they bought. By buying ever-whiter slaves, the prosperous slaveholders of the antebellum South bought themselves access to ever more luminous fantasies of their own distinction.
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I've never heard or seen any Southern who celebrate his regional pride, by mentioning any of those things

Of course not, they’re ashamed of it

I've never met any white, who feels actual shame over something done by other people, long ago.

I'm sure there are some. BUt they are pathetic lib cucks, and not Proud Southerns, who celebrate their regional pride, as well they should.
But why is he such an asshole? To insult tens of millions of his fellow citizens who never did anything to him?

Stop celebrating a shameful past and maybe you’ll stop being insulted.

Or maybe, he can stop being an asshole? Seems like that would be the more natural thing to do, then tell tens of millions of Americans, that they are not allowed to have any pride in their heritage and/or culture.

Especially since there is no complaint about the South, that people like you, can't/won't be using against proud, patriotic, AMERICANS, soon enough.

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