Mississippi Governor Declares April as Confederate Heritage Month

Which day will be lynching day?

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


No you can't, because they are one and the same. Who made up the Confederacy? The same racist who raping, maiming, beating and murdering black folks. Duh.

Wow. That is completely ignorant of you.

The Confederacy was a regional (the south) government of states that rebelled against the National government.

Lynching was mob attacks on people for various reasons from informal law enforcement to racial terrorism, that was found though out the nation as as whole, not limited to the South.

TO say they are the same thing is just a... oh, right.

You are lying. Sorry, and I'm the guy that started the thread the Lesson of Charlottessville.

Yeah, your lie is dismissed.

My point stands.

Lynching and the Confederacy are two distinct historical events. Obviously you can honor one, without honoring the other.


What people made up the Confederacy? People that had just come over from Europe.

No, they weren't.

There is nothing wrong with Southern's having some regional pride. It was over 150 years ago, why do you care?
hmmm...nope. Accurate history. As opposed to your revisionist version. At the time of the Cival War, the Confederacy seceded over the right to own human beings which was being threatened. As of 1863, all slaves in the US were declared free. The Confederacy continued To fight for their right (to own human beings).
So didnt Kentucky, Missouri and West Virginia and Maryland not also secede since slavery was legal in their states also?


West Virginia didn't come about till the war was under way. The republican government created it which still to this day is a controversy because it wasn't ratified by the absent southern states so under the constitution what is today West Virginia is still actually part of Virginia.
My ancestor who fought for the confederacy was a part of the Monroe county guards which at the time was county in Virginia and later it became part of the 27th Virginia and the famous Stonewall brigade. Some say it still is legally under the constitution actually the state of Virginia.
Check on
A heritage of what? I'm not making any judgement here, it is just that I associate celebration of heritage with food, and observing customs and traditions. I can understand a memorial to the fallen, but heritage pertains to the descendants. From my Georgia born wife I only know of the Southern heritage thing of eating black-eye peas on New Years Day. I know she'd want no part of this Confederate Heritage month and so won't go to her for any sort of explanation.

An inclusive Southern Heritage month I could understand.
Black Eyed Peas, fried chicken, watermelon and hunting.

Squirel hunting with a 22 only counts if you get em in the head.

Oh, and blowing shit up.
Check on all of that including shooting a squirrel in the head, out of the top of a tree with a single shot 22. I only pulled that off once though but it's how I learned to shoot. I'm still a pretty good shot. I fired expert with the M16 the first time I picked one up. The military just loved getting southern boys because with all the hunting they were already at least half way trained and ready to roll.
Civil war had nothing to do with slavery,, EVERYONE knew it was ending. It was cheaper to pay them then to house them.
we need to get democrats out of education.. they are morons

I reckon you read the Declaration of Secession from various Confederate states. Which ones didn't centered on the issue of slavery?
Every confederate civil war group I follow on Facebook pays respect to blacks like I never seen before. They honor black soldiers men and women. It’s the complete opposite of how democrats talk about southern confederates

How in the hell do you pay respect to someone you enslaved, raped, maimed, dehumanized and murdered. It would be like saying Nazis pay respect to Jewish folks who suffered in the Holocaust.
Well when you stop lying about history, then you can understand..

The liar is you Trump Humper, I guess next you are going to tell us that the Confederacy treated their slaves great.
There was once a thread on here and some right wing lunatic claimed black people should be thanking white people for slavery.
I kid you not.

Each and every negro in the USA whose ancestors were brought here as slaves should get down on his/her knees and give thanks each and every day for that fortuitous event. Otherwise, they would still be in the steaming, fetid jungles of Africa, dying of malaria, Ebola, AIDS, malnutrition and countless other maladies, subsisting on bushmeat and grass soup.

Got it?

They also could have come by their own choice and been paid for their labor.......like other immigrants were allowed to do
Civil war had nothing to do with slavery,, EVERYONE knew it was ending. It was cheaper to pay them then to house them.
we need to get democrats out of education.. they are morons

I reckon you read the Declaration of Secession from various Confederate states. Which ones didn't centered on the issue of slavery?
Ive totally have admitted the democrats wanted and still have slave plantations today,, THE ordinary people of the south didn’t care one way or another, and many blacks fought with them! Because the majority of southners weren’t fighting for democrats but for there independence from the north.

I’m more then happy to talk about the elite democrats want for slavery, it’s never changed
Every confederate civil war group I follow on Facebook pays respect to blacks like I never seen before. They honor black soldiers men and women. It’s the complete opposite of how democrats talk about southern confederates

How in the hell do you pay respect to someone you enslaved, raped, maimed, dehumanized and murdered. It would be like saying Nazis pay respect to Jewish folks who suffered in the Holocaust.
Well when you stop lying about history, then you can understand..

The liar is you Trump Humper, I guess next you are going to tell us that the Confederacy treated their slaves great.
Lol most people in the south never seen a black never mind own a slave haha.. learnnnn history .. your so dumb.. free blacks didn’t run to the north they joined the south, many black slaves stayed with the slave familes; 25% of the blacks that went north died, and were treated like shit. Booker T. Washington wrote that the northern intellectuals did not understand the southerners and he felt more comfortable w southerners he did Northerners..

Learn history.. Promoting democratic narrative of black history it’s like you’re begging for a welfare it’s embarrassing man stand up for yourself

I am from the South idiot and there was a HUGE migration of black folks living in the South to the North, why in the hell do you think there are so many black folks in Michigan, Ohio, etc. Free black folks that worked on the plantation that had no means to leave became what? Sharecroppers that were still being screwed over by white land owners. Why in the hell do you think we had a Civil Rights Movement in the South if the South was great and whites treated black folks so fairly. You are just a stupid ass ignorant racist from Boston who doesn't know his head from his ass.
YES MANY BLACK SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS and to this day! Hate blacks . Look at urban slave plantations!

I grew up in black Boston, many of my class mates wanted to move.. guess where not more north lol THE SOUTH! Why do you think all the black colleges didn’t shut down and move up north? Because the south is less racist.

CNN just had the black mayor of Chicago on, where 70% of the deaths are blacks. You think they would have asked her tough questions!? Noooooo they TEE her a question to bash trump then asked about funny you tube videos she has created..

That bitch is OWENED by the left. That was democrat ownership to the definition! Wake up
Trailer parks aren`t white Republican plantations?

Nope, because if some white in them wants to, for some odd reason, vote dem, we don't flip out and try to destroy him.
Every confederate civil war group I follow on Facebook pays respect to blacks like I never seen before. They honor black soldiers men and women. It’s the complete opposite of how democrats talk about southern confederates

How in the hell do you pay respect to someone you enslaved, raped, maimed, dehumanized and murdered. It would be like saying Nazis pay respect to Jewish folks who suffered in the Holocaust.
Well when you stop lying about history, then you can understand..

The liar is you Trump Humper, I guess next you are going to tell us that the Confederacy treated their slaves great.
There was once a thread on here and some right wing lunatic claimed black people should be thanking white people for slavery.
I kid you not.

Each and every negro in the USA whose ancestors were brought here as slaves should get down on his/her knees and give thanks each and every day for that fortuitous event. Otherwise, they would still be in the steaming, fetid jungles of Africa, dying of malaria, Ebola, AIDS, malnutrition and countless other maladies, subsisting on bushmeat and grass soup.

Got it?
As a matter of fact, I don't "Got it." Neither do you. I suggest you do some research.
Every confederate civil war group I follow on Facebook pays respect to blacks like I never seen before. They honor black soldiers men and women. It’s the complete opposite of how democrats talk about southern confederates

How in the hell do you pay respect to someone you enslaved, raped, maimed, dehumanized and murdered. It would be like saying Nazis pay respect to Jewish folks who suffered in the Holocaust.
Well when you stop lying about history, then you can understand..

The liar is you Trump Humper, I guess next you are going to tell us that the Confederacy treated their slaves great.
Lol most people in the south never seen a black never mind own a slave haha.. learnnnn history .. your so dumb.. free blacks didn’t run to the north they joined the south, many black slaves stayed with the slave familes; 25% of the blacks that went north died, and were treated like shit. Booker T. Washington wrote that the northern intellectuals did not understand the southerners and he felt more comfortable w southerners he did Northerners..

Learn history.. Promoting democratic narrative of black history it’s like you’re begging for a welfare it’s embarrassing man stand up for yourself

I am from the South idiot and there was a HUGE migration of black folks living in the South to the North, why in the hell do you think there are so many black folks in Michigan, Ohio, etc. Free black folks that worked on the plantation that had no means to leave became what? Sharecroppers that were still being screwed over by white land owners. Why in the hell do you think we had a Civil Rights Movement in the South if the South was great and whites treated black folks so fairly. You are just a stupid ass ignorant racist from Boston who doesn't know his head from his ass.
And you've done such a wonderful job for the blacks too. Shoving them into ghettos, separating fathers from families with your welfare laws, making them all so hopeless and miserable they become junkies strung out on drugs. And keeping them down in that ghetto and dependent on your welfare and unemployed. I gotta say I never saw that kind of misery among blacks in the south while I was growing up so you've done very well indeed. Congratulations. I've gotta give credit where credit is due. Oh and getting them to kill so many of their own like you do in Chicago and your other utopian urban garden spots, nice touch!
Every confederate civil war group I follow on Facebook pays respect to blacks like I never seen before. They honor black soldiers men and women. It’s the complete opposite of how democrats talk about southern confederates

How in the hell do you pay respect to someone you enslaved, raped, maimed, dehumanized and murdered. It would be like saying Nazis pay respect to Jewish folks who suffered in the Holocaust.
Well when you stop lying about history, then you can understand..

The liar is you Trump Humper, I guess next you are going to tell us that the Confederacy treated their slaves great.
There was once a thread on here and some right wing lunatic claimed black people should be thanking white people for slavery.
I kid you not.

Each and every negro in the USA whose ancestors were brought here as slaves should get down on his/her knees and give thanks each and every day for that fortuitous event. Otherwise, they would still be in the steaming, fetid jungles of Africa, dying of malaria, Ebola, AIDS, malnutrition and countless other maladies, subsisting on bushmeat and grass soup.

Got it?

Racist like you need to move to Siberia, where it's lily white and no black folks.
Every confederate civil war group I follow on Facebook pays respect to blacks like I never seen before. They honor black soldiers men and women. It’s the complete opposite of how democrats talk about southern confederates

How in the hell do you pay respect to someone you enslaved, raped, maimed, dehumanized and murdered. It would be like saying Nazis pay respect to Jewish folks who suffered in the Holocaust.
Well when you stop lying about history, then you can understand..

The liar is you Trump Humper, I guess next you are going to tell us that the Confederacy treated their slaves great.
There was once a thread on here and some right wing lunatic claimed black people should be thanking white people for slavery.
I kid you not.

Each and every negro in the USA whose ancestors were brought here as slaves should get down on his/her knees and give thanks each and every day for that fortuitous event. Otherwise, they would still be in the steaming, fetid jungles of Africa, dying of malaria, Ebola, AIDS, malnutrition and countless other maladies, subsisting on bushmeat and grass soup.

Got it?

Racist like you need to move to Siberia, where it's lily white and no black folks.
But he’s right.. you all should be celebrating slavery lol
Civil war had nothing to do with slavery,, EVERYONE knew it was ending. It was cheaper to pay them then to house them.
we need to get democrats out of education.. they are morons

I reckon you read the Declaration of Secession from various Confederate states. Which ones didn't centered on the issue of slavery?
Ive totally have admitted the democrats wanted and still have slave plantations today,, THE ordinary people of the south didn’t care one way or another, and many blacks fought with them! Because the majority of southners weren’t fighting for democrats but for there independence from the north.

I’m more then happy to talk about the elite democrats want for slavery, it’s never changed

No problem for me either. I'm also willing to discuss it in terms of liberals vs conservatives if you'd like.
Civil war had nothing to do with slavery,, EVERYONE knew it was ending. It was cheaper to pay them then to house them.
we need to get democrats out of education.. they are morons

I reckon you read the Declaration of Secession from various Confederate states. Which ones didn't centered on the issue of slavery?
Ive totally have admitted the democrats wanted and still have slave plantations today,, THE ordinary people of the south didn’t care one way or another, and many blacks fought with them! Because the majority of southners weren’t fighting for democrats but for there independence from the north.

I’m more then happy to talk about the elite democrats want for slavery, it’s never changed

No problem for me either. I'm also willing to discuss it in terms of liberals vs conservatives if you'd like.
Republicans have never changed, and the left, democrats, Dixiecrats, have never changed.. and can be proven easily..
Republicans have never changed, and the left, democrats, Dixiecrats, have never changed.. and can be proven easily..
Ok, let's discuss. Now these Dixiecrats weren't at all concerned over "states rights" when they held the cards ten years earlier and were able to get the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 into federal law thereby suppressing legislation enacted by anti-slavery northern states. But at the sight of the tide going against them and they packed their bags and seceded upon seeing the election of Lincoln and the handwriting on the wall.
Republicans have never changed, and the left, democrats, Dixiecrats, have never changed.. and can be proven easily..
Ok, let's discuss. Now these Dixiecrats weren't at all concerned over "states rights" when they held the cards ten years earlier and were able to get the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 into federal law thereby suppressing legislation enacted by anti-slavery northern states. But at the sight of the tide going against them and they packed their bags and seceded upon seeing the election of Lincoln and the handwriting on the wall.
Yes democrats wanted slavery still have it.. that will be my factual answer to all your comments .. BECAUSE ITS A FACT!
Republicans have never changed, and the left, democrats, Dixiecrats, have never changed.. and can be proven easily..

As for the Republicans, their Lily White movement within the party started in Texas immediately after the civil war.

Republicans have never changed, and the left, democrats, Dixiecrats, have never changed.. and can be proven easily..

As for the Republicans, their Lily White movement within the party started in Texas immediately after the civil war.
Frederick Douglass Booker T. Washington Martha Luther King, were all Republicans
Every confederate civil war group I follow on Facebook pays respect to blacks like I never seen before. They honor black soldiers men and women. It’s the complete opposite of how democrats talk about southern confederates

How in the hell do you pay respect to someone you enslaved, raped, maimed, dehumanized and murdered. It would be like saying Nazis pay respect to Jewish folks who suffered in the Holocaust.
Well when you stop lying about history, then you can understand..

The liar is you Trump Humper, I guess next you are going to tell us that the Confederacy treated their slaves great.
There was once a thread on here and some right wing lunatic claimed black people should be thanking white people for slavery.
I kid you not.

Each and every negro in the USA whose ancestors were brought here as slaves should get down on his/her knees and give thanks each and every day for that fortuitous event. Otherwise, they would still be in the steaming, fetid jungles of Africa, dying of malaria, Ebola, AIDS, malnutrition and countless other maladies, subsisting on bushmeat and grass soup.

Got it?
As a matter of fact, I don't "Got it." Neither do you. I suggest you do some research.

Mirabeau, has, indeed, conducted YEARS of research with respect to matters of history, geography and race, with advanced degrees which bear witness to same. It is an indisputable FACT that each and every negro in the USA today who is here due to his/her ancestors being brought from Africa as slaves owe a PROFOUND debt of gratitude for those who brought them here.

Got it, NOW?

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