Mississippi Official doubles down on remarks over Confederate Statue

Brave man! He is of course 100% correct as well and it bothers the snowflakes.
What a cuck!
A "cuck" would be someone who would be bullied into bowing and scraping to the SJW fascists whom you support, Corky.
Brave man! He is of course 100% correct as well and it bothers the snowflakes.
What a cuck!
A "cuck" would be someone who would be bullied into bowing and scraping to the SJW fascists whom you support, Corky.
He's bowing and scraping to someone. Cuck in my book.
Brave man! He is of course 100% correct as well and it bothers the snowflakes.
What a cuck!
A "cuck" would be someone who would be bullied into bowing and scraping to the SJW fascists whom you support, Corky.
He's bowing and scraping to someone. Cuck in my book.
Not to anyone mentioned or implied in the article.

You clowns can't even level good insults.
Whether we agree with his statement or not is quite irrelevant. For the liberals who object to his comments and want him punished for them: Per the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging (shortening/curtailing) the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, et cetera, et cetera. There are orations that I find angering and offensive, however, I recognize that our Constitution is a document like no other on the planet. It gives us the very freedoms and liberties to speak our minds and live our lives without an oppressive authoritarian government to rule over every aspect of our lives, telling us what we can or cannot say. By allowing free speech, it ensures that we will know where others (people like him) stand on social issues and if such an individual has beliefs that you or I find offensive, we can vote for different candidates, ones which better align with our own belief systems.
Having said that, here and now, in this era, we are faced with a growing danger, a danger of succumbing to cultural Marxist pressures seeking to divide this great nation and in so doing, abandon the very liberties afforded us in our Bill of Rights, those rights that those lying in our veterans cemeteries fought for. In return, we would have exchanged those liberties for an oppressive authoritarian government, ruling all aspects of our lives, including how we think, what we say, where we can go and who we can even associate with. The people living in Marxist nations are not only not free, but not free to even leave their nations, without permission and that isn't freedom.

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