Mississippi Overwhelmed With Covid

Where is your criticism of the Democratic LA County Commission and the Democratic Mayor of Los Angeles whose region is experiencing the same surge?

Oh, right, I forgot. When it’s a Democrat it’s different
Show me where the County Commission and the Mayor of L.A. have been anti-mask, anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine, anti-free enterprise.
What was that you were saying about ICUs? Have your little hissy fit, crybaby. You always do when you pull something right out of your ass that is demonstrably false, and someone shows it is false. You don't have the emotional maturity to admit you are wrong and to admit that you made it up out of thin air. Of course, if you did, you wouldn't tell your little lies in the first place.
Oh yeah go all in on a journalists article but ignore the actual hospitals numbers. You’re the definition of retarded.
It looks like about 7,500 deaths total. NY Governor Cuomo killed an estimated 10,000 nursing home residents with his executive order. Who do we see about that?

Not the MSM.

They don't even know who Cuomo is based on their lack of coverage.

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