Missouri Militia arrives in Ferguson


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
1newsjunkie: REPORT: the Missouri Citizen?s Militia is NOW IN Ferguson to protect innocent Americans from the tyrannical ?police state?

» Video: Ferguson Riot Police Wound Reporter In Attack on Protestors Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Infowars reporter Joe Biggs was also shot in the kidneys by a rubber bullet as police seemed to be deliberately targeting journalists.

“I got shot in the kidneys with one of those rubber rounds and had two gas canisters come right at me,” Biggs reported. “When I got up, I couldn’t see so I went in one direction and lost [Infowars reporter] Jakari Jackson and [Infowars cameraman] Josh Owens.”

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I would like the progressives on this board who thought the actions taken by the Bureau of Land Management against Bundy over a debt were not over the top to understand that this new "militarized" mind set by government agencies and the police can and is being brought against many Americans now that they are witnessing what is happening in Ferguson.

We've been talking about this militarization and over the top responses by police forces across the nation and many on the board have been poo pooing us.

I hope Ferguson is a wake up call for many.

Disclaimer: I have been pro law and order for many a year. But what has been happening lately is deja vu. And I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy witnessing our current state of policing in the nation.
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Just a small taste of what's to come for America. When the Gravy Train derails and the Freebies run out, raping & pillaging will be a common sight all across the country. But hey, go ahead and listen to pampered protected elites like Nancy Pelosi. Don't arm yourself. Don't protect yourself and your family. Pelosi will be there to save you when the SHTF. ;)
I would like the progressives on this board who thought the actions taken by the Bureau of Land Management against Bundy over a debt were not over the top to understand that this new "militarized" mind set by government agencies and the police can and is being brought against many Americans now that they are witnessing what is happening in Ferguson.

We've been talking about this militarization and over the top responses by police forces across the nation and many on the board have been poo pooing us.

I hope Ferguson is a wake up call for many.

Disclaimer: I have been pro law and order for many a year. But what has been happening lately is deja vu. And I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy witnessing our current state of policing in the nation.

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I would like the progressives on this board who thought the actions taken by the Bureau of Land Management against Bundy over a debt were not over the top to understand that this new "militarized" mind set by government agencies and the police can and is being brought against many Americans now that they are witnessing what is happening in Ferguson.

We've been talking about this militarization and over the top responses by police forces across the nation and many on the board have been poo pooing us.

I hope Ferguson is a wake up call for many.

Disclaimer: I have been pro law and order for many a year. But what has been happening lately is deja vu. And I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy witnessing our current state of policing in the nation.

Who's been "poo pooing" you?

Cops should not be militarized.

SWAT teams should be used on very rare and dire circumstances. Otherwise? Cops should not have assault weapons.

After 9/11? The change in the police has been pretty frightening.
they aren't the only one...A LOT more pictures and video at the site


Things just got real in Ferguson.
molotov ferguson
Rioters prepare a Molotov cocktail in Ferguson on Wednesday.

** Now there are several reports that Chicago Communists and New Black Panther leaders have infiltrated the protest movement in Ferguson, Missouri.

The Revolution Club Chicago even carried a banner at the protest on Wednesday.
communists ferguson
Communists hope to gin up a revolution.

The News Commenter reported:

Here’s the inside scoop on the latest voilence in St. Louis. There’s a lot of buzz on the ground about a communist group that was bussed into Ferguson from Chicago. They provoked the police with Molotov cocktails the night of August 13th while the local protesters peacefully protested. That’s when police responded with gas and flash grenades. Their reported goal is to make the protests go super-violent, spread across the region, and spark a revolution. They are said to visibly stand out from the local protesters in how they respond to police and intimidate reporters when photos and video are taken of them. Expect to hear more about this in the coming days. H/T Ed & Kenny

The communists provoked the police in Ferguson.

More video from Ferguson –
The Revolutionary Communist Party USA (RCP) leads chants in Ferguson, Missouri.

chicago commies stl
Hardcore leftists confront police in Ferguson on Wednesday.


The FBI also warned local police that New Black Panther leaders had flown into St. Louis for the protests.

all of it here:
Chicago Communists, New Black Panthers Infiltrate #Ferguson Riots (Photos-Video) | The Gateway Pundit
Americans better get used to burning, raping & pillaging. Because that's the future. 3rd World chaos is coming. When the Gravy Train derails and the freebies run out, the entitlement savages will not take it too well. They'll burn it all down. I strongly suggest being prepared. Arm yourself and take necessary survival precautions. Teach your children how to survive in an increasingly violent and chaotic world.

I know most will say that's just silly 'paranoia', but they'll be the unprepared victims. Humans are animals, they'll take what you have by force to survive. It's just human nature. So pay attention to what's going on this podunk little rathole in Missouri. Because it's a preview of what's to come on a grand scale. Get prepared peeps. Don't listen to those ridiculing and hating. Think about your family. God bless.

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