Missouri moves to next step: Banning Trans Care for Adults

The "emergency regulation" (under what authority? he is the AG) effectively bans it for anyone under 21, and its the first step to a complete ban.

That you think there is anything at all wrong with protecting children from this sick shit that will fuck them up irreversibly for life, only demonstrates what a mentally- morally- and ethically- fucked up piece of shit you are.

This is fucked-up Mengele-level mad science, when applied to adults.

Applying it to children takes it to a whole other level of fucked up beyond that.
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It's an obvious ethical principle, that such radical and destructive procedures as “gender affirming surgery” should never, ever, under any circumstances, be done to someone who lacks the mental capacity to give informed consent to them.

Clearly, this applies to children.

It seems perfectly rational to apply this, as well, in the case of someone who is so mentally fucked up that he doesn't know the difference between boys and girls. At the very best, “gender-affirming care” is a severe form of medical malpractice, as well as a form of fraud, if the victim is being led or even allowed to believe that the procedure will actually change him from male top female or vice versa. It could also be aiding and abetting fraud, inasmuch as it allowed someone of one sex to falsely represent himself as the other sex.

There are plenty of good reasons why this shit ought to simply flat-out be illegal, period.
This is an example of the Christo-fascist right,s ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate, of reckless, irresponsible Republican governance, and of conservatives seeking more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.
Its not a ban. You would know that if you read your link.
Trans people should focus on mental health first, IMO. Considering that is the fucking problem to begin with... That being said, its none of the states fucking business what ADULTS do to their bodies. If they dont want to actually fix the problem, then let them mutilate themselves. That 50% suicide rate aint gonna suicide itself :dunno:
Could it be that the mentally ill trans are looking for the state tax payers to pick up the tab for their mutilations? If so then i can see why the state would object. You want to destroy your body, do it with your own money....
That you think there is anything at all wrong with protecting children from this sick shit that will fuck them up irreversibly for life, only demonstrates what a mentally- morally- and ethically- fucked up piece of shit you are.
The regulation is for ADULTS.
LOL - and oldie but a goodie.
Could it be that the mentally ill trans are looking for the state tax payers to pick up the tab for their mutilations?
No its not about state funding.
Flaccid is a word used to denote the inability of American prisoners of any state to answer these three questions:

1.) Was the Nashville killer-tranny mutilated or not mutilated?

2.) Did the Nashville killer-tranny take opposite-sex hormones which had the potential to confound the ability to define mutilation?

The hormone has a physical as well as a mental effect on the organism, just as does physical mutilation.

3.) To what extent may the Nashville killer-tranny have been mutilated before it decided to kill?

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