Missouri moves to next step: Banning Trans Care for Adults

Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

What the fuck is "trans care?"
Jimmy Kimmel showed the video of that lawmaker last night, the guy doubled down when someone questioned him about this in chamber, and said "I know some people who were married at 12, and you know what? They are still happily married".

Uh huh.
Deep state shill comediennes who push the globalist agenda propaganda on the masses and using the taxes and resources of the same to do it. So, what we are really talking about is that there is a heavy cost for people who are transexual and have HIV/AIDS. And someone must pay for it to have so called equality. Equality that is based on the extortion of what a working-class person earns is what forms equity and/or privilege.
I think that there is a very solid case to be made that even where the victims are nominally adults, that “gender-affirming care” amounts to taking advantage of mentally-deficient victims in order to profit from them, while causing them serious harm, and defrauding them, in the process.
Sounds like an argument against supernaturalist religions.
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

Makes sense, actually. People can still go to Copenhagen or Trinidad if they want to have Sex Change.

If there is a limited amount of medical staff available, let's use it for people's actual needs instead of to mutilate them.

Although I would instead just allow insurance customers the right to save money by excluding sex changes from their policies and putting a tax on the procedure. Further, loosening the tort laws to make it easier for dissatisfied Sex Change Patients to sue would do a lot to limit the procedure.

When push comes to shove, if someone is a she-male, they can still buy ladies underwear and makeup and doll themselves up, without going to the extreme of surgery and hormone treatment. It isn't like the latter really fools anyone.
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

This is fantastic news. Means the freaks will likely move out of my state!
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

I see no problem with making absolutely sure before something permanent is done in the name of wokism. That's the trouble with the left's position on this stuff. They want to just barge straight ahead without having to think it through first.
Individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state
Adult individuals. And if it wasn’t for freaks like you we wouldn’t need these laws. But since you’re so fucking deranged and depraved you would mutilate a child to fulfill your ghoulish fantasies we do.
No free manicures and pedicures for men in dresses omg the horror.
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

Genitalia mutilation and anti gender hormone treatments are not "care".
Last night, Washington state passed SB 5599 which allows the state to legally take children away from their parents if they don’t consent to their child’s gender transition surgeries.

All Democrats voted, yes.

All Republicans voted, no. https://t.co/C9wtbBxLWq

Katie Daviscourt (@KatieDaviscourt) April 13, 2023

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