Missouri moves to next step: Banning Trans Care for Adults

Your side wanting to mutilate kids is indefensible.

And more and more adults are de-transitioning and regretting ever having the surgeries.

This isn't regulating treating heart attacks or cancer, it's regulating cosmetic mutilation of dubious value.
Passing laws to discriminate against and disadvantage transgender Americans, government interfering in how parents raise their children, banning books, forcing women to give birth against their will – the reprehensible right is always defending the indefensible.
Passing laws to discriminate against and disadvantage transgender Americans, government interfering in how parents raise their children, banning books, forcing women to give birth against their will – the reprehensible right is always defending the indefensible.
And government telling people how to live their lives

Funny that
I dont know much anout butch women but i dont think doctors can sew on artificial balls
(Aiden) Audrey Hale was a trans man.
Trans Man

It was just an ugly bitch who couldn't get a black guy to smash it's gash, so it "decided" it was a dude. Probably had a hard time finding a match desperate enough and it decided someone else was to blame. So some innocent victims had to pay for it's parent's failure to abort leftist biological waste.

I'm in no way joking when I assert that liberals having abortions actually protects society and the gene pool.

Passing laws to discriminate against and disadvantage transgender Americans, government interfering in how parents raise their children, banning books, forcing women to give birth against their will – the reprehensible right is always defending the indefensible.

Go and cheer some 15 year old girl getting her breasts lopped off, or some 12 year old boy never developing normally due to hormones and puberty blockers.
Can your thread title be more disingenuous?
Setting out requirements is NOT banning.
That being said, it is none of the state's business if adults want to mutilate their bodies to pretend they are something they are not and never will be.
If liberals can't get immediate gratification within minutes is akin to a crime against humanity. Never mind the consequences.
Jimmy Kimmel showed the video of that lawmaker last night, the guy doubled down when someone questioned him about this in chamber, and said "I know some people who were married at 12, and you know what? They are still happily married".

Uh huh.
I was married at 15 again at 16. Married for 14 years. Age was never an issue. My Grandmother was 13 when she married. 70 years worth of marry when she died. I see nothing wrong with young bride marriages. Then again the left supports abortion instead of marriage. Better to have the girl at the abortionist than with a family.
I dont know much anout butch women but i dont think doctors can sew on artificial balls
Just like with Breast implants, doctors can put in silicon based testies to give that manly look, even though they arent functional. I was offered this when i got cancer back in 1991, as i am a Lance Armstrong cancer survivor.


Missouri moves to next step: Banning Trans Care for Adults​

This has my support. If you want your mental health issues validated then West Hollywood is your natural homeland.
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

That's too bad, op.
You can chop off your dick in other states I guess.
Go for it!!!!!
Transsexuals are certainly in need of shrinks

Because they are out of their minds

But I think what being blocked is sex changes at government expense
That last line is probably the fact of the matter and is as it should be.
On second reading I find no inaccuracies in this post.
And government telling people how to live their lives

Funny that
After covid, lockdowns, vaccine and mask mandates, the shutdowns, you loons have zero right to bitch about government running people's lives.
You were the ones crying for government control.
Gimme a fuckin break.
I was married at 15 again at 16. Married for 14 years. Age was never an issue. My Grandmother was 13 when she married. 70 years worth of marry when she died. I see nothing wrong with young bride marriages. Then again the left supports abortion instead of marriage. Better to have the girl at the abortionist than with a family.
That’s statutory rape ya loon.
Liberals are why we need laws enforcing morality. Unfortunately I think this will be overturned.
This isn't even a moral issue. It's a public mental health issue as well as a standard of living issue. These "trans" freaks need to be housed and cared for by professionals. Watch and see how this trans nonsense vanishes when rational adults take charge and treat the disorder rather than placate delusions. These "people" will just go back to being miserable ugly queers that can't find hook ups, but they will no longer interfere with how society works.
This isn't even a moral issue. It's a public mental health issue as well as a standard of living issue. These "trans" freaks need to be housed and cared for by professionals. Watch and see how this trans nonsense vanishes when rational adults take charge and treat the disorder rather than placate delusions. These "people" will just go back to being miserable ugly queers that can't find hook ups, but they will no longer interfere with how society works.

Actually, when society stops this bullshit idea of enforcing people's delusions about what they are or are not, and starts correcting them, a lot of people will be cured and not need institutionalized.

If the psychiatric community insisted on agreeing with and reinforcing patients with the delusions they were Bonaparte or Jesus H. Christ, instead of correcting them and putting them into straight jackets and dosing them with Haldol, you'd have a lot more of those delusions too.
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

Missouri is basically trying to deny health-care to anyone they don't like.
I was married at 15 again at 16. Married for 14 years. Age was never an issue. My Grandmother was 13 when she married. 70 years worth of marry when she died. I see nothing wrong with young bride marriages. Then again the left supports abortion instead of marriage. Better to have the girl at the abortionist than with a family.
Men will only marry when they are young and stupid. By the time they are 40 they have wised up.

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