Missouri moves to next step: Banning Trans Care for Adults

Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

People with depression should really just pull themselves together and get on with life.
Or shoot up somewhere with a machine gun. Its not the states problem.
There's a difference between paying for health care and denying access, stupid.

Denying gender affirming care is no different than denying access to doctor assisted suicide without certain requirements being met, though more empirical evidence is typically available for those seeking DAS. Gender dysphoria is aptly named. You don’t make an effort to affirm a dysphoria, you treat the dysphoria via psychiatry.

As far as paying for it, if the person is on Medicaid, yes, we would be be paying for it.

Trannies are not a part of American values, morals and standards. If they want to be a tranny that's fine, but they can move to Canada and be a tranny if they want.

Missouri moves to next step: Banning Trans Care for Adults​

Good for Missouri!! Mutilation of mentally challenged folks isn't a good thing at any age.

If "gender" has nothing to do with the organs one is born with, then why mutilate the organs to satisfy the fantasy of ones "gender?"
We were once told that anti-abortion freaks only wanted to stop federal or state dollars going for them.

That turned out to be a lie.

They want to stop ALL abortions

Same here
Do not believe these people… ever

Some do, most don't.

Again you have to lie to make your point.
Well it could be. All forms of depression are a problem for society all over the world. And you give them guns in America.

What makes you think that people shoot each other just because they are depressed?

BTW, US ingestion of psychotropic meds including anti-depressants is at record levels.

Missouri moves to next step: Banning Trans Care for Adults​

Good for Missouri!! Mutilation of mentally challenged folks isn't a good thing at any age.

If "gender" has nothing to do with the organs one is born with, then why mutilate the organs to satisfy the fantasy of ones "gender?"

Yeah pretty ironic that one's genitals don't define gender but those with gender dysphoria feel the need to remove/add genitals to affirm their dysphoria.
We've always had guns but mass shootings didn't become a problem until about 20 years ago.

Years ago where I am from nearly every pick up truck in the school parking lot had a rifle or shotgun in the gun rack behind the driver's seat. Mass shootings were not a thing. We don't have a gun problem, we have moral and a myriad of psychiatric problems, some of which the left continually try to dismiss as "normal" by littering Psychiatry with PC indoctrinated physicians.
Actually 40 … right about when gun manufacturers began flooding the nation with easy to get guns

Um, even more people had guns back in the day than they do now. You would be lucky to find a household in the South without a gun in the 1950's.
Years ago where I am from nearly every pick up truck in the school parking lot had a rifle or shotgun in the gun rack behind the driver's seat. Mass shootings were not a thing. We don't have a gun problem, we have moral and a myriad of psychiatric problems, some of which the left continually try to dismiss as "normal" by littering Psychiatry with PC indoctrinated physicians.
Lots of mentally disturbed people in society.
Missouri is basically trying to deny health-care to anyone they don't like.
Why would anyone "like" you degenerate freaks? If you lunatics want to cut each other's junk and tits off, fornicate with produce, and make yourselves visually repulsive that's YOUR PROBLEM and the rest of the world has the freedom to avoid you. You assholes could also just stay in san fransicko and leave us alone. We damn sure shouldn't be PAYING for the insane bullshit you're doing.

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