Missouri Rep. Calls Pregnancy By Rape God’s ‘Silver Lining’

That's a bit of spin on her meaning. She obviously believes life is sacred and a baby shouldn't be aborted regardless. The twisted secularists make it sound like she's pro-rape.

"It is not up to us to say ‘no just because there was a rape, they cannot exist.’ Sometimes bad things happen — horrible things, but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child.

When God gives life, he does so because there’s a reason, no matter what. I’ve met and talked with the different people who have been conceived by rape. There is a reason for their life."
She should have cut it short before she got to, "but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child".
Not if you believe life is a gift from God.
That's a bit of spin on her meaning. She obviously believes life is sacred and a baby shouldn't be aborted regardless. The twisted secularists make it sound like she's pro-rape.

"It is not up to us to say ‘no just because there was a rape, they cannot exist.’ Sometimes bad things happen — horrible things, but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child.

When God gives life, he does so because there’s a reason, no matter what. I’ve met and talked with the different people who have been conceived by rape. There is a reason for their life."
She should have cut it short before she got to, "but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child".
Not if you believe life is a gift from God.
If you are a female and you have ever been raped you may have a different take on that. Not everyone arrives at that conclusion about 'life being a gift of god' at the same time.
That's a bit of spin on her meaning. She obviously believes life is sacred and a baby shouldn't be aborted regardless. The twisted secularists make it sound like she's pro-rape.

"It is not up to us to say ‘no just because there was a rape, they cannot exist.’ Sometimes bad things happen — horrible things, but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child.

When God gives life, he does so because there’s a reason, no matter what. I’ve met and talked with the different people who have been conceived by rape. There is a reason for their life."
She should have cut it short before she got to, "but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child".
Not if you believe life is a gift from God.
If you are a female and you have ever been raped you may have a different take on that. Not everyone arrives at that conclusion about 'life being a gift of god' at the same time.
Yes, I know. But that's her view and it's disingenuous for people to misrepresent it for political gain.
That's a bit of spin on her meaning. She obviously believes life is sacred and a baby shouldn't be aborted regardless. The twisted secularists make it sound like she's pro-rape.

"It is not up to us to say ‘no just because there was a rape, they cannot exist.’ Sometimes bad things happen — horrible things, but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child.

When God gives life, he does so because there’s a reason, no matter what. I’ve met and talked with the different people who have been conceived by rape. There is a reason for their life."
She should have cut it short before she got to, "but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child".
Not if you believe life is a gift from God.
If you are a female and you have ever been raped you may have a different take on that. Not everyone arrives at that conclusion about 'life being a gift of god' at the same time.
Yes, I know. But that's her view and it's disingenuous for people to misrepresent it for political gain.
But they are going to do that. People in political positions are subjected to scrutiny when they are in the public eye so they will have to be as wise as serpents yet harmless as lambs. All of our political leaders need to be able to discern that people will need to have freedom of choice. Personally I believe abortion is fully disgusting as it is murdering a child in the womb but I could not stand in the way of another doing that damage to themselves. We believe people should choose life but that will not always be the case.
not everyone believes in god...or your god....again you are forcing your views on others....do yall know abortion is mention and its stated that it just to abort an unjust woman...so your god wasnt all about his gifts either....
basically the bible says...if a man is sure his wife is carrying a child not of his seed...he can abort....the child...was that child not a gift of god? your god says no

A Republican lawmaker in Missouri claims pregnancy by rape is a gift from God.

Speaking on proposed legislation that would grant fetuses constitutional rights, Rep. Tila Hubrecht called pregnancy that results from rape a gift from God, while arguing that abortion should be illegal, even in the case of rape and incest.

During debate on a ballot measure that would effectively make abortion illegal in the state of Missouri, Hubrecht said:

It is not up to us to say ‘no just because there was a rape, they cannot exist.’ Sometimes bad things happen — horrible things, but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child.

When God gives life, he does so because there’s a reason, no matter what. I’ve met and talked with the different people who have been conceived by rape. There is a reason for their life.

Missouri Rep. Calls Pregnancy By Rape God’s ‘Silver Lining’

Thank God, the Founding Fathers, and the military for our constitutional Right of Free Speech, where even the dumbest people are free to say whatever they want / believe. I would rather live here where we have such rights than to live anywhere else, especially considering there are places where you 'disappear' after speaking your mind....and 'Bless her heart'. :p

Or, you could have said something on-topic.
“may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22 May this waterO)" data-cr="#cen-NIV-3815O" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;"> that brings a curseP)" data-cr="#cen-NIV-3815P" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;"> enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

“‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.Q)" data-cr="#cen-NIV-3815Q" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px;">”

A Republican lawmaker in Missouri claims pregnancy by rape is a gift from God.

Speaking on proposed legislation that would grant fetuses constitutional rights, Rep. Tila Hubrecht called pregnancy that results from rape a gift from God, while arguing that abortion should be illegal, even in the case of rape and incest.

During debate on a ballot measure that would effectively make abortion illegal in the state of Missouri, Hubrecht said:

It is not up to us to say ‘no just because there was a rape, they cannot exist.’ Sometimes bad things happen — horrible things, but sometimes God can give us a silver lining through the birth of a child.

When God gives life, he does so because there’s a reason, no matter what. I’ve met and talked with the different people who have been conceived by rape. There is a reason for their life.

Missouri Rep. Calls Pregnancy By Rape God’s ‘Silver Lining’

Thank God, the Founding Fathers, and the military for our constitutional Right of Free Speech, where even the dumbest people are free to say whatever they want / believe. I would rather live here where we have such rights than to live anywhere else, especially considering there are places where you 'disappear' after speaking your mind....and 'Bless her heart'. :p

Or, you could have said something on-topic.
I did. I pointed out that she expressed her views on the incident / issue, which is her right to do under the Constitution.
Missouri wants to outlaw abortion, and cut funding for kids that are out of the womb....She is from SE Mizzouri, it's like SW Mizzouri, just a back alley forest zone with mountains..
I certainly can't blame a woman who was raped for not wanting the child of the rapist.
basically the bible says...if a man is sure his wife is carrying a child not of his seed...he can abort....the child...was that child not a gift of god? your god says no
You are doing the same thing as those you apparently despise by using the word in a carnal sense verses the intention of it being a personal spiritual walk with God (regardless of whether you believe or not).
Missouri wants to outlaw abortion, and cut funding for kids that are out of the womb....She is from SE Mizzouri, it's like SW Mizzouri, just a back alley forest zone with mountains..
IF this new Health care bill covers Republican assholes ...I'm for it

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