Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

its not shameful to accept help if you truly need it....

It used to be. People used to have a great sense of humility when they needed a helping hand and the shame they felt was a great motivator in helping them to get off of being on the receiving end of a hand-out. Now, the majority of people don't seem to flinch and they feel entitled. It's bullshit.
No, it's a shame game...
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
So no hamburger either?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?
what if its round steak?.....
How about cube steak? How about sirlion? Why don't we let them buy colby steak? They are tax payer supported, they shouldn't eat better than the average tax payer.

So there needs to be SNAP police roaming the grocery store aisles....
With a shoot to kill order....
Why not use food stamps for seeds and plant the seeds for food?
what do they eat until the crops come in?....
You're right planting wont work.. they should buy mcdonalds instead.

Plus all that land welfare people live on it should be easy to plant food

What land would that be?

Upper left corner where tree is planted. Looks like space for a tomato plant.
You can plant those in a planter pot...
The major problem is families with 2 adults and 5-6 kids....Here in Arizona as of 2008, when I left First Data, all persons in the home are treated as equal consumers of food so it's obvious that should be reworked......kids don't eat much but need more nutritious food so it's still out of balance. The benefits are based on several factors including the state average income, inflation rate, and any income that might be coming in. The reporting has to improve. I believe the program here in Arizona now monitors the family checking account....don't declare income and you're looking at a cutoff and jail time.....we don't play with EBT fraud.
I buy T-Bone & Porterhouse Steaks for $4.99/lb at Save-A-Lot. It's cheaper than hamburger at other stores. So now poor people can't buy good food even when it's cheaper than crappy food? Most people on food stamps have jobs & work for a living.
Junk food should be on a list. FS are for people who need the extra help in eating...not stuffing their face with soda pop, chips, ice cream, cookies, candy.

FS should be for chicken/poultry, ground beef or pork, certain types of red meat, vegetables, fruit, tortillas, bread, milk, cheese, rice, soup, crackers, etc.

No steak. No lobster. No shrimp. No scallops. No junk food.

A gallon of milk costs $3, a big bottle of soda $1.50....which do you think a welfare mother will buy? Vegetables are the most expensive item in most inner-city stores and you know how kids are about vegetables...hell, I only eat veggies a couple times a week and I'm a grown man. You can't get the Dept of Agriculture to ban certain foods in a free-enterprise economy. As long as it's not booze, cigs, or deli items, it's acceptable food.

That is not true!

This is a topic I know from both sides.

Yes milk costs $2.79 a gallon if you buy it in the right place BUT you use milk to cook and for breakfast....and if you buy DRIED milk at the beginning of the month you are set. It isn't yummy to drink, but you can make pudding and gravy and anything else that requires milk out of it (including breakfast drinks).

CARROTS and potatoes are almost free. I bought a 45 lb bag of carrots for my family about 9 months ago, I think they cost $8, and we still have carrots, and we eat them, too. No, most people are not crazy about eating the same thing every day, day in and day out...but that's what budgeting is about. Eat to live, don't live to eat. We eat the cheap stuff. That means we eat carrots (thankfully the kids like them) and we eat potatoes. We do not eat arugula and asparagus or organic rutabagas. We don't eat a lot of mushrooms. We eat ICEBURG LETTUCE and CABBAGE. And if you maintain that potatoes, carrots, iceburg lettuce and cabbage for a family of four for a month is more expensive than soda pop and frozen pizza, you're delusional. I know, I deal with this every single month.

We don't eat meat every day. We don't eat meat every other day. We fix one meal with meat maybe 1-2 x a week, and we use the leftovers for lunches and the carcasses and bones for soup and beans.

We NEVER buy steak, unless I find some really super cheap sirloin that's past it's date (I happen to like it better then, it's more tender. I've cured my own meat, the longer it sits the better). When I am concerned the kids aren't getting enough protein (and I'm concerned about it often) then I make them eat legumes and a grain (beans and cornbread, for example..beans and rice...beans bean beans) and hope that it will suffice as a complete protein.

THAT'S how you feed a family on a limited income. There is NO WAY that people on welfare should be eating better than people who bust their asses to put food on the table. There is no way that people like me should be forced to starve their children so that our government can keep our unworking class fat and complacent.

The last two weeks of last month, I fed my kids beans and one chicken, potatoes and eggs. And carrots. That's what we lived on for TWO WEEKS. And I'm not *eligible* for foodstamps. But assholes who have never lifted a finger in their lives, who say things like "I'm a stay-at-home mom, my kids are that important" call their workers up screeching "HOW CAN I FEED MY FAMILY ON $200 A MONTH??? There are 2 of us! That's not enough!!". I feed my family of 3 on $150 on a pretty regular basis. We eat about like you'd expect us to eat...monotonous boring food, day in and day out. No steaks. No sheet cakes from the bakery for birthdays (hell no). No lobster, ever. My kids have never tasted lobster. Some months, no beef to speak of. Yes, you can feed your children a healthy diet on a really slim welfare budget. I could feed 3 families for a month on the full 3-person foodstamp allotment.

And we can sure as shit tell the dept of Ag that we don't want to fund pizza pockets for the poor. Farmers will find a way to survive. BTW..yes, you can get deli items on ebt. You just can't get HOT deli items. You can also get Subway and Papa Murphy's.
Do Republicans always fall for the most ridiculous shit? People on food stamps aren't going to waste the entire months supply on one day of eating large when they are supporting children. What the fuck is wrong with you people? You believe any right wingnut bullshit that comes along. Next, you'll be telling us that God runs the weather and vaccines cause autism and the earth is only thousands of years old. Jesus Christ you people have problems. The ignorance is simply too, too much.

First they have to sell that they are wasting the money
Then they can justify cutting it
Great advice!

With 30 million Americans receiving government assistance, can you point to data showing that there are 30 million unfilled jobs or any time that 30 million new businesses were created so we can get these people off welfare?

Once you have done that ...we can start your plan
The reason million Americans are on welfare, is we are giving them welfare. People like free stuff.

As I said, you want proof that there are 30million unfilled jobs out there. What I'm telling you is that there is an INFINITE NUMBER OF UNFILLED JOBS OUT THERE. Your problem is you mind is too small. You can't even conceive of the idea of you yourself creating a job for you yourself. Not in a million years do you think someone could just come up with a job on their own. By your view all these jobs just grow on the job tree and you either grab one or are left out.. ROFL

Easy ....show me

Show me 30 million unfilled jobs out there for welfare families to take

You want them to create there own jobs? Show me any time in history when 30 million successful businesses were created in a year

ROFL Why should I do the work of 30million people? It's not my job to invent 30million jobs for 30million people. It's their job.

How about you show me how your war on poverty has eliminated poverty.

Thats not what I asked

I'm just trying to help you prove your claim

Show me any point in history where 30 million new businesses were successfuly started then we can consider your plan as a possiblity

Otherwise we need to call it total bullshit
ROFL ... funny as hell. You're right everyone should quit their jobs right now and go on welfare cause there's no proof that their jobs will last forever.

Then we'll just all stand around and do absolutely nothing, cause doing nothing works great for everyone!

You're right a system in which people actually work to produce something that other people are willing to pay for and then we exchange money that we earned to buy products,... that system is total bullshit, it can't possibly work better than your welfare system that pays people to not produce anything.

So your solution is bullshit like I said
The major problem is families with 2 adults and 5-6 kids....Here in Arizona as of 2008, when I left First Data, all persons in the home are treated as equal consumers of food so it's obvious that should be reworked......kids don't eat much but need more nutritious food so it's still out of balance. The benefits are based on several factors including the state average income, inflation rate, and any income that might be coming in. The reporting has to improve. I believe the program here in Arizona now monitors the family checking account....don't declare income and you're looking at a cutoff and jail time.....we don't play with EBT fraud.
You're so full of shit. You think you know a lot about the program and you don't.

It's a federal program, and it's the same state to state.
There's a system called simplified reporting that means the only time they have to report their income is if it goes over 130 percent of the federal poverty level (and they are told what that amount is for their household at intake). If they are between 130-185 percent of the fpl at eligibility determination, they don't have to report when their income goes up. They have a grace period until the next time they are obliged to report...at recert or at interim (6 months into a cert period).

A family of 6 is eligible to receive up to $925 per month in foodstamps. It's an exorbitant amount, and there is no family of 6 that needs to spend that much on food. A family of 7 receives up to $1022. It's freaking ridiculous. And I have seen plenty of families that actually bring that in. They live in a heap with relatives, they don't have to pay for anything, and they get this ridiculous amount of money for food every month. They fritter it away, but it costs the rest of us.
I have yet to see anybody go to jail for foodstamp fraud. In all my years working in human services, I've seen one person actually prosecuted for it..and it was blatant and long-term fraud where a woman was claiming that her disabled relatives and friends were living with her, and getting their checks and their snap benefits when they were really wandering around in the cold.

The worst that happens is they get an intentional violation, and if they continue to receive foodstamps, the feds get their money back by *garnishing* their foodstamp allotment, about $10 per head per month. Woo hoo.
That is not true!

This is a topic I know from both sides.

Yes milk costs $2.79 a gallon if you buy it in the right place BUT you use milk to cook and for breakfast....and if you buy DRIED milk at the beginning of the month you are set. It isn't yummy to drink, but you can make pudding and gravy and anything else that requires milk out of it (including breakfast drinks).

CARROTS and potatoes are almost free. I bought a 45 lb bag of carrots for my family about 9 months ago, I think they cost $8, and we still have carrots, and we eat them, too. No, most people are not crazy about eating the same thing every day, day in and day out...but that's what budgeting is about. Eat to live, don't live to eat. We eat the cheap stuff. That means we eat carrots (thankfully the kids like them) and we eat potatoes. We do not eat arugula and asparagus or organic rutabagas. We don't eat a lot of mushrooms. We eat ICEBURG LETTUCE and CABBAGE. And if you maintain that potatoes, carrots, iceburg lettuce and cabbage for a family of four for a month is more expensive than soda pop and frozen pizza, you're delusional. I know, I deal with this every single month.

We don't eat meat every day. We don't eat meat every other day. We fix one meal with meat maybe 1-2 x a week, and we use the leftovers for lunches and the carcasses and bones for soup and beans.

We NEVER buy steak, unless I find some really super cheap sirloin that's past it's date (I happen to like it better then, it's more tender. I've cured my own meat, the longer it sits the better). When I am concerned the kids aren't getting enough protein (and I'm concerned about it often) then I make them eat legumes and a grain (beans and cornbread, for example..beans and rice...beans bean beans) and hope that it will suffice as a complete protein.

THAT'S how you feed a family on a limited income. There is NO WAY that people on welfare should be eating better than people who bust their asses to put food on the table. There is no way that people like me should be forced to starve their children so that our government can keep our unworking class fat and complacent.

The last two weeks of last month, I fed my kids beans and one chicken, potatoes and eggs. And carrots. That's what we lived on for TWO WEEKS. And I'm not *eligible* for foodstamps. But assholes who have never lifted a finger in their lives, who say things like "I'm a stay-at-home mom, my kids are that important" call their workers up screeching "HOW CAN I FEED MY FAMILY ON $200 A MONTH??? There are 2 of us! That's not enough!!". I feed my family of 3 on $150 on a pretty regular basis. We eat about like you'd expect us to eat...monotonous boring food, day in and day out. No steaks. No sheet cakes from the bakery for birthdays (hell no). No lobster, ever. My kids have never tasted lobster. Some months, no beef to speak of. Yes, you can feed your children a healthy diet on a really slim welfare budget. I could feed 3 families for a month on the full 3-person foodstamp allotment.

And we can sure as shit tell the dept of Ag that we don't want to fund pizza pockets for the poor. Farmers will find a way to survive. BTW..yes, you can get deli items on ebt. You just can't get HOT deli items. You can also get Subway and Papa Murphy's.

Why do you keep picking fights with me? You've gone from telling me I don't know anything about EBT after I sold the program to dozens of merchants to how you survive on a limited diet. This is the second or third time you've come out of a bag at me. The information I post about EBT is from the processing part of the transaction to information I was taught to profile the average beneficiary. Of course there are differences in 50 states, demographics, income levels....a myriad of problems and success stories. Imagine those people not being able to eat at all and then envision what would happen. I know if I couldn't feed my family, I'd take somebody else's food or money for food.
That is not true!

This is a topic I know from both sides.

Yes milk costs $2.79 a gallon if you buy it in the right place BUT you use milk to cook and for breakfast....and if you buy DRIED milk at the beginning of the month you are set. It isn't yummy to drink, but you can make pudding and gravy and anything else that requires milk out of it (including breakfast drinks).

CARROTS and potatoes are almost free. I bought a 45 lb bag of carrots for my family about 9 months ago, I think they cost $8, and we still have carrots, and we eat them, too. No, most people are not crazy about eating the same thing every day, day in and day out...but that's what budgeting is about. Eat to live, don't live to eat. We eat the cheap stuff. That means we eat carrots (thankfully the kids like them) and we eat potatoes. We do not eat arugula and asparagus or organic rutabagas. We don't eat a lot of mushrooms. We eat ICEBURG LETTUCE and CABBAGE. And if you maintain that potatoes, carrots, iceburg lettuce and cabbage for a family of four for a month is more expensive than soda pop and frozen pizza, you're delusional. I know, I deal with this every single month.

We don't eat meat every day. We don't eat meat every other day. We fix one meal with meat maybe 1-2 x a week, and we use the leftovers for lunches and the carcasses and bones for soup and beans.

We NEVER buy steak, unless I find some really super cheap sirloin that's past it's date (I happen to like it better then, it's more tender. I've cured my own meat, the longer it sits the better). When I am concerned the kids aren't getting enough protein (and I'm concerned about it often) then I make them eat legumes and a grain (beans and cornbread, for example..beans and rice...beans bean beans) and hope that it will suffice as a complete protein.

THAT'S how you feed a family on a limited income. There is NO WAY that people on welfare should be eating better than people who bust their asses to put food on the table. There is no way that people like me should be forced to starve their children so that our government can keep our unworking class fat and complacent.

The last two weeks of last month, I fed my kids beans and one chicken, potatoes and eggs. And carrots. That's what we lived on for TWO WEEKS. And I'm not *eligible* for foodstamps. But assholes who have never lifted a finger in their lives, who say things like "I'm a stay-at-home mom, my kids are that important" call their workers up screeching "HOW CAN I FEED MY FAMILY ON $200 A MONTH??? There are 2 of us! That's not enough!!". I feed my family of 3 on $150 on a pretty regular basis. We eat about like you'd expect us to eat...monotonous boring food, day in and day out. No steaks. No sheet cakes from the bakery for birthdays (hell no). No lobster, ever. My kids have never tasted lobster. Some months, no beef to speak of. Yes, you can feed your children a healthy diet on a really slim welfare budget. I could feed 3 families for a month on the full 3-person foodstamp allotment.

And we can sure as shit tell the dept of Ag that we don't want to fund pizza pockets for the poor. Farmers will find a way to survive. BTW..yes, you can get deli items on ebt. You just can't get HOT deli items. You can also get Subway and Papa Murphy's.

Why do you keep picking fights with me? You've gone from telling me I don't know anything about EBT after I sold the program to dozens of merchants to how you survive on a limited diet. This is the second or third time you've come out of a bag at me. The information I post about EBT is from the processing part of the transaction to information I was taught to profile the average beneficiary. Of course there are differences in 50 states, demographics, income levels....a myriad o of problems and success stories. Imagine those people not being able to eat at all and then envision what would happen. I know if I couldn't feed my family, I'd take somebody else's food or money for food.

You're spreading misinformation and pretending you have insight into the program that you absolutely 100 percent don't have. I'm not picking a fight. I'm correcting you. Sorry you can't distinguish.
You're spreading misinformation and pretending you have insight into the program that you absolutely 100 percent don't have. I'm not picking a fight. I'm correcting you. Sorry you can't distinguish.

You're a low-rent moron pissed because you can't get the benefits you'd deny others. I made my position very clear and you ignored it to attack me. That's it.
All unhealthy food should be off the list. Red meat is not a healthy source of protein.
I eat about five pounds of red meat a week.

I am 66, 6'4", 185lbs, and pretty damned healthy.

Hasn't hurt me a bit, as far as I can tell.
Give it some time, that diet will catch up with you, but that is not the point. There are healthier, less expensive options. You pay for your own food, so you can eat whatever you want. If I have to pay for your food you will be eating beans instead of beef, perhaps some chicken.
If someone else has to pay for my food, I will slit my wrists.
its not shameful to accept help if you truly need it....

that's the thing Harry, IF has become a word of the past with the food stamp program. Just like every other government entitlement and we the taxpayers and our families are having to pay by limiting ourselves anymore
That's what grates on me the most...these people whining on republicans might limit their steak and seafood intake...I mean my goodness
back when we used to have to deliver food stamps there were more than one person i felt pretty sure was gaming the system....
You're spreading misinformation and pretending you have insight into the program that you absolutely 100 percent don't have. I'm not picking a fight. I'm correcting you. Sorry you can't distinguish.

You're a low-rent moron pissed because you can't get the benefits you'd deny others. I made my position very clear and you ignored it to attack me. That's it.

You have a crap position and you defended it with lies about the program, then you claimed *inside knowledge* to try to hide the fact that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Bottom line:

Simplified Reporting System...you don't have to report changes in income, unless they go over a certain point.
Food stamp recipients are just as capable of stretching a food dollar as anybody else, if they were so inclined. They aren't, because they get more than they need, and are under the misapprehension that there's always more available for them.
And the meme that it's "more expensive" to eat healthy is a lie.

I think that covers it. Now go sulk somewhere else.
I think that covers it. Now go sulk somewhere else.

Kiss my ass....I think anybody without an agenda sees my position and understands it. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground...just ignorant myths is what you're peddling. You're a loser and not worth my time and be advised, this is the last time you don't get the full can of whoop-ass....I won't be civil with you again.
Missouri law bans Foodstamps for a can of Tuna

Republicans outraged
We've all stood behind these welfare people and watched them stack T-bone steak high on the conveyor belt and also tons of convenience foods. Too damn lazy to mash there own potatoes, they have to have instant which costs ten times per serving. I'm getting sick of watching this waste of my taxes.

Anybody ever see a skinny welfare momma or welfare male who wasn't big and muscular?

Anybody ever see a skinny welfare momma or welfare male who wasn't big and muscular?

i have quite a few times....

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