Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

That story fit a longtime conservative suspicion that poor people use food stamps to purchase luxury items. Now, a Republican state lawmaker in Missouri is pushing for legislation that would stop people like Greenslate and severely limit what food stamp recipients can buy. The bill being proposed would ban the purchase with food stamps of "cookies, chips, energy drinks, soft drinks, seafood or steak."
Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood - The Washington Post
Banning food stamps for thugs who spend it on luxury items, or they're trying to destroy welfare system?
I think that the only way to stop these people to spend our tax money on unnecessary items - is to create list of goods they can buy! And what do you think guys?

I don't see seafood and steak as luxury items. Energy drinks, cookies, etc. might be frivolous though.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.

Last week I bought chuck steak for less than hamburger costs per pound. I oppose food stamps, but I don't support limiting legitimate food.
We've all stood behind these welfare people and watched them stack T-bone steak high on the conveyor belt and also tons of convenience foods. Too damn lazy to mash there own potatoes, they have to have instant which costs ten times per serving. I'm getting sick of watching this waste of my taxes.

Anybody ever see a skinny welfare momma or welfare male who wasn't big and muscular?

I know

I helped a welfare mother load champagne, caviar, lobsters and filet mignon into her Escalade the other day

Then I went home on my bicycle and ate franks and beans in front of my black and white TV with rabbit ears
you should apply for aide RW.....dont be ashamed.....
I think that covers it. Now go sulk somewhere else.

Kiss my ass....I think anybody without an agenda sees my position and understands it. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground...just ignorant myths is what you're peddling. You're a loser and not worth my time and be advised, this is the last time you don't get the full can of whoop-ass....I won't be civil with you again.
You don't have a *position*. All you've posted is a bunch of nonsense.
Bottom line....as long as DemocRATS win elections they will put their supporters in positions to help their voters ie administer the welfare state. Remember that the next time a McCain or Romney is the candidate and GOPers stay home because he ain't Reagan.
You don't have a *position*. All you've posted is a bunch of nonsense.

You're too busy dreaming up insults to read what I said...your agenda is a loser profile. The "nonsense" you're referring to is so far over your head you'd need binoculars to see it, witch.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.

Last week I bought chuck steak for less than hamburger costs per pound. I oppose food stamps, but I don't support limiting legitimate food.
If that's the case you could put it in the computer. I'm talking about high priced meats like ribeye or strip steaks.
Instant potatoes are more expensive than real ones? I thought they were cheaper. Guess it depends on the type of potatoes you like.

Seriously, the relative cost depends upon where you are.

Unprocessed potatoes are largely water with some unusable peel. If you've shopping somewhere near where potatoes are grown then the cost of shipping the water and peel to you is so small as to make them cost much less than the instant ones.

But if you live somewhere, say 1,000 miles away from the nearest potato field, then the instant spuds cost about 2/3s LESS than the unprocessed ones.
I know little about the subject. At one time I used the instants when backpacking. Heck, I could make them edible just by adding water and what ever spices I was carrying. Didn't even have to heat them. Great for when it was pouring down rain and you just want to fill your gut with carbs. I'm fond of the more expensive varieties nowadays. Especially the little baby potatoes. and Yukon golds.
mostly sweet potatoes and yams for me.....
Bottom line....as long as DemocRATS win elections they will put their supporters in positions to help their voters ie administer the welfare state. Remember that the next time a McCain or Romney is the candidate and GOPers stay home because he ain't Reagan.
Hardly, Oblama has turned more control back to the states to put out guidelines....Mizzouri is not only debating food restrictions but job requirements and length of help, capping it at 5 years...
Tomorrow is the day when the Kroger stores in my area give 10% discounts on all house-brand food items to we "seniors". A day when one might expect to see a higher percentage of food-stamp users shopping to make their money buy more.

But that doesn't happen.

However my wife and I will be there early and pretty well fill a cart spending an amount we consistently spent each "first tuesday" for donation to the local food bank where she does some volunteer work.

We use two carts. One of which is for the food bank purchases; the other for things we regularly use from the range of house-brand products.

Point of that two carts is that we buy the same type goods (house brands) for donation and for our own purposes.

That brings us to the experience working in the food bank. When the volunteers observers see a "basket" filled exclusively with name-brands odds are very high that the recipient will carry them out and put them in the trunk of a new or near-new luxury sedan. The mixed baskets tend to go into older vehicles, particularly pickup trucks, or get carried off in cloth sacks carried away by a person on foot.

Recently there was a bit of a flap when one of the volunteers loudly offered: "LET ME HELP CARRY YOUR BOXES OUT TO YOUR LEXUS". It wasn't so much the offer that caused the upset - rather, the slow clap that echoed through the shop.

I wonder if she'll be back next month!
I eat about five pounds of red meat a week.

I am 66, 6'4", 185lbs, and pretty damned healthy.

Hasn't hurt me a bit, as far as I can tell.

No, but it's the reason you're 6'4" and 185.

If the leftists have their way, everyone will be 5'3 and 310 lbs.
Instant potatoes are more expensive than real ones? I thought they were cheaper. Guess it depends on the type of potatoes you like.

Seriously, the relative cost depends upon where you are.

Unprocessed potatoes are largely water with some unusable peel. If you've shopping somewhere near where potatoes are grown then the cost of shipping the water and peel to you is so small as to make them cost much less than the instant ones.

But if you live somewhere, say 1,000 miles away from the nearest potato field, then the instant spuds cost about 2/3s LESS than the unprocessed ones.
I know little about the subject. At one time I used the instants when backpacking. Heck, I could make them edible just by adding water and what ever spices I was carrying. Didn't even have to heat them. Great for when it was pouring down rain and you just want to fill your gut with carbs. I'm fond of the more expensive varieties nowadays. Especially the little baby potatoes. and Yukon golds.
mostly sweet potatoes and yams for me.....
Try taro root...
You don't have a *position*. All you've posted is a bunch of nonsense.

You're too busy dreaming up insults to read what I said...your agenda is a loser profile. The "nonsense" you're referring to is so far over your head you'd need binoculars to see it, witch.

I haven't insulted you. You see it as an insult when I point out where your info is incorrect, and I can't help that. However you've called me names in about half a dozen posts. And "Your agenda is a loser profile" doesn't even make sense.

You sound like maybe you're slamming heroin. I suggest you just say no.
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?
Hamburger is ground steak, with a few other ingredients...
Ya so and its still much cheaper,what your point?
If they do not allow steak then no hamburger, it's ground steak.......I hate to say this but ,,,duh!
duh ground beef is still much cheaper,the steak that makes it into GB is old and out of date.
It isn't old and out of date. If it was it would stink and be discolored. It can be fresher than the steak you are buying, or the same freshness because it is made (butchered) at the same time and maybe even the same side of beef. Ground beef is made from less popular cuts of beef and trimming from when the beef is butchered into various cuts. Some of these trimmings are made into beef cubes for stew and some are made into GB. The toughest cuts go straight to GB unless they are specially ordered by chefs and others who know the time consuming methods to cook them.
yep.....i will buy sirloin burger over the 30% shit....ground Turkey is getting popular.....ground Bison is the best....
All unhealthy food should be off the list. Red meat is not a healthy source of protein.


You're a fucking idiot.

Beefsteak is about the best source of protein there is.
But, but, you are starving poor Africans if you eat beef.

Fuck 'em.

I'm going to eat my five pounds of beef and two-three pounds of chicken each week, and live as long a God has planned.
I eat about five pounds of red meat a week.

I am 66, 6'4", 185lbs, and pretty damned healthy.

Hasn't hurt me a bit, as far as I can tell.

No, but it's the reason you're 6'4" and 185.

If the leftists have their way, everyone will be 5'3 and 310 lbs.

Naw. Once they have everybody dependent on gov't food, they'll take it from the people. That's where we're headed.

It's already happening. The allotments are going to more and more people....the next step is for government to take control of the production of food..then they will withhold it from the people.

That's how this stuff has historically gone down.
Great advice!

With 30 million Americans receiving government assistance, can you point to data showing that there are 30 million unfilled jobs or any time that 30 million new businesses were created so we can get these people off welfare?

Once you have done that ...we can start your plan
The reason million Americans are on welfare, is we are giving them welfare. People like free stuff.

As I said, you want proof that there are 30million unfilled jobs out there. What I'm telling you is that there is an INFINITE NUMBER OF UNFILLED JOBS OUT THERE. Your problem is you mind is too small. You can't even conceive of the idea of you yourself creating a job for you yourself. Not in a million years do you think someone could just come up with a job on their own. By your view all these jobs just grow on the job tree and you either grab one or are left out.. ROFL

Easy ....show me

Show me 30 million unfilled jobs out there for welfare families to take

You want them to create there own jobs? Show me any time in history when 30 million successful businesses were created in a year

ROFL Why should I do the work of 30million people? It's not my job to invent 30million jobs for 30million people. It's their job.

How about you show me how your war on poverty has eliminated poverty.

Thats not what I asked

I'm just trying to help you prove your claim

Show me any point in history where 30 million new businesses were successfuly started then we can consider your plan as a possiblity

Otherwise we need to call it total bullshit
ROFL ... funny as hell. You're right everyone should quit their jobs right now and go on welfare cause there's no proof that their jobs will last forever.

Then we'll just all stand around and do absolutely nothing, cause doing nothing works great for everyone!

You're right a system in which people actually work to produce something that other people are willing to pay for and then we exchange money that we earned to buy products,... that system is total bullshit, it can't possibly work better than your welfare system that pays people to not produce anything.
Why are you saying something so fucking stupid? If you want people to believe you are stupid, OK, it worked.

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