Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

Why not use food stamps for seeds and plant the seeds for food?
what do they eat until the crops come in?....
You're right planting wont work.. they should buy mcdonalds instead.

Plus all that land welfare people live on it should be easy to plant food

What land would that be?

I find planting on concrete and stones doesn't work very well. Much easier where there's some dirt for the seeds to germinate in. Here's a photo of a place where you can plant stuff. Just avoid the small concrete islands.
Typical con response. Offers a solution but has no details or follow thru except a map of America. Good work
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
So no hamburger either?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?
what if its round steak?.....
How about cube steak? How about sirlion? Why don't we let them buy colby steak? They are tax payer supported, they shouldn't eat better than the average tax payer.

So there needs to be SNAP police roaming the grocery store aisles....
Speaking of topsoil, I read the other day it takes 100 years to create an inch of top soil....so here's a math problem...how many years would it take to cover a dinosaur down to a depth of 5,000 feet where most of the older oil wells are at? "fossil fuels" my ass. :rolleyes-41:
Typical con response. Offers a solution but has no details or follow thru except a map of America. Good work
Ok. I'll give you the steps. Get a pencil.

1) walk or ride a bike to a place where things might actually grow. (see the green stuff on this map I already provided) if you live in texas, even the poorest folk just have to go out back or out front. Not sure where you folk all live but from that concrete jungle pic, you might want to find a more hospitable place first.
2) borrow a shovel
3) clear a spot for your new plant with your borrowed shovel
4) follow the instructions on the seed bag
5) give the shovel back
6) harvest
7) eat.

You may have to switch steps 1 and 2, and you may have to walk or ride back sort of depends on your situation.
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I remember calling the card service people when our ebt machine broke down. I got non-English speaking people in a variety of different countries, and none of them knew jack about anything. It was quite an experience.

Bullshit....Cardservice International (First Data) isn't some "card services"...you should STFU.

BTW, the agency the store bought or leased their equipment from isn't the processor.
My point is, CARDSERVICE INT'L has no clue about the cardholder situation/particulars. The ONLY people who have access to that particular information are the DHS workers and their partners. Cardservice Int'l is essentially a bank that manages the account from which the ebt funds are issued. They have NOTHING to do with eligibility or monitoring eligibility status or certification periods, and they do NOT keep records that have anything to do with eligibility.

They are not privy to ANY of the narratives or any of the information about the snap households.
If someone told you they were, they were either lying, or engaging in a huge and very illegal scam. The people who put in the machines and hook the cards up with the government money have NOTHING to do with the eligibility. They have zero interaction with the clients and zero access to DHS records, except for very specific screens that drive the issuance of benefits.
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My point is, CARDSERVICE INT'L has no clue about the cardholder situation/status. They are not privy to ANY of the narratives or any of the information about the snap households.

And we couldn't care less about the cardholder as long as it's a legitimate card. It's the merchant's responsibility to run his business and avoid fraudulent transactions. If we don't like the looks of the transaction or the card information doesn't match our perimeters, the transaction will be declined. More than 3 of these in a month and the merchant gets looked into. As of 2008, more than 16,000 merchants who were TMFed applied for reinstatement....3 were given a reprieve.
its not shameful to accept help if you truly need it....

It used to be. People used to have a great sense of humility when they needed a helping hand and the shame they felt was a great motivator in helping them to get off of being on the receiving end of a hand-out. Now, the majority of people don't seem to flinch and they feel entitled. It's bullshit.
Why not use food stamps for seeds and plant the seeds for food?
what do they eat until the crops come in?....
You're right planting wont work.. they should buy mcdonalds instead.

Plus all that land welfare people live on it should be easy to plant food

What land would that be?

Upper left corner where tree is planted. Looks like space for a tomato plant.

You people are fucked up.
Why not use food stamps for seeds and plant the seeds for food?
what do they eat until the crops come in?....
You're right planting wont work.. they should buy mcdonalds instead.

Plus all that land welfare people live on it should be easy to plant food

What land would that be?

I find planting on concrete and stones doesn't work very well. Much easier where there's some dirt for the seeds to germinate in. Here's a photo of a place where you can plant stuff. Just avoid the small concrete islands.

Brilliant. :smartass:

I challenge you to walk up to a homeless guy on the street asking for food, show him your picture, and then suggest that he farm. Good luck with that.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
So no hamburger either?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?
what if its round steak?.....
How about cube steak? How about sirlion? Why don't we let them buy colby steak? They are tax payer supported, they shouldn't eat better than the average tax payer.

So there needs to be SNAP police roaming the grocery store aisles....
Nope just enter it in the computer so that expensive cuts of meat can't be bought with a snap card.
Most of the SNAP transactions involving junk food come from their high caloric content....pretty hard to get enough energy to attempt a carjacking and a footrace with the cops eating carrots and spinach. :uhh:
My point is, CARDSERVICE INT'L has no clue about the cardholder situation/status. They are not privy to ANY of the narratives or any of the information about the snap households.

And we couldn't care less about the cardholder as long as it's a legitimate card. It's the merchant's responsibility to run his business and avoid fraudulent transactions. If we don't like the looks of the transaction or the card information doesn't match our perimeters, the transaction will be declined. More than 3 of these in a month and the merchant gets looked into. As of 2008, more than 16,000 merchants who were TMFed applied for reinstatement....3 were given a reprieve.

Make up your mind, you said that cardservice were the ones that told you that the ebt cardholders who were getting a crapload of expensive food were doing it at the end of their cert periods.

Not true.
Most of the SNAP transactions involving junk food come from their high caloric content....pretty hard to get enough energy to attempt a carjacking and a footrace with the cops eating carrots and spinach. :uhh:
Plus who has time for all the prep when you're running from the po po?
Make up your mind, you said that cardservice were the ones that told you that the ebt cardholders who were getting a crapload of expensive food were doing it at the end of their cert periods.

Not true.

Of course it's true....the average EBT recipient has around $5 a day for food...lobster and steak are so far out of reach it's a non-issue. In order to SELL our EBT services wouldn't you concede that we know a little more about the system than you (a clerk) does? C'mon.....:eusa_doh:
Junk food should be on a list. FS are for people who need the extra help in eating...not stuffing their face with soda pop, chips, ice cream, cookies, candy.

FS should be for chicken/poultry, ground beef or pork, certain types of red meat, vegetables, fruit, tortillas, bread, milk, cheese, rice, soup, crackers, etc.

No steak. No lobster. No shrimp. No scallops. No junk food.
Ah! The Compassionate Conservatives! Why not put a caldron of gruel on the town square and call it a day?

You hate the poor, so why not be even more visceral about it?

Liberals love the poor....and do everything they can to make more of 'em.

1. " .... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather thatit creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance."

."....welfare programs rarely encourage good behavior.For example, AFDC explicitly frowns upon thrift, as recipients are allowed to have only $1,000 in savings in order to remain eligible.

Grace Capetillo, a 36-year-old welfare mother, found this out the hard way after she managed to save up $3,000 over four years, only to be sued by the county of Milwaukee.... the county's request that she pay back the $15,545 she had received since going over the limit. However, she did have to pay a $1,000 fine and spend another $1,000 to get under the savings limit."The Yale Free Press

2. How, exactly, did Mrs. Capetillo accumulate the vast sum of $3,000 in savings?

a. She had shopped at thrift stores, stocked up on sale items in grocery stores....bought second hand clothes during the summer, and warm-weather outfits during the summer.

b. When her five-year-old daughter's t-shirts grew tight, she simply snipped them under the arms,...

c. When she asked for 'Li'l Miss Make-Up' for Christmas, Mrs. Capetillo didn't pay $19.99 at Toys-R-Us, she found it at Goodwill for $1.89; she cleaned it up and tied it with a pink ribbon.

d. At Goodwill, she found the pieces for Mr. Potato Head, and bought them for seventy-nine cents, saving $3.18.
Her reward from the welfare system was being sued for $14,545.
"The Tragedy of American Compassion," p. 42, by Marvin Olasky

That is the kind of responsibility that the current system penalizes, careful use of one's assets, savings, behaviors that might get one out of the welfare trap......instead the impersonal nature of the welfare system and it's built-in Liberal 'we'll take care of you' structure produce life-long dependency.

The challenge:
what, exactly does this system accomplish outside of enlisting the 'poor' as 'reliable Democrat voters'?
Uppity bitch should have been flogged for trying to escape the plantation.
Junk food should be on a list. FS are for people who need the extra help in eating...not stuffing their face with soda pop, chips, ice cream, cookies, candy.

FS should be for chicken/poultry, ground beef or pork, certain types of red meat, vegetables, fruit, tortillas, bread, milk, cheese, rice, soup, crackers, etc.

No steak. No lobster. No shrimp. No scallops. No junk food.

A gallon of milk costs $3, a big bottle of soda $1.50....which do you think a welfare mother will buy? Vegetables are the most expensive item in most inner-city stores and you know how kids are about vegetables...hell, I only eat veggies a couple times a week and I'm a grown man. You can't get the Dept of Agriculture to ban certain foods in a free-enterprise economy. As long as it's not booze, cigs, or deli items, it's acceptable food.
Most of the SNAP transactions involving junk food come from their high caloric content....pretty hard to get enough energy to attempt a carjacking and a footrace with the cops eating carrots and spinach. :uhh:
They will be healthier and loaded with vitamins....
Junk food should be on a list. FS are for people who need the extra help in eating...not stuffing their face with soda pop, chips, ice cream, cookies, candy.

FS should be for chicken/poultry, ground beef or pork, certain types of red meat, vegetables, fruit, tortillas, bread, milk, cheese, rice, soup, crackers, etc.

No steak. No lobster. No shrimp. No scallops. No junk food.
Hamburger is ground steak,,,see how silly it is?

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