Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

So you don't know how to read even a basic chart? Did you have some sort of head trauma?

Brown, we know how to read one but we're wondering if you do.

The chart shows a steady increase in welfare spending. You were supposed to be showing where welfare spending was limited, curtailed, cut back, slowed down or something other than increased. You failed.

It's not even a matter of semantics or your infantile grasp of context this time. Is this one of those things where you've dug the hole so deep you figure to just keep digging? Maybe you think the chart is like one of those hidden image pictures and if we stare at it long enough you will be vindicated? Or maybe you're just a true-to-form liberal jackass braying his lies over and over in order to turn them into truths?

Whatever the case, you're definitely mental.
Welfare Spending Did Go Down for a few years During the Clinton Administration. That NEVER EVER happened under Reagan, Bush or Bush!

Reagan Bush were a Joke that you idiots worship!
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See, you don't want them to have hamburger, frozen potatoes, milk, or - apparently - cooking oil. I'm betting Kosher thinks the program should be limited to things like hamburger and milk. (How they're supposed to prepare food without cooking oil has me mystified.)

I become more and more curious as to what you think these "alternative healthy meals" that are cheaper than hamburger are, and how they don't include milk.

So you can't cook without cooking oil and can't cook healthy without milk?

Even WIC thinks milk is part of a healthy child's diet. And no, removing any sort of cooking oil from the recipe severely limits what one can prepare, as any competent cook could tell you.

Keep talking, though, Camp, because you're making my point for me. You don't think Food Stamps should cover hamburger, frozen potatoes, milk, or cooking oil, apparently. What DO you think it should provide? What constitutes the healthy diet you would like to mandate for the millions of people receiving SNAP?
You are misinterpreting my post. Not sure if you are doing it because you are dishonest or stupid.

No, you just really want to walk it back because you ran your gums without thinking and now you're embarrassed.

Let's cut to the chase.

What do you think should consistute the acceptable, healthy diet that Food Stamps should cover? Give me the specifics of what you would limit it to and why.

And I very much invite everyone else who advocates playing Food Police, for whatever reason, to answer the same question.
I am shocked that in this day and age there are people like you who don't know the difference between healthy nutrition and foods that cause health problems. I gave you an example when I used the cheeseburger, fries and shake example. In that post I suggested that instead of that unhealthy meal it be substituted for a bowl of vegetable soup, a salad and juice. My selection would cost less and offer nutritional value. The burger, fries and shake meal offers, artery clogging cholesterol and diabetes causing carbs and sugar. Both of these diseases are epidemics in this country by the way and their is no debate about their causes. You and anyone else has the right to eat them as much as you want, or in moderation, or not at all. My argument is that society and the tax payer should no more pay for those negative food items than they should pay for beer and wine, which by the way is healthier than the burger and fries and ice cream shake. If we pay for milk and juice, why not pay for beer and whine? That seems to be your theory.

Ah, yes. The proverbial liberal shock that someone doesn't know which opinion is officially allowed and mandated. Particularly if it allows you to bloviate a bunch more and totally avoid the question.

Still waiting for you to tell me what foods you would have on your approved food stamp list.
It's more of what shouldn't be allowed to be purchased with food stamps. My list would include: alcohol, junk food -- the pre-packaged crap foods like chips, cookies, sugary cereals, cake mixes, canned frosty, sodas, fake fruit drinks ... things of that nature. If a food stamp recipient wants to purchase these types of foods they can use their own money, not taxpayers money.

You already can't purchase alcohol with food stamps, just FYI. Except things like cooking sherry, I think. Not clear on that one.
Also, for those who are outraged at people spending food stamps on "expensive luxury items" like seafood, what about the fact that it's a much healthier source of protein than red meat? What about states where seafood is so plentiful that it's one of the cheapest meats available? Would we have different "acceptable foods" lists for each locale, dependent on what's cheap and what isn't?

After I had my abdominal surgery, fish and shellfish were the only proteins my stomach could tolerate. Beef and pork sat in there like a rock, and poultry of any kind made me vomit. Had I been on food stamps at the time, these sorts of restrictions would have left me struggling to get the protein I needed to heal and get well. Do we really want to get into a morass of personal exceptions for people with dietary restrictions on top of everything else?
So you can't cook without cooking oil and can't cook healthy without milk?

Even WIC thinks milk is part of a healthy child's diet. And no, removing any sort of cooking oil from the recipe severely limits what one can prepare, as any competent cook could tell you.

Keep talking, though, Camp, because you're making my point for me. You don't think Food Stamps should cover hamburger, frozen potatoes, milk, or cooking oil, apparently. What DO you think it should provide? What constitutes the healthy diet you would like to mandate for the millions of people receiving SNAP?
You are misinterpreting my post. Not sure if you are doing it because you are dishonest or stupid.

No, you just really want to walk it back because you ran your gums without thinking and now you're embarrassed.

Let's cut to the chase.

What do you think should consistute the acceptable, healthy diet that Food Stamps should cover? Give me the specifics of what you would limit it to and why.

And I very much invite everyone else who advocates playing Food Police, for whatever reason, to answer the same question.
I am shocked that in this day and age there are people like you who don't know the difference between healthy nutrition and foods that cause health problems. I gave you an example when I used the cheeseburger, fries and shake example. In that post I suggested that instead of that unhealthy meal it be substituted for a bowl of vegetable soup, a salad and juice. My selection would cost less and offer nutritional value. The burger, fries and shake meal offers, artery clogging cholesterol and diabetes causing carbs and sugar. Both of these diseases are epidemics in this country by the way and their is no debate about their causes. You and anyone else has the right to eat them as much as you want, or in moderation, or not at all. My argument is that society and the tax payer should no more pay for those negative food items than they should pay for beer and wine, which by the way is healthier than the burger and fries and ice cream shake. If we pay for milk and juice, why not pay for beer and whine? That seems to be your theory.

Ah, yes. The proverbial liberal shock that someone doesn't know which opinion is officially allowed and mandated. Particularly if it allows you to bloviate a bunch more and totally avoid the question.

Still waiting for you to tell me what foods you would have on your approved food stamp list.
There are endless list of foods that are nutritional and foods that are low on nutrition value or actually harmful. The topic has been covered by educational, government and private entities. Pollock, particularly Alaskan pollock is one of several fishes used to make "imitation" lobster and crab. Whitefish is another one. Both are more nutritional and less expensive than pure lobster or crab. Childrens cereal is another example. There are many kids friendly cereals that limit the amounts of sugar used in the finished product. There are however many cereals that have so much sugar in them that they actually are harmful when consumed over time, leading to all kinds of medical problems. The lists are endless and available in abundance from all kinds of sources, including highly respected medical institutions.
You can fairly make the argument that steaks and lobster can be used in economic ways, but you can not justify foods that create negative health results and increased medical cost being paid by the government for persons on public assistance. An apple or orange is healthier than a candy bar. What is so hard to understand about that.
The thing about this is enforcement.

What is seafood? Do Fish sticks count? Tilapia is very affordable on a budget and healthy.

But this poor shaming Republicans do is just sickening and leads to many of the problems we see like drug use and the crime associated with it. And most people don't choose to be poor and the barriers to getting out of poverty are so high. You don't magically become rich being on welfare, you are just trying to get by and survive. It's disgusting what people do to the less fortunate and yet call themselves "Christian"
Even WIC thinks milk is part of a healthy child's diet. And no, removing any sort of cooking oil from the recipe severely limits what one can prepare, as any competent cook could tell you.

Keep talking, though, Camp, because you're making my point for me. You don't think Food Stamps should cover hamburger, frozen potatoes, milk, or cooking oil, apparently. What DO you think it should provide? What constitutes the healthy diet you would like to mandate for the millions of people receiving SNAP?
You are misinterpreting my post. Not sure if you are doing it because you are dishonest or stupid.

No, you just really want to walk it back because you ran your gums without thinking and now you're embarrassed.

Let's cut to the chase.

What do you think should consistute the acceptable, healthy diet that Food Stamps should cover? Give me the specifics of what you would limit it to and why.

And I very much invite everyone else who advocates playing Food Police, for whatever reason, to answer the same question.
I am shocked that in this day and age there are people like you who don't know the difference between healthy nutrition and foods that cause health problems. I gave you an example when I used the cheeseburger, fries and shake example. In that post I suggested that instead of that unhealthy meal it be substituted for a bowl of vegetable soup, a salad and juice. My selection would cost less and offer nutritional value. The burger, fries and shake meal offers, artery clogging cholesterol and diabetes causing carbs and sugar. Both of these diseases are epidemics in this country by the way and their is no debate about their causes. You and anyone else has the right to eat them as much as you want, or in moderation, or not at all. My argument is that society and the tax payer should no more pay for those negative food items than they should pay for beer and wine, which by the way is healthier than the burger and fries and ice cream shake. If we pay for milk and juice, why not pay for beer and whine? That seems to be your theory.

Ah, yes. The proverbial liberal shock that someone doesn't know which opinion is officially allowed and mandated. Particularly if it allows you to bloviate a bunch more and totally avoid the question.

Still waiting for you to tell me what foods you would have on your approved food stamp list.
There are endless list of foods that are nutritional and foods that are low on nutrition value or actually harmful. The topic has been covered by educational, government and private entities. Pollock, particularly Alaskan pollock is one of several fishes used to make "imitation" lobster and crab. Whitefish is another one. Both are more nutritional and less expensive than pure lobster or crab. Childrens cereal is another example. There are many kids friendly cereals that limit the amounts of sugar used in the finished product. There are however many cereals that have so much sugar in them that they actually are harmful when consumed over time, leading to all kinds of medical problems. The lists are endless and available in abundance from all kinds of sources, including highly respected medical institutions.
You can fairly make the argument that steaks and lobster can be used in economic ways, but you can not justify foods that create negative health results and increased medical cost being paid by the government for persons on public assistance. An apple or orange is healthier than a candy bar. What is so hard to understand about that.

In other words, you have no intention of ever answering the question instead of throwing up a wall of blather. You just think it's a spiffy idea for government to control people's lives, and you'll just wait around for someone else to do the thinking and hand you some talking points to enthuse about.

Got it. Thank you. Dismissed.
You are misinterpreting my post. Not sure if you are doing it because you are dishonest or stupid.

No, you just really want to walk it back because you ran your gums without thinking and now you're embarrassed.

Let's cut to the chase.

What do you think should consistute the acceptable, healthy diet that Food Stamps should cover? Give me the specifics of what you would limit it to and why.

And I very much invite everyone else who advocates playing Food Police, for whatever reason, to answer the same question.
I am shocked that in this day and age there are people like you who don't know the difference between healthy nutrition and foods that cause health problems. I gave you an example when I used the cheeseburger, fries and shake example. In that post I suggested that instead of that unhealthy meal it be substituted for a bowl of vegetable soup, a salad and juice. My selection would cost less and offer nutritional value. The burger, fries and shake meal offers, artery clogging cholesterol and diabetes causing carbs and sugar. Both of these diseases are epidemics in this country by the way and their is no debate about their causes. You and anyone else has the right to eat them as much as you want, or in moderation, or not at all. My argument is that society and the tax payer should no more pay for those negative food items than they should pay for beer and wine, which by the way is healthier than the burger and fries and ice cream shake. If we pay for milk and juice, why not pay for beer and whine? That seems to be your theory.

Ah, yes. The proverbial liberal shock that someone doesn't know which opinion is officially allowed and mandated. Particularly if it allows you to bloviate a bunch more and totally avoid the question.

Still waiting for you to tell me what foods you would have on your approved food stamp list.
There are endless list of foods that are nutritional and foods that are low on nutrition value or actually harmful. The topic has been covered by educational, government and private entities. Pollock, particularly Alaskan pollock is one of several fishes used to make "imitation" lobster and crab. Whitefish is another one. Both are more nutritional and less expensive than pure lobster or crab. Childrens cereal is another example. There are many kids friendly cereals that limit the amounts of sugar used in the finished product. There are however many cereals that have so much sugar in them that they actually are harmful when consumed over time, leading to all kinds of medical problems. The lists are endless and available in abundance from all kinds of sources, including highly respected medical institutions.
You can fairly make the argument that steaks and lobster can be used in economic ways, but you can not justify foods that create negative health results and increased medical cost being paid by the government for persons on public assistance. An apple or orange is healthier than a candy bar. What is so hard to understand about that.

In other words, you have no intention of ever answering the question instead of throwing up a wall of blather. You just think it's a spiffy idea for government to control people's lives, and you'll just wait around for someone else to do the thinking and hand you some talking points to enthuse about.

Got it. Thank you. Dismissed.
I have repeatedly answered your question. In some cases with a good bit of detail. What exactly are you looking for? Do you expect me to give you a long list of foods that could belong on a list and a long list of foods that could be off a list? How about if you answer whether you think tax payers should pay for candy bars, ice cream and soda pop. Those would be the first things I put on an unavailable list.
So you don't know how to read even a basic chart? Did you have some sort of head trauma?

Brown, we know how to read one but we're wondering if you do.

The chart shows a steady increase in welfare spending. You were supposed to be showing where welfare spending was limited, curtailed, cut back, slowed down or something other than increased. You failed.

It's not even a matter of semantics or your infantile grasp of context this time. Is this one of those things where you've dug the hole so deep you figure to just keep digging? Maybe you think the chart is like one of those hidden image pictures and if we stare at it long enough you will be vindicated? Or maybe you're just a true-to-form liberal jackass braying his lies over and over in order to turn them into truths?

Whatever the case, you're definitely mental.
Nah, your just an effing moron that can't read a chart. Hint, the bottom line indicates YEARS. Ask a five year old child to show you the parts in the chart where welfare did not go up for YEARS.
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Here's a guy who tried to live for a couple weeks on $4 a day...only a little less than most SNAP recipients who often have to go for months on that amount in this jobless "recovery":

5 things one executive learned from spending only 4 a day on food for 2 weeks - Yahoo Finance

Yep. I watched a similar video about a college professor that got his students to do this as a project. They lived on a diet. Of hot dogs, bologna,bread, ramen noodles,oranges and lettuce.

It can can be done in a pinch.
But back to steak and seafood. Just priced it last night. Steak at Albertsons 6.50 pkg of two and also buy one get one. Crab legs 6.99 a pound, schrimp on sale 4.99 a pound.

That's not that bad IMO.
Yep. I watched a similar video about a college professor that got his students to do this as a project. They lived on a diet. Of hot dogs, bologna,bread, ramen noodles,oranges and lettuce.

It can can be done in a pinch.

In a pinch yeah, but imagine that's your diet for months or years. Without Walmart and other discount stores, there would be little recourse for some of these people to start stealing food, escalating into armed robberies. I see no reason why benefits can't be capped like unemployment...two years at $10 a day. That way a person can eat nutritious food that is healthy and produces energy....after two weeks the guy in my link was already feeling sick.
Yep. I watched a similar video about a college professor that got his students to do this as a project. They lived on a diet. Of hot dogs, bologna,bread, ramen noodles,oranges and lettuce.

It can can be done in a pinch.

In a pinch yeah, but imagine that's your diet for months or years. Without Walmart and other discount stores, there would be little recourse for some of these people to start stealing food, escalating into armed robberies. I see no reason why benefits can't be capped like unemployment...two years at $10 a day. That way a person can eat nutritious food that is healthy and produces energy....after two weeks the guy in my link was already feeling sick.

I think that Snap is more than that in this state. I know a few people who were getting 125.00 a month.

But yes... I agree with you. It needs to be at least enough for a person to buy produce and other healthy items.
But back to steak and seafood. Just priced it last night. Steak at Albertsons 6.50 pkg of two and also buy one get one. Crab legs 6.99 a pound, schrimp on sale 4.99 a pound.

That's not that bad IMO.

Filet mignion was $14.99/lb at Giant supermarket.
Bluegin lives in the Food Network fantasy world where Lobster is $3.99 a pound in Flavortown Market.
If you don't mind rickets...
Rickets? It's a childhood disease, and it caused not by eating porridges.
Scurvy was common among sailors, pirates and others aboard ships at sea longer than perishable fruits and vegetables could be stored (subsisting instead only on cured meats & dried grains.) Also among soldiers & others similarly deprived of these foods for extended periods.
I am not willing to read 56 pages of posts, so forgive me if what I say has been said.

If we are going to regulate what foods they are allowed to buy, why are we wasting time on the nutritious stuff?

I'd rather they buy steak & seafood than Twinkies & Capt Crunch.

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