Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

Yes, the chart confirms the liberal "meme" about the *gasp* shrinking middle class! Yet you can see by the demographics, the low-income families have actually declined slightly as well. The number of upper-income families are rising.

People are ever-changing in life... the outdated Socialist propaganda they have is all geared around a populace who is imprisoned to their class in life... they are the worker class... that's why they are always talking about "the worker" when they yammer on. In OUR country, people don't have to stay in the same class... if they have motivation and ambition, they can better their lot in life and become wealthy. And that's precisely what people do in a free society.

Ok. I kept thinking something this conclusive can't possibly have escaped my notice before.... which is why I wanted you to confirm I was reading it right.

See, this is why I hate the media so much. Clear evidence like this is never presented.... yet the leftards complain about Faux Newws.... As if their media outlets are doing better.

Gah.... these people.....
Andy you'll note it says "families." One of the changes that occurred over that time frame was more and more single income families changed over to two income earning families. So the delta does not necessarily convert to more income per person but could merely be a factor of additional income earners per family. You'll also note that it ends at 2009 so does not reflect the bulk of our recession.

Yes, it's showing the number of families in three various groups, simply defined by income adjusted to 2009 dollars. Yes, there are many more 2-income families now than in 1967. Some households may have 3-4 incomes. What is your point? The ARGUMENT is what is happening to the so-called "middle class" and we see by the graph what is happening very clearly... they are earning more income per family and rising to upper-income level. But this is where the left gets their "middle class is declining" bullshit from. It relies on the simple-minded idea that "the middle class" is this monolithic group of people who, from cradle to grave, are always "middle class" and never any change. Same with "the poor" or "the wealthy" ...it's as if the same people occupy these classes year in and year out and we never have any cross over.

You have been brainwashed and programmed to think like this by Socialist Marxists. This ideology spread and thrived all across Europe and Asia where people were NOT FREE. They did not have the opportunity to aspire to a higher "class" because they were relegated to whatever "class" their ruler or king assigned and that was LIFE for them. The "Workers" are people who have no other choice or option in life... they are enslaved to be "workers" until they die. They can't BE BOSSES!

ALL of the Liberal Socialist Marxist arguments against free market capitalism and free enterprise... ALL the 1% vs. 99% Occutard Shitting on Cop Cars BULLSHIT.... All the War on The Rich... Multi-national Corporations... Speculators, hedge fund managers, CEO salaries... ALL of it.... is predicated on a societal structure where the people have no mobility of class... they cannot move up the economic ladder because of the class they've been assigned in life. They are not FREE people.

In THIS country, people are free to be whatever they dream. People escape lives of destitute poverty... a close personal friend of mine is a singer you've probably heard by the name of Jewel. She was homeless... living in her car when she signed her first record deal. Oprah Winfrey was a sexually-molested poor black girl in rural Mississippi... it does not get much more ABJECT than that... she is now the wealthiest woman in America. Mike Huckabee... someone else who came from abysmal poverty... there are thousands... millions of stories like theirs.

Free market capitalism and the free enterprise system we have, has produced more millionaires and billionaires than any other system ever tried by humans.
The point is that if you divide middle class income families by the number of income earners you have a completely different chart. Put another way if you show that chart by income earners instead of by families then you have a chart that looks more like the ones pushed by the people arguing that middle class income sucks. Further, if you limit the examples to non-government payroll it gets even worse.

That's true.... but then whose fault is that?

Where I work, there's a chick there who has a degree in Engineering. Now my company is a small (20 people including 2 interns) company that is a very lax... very loose... easy going.... place to work. But the pay sucks. You can earn more nearly anywhere.

So she back in 2012, decided to quit, and get a job at a major national company. Her pay nearly doubled. But.... she was expected to stand and deliver. She was rolling in the cash, but she was working for it.

8 months later, guess who is calling up our company asking to come back. She's back in her old position again. She disappeared 8 months because she had a baby. She comes in at 10 AM because her son's school closed. She calls off work because "baby is sick".

What's my point? Women specifically, and teenagers also, make choices to work easy, lax, low stress jobs, that pay far less than other jobs, because they live in a household that has other income.

By the way, I do the same thing. I could easily double my income. I just don't want to do the job. I'm lazy.

I don't blame the economy for my income being what it is, when I made the choice to have the income that I have.

Problem is, many people do. And people looking at abstract numbers do the same thing.

But to claim that wages have declined, is ridiculous. If you take a look at any specific job... not wages over a broad industry.... but SPECIFIC jobs.... wages have NOT declined.


Programmers.... mechanical engineers.... electrical engineers..... computer software developers....

And by the way, be careful of "Average Salaries". When you see a chart containing "Average Salaries", you should notice that salaries seem to fall during economic growth times, and spike up during recessions. People seem to forget that, the people harmed the most by a recession are new entry level, or new employees. People can't find jobs during the recession. The people who are highly skilled and thus earn a higher pay, still have their jobs. Thus the average goes up.

Then when the economy recovers, and all these low-pay entry level people find jobs, the average goes down.

Far from proving wages are falling, it only proves more people are finding jobs.
Post the dot-com boom where wages had taken a ballistic trajectory there was the inevitable falloff. STEM corporations use H1B visa and freshouts paid at bottom of the rung salaries to reset their salary base while laying off highly experiences highly paid employees... It's a cycle.

I make very good money... and yes I could make even more if i wanted to travel or run my own company again.
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.
Ayup.. if we are gonna help people eat we should do so by giving them beans, rice, flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, potatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots, oranges... not cash.
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.
Ayup.. if we are gonna help people eat we should do so by giving them beans, rice, flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, potatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots, oranges... not cash.
When I see what is in the market basket of folks getting food stamps, works for me. Unhealthy foods, expensive foods.

I don't hold with embarrasing folks. That is why I would prefer a system where poor folks got more cash in their stipend. Humilation does not work for me.

Let them get their unhealthy trashy food in peace
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.
Ayup.. if we are gonna help people eat we should do so by giving them beans, rice, flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, potatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots, oranges... not cash.
When I see what is in the market basket of folks getting food stamps, works for me. Unhealthy foods, expensive foods.

I don't hold with embarrasing folks. That is why I would prefer a system where poor folks got more cash in their stipend. Humilation does not work for me.

Let them get their unhealthy trashy food in peace
Why should I work my butt off so they can buy chips & soda?
That is why I would prefer a system where poor folks got more cash in their stipend.

You do realize that approximately 38% of the SNAP recipients are the working poor.. they have no other 'stipend' from government?

So... here's what happens to YOUR idea... We get rid of food stamps and add another $200-1200 cash to the checks of people on welfare, disability, social security or whatever... Great Day in America... Food Stamps Ends... This leaves millions of the 'working poor' without nutrition assistance of any kind. THEN we implement a new program to provide basic food items to these people who need it.... THEN, those who are on welfare, disability and social security are eventually included in that program as well.

Our system... free market capitalism... by it's very nature and existence, provides us with millions of tons worth of agricultural surplus every year. There are two basic things about farming... #1- You don't precisely know how much total yield you will get from your crop; and #2- You cannot sell product that you failed to grow. So when a farmer plants, he usually over-plants. If you under-plant, you screwed yourself.

So we have this natural abundance of surplus agriculture. It goes to waste while we pay poor folks on a debit card so they can go by steaks and lobsters... (to go with the beer they traded on the black market for their bennies.)
You see... it's stupid. We're stupid.
That story fit a longtime conservative suspicion that poor people use food stamps to purchase luxury items. Now, a Republican state lawmaker in Missouri is pushing for legislation that would stop people like Greenslate and severely limit what food stamp recipients can buy. The bill being proposed would ban the purchase with food stamps of "cookies, chips, energy drinks, soft drinks, seafood or steak."
Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood - The Washington Post
Banning food stamps for thugs who spend it on luxury items, or they're trying to destroy welfare system?
I think that the only way to stop these people to spend our tax money on unnecessary items - is to create list of goods they can buy! And what do you think guys?
Good....Food subsidies should be limited to wholesome and nutritious foods ONLY.
It's ground steak...

Actually it's not ground steak unless you want to consider most of the beef chuck "steak." Ground beef is a specific blend of fat to lean, useful for hamburgers and such. It is mostly made from the trimmings from other things, fat (up to 30%) and chuck roast. You can also upgrade to ground chuck and ground steak-- less fat content.

I actually LIKE a very lean burger... just my preference.. So I will pick out a chuck roast or sometimes even a family pack of round steak... usually on sale... ask the butcher to grind it up... they will do it for free.

Of course... A food stamp recipient doesn't really care... it's not money to them, they can buy ground filet mignon if they want.
It's ground steak...

Actually it's not ground steak unless you want to consider most of the beef chuck "steak." Ground beef is a specific blend of fat to lean, useful for hamburgers and such. It is mostly made from the trimmings from other things, fat (up to 30%) and chuck roast. You can also upgrade to ground chuck and ground steak-- less fat content.

I actually LIKE a very lean burger... just my preference.. So I will pick out a chuck roast or sometimes even a family pack of round steak... usually on sale... ask the butcher to grind it up... they will do it for free.

Of course... A food stamp recipient doesn't really care... it's not money to them, they can buy ground filet mignon if they want.
But, it's steak until ground...there is even fat on steaks...as far as I am concerned, I don't care what meat products they buy...
It's ground steak...

Actually it's not ground steak unless you want to consider most of the beef chuck "steak." Ground beef is a specific blend of fat to lean, useful for hamburgers and such. It is mostly made from the trimmings from other things, fat (up to 30%) and chuck roast. You can also upgrade to ground chuck and ground steak-- less fat content.

I actually LIKE a very lean burger... just my preference.. So I will pick out a chuck roast or sometimes even a family pack of round steak... usually on sale... ask the butcher to grind it up... they will do it for free.

Of course... A food stamp recipient doesn't really care... it's not money to them, they can buy ground filet mignon if they want.
But, it's steak until ground...there is even fat on steaks...as far as I am concerned, I don't care what meat products they buy...

No, it doesn't come off the cow as "steak" ...it is chuck shoulder. It can be cut into cheap steak and sometimes it is, but that isn't ground beef. Ground beef is a prepared product. It contains chuck shoulder (where some steak comes from) and it contains fat trimmings from other cuts as well as general meat trimmings from other cuts. Fat is what makes beef delicious, most good steaks have marbles of fat. But they do not grind up steaks and make ground beef.

Oh, I know you don't care what meat products they buy... liberals act like juvenile high school seniors on spring break with daddy's credit cards... you don't give a shit what anything is costing us. Just "tax the rich" some more!
Ok. I kept thinking something this conclusive can't possibly have escaped my notice before.... which is why I wanted you to confirm I was reading it right.

See, this is why I hate the media so much. Clear evidence like this is never presented.... yet the leftards complain about Faux Newws.... As if their media outlets are doing better.

Gah.... these people.....
Andy you'll note it says "families." One of the changes that occurred over that time frame was more and more single income families changed over to two income earning families. So the delta does not necessarily convert to more income per person but could merely be a factor of additional income earners per family. You'll also note that it ends at 2009 so does not reflect the bulk of our recession.

Yes, it's showing the number of families in three various groups, simply defined by income adjusted to 2009 dollars. Yes, there are many more 2-income families now than in 1967. Some households may have 3-4 incomes. What is your point? The ARGUMENT is what is happening to the so-called "middle class" and we see by the graph what is happening very clearly... they are earning more income per family and rising to upper-income level. But this is where the left gets their "middle class is declining" bullshit from. It relies on the simple-minded idea that "the middle class" is this monolithic group of people who, from cradle to grave, are always "middle class" and never any change. Same with "the poor" or "the wealthy" ...it's as if the same people occupy these classes year in and year out and we never have any cross over.

You have been brainwashed and programmed to think like this by Socialist Marxists. This ideology spread and thrived all across Europe and Asia where people were NOT FREE. They did not have the opportunity to aspire to a higher "class" because they were relegated to whatever "class" their ruler or king assigned and that was LIFE for them. The "Workers" are people who have no other choice or option in life... they are enslaved to be "workers" until they die. They can't BE BOSSES!

ALL of the Liberal Socialist Marxist arguments against free market capitalism and free enterprise... ALL the 1% vs. 99% Occutard Shitting on Cop Cars BULLSHIT.... All the War on The Rich... Multi-national Corporations... Speculators, hedge fund managers, CEO salaries... ALL of it.... is predicated on a societal structure where the people have no mobility of class... they cannot move up the economic ladder because of the class they've been assigned in life. They are not FREE people.

In THIS country, people are free to be whatever they dream. People escape lives of destitute poverty... a close personal friend of mine is a singer you've probably heard by the name of Jewel. She was homeless... living in her car when she signed her first record deal. Oprah Winfrey was a sexually-molested poor black girl in rural Mississippi... it does not get much more ABJECT than that... she is now the wealthiest woman in America. Mike Huckabee... someone else who came from abysmal poverty... there are thousands... millions of stories like theirs.

Free market capitalism and the free enterprise system we have, has produced more millionaires and billionaires than any other system ever tried by humans.
The point is that if you divide middle class income families by the number of income earners you have a completely different chart. Put another way if you show that chart by income earners instead of by families then you have a chart that looks more like the ones pushed by the people arguing that middle class income sucks. Further, if you limit the examples to non-government payroll it gets even worse.

That's true.... but then whose fault is that?

Where I work, there's a chick there who has a degree in Engineering. Now my company is a small (20 people including 2 interns) company that is a very lax... very loose... easy going.... place to work. But the pay sucks. You can earn more nearly anywhere.

So she back in 2012, decided to quit, and get a job at a major national company. Her pay nearly doubled. But.... she was expected to stand and deliver. She was rolling in the cash, but she was working for it.

8 months later, guess who is calling up our company asking to come back. She's back in her old position again. She disappeared 8 months because she had a baby. She comes in at 10 AM because her son's school closed. She calls off work because "baby is sick".

What's my point? Women specifically, and teenagers also, make choices to work easy, lax, low stress jobs, that pay far less than other jobs, because they live in a household that has other income.

By the way, I do the same thing. I could easily double my income. I just don't want to do the job. I'm lazy.

I don't blame the economy for my income being what it is, when I made the choice to have the income that I have.

Problem is, many people do. And people looking at abstract numbers do the same thing.

But to claim that wages have declined, is ridiculous. If you take a look at any specific job... not wages over a broad industry.... but SPECIFIC jobs.... wages have NOT declined.


Programmers.... mechanical engineers.... electrical engineers..... computer software developers....

And by the way, be careful of "Average Salaries". When you see a chart containing "Average Salaries", you should notice that salaries seem to fall during economic growth times, and spike up during recessions. People seem to forget that, the people harmed the most by a recession are new entry level, or new employees. People can't find jobs during the recession. The people who are highly skilled and thus earn a higher pay, still have their jobs. Thus the average goes up.

Then when the economy recovers, and all these low-pay entry level people find jobs, the average goes down.

Far from proving wages are falling, it only proves more people are finding jobs.
Post the dot-com boom where wages had taken a ballistic trajectory there was the inevitable falloff. STEM corporations use H1B visa and freshouts paid at bottom of the rung salaries to reset their salary base while laying off highly experiences highly paid employees... It's a cycle.

I make very good money... and yes I could make even more if i wanted to travel or run my own company again.

Has anyone actually proven that the highly qualified, highly experience, highly productive employees are actually being replaced by 'freshouts' and H1Bs?

Lots of claims... but is it possible the reason these people are being laid off, is because they suck?

I've heard this claim a number of times, and never bothered to question it, because I didn't think, and still don't think it's all that big a concern.

But this time, let me ask, what actual evidence do you have that super high quality high skill people are being dumped in a significant number, in favor of cheaper, less skill, less experienced alternatives?

Yes I know such and such article, said that so and so claimed....... But what real evidence do you have?

In all my experience, I can't think of a single time that happened, where there was not some reason behind it. We had an engineer that spent a year, working on a single project, with little to no determinable progress. They replaced him with an intern that had the project finished in a few months. Not because the noob engineer was that good, but rather that the project was really really easy.

He was fired and replaced, purely on incompetence grounds.

One was replaced because he was a jackass. His skill at his work, went to his head, and started treating people like crap. The booted him out, and replaced him. I'm sure he's somewhere complaining about it just like you said here. But the reason he's gone, is because he became a jackass.

Still another possibility is that the company has simply changed, and can't afford them. Nothing in life is static. Everything is in an eternal state of flux.

My uncle is an engineer with management experience. His company sent him to China to sell their products. For awhile, he was doing great. But over time, the market dried up for his products, and eventually that department was closed. There was no other department that needed him. When the plug was pulled, he was let go.

You can't pay employees millions in wages, for a department that now brings in a few hundred thousand a year. It's called math.

I'm not saying that's how it is for everyone. Maybe you are right. But..... there is a reason companies pay for high quality, high skill, high experienced engineers to begin with. There's a reason.

It's because, one top notch, Grade A, engineer is generally worth a dozens fresh engineers. I've seen this myself. You can give the same project to 5 fresh engineers, and 2 twenty year veteran engineers, and it will take the 5 engineers a year, to do what the 2 veterans do in a month.

Real on the job skill, and honest years of experience, can not be replaced, not matter what schooling you have.

So when you say a company is using cheap freshouts and H1Bs, as replacements for experienced highly skill engineers..... honestly most companies wouldn't save money doing that. The time required for engineers to complete a project, would offset the savings. The quality of the finished product, would be so low, as to offset the savings.

If Mercedes fires all of their top engineers in favor of $30,000 engineers..... and then end up spending the next 10 years to end up with a Scion IQ quality car... that's a not a savings. They'd end up bankrupt doing that.

If it were really possible to find cheap engineers, and still have same time frame for the highest quality product....... then Logically..... No one would ever pay any engineer the salaries we know they get.

So I'm skeptical of the entire claim. But I'm open to exploring it. What evidence do you have that this is really happening?
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.
Ayup.. if we are gonna help people eat we should do so by giving them beans, rice, flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, potatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots, oranges... not cash.
When I see what is in the market basket of folks getting food stamps, works for me. Unhealthy foods, expensive foods.

I don't hold with embarrasing folks. That is why I would prefer a system where poor folks got more cash in their stipend. Humilation does not work for me.

Let them get their unhealthy trashy food in peace

But it should be embarrassing. A healthy, able-bodied person, living off the hard work of others, while contributing nothing at all to society....... they should be embarrassed. I want them embarrassed.
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.

Yep. Instead of increasing SNAP benefits. Teach the folks in the program how to budget meals on what they are currently getting. Make budgeting classes mandatory to get benefits. Just like they do for daycare aid and childcare classes.
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.
Ayup.. if we are gonna help people eat we should do so by giving them beans, rice, flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, potatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots, oranges... not cash.
When I see what is in the market basket of folks getting food stamps, works for me. Unhealthy foods, expensive foods.

I don't hold with embarrasing folks. That is why I would prefer a system where poor folks got more cash in their stipend. Humilation does not work for me.

Let them get their unhealthy trashy food in peace

But it should be embarrassing. A healthy, able-bodied person, living off the hard work of others, while contributing nothing at all to society....... they should be embarrassed. I want them embarrassed.
For hand-outs yes. For hand-ups no. Just as our children should not be embarrassed by a hand-up from their parents a neighbor should not be embarrassed by a hand-up that they pay back.
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.
Ayup.. if we are gonna help people eat we should do so by giving them beans, rice, flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, potatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots, oranges... not cash.
When I see what is in the market basket of folks getting food stamps, works for me. Unhealthy foods, expensive foods.

I don't hold with embarrasing folks. That is why I would prefer a system where poor folks got more cash in their stipend. Humilation does not work for me.

Let them get their unhealthy trashy food in peace

But it should be embarrassing. A healthy, able-bodied person, living off the hard work of others, while contributing nothing at all to society....... they should be embarrassed. I want them embarrassed.

Can't be helped. They applied for aid. At least it's a debit card instead if the actual food stamps of the past.
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.

Yep. Instead of increasing SNAP benefits. Teach the folks in the program how to budget meals on what they are currently getting. Make budgeting classes mandatory to get benefits. Just like they do for daycare aid and childcare classes.

I'm not really interested in creating yet another 'cottage industry' capitalizing on tax dollars. If people want to learn to budget, listen to Dave Ramsey. It's not my problem if you've reached adulthood and haven't learned to budget. My proposal is to take away the damn credit cards and replace those with a basket of fresh produce and surplus foods we have an abundance of.
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.
Ayup.. if we are gonna help people eat we should do so by giving them beans, rice, flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, potatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots, oranges... not cash.
When I see what is in the market basket of folks getting food stamps, works for me. Unhealthy foods, expensive foods.

I don't hold with embarrasing folks. That is why I would prefer a system where poor folks got more cash in their stipend. Humilation does not work for me.

Let them get their unhealthy trashy food in peace

But it should be embarrassing. A healthy, able-bodied person, living off the hard work of others, while contributing nothing at all to society....... they should be embarrassed. I want them embarrassed.
Why? Is it justification for your stigmatizing other humans for satiation?

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