Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.

Yep. Instead of increasing SNAP benefits. Teach the folks in the program how to budget meals on what they are currently getting. Make budgeting classes mandatory to get benefits. Just like they do for daycare aid and childcare classes.

I'm not really interested in creating yet another 'cottage industry' capitalizing on tax dollars. If people want to learn to budget, listen to Dave Ramsey. It's not my problem if you've reached adulthood and haven't learned to budget. My proposal is to take away the damn credit cards and replace those with a basket of fresh produce and surplus foods we have an abundance of.

I believe we still do in some cases. I know a few seniors that pick up government issue meat,cereal, bread, cheese, beans,rice and milk once a month.

My point is put conditions on benefits. Time limits... manditory budgeting classes... Proof of employment,going to school...job applications and interviews etc.

Make them work for it.
I believe we still do in some cases. I know a few seniors that pick up government issue meat,cereal, bread, cheese, beans,rice and milk once a month.

My point is put conditions on benefits. Time limits... manditory budgeting classes... Proof of employment,going to school...job applications and interviews etc.

Make them work for it.

Well, food stamps or SNAP is currently going to a LOT of people, not all of them can work or go to school. Some are getting other benefits and some are not, some are retired and some are not. Some people on food stamps might have college degrees in finance... it might not be a matter of not knowing how to budget... Cookie-cutter ideas aren't ever going to be effective.

Mandatory [fill in the blank] classes are NOT useful for anything. By their very nature, some people will automatically reject anything that is mandatory. Oh, you want to MAKE me learn it? Watch and see how stupid I can be! Offer classes for people who WANT to learn? Sure! I have no problem with that, but I don't think that's our problem here.

We have a serious budget problem. We've got to find a way to cut our spending. We can't cut our spending by implementing mandatory budget classes... that just costs us MORE money and all it does is adds another hoop to jump through for people who just need food.
I believe we still do in some cases. I know a few seniors that pick up government issue meat,cereal, bread, cheese, beans,rice and milk once a month.

My point is put conditions on benefits. Time limits... manditory budgeting classes... Proof of employment,going to school...job applications and interviews etc.

Make them work for it.

Well, food stamps or SNAP is currently going to a LOT of people, not all of them can work or go to school. Some are getting other benefits and some are not, some are retired and some are not. Some people on food stamps might have college degrees in finance... it might not be a matter of not knowing how to budget... Cookie-cutter ideas aren't ever going to be effective.

Mandatory [fill in the blank] classes are NOT useful for anything. By their very nature, some people will automatically reject anything that is mandatory. Oh, you want to MAKE me learn it? Watch and see how stupid I can be! Offer classes for people who WANT to learn? Sure! I have no problem with that, but I don't think that's our problem here.

We have a serious budget problem. We've got to find a way to cut our spending. We can't cut our spending by implementing mandatory budget classes... that just costs us MORE money and all it does is adds another hoop to jump through for people who just need food.

We already employ the case workers. Have them give monthly mandatory seminars on a Saturday. They already do it for unemployment and folks receiving daycare aid. Use the same facility. Make them show they are making an effort to get off SNAP.
We already employ the case workers. Have them give monthly mandatory seminars on a Saturday. They already do it for unemployment and folks receiving daycare aid. Use the same facility. Make them show they are making an effort to get off SNAP.

Uhm.. We don't employ case workers who's job is to come in monthly on Saturday to teach poor people how to budget their money. If we ADD that program, new people who are professionally qualified to conduct such seminars would be hired. Case workers are case workers.... they already have a job and job description... they are NOT financial experts.

And SOME people can't "get off SNAP" because they depend on it. I am currently helping out a personal friend of mine who I went to school with... He is my age (55) and lost his job 5 years ago when the economy tanked. He can't get another job in his field because technology has now advanced so far his job is obsolete. He worked at a computer and isn't able to do much physical labor due to back problems and chronic COPD. He probably qualifies for disability but it's extremely hard to get on disability these days, thanks to Obamacare. He is too young to retire but the jobs out there are not suitable for his personal circumstances and abilities. He has managed to survive by doing various odd jobs for people, the benevolence of friends and family, a good relationship with his church, and SNAP benefits.
We already employ the case workers. Have them give monthly mandatory seminars on a Saturday. They already do it for unemployment and folks receiving daycare aid. Use the same facility. Make them show they are making an effort to get off SNAP.

ALSO... I guarantee you that there are already programs offering seminars like this out there. We've already done this, if people want to get off their ass and go.

You cannot mandate learning.

People either have the desire to learn or they don't learn. It's really that simple. I get that you think it would all be okay if we just made these people do SOMETHING for the hand outs. I think a lot of people agree with you on that... I think that way too about certain programs. But the key, in my opinion, is to create some motivation. You have to first motivate people to WANT to learn.... to WANT to do better.

With my idea to replace SNAP with agricultural surplus, you still get free food... no one would starve... you may have to go home and shuck corn or shell peas... the peanut butter may need stirring up a little... but if you are hungry, this shouldn't be a problem. There is a motivation there to improve your situation.
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.
Ayup.. if we are gonna help people eat we should do so by giving them beans, rice, flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, potatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots, oranges... not cash.
When I see what is in the market basket of folks getting food stamps, works for me. Unhealthy foods, expensive foods.

I don't hold with embarrasing folks. That is why I would prefer a system where poor folks got more cash in their stipend. Humilation does not work for me.

Let them get their unhealthy trashy food in peace
Why should I work my butt off so they can buy chips & soda?

Why should you work your butt off so they can buy anything? You lose me at the "paying for other people" line. I'm not going to be okay with it just because they buy things I approve of.
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.
Ayup.. if we are gonna help people eat we should do so by giving them beans, rice, flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, potatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots, oranges... not cash.
When I see what is in the market basket of folks getting food stamps, works for me. Unhealthy foods, expensive foods.

I don't hold with embarrasing folks. That is why I would prefer a system where poor folks got more cash in their stipend. Humilation does not work for me.

Let them get their unhealthy trashy food in peace
Why should I work my butt off so they can buy chips & soda?

Why should you work your butt off so they can buy anything? You lose me at the "paying for other people" line. I'm not going to be okay with it just because they buy things I approve of.
I have no choice my government forces me to fund this hand-out program. My income goes to this program, thus I'm paying for it. I would personally be less upset about my income being stolen and redistributed if we were feeding people who are starving if there is verification that they will in fact starve, that there are no charities available to feed them. But then I'd like to make sure it's food that makes more sense.
Oh, HOGWASH......no one's money is stolen, this is a democratic Republic, our representatives voted for such RKM.....

Do unto others as you want to be done to yourself.....

So, if I were temporarily in need of food stamps, I would not want you to micro manage what I felt was necessary....cutting out meat, is simply not right....

If it was cutting out beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes etc, I personally would have no objection to such....it would make sense to me, not having the ability to buy those type of things with food stamps, but to cut out steak is utterly ridiculous and just simply envy of the unrightous imo.

And where I live, to cut out lobster, when it is the same price per pound as ground beef is also ridiculous.... most people on food stamps are smart enough to know where the bargains are in their region and are not cheating or abusing the system.....

The handful of abusers should not dictate changes in the law, of good, but temporarily hard up, citizens imo.
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most people on food stamps are smart enough to know where the bargains are in their region and are not cheating or abusing the system.....

Why would they care about bargains? It's not like they are spending money they earned. They get no real benefit out of bargain shopping. And no, MOST people aren't cheating or abusing the system but enough of them ARE.

I was recently in a store behind a woman who was trying to buy a 5lb bag of dog food with her EBT... the clerk told her she couldn't, so she goes back in the store and returns with a 5lb package of ground beef instead. Is it right that you and I are feeding a poor woman's dog ground beef?

Another time, I was helping out a friend who has a mom and pop convenience store... they accept EBT... A middle age man who looked to be very healthy, comes in with about 5 kids... they get a buggy and hit the candy isle.. loaded up on junk and candy... ice cream... frozen pizza was the most "nutritious" food idem they purchased... It's was over $100 of pure junk. All of it paid for with Food Stamps. When you are out making these kinds of purchases, you're not in distress wondering where you next meal is coming from.
Shameful way to humiliate those in need, that's all this is.

I don't want to humiliate anyone. I read a good quote a while back, can't recall who it was from... "Sometimes shame is a luxury you can't afford." I think that is true. When you are truly in distress and need help, there is no shame, there is no humiliation.

I have no problem helping people in need, but I also think many of our programs fail to help. They enable a person to be dependent and not really give a shit. They don't motivate people to pick themselves up and do better. That's not 'helping' them any at all.
That story fit a longtime conservative suspicion that poor people use food stamps to purchase luxury items. Now, a Republican state lawmaker in Missouri is pushing for legislation that would stop people like Greenslate and severely limit what food stamp recipients can buy. The bill being proposed would ban the purchase with food stamps of "cookies, chips, energy drinks, soft drinks, seafood or steak."
Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood - The Washington Post
Banning food stamps for thugs who spend it on luxury items, or they're trying to destroy welfare system?
I think that the only way to stop these people to spend our tax money on unnecessary items - is to create list of goods they can buy! And what do you think guys?
Republicans will say people on food stamps in Missouri are black. But only about 11% of the state is black. And yet about 16% get food stamps. And it's not likely that every black in Missouri get food stamps. Which of course would mean that plenty of whites get food stamps. And you know most whites in Missouri are Republican. So it's very likely that a lot of Republicans in Missouri get food stamps.
I kind of like when Republicans screw over their base. Especially with a presidential election coming up. Makes you wonder who they will vote for.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
So no hamburger either?
hamburger meat is fine...Why not?
It's ground steak...
No it isn't....Its not a steak cut...It is either the "round" ( which is from the hind quarter) or "chuck" which comes from the upper of the front shoulder.
Neither of which are expensive cuts.
Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?
Shameful way to humiliate those in need, that's all this is.

I don't want to humiliate anyone. I read a good quote a while back, can't recall who it was from... "Sometimes shame is a luxury you can't afford." I think that is true. When you are truly in distress and need help, there is no shame, there is no humiliation.

I have no problem helping people in need, but I also think many of our programs fail to help. They enable a person to be dependent and not really give a shit. They don't motivate people to pick themselves up and do better. That's not 'helping' them any at all.
Our politicians, and they know who they are, have in the name of getting reelected, made not working and in some cases, poverty, comfortable.
Republicans will say people on food stamps in Missouri are black. But only about 11% of the state is black. And yet about 16% get food stamps. And it's not likely that every black in Missouri get food stamps. Which of course would mean that plenty of whites get food stamps. And you know most whites in Missouri are Republican. So it's very likely that a lot of Republicans in Missouri get food stamps.
I kind of like when Republicans screw over their base. Especially with a presidential election coming up. Makes you wonder who they will vote for.

I'm 55 years old, and I have NEVER heard a single Republican EVER say "People on Food Stamps are black!" I've not heard it implied or suggested. Not by any Republican candidate, politician or elected official. Not by any Republican pundit or talk show host. The ONLY people I've ever heard this from are LIBERALS making the argument that Republicans claim this.
Oh, HOGWASH......no one's money is stolen, this is a democratic Republic, our representatives voted for such RKM.....

Do unto others as you want to be done to yourself.....

So, if I were temporarily in need of food stamps, I would not want you to micro manage what I felt was necessary....cutting out meat, is simply not right....

If it was cutting out beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes etc, I personally would have no objection to such....it would make sense to me, not having the ability to buy those type of things with food stamps, but to cut out steak is utterly ridiculous and just simply envy of the unrightous imo.

And where I live, to cut out lobster, when it is the same price per pound as ground beef is also ridiculous.... most people on food stamps are smart enough to know where the bargains are in their region and are not cheating or abusing the system.....

The handful of abusers should not dictate changes in the law, of good, but temporarily hard up, citizens imo.
Voting to steal my income for redistribution does not make it right. It's still stealing. I don't steal from others and I expect the same from others through income redistribution and I expect the same from others.

I did not say cut out meat did I?

Cutting out steak... well it depends on the cut doesn't it? Do you think a person that is supposedly starving should go out and get $30 a pound steak on my dime?

The issue is we give them debit cards that are used to supplement their income, it is income redistribution. Worse it's income redistribution that encourages them to keep their income low enough to continue getting said redistribution for as long as we let them. We are hurting them. We are encouraging them to stay poor so they can keep their welfare.
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Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.
Ayup.. if we are gonna help people eat we should do so by giving them beans, rice, flour, eggs, milk, salt, sugar, potatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots, oranges... not cash.
When I see what is in the market basket of folks getting food stamps, works for me. Unhealthy foods, expensive foods.

I don't hold with embarrasing folks. That is why I would prefer a system where poor folks got more cash in their stipend. Humilation does not work for me.

Let them get their unhealthy trashy food in peace
Why should I work my butt off so they can buy chips & soda?

Why should you work your butt off so they can buy anything? You lose me at the "paying for other people" line. I'm not going to be okay with it just because they buy things I approve of.
I have no choice my government forces me to fund this hand-out program. My income goes to this program, thus I'm paying for it. I would personally be less upset about my income being stolen and redistributed if we were feeding people who are starving if there is verification that they will in fact starve, that there are no charities available to feed them. But then I'd like to make sure it's food that makes more sense.

I have to disagree. I don't really give a damn what other people eat, I consider their ignorant insistence on eating junk to be a real-life demonstration of Darwin's "survival of the fittest", and there's absolutely nothing that's ever going to make me feel better about being strong-armed into a nanny government.
most people on food stamps are smart enough to know where the bargains are in their region and are not cheating or abusing the system.....

Why would they care about bargains? It's not like they are spending money they earned. They get no real benefit out of bargain shopping. And no, MOST people aren't cheating or abusing the system but enough of them ARE.

I was recently in a store behind a woman who was trying to buy a 5lb bag of dog food with her EBT... the clerk told her she couldn't, so she goes back in the store and returns with a 5lb package of ground beef instead. Is it right that you and I are feeding a poor woman's dog ground beef?

Another time, I was helping out a friend who has a mom and pop convenience store... they accept EBT... A middle age man who looked to be very healthy, comes in with about 5 kids... they get a buggy and hit the candy isle.. loaded up on junk and candy... ice cream... frozen pizza was the most "nutritious" food idem they purchased... It's was over $100 of pure junk. All of it paid for with Food Stamps. When you are out making these kinds of purchases, you're not in distress wondering where you next meal is coming from.

I don't think it's because they don't care, so much as that Care4All is wrong about the presumed intelligence of people on food stamps. Or of people in general, for that matter.

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