Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

Right wingers are very quick to look at other countries when making a point about the failure of some proposal you don't like.

The cold reality is that the Republican Party sold out American workers and the American middle class to corporate interests.

Then they lied to you and told you the unions made it happen. The poor are living off your hard work. And you believe them.

No, the Unions screwed over the Union workers.

Which car companies that operate here in the US, declared bankruptcy and laid off thousands of workers..... Non-Union Toyota and Honda? Or Unionized GM and Chrysler?

Which bakery company declared bankruptcy and closed.... non-Union Little Debbie or Unionized Hostess?

And by the way..... You can't say that Hostess was unprofitable.... because they were bought out, and reopened as a non-Union shop, and are profitable to this day.

Republicans didn't do jack. Nor was it there job to stop Unions from ruining themselves. The Unions screwed themselves over, and that's their problem.

Years ago a Unionized steel mill closed in Youngstown Ohio. A private investment firm, bought the old site, and reopened it..... non-Union.

What a shock.

See this is what you left-wingers do all the time. You do all your leftist policies and stuff... then it doesn't work, and you never say

"oh hey, our bad policies and unions, and regulations didn't work.... maybe we should come up with an alternative"

No no, just like Stalin blaming the bourgeoisie, and Cuba blaming the US, and North Korea blaming South Korea, and Venezuela blaming Columbia.... you find someone to blame.

No the Unions didn't completely destroy their own jobs.... it was the evil republicans blaw blaw blaw blaw.

Like a 5-year-old. "He hit me back first".

Time to grow up. Time to take responsibility for your failures.
If people want to be stupid with their food stamps...Well, they'll be hungry for a couple of extra days every month.

Who are you cock sucking republicans to tell someone what to spend our safety net on??? You want people to live on the street like a ****** and starve.
Hostess was not all unionized, just the drivers.....

Former Twinkie Workers Bitter About Wage Cuts at Hostess - WSJ

Hostess moved to liquidate in November shortly after the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco and Grain Millers International Union went on strike in response to a new contract imposed on them at a bankruptcy court's direction.
So the "Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco and Grain Millers International Union" was only the drivers? Odd name for a drivers union.

Actually, i was lucky enough to meet one of the bakers from the Hostess plant. We talked about the entire thing. It was most certainly a union action all the way to the guys operating the Twinkie machines. They were all unionized.

And the last I read, all the people who were members of the former Union, were not welcome at the reopened plant. They could apply, but if their name showed up, they were not hired. What employer would want to hire someone who intentionally crashed the prior company? Yeah, that's who I want on my team......

Seriously.... not very bright.
If people want to be stupid with their food stamps...Well, they'll be hungry for a couple of extra days every month.

Who are you cock sucking republicans to tell someone what to spend our safety net on??? You want people to live on the street like a ****** and starve.

Sucks to be you, moron. Whose safety net is it? IT IS OUR FREAKIN SAFETY NET. That's OUR MONEY. WE PAID FROM OUR HARD EARNED CHECKS......

Who are we to say what you can do with OUR MONEY???? We're the tax payers. Sucks to be scum bag. You don't do what we say, you don't get our money anymore. Oh well.... Too bad..... we can vote too. :p


You don't like it??? Here's a thought.... GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND EARN YOUR OWN MONEY.... freakin babies all of you. Wah wah wah wah.... grow up. Leftists are all babies.... every single one.
If people want to be stupid with their food stamps...Well, they'll be hungry for a couple of extra days every month.

Who are you cock sucking republicans to tell someone what to spend our safety net on??? You want people to live on the street like a ****** and starve.

It's not just the republicans. Dems ban saturated fats,sodas, sweets etc...

And to all the king crab lovin SNAP recipients .... Smiths has King Crab on sale this week for 7.99 a pound. ;)
Your middle class isn't getting more wealthy. They're losing ground. Only the wealthy are getting wealthier.

View attachment 45879
Here you can see what is happening to the so-called "middle class."

Tell me if I'm wrong, and it wouldn't be the first time.......

Is that chart showing the a larger group of Americans are moving UP from the middle class to the upper class? Because the lower class percentage remained the same.

That's the first time I've seen the data laid out like that. Why isn't this on every major news network? Oh wait... never mind.

Yes, the chart confirms the liberal "meme" about the *gasp* shrinking middle class! Yet you can see by the demographics, the low-income families have actually declined slightly as well. The number of upper-income families are rising.

People are ever-changing in life... the outdated Socialist propaganda they have is all geared around a populace who is imprisoned to their class in life... they are the worker class... that's why they are always talking about "the worker" when they yammer on. In OUR country, people don't have to stay in the same class... if they have motivation and ambition, they can better their lot in life and become wealthy. And that's precisely what people do in a free society.
Your middle class isn't getting more wealthy. They're losing ground. Only the wealthy are getting wealthier.

View attachment 45879
Here you can see what is happening to the so-called "middle class."

Tell me if I'm wrong, and it wouldn't be the first time.......

Is that chart showing the a larger group of Americans are moving UP from the middle class to the upper class? Because the lower class percentage remained the same.

That's the first time I've seen the data laid out like that. Why isn't this on every major news network? Oh wait... never mind.

Yes, the chart confirms the liberal "meme" about the *gasp* shrinking middle class! Yet you can see by the demographics, the low-income families have actually declined slightly as well. The number of upper-income families are rising.

People are ever-changing in life... the outdated Socialist propaganda they have is all geared around a populace who is imprisoned to their class in life... they are the worker class... that's why they are always talking about "the worker" when they yammer on. In OUR country, people don't have to stay in the same class... if they have motivation and ambition, they can better their lot in life and become wealthy. And that's precisely what people do in a free society.

Ok. I kept thinking something this conclusive can't possibly have escaped my notice before.... which is why I wanted you to confirm I was reading it right.

See, this is why I hate the media so much. Clear evidence like this is never presented.... yet the leftards complain about Faux Newws.... As if their media outlets are doing better.

Gah.... these people.....
Your middle class isn't getting more wealthy. They're losing ground. Only the wealthy are getting wealthier.

View attachment 45879
Here you can see what is happening to the so-called "middle class."

Tell me if I'm wrong, and it wouldn't be the first time.......

Is that chart showing the a larger group of Americans are moving UP from the middle class to the upper class? Because the lower class percentage remained the same.

That's the first time I've seen the data laid out like that. Why isn't this on every major news network? Oh wait... never mind.

Yes, the chart confirms the liberal "meme" about the *gasp* shrinking middle class! Yet you can see by the demographics, the low-income families have actually declined slightly as well. The number of upper-income families are rising.

People are ever-changing in life... the outdated Socialist propaganda they have is all geared around a populace who is imprisoned to their class in life... they are the worker class... that's why they are always talking about "the worker" when they yammer on. In OUR country, people don't have to stay in the same class... if they have motivation and ambition, they can better their lot in life and become wealthy. And that's precisely what people do in a free society.

Ok. I kept thinking something this conclusive can't possibly have escaped my notice before.... which is why I wanted you to confirm I was reading it right.

See, this is why I hate the media so much. Clear evidence like this is never presented.... yet the leftards complain about Faux Newws.... As if their media outlets are doing better.

Gah.... these people.....
Andy you'll note it says "families." One of the changes that occurred over that time frame was more and more single income families changed over to two income earning families. So the delta does not necessarily convert to more income per person but could merely be a factor of additional income earners per family. You'll also note that it ends at 2009 so does not reflect the bulk of our recession.
Your middle class isn't getting more wealthy. They're losing ground. Only the wealthy are getting wealthier.

View attachment 45879
Here you can see what is happening to the so-called "middle class."

Tell me if I'm wrong, and it wouldn't be the first time.......

Is that chart showing the a larger group of Americans are moving UP from the middle class to the upper class? Because the lower class percentage remained the same.

That's the first time I've seen the data laid out like that. Why isn't this on every major news network? Oh wait... never mind.

Yes, the chart confirms the liberal "meme" about the *gasp* shrinking middle class! Yet you can see by the demographics, the low-income families have actually declined slightly as well. The number of upper-income families are rising.

People are ever-changing in life... the outdated Socialist propaganda they have is all geared around a populace who is imprisoned to their class in life... they are the worker class... that's why they are always talking about "the worker" when they yammer on. In OUR country, people don't have to stay in the same class... if they have motivation and ambition, they can better their lot in life and become wealthy. And that's precisely what people do in a free society.

Ok. I kept thinking something this conclusive can't possibly have escaped my notice before.... which is why I wanted you to confirm I was reading it right.

See, this is why I hate the media so much. Clear evidence like this is never presented.... yet the leftards complain about Faux Newws.... As if their media outlets are doing better.

Gah.... these people.....
Andy you'll note it says "families." One of the changes that occurred over that time frame was more and more single income families changed over to two income earning families. So the delta does not necessarily convert to more income per person but could merely be a factor of additional income earners per family. You'll also note that it ends at 2009 so does not reflect the bulk of our recession.

Yes, it's showing the number of families in three various groups, simply defined by income adjusted to 2009 dollars. Yes, there are many more 2-income families now than in 1967. Some households may have 3-4 incomes. What is your point? The ARGUMENT is what is happening to the so-called "middle class" and we see by the graph what is happening very clearly... they are earning more income per family and rising to upper-income level. But this is where the left gets their "middle class is declining" bullshit from. It relies on the simple-minded idea that "the middle class" is this monolithic group of people who, from cradle to grave, are always "middle class" and never any change. Same with "the poor" or "the wealthy" ...it's as if the same people occupy these classes year in and year out and we never have any cross over.

You have been brainwashed and programmed to think like this by Socialist Marxists. This ideology spread and thrived all across Europe and Asia where people were NOT FREE. They did not have the opportunity to aspire to a higher "class" because they were relegated to whatever "class" their ruler or king assigned and that was LIFE for them. The "Workers" are people who have no other choice or option in life... they are enslaved to be "workers" until they die. They can't BE BOSSES!

ALL of the Liberal Socialist Marxist arguments against free market capitalism and free enterprise... ALL the 1% vs. 99% Occutard Shitting on Cop Cars BULLSHIT.... All the War on The Rich... Multi-national Corporations... Speculators, hedge fund managers, CEO salaries... ALL of it.... is predicated on a societal structure where the people have no mobility of class... they cannot move up the economic ladder because of the class they've been assigned in life. They are not FREE people.

In THIS country, people are free to be whatever they dream. People escape lives of destitute poverty... a close personal friend of mine is a singer you've probably heard by the name of Jewel. She was homeless... living in her car when she signed her first record deal. Oprah Winfrey was a sexually-molested poor black girl in rural Mississippi... it does not get much more ABJECT than that... she is now the wealthiest woman in America. Mike Huckabee... someone else who came from abysmal poverty... there are thousands... millions of stories like theirs.

Free market capitalism and the free enterprise system we have, has produced more millionaires and billionaires than any other system ever tried by humans.
View attachment 45879
Here you can see what is happening to the so-called "middle class."

Tell me if I'm wrong, and it wouldn't be the first time.......

Is that chart showing the a larger group of Americans are moving UP from the middle class to the upper class? Because the lower class percentage remained the same.

That's the first time I've seen the data laid out like that. Why isn't this on every major news network? Oh wait... never mind.

Yes, the chart confirms the liberal "meme" about the *gasp* shrinking middle class! Yet you can see by the demographics, the low-income families have actually declined slightly as well. The number of upper-income families are rising.

People are ever-changing in life... the outdated Socialist propaganda they have is all geared around a populace who is imprisoned to their class in life... they are the worker class... that's why they are always talking about "the worker" when they yammer on. In OUR country, people don't have to stay in the same class... if they have motivation and ambition, they can better their lot in life and become wealthy. And that's precisely what people do in a free society.

Ok. I kept thinking something this conclusive can't possibly have escaped my notice before.... which is why I wanted you to confirm I was reading it right.

See, this is why I hate the media so much. Clear evidence like this is never presented.... yet the leftards complain about Faux Newws.... As if their media outlets are doing better.

Gah.... these people.....
Andy you'll note it says "families." One of the changes that occurred over that time frame was more and more single income families changed over to two income earning families. So the delta does not necessarily convert to more income per person but could merely be a factor of additional income earners per family. You'll also note that it ends at 2009 so does not reflect the bulk of our recession.

Yes, it's showing the number of families in three various groups, simply defined by income adjusted to 2009 dollars. Yes, there are many more 2-income families now than in 1967. Some households may have 3-4 incomes. What is your point? The ARGUMENT is what is happening to the so-called "middle class" and we see by the graph what is happening very clearly... they are earning more income per family and rising to upper-income level. But this is where the left gets their "middle class is declining" bullshit from. It relies on the simple-minded idea that "the middle class" is this monolithic group of people who, from cradle to grave, are always "middle class" and never any change. Same with "the poor" or "the wealthy" ...it's as if the same people occupy these classes year in and year out and we never have any cross over.

You have been brainwashed and programmed to think like this by Socialist Marxists. This ideology spread and thrived all across Europe and Asia where people were NOT FREE. They did not have the opportunity to aspire to a higher "class" because they were relegated to whatever "class" their ruler or king assigned and that was LIFE for them. The "Workers" are people who have no other choice or option in life... they are enslaved to be "workers" until they die. They can't BE BOSSES!

ALL of the Liberal Socialist Marxist arguments against free market capitalism and free enterprise... ALL the 1% vs. 99% Occutard Shitting on Cop Cars BULLSHIT.... All the War on The Rich... Multi-national Corporations... Speculators, hedge fund managers, CEO salaries... ALL of it.... is predicated on a societal structure where the people have no mobility of class... they cannot move up the economic ladder because of the class they've been assigned in life. They are not FREE people.

In THIS country, people are free to be whatever they dream. People escape lives of destitute poverty... a close personal friend of mine is a singer you've probably heard by the name of Jewel. She was homeless... living in her car when she signed her first record deal. Oprah Winfrey was a sexually-molested poor black girl in rural Mississippi... it does not get much more ABJECT than that... she is now the wealthiest woman in America. Mike Huckabee... someone else who came from abysmal poverty... there are thousands... millions of stories like theirs.

Free market capitalism and the free enterprise system we have, has produced more millionaires and billionaires than any other system ever tried by humans.
The point is that if you divide middle class income families by the number of income earners you have a completely different chart. Put another way if you show that chart by income earners instead of by families then you have a chart that looks more like the ones pushed by the people arguing that middle class income sucks. Further, if you limit the examples to non-government payroll it gets even worse.
Tell me if I'm wrong, and it wouldn't be the first time.......

Is that chart showing the a larger group of Americans are moving UP from the middle class to the upper class? Because the lower class percentage remained the same.

That's the first time I've seen the data laid out like that. Why isn't this on every major news network? Oh wait... never mind.

Yes, the chart confirms the liberal "meme" about the *gasp* shrinking middle class! Yet you can see by the demographics, the low-income families have actually declined slightly as well. The number of upper-income families are rising.

People are ever-changing in life... the outdated Socialist propaganda they have is all geared around a populace who is imprisoned to their class in life... they are the worker class... that's why they are always talking about "the worker" when they yammer on. In OUR country, people don't have to stay in the same class... if they have motivation and ambition, they can better their lot in life and become wealthy. And that's precisely what people do in a free society.

Ok. I kept thinking something this conclusive can't possibly have escaped my notice before.... which is why I wanted you to confirm I was reading it right.

See, this is why I hate the media so much. Clear evidence like this is never presented.... yet the leftards complain about Faux Newws.... As if their media outlets are doing better.

Gah.... these people.....
Andy you'll note it says "families." One of the changes that occurred over that time frame was more and more single income families changed over to two income earning families. So the delta does not necessarily convert to more income per person but could merely be a factor of additional income earners per family. You'll also note that it ends at 2009 so does not reflect the bulk of our recession.

Yes, it's showing the number of families in three various groups, simply defined by income adjusted to 2009 dollars. Yes, there are many more 2-income families now than in 1967. Some households may have 3-4 incomes. What is your point? The ARGUMENT is what is happening to the so-called "middle class" and we see by the graph what is happening very clearly... they are earning more income per family and rising to upper-income level. But this is where the left gets their "middle class is declining" bullshit from. It relies on the simple-minded idea that "the middle class" is this monolithic group of people who, from cradle to grave, are always "middle class" and never any change. Same with "the poor" or "the wealthy" ...it's as if the same people occupy these classes year in and year out and we never have any cross over.

You have been brainwashed and programmed to think like this by Socialist Marxists. This ideology spread and thrived all across Europe and Asia where people were NOT FREE. They did not have the opportunity to aspire to a higher "class" because they were relegated to whatever "class" their ruler or king assigned and that was LIFE for them. The "Workers" are people who have no other choice or option in life... they are enslaved to be "workers" until they die. They can't BE BOSSES!

ALL of the Liberal Socialist Marxist arguments against free market capitalism and free enterprise... ALL the 1% vs. 99% Occutard Shitting on Cop Cars BULLSHIT.... All the War on The Rich... Multi-national Corporations... Speculators, hedge fund managers, CEO salaries... ALL of it.... is predicated on a societal structure where the people have no mobility of class... they cannot move up the economic ladder because of the class they've been assigned in life. They are not FREE people.

In THIS country, people are free to be whatever they dream. People escape lives of destitute poverty... a close personal friend of mine is a singer you've probably heard by the name of Jewel. She was homeless... living in her car when she signed her first record deal. Oprah Winfrey was a sexually-molested poor black girl in rural Mississippi... it does not get much more ABJECT than that... she is now the wealthiest woman in America. Mike Huckabee... someone else who came from abysmal poverty... there are thousands... millions of stories like theirs.

Free market capitalism and the free enterprise system we have, has produced more millionaires and billionaires than any other system ever tried by humans.
The point is that if you divide middle class income families by the number of income earners you have a completely different chart. Put another way if you show that chart by income earners instead of by families then you have a chart that looks more like the ones pushed by the people arguing that middle class income sucks. Further, if you limit the examples to non-government payroll it gets even worse.

That's true.... but then whose fault is that?

Where I work, there's a chick there who has a degree in Engineering. Now my company is a small (20 people including 2 interns) company that is a very lax... very loose... easy going.... place to work. But the pay sucks. You can earn more nearly anywhere.

So she back in 2012, decided to quit, and get a job at a major national company. Her pay nearly doubled. But.... she was expected to stand and deliver. She was rolling in the cash, but she was working for it.

8 months later, guess who is calling up our company asking to come back. She's back in her old position again. She disappeared 8 months because she had a baby. She comes in at 10 AM because her son's school closed. She calls off work because "baby is sick".

What's my point? Women specifically, and teenagers also, make choices to work easy, lax, low stress jobs, that pay far less than other jobs, because they live in a household that has other income.

By the way, I do the same thing. I could easily double my income. I just don't want to do the job. I'm lazy.

I don't blame the economy for my income being what it is, when I made the choice to have the income that I have.

Problem is, many people do. And people looking at abstract numbers do the same thing.

But to claim that wages have declined, is ridiculous. If you take a look at any specific job... not wages over a broad industry.... but SPECIFIC jobs.... wages have NOT declined.


Programmers.... mechanical engineers.... electrical engineers..... computer software developers....

And by the way, be careful of "Average Salaries". When you see a chart containing "Average Salaries", you should notice that salaries seem to fall during economic growth times, and spike up during recessions. People seem to forget that, the people harmed the most by a recession are new entry level, or new employees. People can't find jobs during the recession. The people who are highly skilled and thus earn a higher pay, still have their jobs. Thus the average goes up.

Then when the economy recovers, and all these low-pay entry level people find jobs, the average goes down.

Far from proving wages are falling, it only proves more people are finding jobs.
The point is that if you divide middle class income families by the number of income earners you have a completely different chart. Put another way if you show that chart by income earners instead of by families then you have a chart that looks more like the ones pushed by the people arguing that middle class income sucks. Further, if you limit the examples to non-government payroll it gets even worse.

Well we can manipulate statistics around to "show" virtually anything we want. There may be more two income families today but there may have been entire families working in 1967 to run the family business or farm and only the single income reported. Every family is different, individuals have different aspirations and motivations.

My chart doesn't have anything to do with the rate of pay per individual. It's showing strictly number of families in each of three categories of income. The point is to show you that people and their families move from their "class" all through their lives.

This is going to be difficult for a liberal to comprehend but the reason we see a trending decline over a long period of time in 'mid-level' incomes (vs. cost of living) is because of the minimum wage. We've base-lined the cost of labor across the board. Instead of a wage minimum that is negotiated and can freely fluctuate up and down due to supply and demand... we have a set minimum that doesn't change. All other wages are set according to the rate of minimum wage.

So... a long time ago, we switched cost of labor from a free market system to a socialist system... years later, we see disappointing results... then you guys blame free market capitalism. It was YOUR socialist policies which led to the stagnation in wages and we don't have a "redo" button. Not that you're smart enough to use it, you're still promoting more socialist solutions.

NONE of this has a damn thing to do with what is happening to the so-called "middle class families" in America. They are utilizing the free market and free enterprise to improve their "class" in life.
Welfare Spending Exploded under Bush 1 & 2. Clinton Reduced Welfare Spending & Obama has slowed the increase.
Welfare Spending Exploded under Bush 1 & 2...

AS IF... Welfare spending was this arbitrary number that rises and falls depending on how well off people are or how bad things are?

"Welfare spending" is appropriated by Congress each year. If "welfare spending exploded" it's because politicians voted to spend more taxpayer money on welfare. It has nothing to do with the economy or individual circumstances.
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.
Welfare Spending Exploded under Bush 1 & 2...

AS IF... Welfare spending was this arbitrary number that rises and falls depending on how well off people are or how bad things are?

"Welfare spending" is appropriated by Congress each year. If "welfare spending exploded" it's because politicians voted to spend more taxpayer money on welfare. It has nothing to do with the economy or individual circumstances.

You sheeple believe the cute little story that Bush lost his VETO Pen! :lol:
Welfare Spending Exploded under Bush 1 & 2...

AS IF... Welfare spending was this arbitrary number that rises and falls depending on how well off people are or how bad things are?

"Welfare spending" is appropriated by Congress each year. If "welfare spending exploded" it's because politicians voted to spend more taxpayer money on welfare. It has nothing to do with the economy or individual circumstances.

You sheeple believe the cute little story that Bush lost his VETO Pen! :lol:

Oh okay... So welfare spending has exploded because no Republican president has obstructed Democrats in congress who increased the spending... so it's REPUBLICAN'S fault? :rofl: ...Gotchya!
This bugs people who don't get food stamps the things people on food stamps buy. Which is why I would prefer cash benifits (social security, welfare) be larger and get rid of food stamps.
If you are getting money from your neighbor, the nieghbor gets a say on how you spend it. I personaly would prefer food stamps only buy Kosher. It is mostly healthy and mostly, with Some exceptions, vegitarian.
However, I also think you shouldn't expose people on benifits to odium, which is what food stamps do. What is wrong with poor people enjoying a beer? Food stamps allow people who paid for it to grumble about how you spent it. It is the worst of all possible worlds. I know when I see the things people buy on food stamps I usually go "what in the world are buying on MY dime!" It is human nature.

Again... My proposal is to return to a system like we had before food stamps. We provided people with surplus food staples which we have an abundance of every year. The point is, if you are truly "in need" you should have to endure some sacrifices. No one is going to starve on government cheese and peanut butter and we can do that a LOT more efficiently than what we're doing now.
The point is that if you divide middle class income families by the number of income earners you have a completely different chart. Put another way if you show that chart by income earners instead of by families then you have a chart that looks more like the ones pushed by the people arguing that middle class income sucks. Further, if you limit the examples to non-government payroll it gets even worse.

Well we can manipulate statistics around to "show" virtually anything we want. There may be more two income families today but there may have been entire families working in 1967 to run the family business or farm and only the single income reported. Every family is different, individuals have different aspirations and motivations.

My chart doesn't have anything to do with the rate of pay per individual. It's showing strictly number of families in each of three categories of income. The point is to show you that people and their families move from their "class" all through their lives.

This is going to be difficult for a liberal to comprehend but the reason we see a trending decline over a long period of time in 'mid-level' incomes (vs. cost of living) is because of the minimum wage. We've base-lined the cost of labor across the board. Instead of a wage minimum that is negotiated and can freely fluctuate up and down due to supply and demand... we have a set minimum that doesn't change. All other wages are set according to the rate of minimum wage.

So... a long time ago, we switched cost of labor from a free market system to a socialist system... years later, we see disappointing results... then you guys blame free market capitalism. It was YOUR socialist policies which led to the stagnation in wages and we don't have a "redo" button. Not that you're smart enough to use it, you're still promoting more socialist solutions.

NONE of this has a damn thing to do with what is happening to the so-called "middle class families" in America. They are utilizing the free market and free enterprise to improve their "class" in life.
I'm much more conservative than you are. I was just pointing out the difference between the chart you showed and the other charts.

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