Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

Very simply we need to go back to a system where people on food assistance come and pick up bags of preselected food based on the number of people in the family, their ages, allergies and their ethnic background.

Give them a circle of government cheese.
In this economy I can't hardly afford to buy hamburger, let alone steak and seafood.

man... I guess I need to live off the backs of the taxpayers and get me some food stamps. oh wait. I am one of those taxpayer..

pretty much sickening

Funny how those of us who pay the taxes that fund such programs don't benefit from them and vice versa. Sounds backwards to me.
Funny how those of us who pay the taxes that fund such programs don't benefit from them and vice versa. Sounds backwards to me.
Welcome to the concept of parasites. They are frequently found in the natural world and thus among men, as we are not less.
In this economy I can't hardly afford to buy hamburger, let alone steak and seafood.

man... I guess I need to live off the backs of the taxpayers and get me some food stamps. oh wait. I am one of those taxpayer..

pretty much sickening

Funny how those of us who pay the taxes that fund such programs don't benefit from them and vice versa. Sounds backwards to me.

What's sad is that the people on food stamps eat better than the people working to fund it.
The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way.

Whaddaya wanna bet Brattin calls himself a "christian".

BTW, his demonic bill is all for show. Or, just as likely, the idiot has no idea how the system works. Thanks to gerrymandering hewill feed at the public trough for the rest of his working life and have plenty of time to do a lot more damage.

Brattin admits that the language might need some tweaking. “My intention wasn’t to get rid of canned tuna and fish sticks,” he said. But he also insists that people are abusing the system by purchasing luxury foods, and believes that that must be stopped, even if it ends up requiring the inclusion of other less luxurious items.

“I have seen people purchasing filet mignons and crab legs with their EBT cards,” he said. “When I can’t afford it on my pay, I don’t want people on the taxpayer’s dime to afford those kinds of foods either.”

Of course, Brattin is not only a first class asshole, he’s also full of shit. Missouri legislators are paid $35,915 per year plus a $104 a day per diem for miscellaneous costs such as food. Seeing as how a steak can be purchased for under $20.00 at Walmart, it’s pretty safe to assume Brattin can afford to buy prime cuts of beef from time to time. Filet mignon is even cheaper. Brattin can easily purchase filet mignon, a package of two in fact, at a Missouri Walmart for under $9.00.

Brattin makes more than twice the annual earnings of a family who is eligible to receive food assistance, and he probably makes a mint during tax refund season considering he has five kids. And you can bet he isn’t allowing his children to live on fish sticks and tuna. And apparently, Brattin doesn’t understand that his own pay is courtesy of the very taxpayers that he has been attacking relentlessly with stupid bills.

In addition, SNAP rules allow recipients to purchase steak and seafood because they are food items and it would be costly and burdensome to restrict these items. Brattin’s bill also has no teeth because only Congress can change SNAP rules.

"The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way."

Since I didn't pick the person the single mother spread her legs for, it means it's not my responsibility to be forced to fund the results of her choice. It's interesting that you hold those of us not creating that child more responsible for feeding it than you do the sperm donor that did.

I didn't cause them to be poor but you seem to think that taking money from me and others like me will somehow alleviate poverty. We tried that shit for 50 years now and it didn't work. You don't have a problem if the government takes money from me that can go to MY kid in order it go to ones I didn't create. Why should mine do with less so someone else's can have more?
In this economy I can't hardly afford to buy hamburger, let alone steak and seafood.

man... I guess I need to live off the backs of the taxpayers and get me some food stamps. oh wait. I am one of those taxpayer..

pretty much sickening

Funny how those of us who pay the taxes that fund such programs don't benefit from them and vice versa. Sounds backwards to me.

What's sad is that the people on food stamps eat better than the people working to fund it.

When it's not their money, why should they care? All they have to do is bitch and whine when what they have handed to them isn't enough to be able to buy what people who earn the money they have buy and bleeding hearts vote to increase what they have handed to them. If I have to be responsible using the money I've earned, those who have a portion of what I've earned handed to them should be just as, if not more, responsible. Problem is when people think someone owes them something, that concept disappears.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
So no hamburger either?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?

You can buy steaks on sale or buy a cheaper cut.
You will never see yellow tagged meat in a SNAP recipients cart at Walmart.
What makes you think that?

If they have $200 they still need it to go as far as possible

It is a conservative myth that that the poor eat better than we do
I will go back to what I witnessed. Mother with a couple of children bought 4 20 oz mountain dews. A handful of candy bars with her ebt card. Then she got 2 24 oz ice houses and cigarettes with her money. If she can spend $10.00 on junk food on my dime, then turn around and buy alcohol and cigarettes. She can buy her own food needed to feed her family. That's not hate, just common sense.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
So no hamburger either?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?

You can buy steaks on sale or buy a cheaper cut.
You will never see yellow tagged meat in a SNAP recipients cart at Walmart.

Not true.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
So no hamburger either?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?

You can buy steaks on sale or buy a cheaper cut.

You can't buy them cheaper than basic 73% - 27% ground beef.

But then, ground beef is about as bad for you as anything else you can stick in your mouth. Even cheaper cuts of beef are better.
So no hamburger either?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?

You can buy steaks on sale or buy a cheaper cut.
You will never see yellow tagged meat in a SNAP recipients cart at Walmart.
What makes you think that?

If they have $200 they still need it to go as far as possible

It is a conservative myth that that the poor eat better than we do
I will go back to what I witnessed. Mother with a couple of children bought 4 20 oz mountain dews. A handful of candy bars with her ebt card. Then she got 2 24 oz ice houses and cigarettes with her money. If she can spend $10.00 on junk food on my dime, then turn around and buy alcohol and cigarettes. She can buy her own food needed to feed her family. That's not hate, just common sense.

I don't know what state you live in, but I know for a fact that alcohol and cigarettes are not allowed in the majority of states. Blame the retailer.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
So no hamburger either?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?

You can buy steaks on sale or buy a cheaper cut.

You can't buy them cheaper than basic 73% - 27% ground beef.

But then, ground beef is about as bad for you as anything else you can stick in your mouth. Even cheaper cuts of beef are better.

Doesn't mean someone having their food supplied should be buying more expensive steak. When you demand someone else buy your food, be prepared to have those you force to fund it have a say in what you buy. Don't like the conditions, don't ask for the money.
Makes em try harder
you know RW in many instances you are right about how many Republicans/Conservatives look at welfare......but at the same time many Democrats/Liberals look like enablers to me.....

Hey man, don't blow this for me...haven't you heard? I'm sufferin'.
Makes em try harder
you know RW in many instances you are right about how many Republicans/Conservatives look at welfare......but at the same time many Democrats/Liberals look like enablers to me.....

Hey man, don't blow this for me...haven't you heard? I'm sufferin'.
ok.....im sorry.....
Steak and Seafood is good, healthy food. It can be a bit price but it still much better than Fast Food crapolla.
Why would they eat that stuff if they're getting food stamps?

What are you talking about?

That's the idea

They enjoy being poor. Poor people will not want to improve themselves unless you make them suffer

That is why we have Republicans......to look out for the poor

Only a liberal would think doing without free steak and seafood is "suffering".

Send me some money Rightwinger...I'm suffering.
Very true

That is why Republicans advocate increased suffering for the poor

Makes em try harder
you know RW in many instances you are right about how many Republicans/Conservatives look at welfare......but at the same time many Democrats/Liberals look like enablers to me.....

I would have no problem helping feed the truly poor, if they were given good food, and instructions in how to prepare it.

There is no excuse for the abuses of the SNAP as it is run today.

Chips, soda and candy are not FOOD.
just because you are poor does not mean you dont know how to cook...
The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way.

Whaddaya wanna bet Brattin calls himself a "christian".

BTW, his demonic bill is all for show. Or, just as likely, the idiot has no idea how the system works. Thanks to gerrymandering hewill feed at the public trough for the rest of his working life and have plenty of time to do a lot more damage.

Brattin admits that the language might need some tweaking. “My intention wasn’t to get rid of canned tuna and fish sticks,” he said. But he also insists that people are abusing the system by purchasing luxury foods, and believes that that must be stopped, even if it ends up requiring the inclusion of other less luxurious items.

“I have seen people purchasing filet mignons and crab legs with their EBT cards,” he said. “When I can’t afford it on my pay, I don’t want people on the taxpayer’s dime to afford those kinds of foods either.”

Of course, Brattin is not only a first class asshole, he’s also full of shit. Missouri legislators are paid $35,915 per year plus a $104 a day per diem for miscellaneous costs such as food. Seeing as how a steak can be purchased for under $20.00 at Walmart, it’s pretty safe to assume Brattin can afford to buy prime cuts of beef from time to time. Filet mignon is even cheaper. Brattin can easily purchase filet mignon, a package of two in fact, at a Missouri Walmart for under $9.00.

Brattin makes more than twice the annual earnings of a family who is eligible to receive food assistance, and he probably makes a mint during tax refund season considering he has five kids. And you can bet he isn’t allowing his children to live on fish sticks and tuna. And apparently, Brattin doesn’t understand that his own pay is courtesy of the very taxpayers that he has been attacking relentlessly with stupid bills.

In addition, SNAP rules allow recipients to purchase steak and seafood because they are food items and it would be costly and burdensome to restrict these items. Brattin’s bill also has no teeth because only Congress can change SNAP rules.

I make more than $35,000 a year, and I don't buy expensive steak...hell, I haven't smoked a brisket in a year, and it is one of my favorite things to do and eat.

Because I have to EARN that money...and it goes a lot farther when I buy pork shoulder and chicken. And if you buy that meat glued fillet mignon from Wal-mart, you might as well rip the sole off your shoe and eat it...because that's the consistency of the filet mignon after you cook it to the doneness that will kill the bacteria in the meat glued middle. How do you not know these things? Did you write that, or was it some limousine liberal that has never done their own shopping in their life?

You haven't smoked a brisket in a year?!

Until I read that, I respected you, but now I'm putting you on ignore.

I don't blame you. It's a sad, sad state of affairs.

I want to, believe me...but I see $47 on a six pound brisket, and I just can't bring myself to shell out that kinda dough. Not when Boston Butt is $2.69 a pound. And pulled pork runs a close second to brisket.

I told Angel "I remember when brisket was a cheap cut no one wanted."

Those were the days.


I won't pay that kind of money for beef brisket when I can get better cuts of meat for the same price

Pork butt goes about $2 a pound and takes about 14 hours to smoke. I'd just as soon make more pulled pork
So no hamburger either?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?

You can buy steaks on sale or buy a cheaper cut.
You will never see yellow tagged meat in a SNAP recipients cart at Walmart.
What makes you think that?

If they have $200 they still need it to go as far as possible

It is a conservative myth that that the poor eat better than we do
I will go back to what I witnessed. Mother with a couple of children bought 4 20 oz mountain dews. A handful of candy bars with her ebt card. Then she got 2 24 oz ice houses and cigarettes with her money. If she can spend $10.00 on junk food on my dime, then turn around and buy alcohol and cigarettes. She can buy her own food needed to feed her family. That's not hate, just common sense.
And most if those women have full mani's and pedi's that they up keep monthly.
Steak and Seafood is good, healthy food. It can be a bit price but it still much better than Fast Food crapolla.
Seafood and steak can also be found on sale frequently. Last time I bought crab legs they were 5.99 a pound... steak about the same. Albertsons also has steaks buy one get one free a lot.
The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way.

Whaddaya wanna bet Brattin calls himself a "christian".

BTW, his demonic bill is all for show. Or, just as likely, the idiot has no idea how the system works. Thanks to gerrymandering hewill feed at the public trough for the rest of his working life and have plenty of time to do a lot more damage.

Brattin admits that the language might need some tweaking. “My intention wasn’t to get rid of canned tuna and fish sticks,” he said. But he also insists that people are abusing the system by purchasing luxury foods, and believes that that must be stopped, even if it ends up requiring the inclusion of other less luxurious items.

“I have seen people purchasing filet mignons and crab legs with their EBT cards,” he said. “When I can’t afford it on my pay, I don’t want people on the taxpayer’s dime to afford those kinds of foods either.”

Of course, Brattin is not only a first class asshole, he’s also full of shit. Missouri legislators are paid $35,915 per year plus a $104 a day per diem for miscellaneous costs such as food. Seeing as how a steak can be purchased for under $20.00 at Walmart, it’s pretty safe to assume Brattin can afford to buy prime cuts of beef from time to time. Filet mignon is even cheaper. Brattin can easily purchase filet mignon, a package of two in fact, at a Missouri Walmart for under $9.00.

Brattin makes more than twice the annual earnings of a family who is eligible to receive food assistance, and he probably makes a mint during tax refund season considering he has five kids. And you can bet he isn’t allowing his children to live on fish sticks and tuna. And apparently, Brattin doesn’t understand that his own pay is courtesy of the very taxpayers that he has been attacking relentlessly with stupid bills.

In addition, SNAP rules allow recipients to purchase steak and seafood because they are food items and it would be costly and burdensome to restrict these items. Brattin’s bill also has no teeth because only Congress can change SNAP rules.

I make more than $35,000 a year, and I don't buy expensive steak...hell, I haven't smoked a brisket in a year, and it is one of my favorite things to do and eat.

Because I have to EARN that money...and it goes a lot farther when I buy pork shoulder and chicken. And if you buy that meat glued fillet mignon from Wal-mart, you might as well rip the sole off your shoe and eat it...because that's the consistency of the filet mignon after you cook it to the doneness that will kill the bacteria in the meat glued middle. How do you not know these things? Did you write that, or was it some limousine liberal that has never done their own shopping in their life?

You haven't smoked a brisket in a year?!

Until I read that, I respected you, but now I'm putting you on ignore.

I don't blame you. It's a sad, sad state of affairs.

I want to, believe me...but I see $47 on a six pound brisket, and I just can't bring myself to shell out that kinda dough. Not when Boston Butt is $2.69 a pound. And pulled pork runs a close second to brisket.

I told Angel "I remember when brisket was a cheap cut no one wanted."

Those were the days.

Alright, I'll let it go this time - as long as you use a dry rub and don't smoke the pork with bbq sauce on it. That's unforgivable.
Alright, I'll let it go this time - as long as you use a dry rub and don't smoke the pork with bbq sauce on it. That's unforgivable.

*involuntarily shudders*

You obviously have not been introduced to my thread http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/smokin-supper-mmm.209074/.

Feel free to contribute, you and rightwinger both....and anyone else who enjoys the Q.
.and anyone else who enjoys the Q
loved the episodes he was on......


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