Missouri Schools Complain About Obama Logo School Supplies

How horrible all around. Those kids might get cooties.

It's much worse than that. They could grow up to be as dumb as the adults who bought the hope and change b.s. and voted for the imbecile.
Change! :eek:

What a horrible concept to conservatives.

so you believe school supplies to our children should come plastered with presidential campaign slogans and images? you want politicians logos on our school's supplies/books etc....why stop obama.....
I'm thinking this cover is a sly insult to obama's slogan....showing the only change you can believe in is the stacks of change he leaves you with when he lets the government take all your cash for "the common good"
Thats the way I see it, which is why they had to be collected.
I'm thinking this cover is a sly insult to obama's slogan....showing the only change you can believe in is the stacks of change he leaves you with when he lets the government take all your cash for "the common good"

It was very obviously and insult to Obama.

Its also a very sick thing to teach kids.
The imbecile? You mean the guy who was smart enough to get elected President of the United States?

Being black is a career choice now? Cool.

Hmmm...why don't you call him a "boy" for good measure. :eusa_eh:

I referred to him as 'your boy'.... I referred McCain as 'your boy' during the election. I refer to male politicians as 'your boy' often. Apparently that is acceptable, unless the politician is black. That makes race a problem for you, not me. I treat all politicians with equal disrespect, regardless of race, color or creed. Only you are too fucking stupid to see past your own obsession with race.
I love how these mole hill stories get mountains of attention here. And fast! :lol:
How horrible all around. Those kids might get cooties.

It's much worse than that. They could grow up to be as dumb as the adults who bought the hope and change b.s. and voted for the imbecile.

The imbecile? You mean the guy who was smart enough to get elected President of the United States?

Hey, when you get enough dumbbells to buy the hoax and change b.s. anyone can get elected, just like this imbecile.
It's much worse than that. They could grow up to be as dumb as the adults who bought the hope and change b.s. and voted for the imbecile.

The imbecile? You mean the guy who was smart enough to get elected President of the United States?

Hey, when you get enough dumbbells to buy the hoax and change b.s. anyone can get elected, just like this imbecile.

So, the majority of voters in this country are stupid people? Is that what you are saying?
The imbecile? You mean the guy who was smart enough to get elected President of the United States?

Hey, when you get enough dumbbells to buy the hoax and change b.s. anyone can get elected, just like this imbecile.

So, the majority of voters in this country are stupid people? Is that what you are saying?

Not exactly. The majority of voters in the last election are, obviously, stupid people.
Here you go, calling a man with very obvious intellect well beyond the average an idiot.

Why do you hate smart people?
Hey, when you get enough dumbbells to buy the hoax and change b.s. anyone can get elected, just like this imbecile.

So, the majority of voters in this country are stupid people? Is that what you are saying?

Not exactly. The majority of voters in the last election are, obviously, stupid people.

Well, then. If the majority of voters in the last election are obviously stupid. What does that make of the people who did NOT vote and let the stupid people out vote them? Are they stupid too?

Why would the majority of voters in ONE election suddenly be stupid...but not in other elections? Is their stupidity only temporary?
So am I the only one with this position that I stated earlier?

" I can't tell if that is pro-obama or anti-obama propoganda. Either way its propoganda and should have no business being funded by public tax dollars....PERIOD. "

I mean I see everyone is great at hurling insults around at each other but do any of you have an actual opinion on the taxpayer funded notebooks? Or maybe some facts to correct my statement with.

I know its more fun just to see who the biggest moron, i mean best insulter, is but give the topic a shot :lol:

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