Mistakes the admin has already made in handling the virus.

Let's be clear about something. It was always inevitable that the virus was going to come to the US and spread. The discussion here is about how well we anticipated and prepared for the spread.

Voting for a prez is like hiring a manager of the country's affairs. The question is..........how well has the Trump admin managed our response? To date, the factual record shows it has not been managed well from the standpoint of organization, preparedness, and messaging.
The TDS Morons are rooting for the virus................Here's what they want for America......because they HATE TRUMP 24/7

“It’s all the operational details,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because CDC staff are not permitted to comment publicly without approval from HHS. The situation has been made worse, the official said, because the agency has been operating without a permanent director since Tom Frieden stepped down in January. That job is considered one of the most crucial public health positions in the government given the CDC's role in tracking and stopping infectious disease outbreaks in the United States and worldwide.
“It’s all the operational details,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because CDC staff are not permitted to comment publicly without approval from HHS. The situation has been made worse, the official said, because the agency has been operating without a permanent director since Tom Frieden stepped down in January. That job is considered one of the most crucial public health positions in the government given the CDC's role in tracking and stopping infectious disease outbreaks in the United States and worldwide.
Blah Blah Blah........

You want them to go out and SCREAM WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE......

Start a panic so then you can bitch about that..........

The real question is do you sniff glue.
Does anyone seriously trust this Administration to deal with this crisis in anything but as political manner?
The moment they put Pence in charge of messaging, prioritizing the political message over the scientific message, we knew what was most important to Don. Namely, how is this outbreak going to effect his political fortune?

pence will take all the heat - & will take all the blame if this gets as bad as it could.
Yep...Russian Collusion.....Ukraine....now the Coronavirus.

sorry, lenny - - - but i will go with real scientists & medical professionals on this one over a praying, science denier & his tribbleheaded moron boss...
Yep.....and you can't see that the medical professionals are using the media to make the situation worse than it really is.

That's why they call sheeple like you Useful Idiots.

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You want them to go out and SCREAM WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE......
Well........no...........the mortality rate is only about 2% so we are not all going to die. Nobody is saying that is going to happen. But there will be fatalities. One has already happened. Not coincidentally, in an area where the virus has spread in part because of the admin's incompetence.
Yep.....and you can't see that the medical professionals are using the media to make the situation worse than it really is.
You have it backwards. The situation will get worse than it needs to be unless medical professionals use the media to warn people to take precautions against getting the virus.
Does anyone seriously trust this Administration to deal with this crisis in anything but as political manner?
The moment they put Pence in charge of messaging, prioritizing the political message over the scientific message, we knew what was most important to Don. Namely, how is this outbreak going to effect his political fortune?

pence will take all the heat - & will take all the blame if this gets as bad as it could.
Yep...Russian Collusion.....Ukraine....now the Coronavirus.

sorry, lenny - - - but i will go with real scientists & medical professionals on this one over a praying, science denier & his tribbleheaded moron boss...
Yep.....and you can't see that the medical professionals are using the media to make the situation worse than it really is.

That's why they call sheeple like you Useful Idiots.

no lenny... they follow the orimum non nocere doctrine.

donny follows the mine mine mine & how can i get more outa the poorly educated doctrine.
You want them to go out and SCREAM WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE......
Well........no...........the mortality rate is only about 2% so we are not all going to die. Nobody is saying that is going to happen. But there will be fatalities. One has already happened. Not coincidentally, in an area where the virus has spread in part because of the admin's incompetence.
And your crystal ball told you that.........They have a special machine to know exactly who may have come into contact with the virus at all times................

Sounds like an X-MEN Movie Trailor...............

Like I said.............you want to play garbage politics with this to Trash Trump and that is all..........That is your mission...........No matter what Trump does you will Whine and complain..........BECAUSE THAT IS YOUR MISSION

Got news for you.............no one but your own side and TDS tools cares what you say anymore.........We only have these threads just to expose what you really are and have been.........
Yep.....and you can't see that the medical professionals are using the media to make the situation worse than it really is.
You have it backwards. The situation will get worse than it needs to be unless medical professionals use the media to warn people to take precautions against getting the virus.
They've been warned. What they're doing now is sensationalizing it to cause a panic.
Again, no one is saying "we are all going to die" or anything close to that.
One in fifty infected people dying is kind of a lot. I don't know if this is true, but someone told me that because it is a virus, the pneumonia is a viral type that antibiotics won't touch and that is why they are having such trouble with it.
One of my uncles died of a very rare type of viral pneumonia in Mass. many years ago--they immediately put a bunch of people in quarantine because there were a few cases of it. They stopped it in time, but my uncle was dead in a couple of days from getting sick and they couldn't seem to do a damned thing about it.
And your crystal ball told you that.........They have a special machine to know exactly who may have come into contact with the virus at all times
I don't understand why you are making these absurd comments. The fact is the bungled handling of US citizens coming back from Wuhan caused people to unnecessarily be exposed to the virus. It is likely this in turn is responsible for the first case coming from an "unknown origin" due to the geographic proximity of the infected woman and the infected people returning from China.
The TDS Morons are rooting for the virus.
It's more than a little pathetic that you folks are resorting to that particular lie.
No..........what is PATHETIC is your side doing IT'S ALL TRUMP'S FAULT on eveything.....

The only PATHETIC ONE here is you.....................You have NO HONOR, NO SHAME, NO MORALS.........and you use this Virus FOR POLITICS...........Plain and simple......

Your side wants Chaos..............wants Fear mongering.......stocks crashing from it.............then you will go......LOOK WHAT TRUMP DID........

Your side should not be allowed to govern a boy scout troop...........................You are a scourge on this country.

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