Mistakes the admin has already made in handling the virus.

Post the exact speech to get context of what was said in a link......................Not a hit piece..........
In what context is making a wildly inaccurate statement like that justified?
YOU ARE A LIAR............I just posted the 15 day comments.........and you are taking what was said OUT OF CONTEXT.........

Shutting down departments of the government, and firing or reassigning personnel from those departments, which were established to handle a health crisis like the one we are now experiencing.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Overruling the CDC in bringing back infected Americans from a cruise ship on a commercial flight. Allowing those infected people to expose non-infected people on the flight to the virus.
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice

Employees of HHS were told to deal with potentially infected Americans returning from China without the necessary training or equipment. Those employees then returned to their daily lives without being tested for the virus. The first case of a person contracting the virus from an unknown source happened within twenty miles of where the people returning from China were being housed. Making it likely the first case of infection directly related to the admin's incompetence.
HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.
Two inevitable events are about to unfold. One is the spread of the virus. Incompetence by the admin has already resulted in it spreading faster than it would have if health safety protocols had been followed.

The other is there is going to be a massive effort on the part of the admin and the right wing media cohort lead by Faux, to misinform the public (as it always does) about the admin's already bungled response to this very real threat to the public's safety. We have already witnessed sock puppet Mike Pence heap unwarranted praise on Dear Leader for preparing the nation for an outbreak. That message will be endlessly repeated. It is a bald faced lie.
Why did you start two threads using the same link and just change the thread title a little?
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Because he is a Liberal Troll spreading PRAVDA for the left.........same as the MSM.....

Using a virus for a political attack.
Maybe he has Bidenitis and just can’t remember what he did yesterday.

why so forgetful berg80
My point is you speak of one death as one too many. This is going to kill a lot of people. We should al be a little more sensitive and not politicize this like you have.
So.......you think pointing out incompetence, leading to a faster spread of the virus, is politicizing this issue and lacks sensitivity. Even though the admin is taking credit for doing a good job of containment when that claim is factually inaccurate. Clearly, we just disagree.
Slander Fear mongering, and Lies, are a mistake many sinners make thinking they can commit such sins & fool God and not escape Judgment.

Do not fear a virus, fear God who cannot not only create a virus to punish mankind with but can require your soul, judge you lacking and unworthy and cast your body and your soul in to Hell.

Shutting down departments of the government, and firing or reassigning personnel from those departments, which were established to handle a health crisis like the one we are now experiencing.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Overruling the CDC in bringing back infected Americans from a cruise ship on a commercial flight. Allowing those infected people to expose non-infected people on the flight to the virus.
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice

Employees of HHS were told to deal with potentially infected Americans returning from China without the necessary training or equipment. Those employees then returned to their daily lives without being tested for the virus. The first case of a person contracting the virus from an unknown source happened within twenty miles of where the people returning from China were being housed. Making it likely the first case of infection directly related to the admin's incompetence.
HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.
Two inevitable events are about to unfold. One is the spread of the virus. Incompetence by the admin has already resulted in it spreading faster than it would have if health safety protocols had been followed.

The other is there is going to be a massive effort on the part of the admin and the right wing media cohort lead by Faux, to misinform the public (as it always does) about the admin's already bungled response to this very real threat to the public's safety. We have already witnessed sock puppet Mike Pence heap unwarranted praise on Dear Leader for preparing the nation for an outbreak. That message will be endlessly repeated. It is a bald faced lie.
Post the exact speech to get context of what was said in a link......................Not a hit piece..........
In what context is making a wildly inaccurate statement like that justified?
YOU ARE A LIAR............I just posted the 15 day comments.........and you are taking what was said OUT OF CONTEXT.........

How does the majority or all of the 15 infected people recovering from the virus, which has nothing to do with the Trump admin, translate to making Trump's documented failure in responding well to the virus any better?
You want them to go out and SCREAM WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE......
Well........no...........the mortality rate is only about 2% so we are not all going to die. Nobody is saying that is going to happen. But there will be fatalities. One has already happened. Not coincidentally, in an area where the virus has spread in part because of the admin's incompetence.
Or because of obvious Democrat incompetence.
After all....they were screaming racist when he tried banning travel to and from specific countries....and the fact that they were screaming racist when he tried to stop illegals from flooding our Southern borders.

Seems all of these cases are in Blue States....and the Dems are hoping that eventually the shit will show up in Texas.

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Post the exact speech to get context of what was said in a link......................Not a hit piece..........
In what context is making a wildly inaccurate statement like that justified?
YOU ARE A LIAR............I just posted the 15 day comments.........and you are taking what was said OUT OF CONTEXT.........

How does the majority or all of the 15 infected people recovering from the virus, which has nothing to do with the Trump admin, translate to making Trump's documented failure in responding well to the virus any better?

I'd be more concerned about your TDS.
What!? Socialist/ communist countries let their people just die? That’s a shocker.
Help me out here. How does pointing out how awful the Chinese government is change the Trump admin's failures so far?
You want the same government healthcare here. You sit there and watch government failure in China kill thousands. Then you bitch about Trump and claim he isn’t doing enough. And your solution is more government. It’s so incredibly stupid how the left thinks about these things.
My point is you speak of one death as one too many. This is going to kill a lot of people. We should al be a little more sensitive and not politicize this like you have.
So.......you think pointing out incompetence, leading to a faster spread of the virus, is politicizing this issue and lacks sensitivity. Even though the admin is taking credit for doing a good job of containment when that claim is factually inaccurate. Clearly, we just disagree.

your "has already" portion of your title gives you away. You're a partisan hack that will spout off on anything no matter how minor.

This thing is going to spread no matter what. It's what Viruses with these types of variables do. It's on every continent already (absent Antartica). There is no stopping it. There will be people who die. Your nor I will never know how many more were saved or died because of the administrations efforts. But, I'm sure you'll think you know. In fact, you already think you know before hand. That's what partisans do.

You're smarter than everyone else. You've got a huge ego.
After all....they were screaming racist when he tried to banning travel to and from specific countries
Trying to deflect attention away from how the admin screwed up isn't fooling anyone............except for Trumpletons.
If Trump has already messed this up, with only one American death, how bad did Barry Hussein fuck up the swine flu virus that killed over 12,000 Americans?

berg80 were you upset at Barry?
In the United States, a coming general election has politicized what should be a clear public health priority. On Tuesday, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, warned that a global pandemic was all but inevitable and asked the American public to brace itself for impact. That same day, her boss’s boss, President Trump, insisted that everything was well under control.

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