Mistakes the admin has already made in handling the virus.

And your crystal ball told you that.........They have a special machine to know exactly who may have come into contact with the virus at all times
I don't understand why you are making these absurd comments. The fact is the bungled handling of US citizens coming back from Wuhan caused people to unnecessarily be exposed to the virus. It is likely this in turn is responsible for the first case coming from an "unknown origin" due to the geographic proximity of the infected woman and the infected people returning from China.

More commie BS.

Why isn't it fair, after examining the factual record, to come to the conclusion the Trump admin has failed to perform well in its response to this health crisis?

The fact is that can't be known less than two months in, all you're doing is propagandizing for political gain. It's really pathetic.

You want them to go out and SCREAM WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE......
Well........no...........the mortality rate is only about 2% so we are not all going to die. Nobody is saying that is going to happen. But there will be fatalities. One has already happened. Not coincidentally, in an area where the virus has spread in part because of the admin's incompetence.

18,000 people in the US have died this year from the Flu. Hmmmm.

the flu has been around for months - coronavirus hasn't.

we have a flu vaccine even though they are never 100%.

we have no vaccine for the coronavirus & it will still take months for clinical trials etc when they think they have developed one.

Prove Covid 19 hasn't been around for months, since no one was aware of it, no one was tested for it. I've seen interviews with doctors that said it has likely been around for months, but most people don't present with acute symptoms.

Post the exact speech to get context of what was said in a link......................Not a hit piece..........
In what context is making a wildly inaccurate statement like that justified?
YOU ARE A LIAR............I just posted the 15 day comments.........and you are taking what was said OUT OF CONTEXT.........

How does the majority or all of the 15 infected people recovering from the virus, which has nothing to do with the Trump admin, translate to making Trump's documented failure in responding well to the virus any better?

The only thing documented are your lies.

I haven’t seen such a ridiculously clownish reaction to something from the left since the equally stupid climate nuts.

60 people have it. And of those a grand total of one caught it here. Everyone else got it somewhere else. A ship with 300 on with the virus on board had a grand total of zero deaths. None.

Unless you’re in a third world or communist country you’ll be fine.

Which reminds me. The lefts favorite form of government run healthcare has thousands of deaths and couldn’t contain the virus. We contain it and have vaccines coming soon with no deaths. Guess which system they want for our healthcare. Yes, the communist one.
You're a little behind on the news. We do have individuals testing positive who have had no contact with anyone traveling overseas. It is in the communities, including two schools.
One death.

I also heard on the news this a.m. that the largest manufacturer of face masks in the US has stopped taking orders from any but hospitals--it is having all it can do to fill those. But the CDC is still urging anyone with flu like symptoms to wear one.

What about those people who died during the ANNUAL Flu season, in the U.S.A?

From October 1, 2019 to February 22, 2020

18,000 – 46,000
flu deaths



Flu is far more deadly than Corona Virus, yet Democrats go crazy over a Chinese created virus, hypocritically attacking President Trump.

Partisan hate needs to go away.

the flu has been around for a several months with a vaccine being available as well.

the flu death rate is .01% & the coronavirus, not visibly being around as long nor a vaccine available is 2%. it will be taking several weeks - months for clinical trials even after a vaccine is discovered; plus this thing may mutate the more people are exposed & pass it along.
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I see that Democrats are throwing lies and partisan hate openly:

American Thinker

Democrats escalate the lies they’re throwing at Trump about coronavirus

March 1, 2020

By Andrea Widburg


With the rise of coronavirus, the Democrats are so desperate to destroy Trump that they’re lying about everything possible, celebrating damage to the American economy, and working hard to drive ordinary Americans into a blind panic. This is an unusually sordid display of partisanship over country, although none of them have the grace to be ashamed. A look at Obama’s presidency reveals that the Democrats’ standards were quite different back then.

To set the stage, here are a few indisputable facts:

On January 31, 2020, as China confirmed that 259 people had died and there were about 100 cases reported outside of China, President Trump ordered that the U.S. would prevent foreign nationals who had recently visited China from entering the country. He also ordered quarantined American travelers who posed a high risk.

Democrats called Trump a racist.

President Trump held a press conference during which (1) he was surrounded by government scientists who explained what was going on (2) he appointed Vice President Pence, a competent, experienced administrator, to be the White House point person on coronavirus efforts.

Democrats called Pence a killer.

Democrats also announced that henceforth they would call coronavirus "TrumpVirus" because Trump had appointed Pence to oversee the administrative end of dealing with coronavirus and because Trump said there was no need for panic.

Nancy Pelosi complained that Trump had waited too long to act, even though when she spoke not a single American had died.



What a miserable party the Democrats have become, it was years in the making, but now it has reached full partisan hate, out in the open.

American Thinker

American Thinker - Media Bias/Fact Check
There is no cure............................
Actually, I think there IS a cure....

And it will even prevent them from catching the Corona Virus!!!

View attachment 309625
The only reason they have a vaccine this soon is because they know what the original strain originated from.....which means they either released it by accident or on purpose.

where are you reading that? there is no vaccine lenny.
Covid-19 - Symptoms and prevention
This came on my FB feed from yesterday. I cannot vouch for it's accuracy - so take it for what it's worth.

Last evening dining out with friends, one of their uncles, who's graduated with a master's degree and who worked in Shenzhen Hospital (Guangdong Province, China) sent him the following notes on Coronavirus for guidance:
1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold
2. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose.
3. This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the Sun.
4. If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne.
5. If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours - so if you come into contact with any metal surface - wash your hands as soon as you can with a bacterial soap.
6. On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. normal laundry detergent will kill it.
7. Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink liquids with ice.
8. Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 minutes, but - a lot can happen during that time - you can rub your eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on.
9. You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in warm water will suffice.
10. Can't emphasise enough - drink plenty of water!
1. It will first infect the throat, so you'll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days
2. The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further.
3. With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing.
4. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you're drowning. It's imperative you then seek immediate attention.
I haven’t seen such a ridiculously clownish reaction to something from the left since the equally stupid climate nuts.

60 people have it. And of those a grand total of one caught it here. Everyone else got it somewhere else. A ship with 300 on with the virus on board had a grand total of zero deaths. None.

Unless you’re in a third world or communist country you’ll be fine.

Which reminds me. The lefts favorite form of government run healthcare has thousands of deaths and couldn’t contain the virus. We contain it and have vaccines coming soon with no deaths. Guess which system they want for our healthcare. Yes, the communist one.
You're a little behind on the news. We do have individuals testing positive who have had no contact with anyone traveling overseas. It is in the communities, including two schools.
One death.

I also heard on the news this a.m. that the largest manufacturer of face masks in the US has stopped taking orders from any but hospitals--it is having all it can do to fill those. But the CDC is still urging anyone with flu like symptoms to wear one.

8,400 people in cali are being monitored; & 2 people in a nursing home in washington state tested positive - 1 is a worker & 1 is a patient. the elderly are at high risk of death & chances are more will come down with it.

the elderly & those in poor health are always in increased risk of getting it. They are susceptible to getting most diseases for that very reason. That isn’t an earth-shattering revelation. But this entire thread is nothing more than partisan rhetoric & fear mongering.

i worked with the elderly - both in & out of a nursing home & know full well what can happen when an illness breaks out. hopefully it won't come down to it - but if people start dying 'en masse' - then will y'all start to take it a bit more seriously than it seems you are?

downplaying a real potential for the worst case scenario is not too bright either, jr.

The worse case scenario has never played out in the US in the past, what makes you think this will be any different?


thousands die every year from the flu here in america, despite having a vaccine available every year - which is only based on best guesses as to what strain(s) will surface..... yet that always seems to be minimized. right now we don't have a vaccine & there's always the chance of mutation. i don't see anyone panicking - but to blow this off as ' the (D)s are fearmongering' is stoooooooopid.
Let's be clear about something. It was always inevitable that the virus was going to come to the US and spread. The discussion here is about how well we anticipated and prepared for the spread.

Voting for a prez is like hiring a manager of the country's affairs. The question is..........how well has the Trump admin managed our response? To date, the factual record shows it has not been managed well from the standpoint of organization, preparedness, and messaging.

You're a liar. Just because you commies are saying the response is inadequate doesn't make it so.


basketdwellers saying the response is adequate doesn't make it so.
You want them to go out and SCREAM WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE......
Well........no...........the mortality rate is only about 2% so we are not all going to die. Nobody is saying that is going to happen. But there will be fatalities. One has already happened. Not coincidentally, in an area where the virus has spread in part because of the admin's incompetence.

18,000 people in the US have died this year from the Flu. Hmmmm.

the flu has been around for months - coronavirus hasn't.

we have a flu vaccine even though they are never 100%.

we have no vaccine for the coronavirus & it will still take months for clinical trials etc when they think they have developed one.

Prove Covid 19 hasn't been around for months, since no one was aware of it, no one was tested for it. I've seen interviews with doctors that said it has likely been around for months, but most people don't present with acute symptoms.


correction: hasn't been around showing symptoms for months NOR do we have a 'coronavirus' season ...
I haven’t seen such a ridiculously clownish reaction to something from the left since the equally stupid climate nuts.

60 people have it. And of those a grand total of one caught it here. Everyone else got it somewhere else. A ship with 300 on with the virus on board had a grand total of zero deaths. None.

Unless you’re in a third world or communist country you’ll be fine.

Which reminds me. The lefts favorite form of government run healthcare has thousands of deaths and couldn’t contain the virus. We contain it and have vaccines coming soon with no deaths. Guess which system they want for our healthcare. Yes, the communist one.
You're a little behind on the news. We do have individuals testing positive who have had no contact with anyone traveling overseas. It is in the communities, including two schools.
One death.

I also heard on the news this a.m. that the largest manufacturer of face masks in the US has stopped taking orders from any but hospitals--it is having all it can do to fill those. But the CDC is still urging anyone with flu like symptoms to wear one.

What about those people who died during the ANNUAL Flu season, in the U.S.A?

From October 1, 2019 to February 22, 2020

18,000 – 46,000
flu deaths



Flu is far more deadly than Corona Virus, yet Democrats go crazy over a Chinese created virus, hypocritically attacking President Trump.

Partisan hate needs to go away.

the flu has been around for a several months with a vaccine being available as well.

the flu death rate is .01% & the coronavirus, not visibly being around as long nor a vaccine available is 2%. it will be taking several weeks - months for clinical trials even after a vaccine is discovered; plus this thing may mutate the more people are exposed & pass it along.

You have no idea how shallow you come across, the death rate for Flu is based on many years data of affected people, the Corona Virus is but a few months of data, the death rate percentage will drop over time, when the number of survivors greatly outnumber the dead that will be factored in many months/years from now.

Now here is what YOU didn't think about for OTHER Viral/bacterial outbreaks that were far worse, often with a much higher death rate.

The Most Dangerous Epidemics in U.S. History


From The New England Journal of Medicine

Covid-19 — Navigating the Uncharted
List of authors.
  • Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.,
  • H. Clifford Lane, M.D.,
  • and Robert R. Redfield, M.D.
Selected excerpt:

On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2
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One reason the virus spread so quickly in China was the government's attempt to keep information from the public that otherwise would have caused Chinese citizens to take precautions against getting it.

Your heroes the ChiComs locked down an entire city of 11,000,000 people -- and the disease still spread.

It's a PanDEMic I tell ya!
basketdwellers saying the response is adequate doesn't make it so.
We are going to hear endless propaganda from right wing media claiming, falsely, Trump has handled the preparations for an outbreak very well. All designed to keep the clueless rubes misinformed.
Military officials at Travis Air Force Base declare ‘public health emergency’

"Military officials at Travis Air Force Base in Northern California declared a “public health emergency” Monday because of a “possible public health situation involving novel coronavirus 2019,” according to an email sent out by the military.

The email does not describe the health situation, but says it “requires immediate action.” It says a public health emergency officer may “close base facilities, restrict movement or implement quarantine for at risk individuals” at the base near Sacramento. The declaration also aids coordination with the surrounding Solano County.

The U.S. State Department evacuated nearly 180 Americans from Wuhan, China — the epicenter of the covid-19 outbreak — to Travis on Feb. 5, where they remained in quarantine until their release. Later, dozens of passengers from the Diamond Princess cruise ship, where more than 700 people became infected after they were quarantined in Yokohama harbor, were quarantined there. They were set to be released Monday."

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