Mistakes the admin has already made in handling the virus.

Just saw a news conference with WA officials, they claim the virus has been going around there for at least 6 weeks. That's about the time the world was becoming aware of it.
Not exactly a description of a situation that's "under control."
If Trump fired any
Legum outlined a series of cost-cutting decisions made by the Trump administration in preceding years that had gutted the nation’s infectious disease defense infrastructure. The “pandemic response team” firing claim referred to news accounts from Spring 2018 reporting that White House officials tasked with directing a national response to a pandemic had been ousted.

Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer abruptly departed from his post leading the global health security team on the National Security Council in May 2018 amid a reorganization of the council by then-National Security Advisor John Bolton, and Ziemer’s team was disbanded. Tom Bossert, whom the Washington Post reported “had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks,” had been fired one month prior.

It’s thus true that the Trump administration axed the executive branch team responsible for coordinating a response to a pandemic and did not replace it, eliminating Ziemer’s position and reassigning others, although Bolton was the executive at the top of the National Security Council chain of command at the time.
Shutting down departments of the government, and firing or reassigning personnel from those departments, which were established to handle a health crisis like the one we are now experiencing.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Overruling the CDC in bringing back infected Americans from a cruise ship on a commercial flight. Allowing those infected people to expose non-infected people on the flight to the virus.
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice

Employees of HHS were told to deal with potentially infected Americans returning from China without the necessary training or equipment. Those employees then returned to their daily lives without being tested for the virus. The first case of a person contracting the virus from an unknown source happened within twenty miles of where the people returning from China were being housed. Making it likely the first case of infection directly related to the admin's incompetence.
HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.
Two inevitable events are about to unfold. One is the spread of the virus. Incompetence by the admin has already resulted in it spreading faster than it would have if health safety protocols had been followed.

The other is there is going to be a massive effort on the part of the admin and the right wing media cohort lead by Faux, to misinform the public (as it always does) about the admin's already bungled response to this very real threat to the public's safety. We have already witnessed sock puppet Mike Pence heap unwarranted praise on Dear Leader for preparing the nation for an outbreak. That message will be endlessly repeated. It is a bald faced lie.
Typical leftists. Trump cured cancer but he killed a few monkeys while he did it, so he is a failure. 77% of people are satisfied with the response so far. Keep on trying to stir up trouble because that is all you tds people do. You don’t care a wit for any of the people.
If Trump fired any
Legum outlined a series of cost-cutting decisions made by the Trump administration in preceding years that had gutted the nation’s infectious disease defense infrastructure. The “pandemic response team” firing claim referred to news accounts from Spring 2018 reporting that White House officials tasked with directing a national response to a pandemic had been ousted.

Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer abruptly departed from his post leading the global health security team on the National Security Council in May 2018 amid a reorganization of the council by then-National Security Advisor John Bolton, and Ziemer’s team was disbanded. Tom Bossert, whom the Washington Post reported “had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks,” had been fired one month prior.

It’s thus true that the Trump administration axed the executive branch team responsible for coordinating a response to a pandemic and did not replace it, eliminating Ziemer’s position and reassigning others, although Bolton was the executive at the top of the National Security Council chain of command at the time.

Your "assumption" boils down to this.

Keeping a bloated CDC when there is no pandemic is better than hiring the talent when there is a pandemic.
We disagree. The Federal Budget and the size of the Federal government needs to be cut.
It's like paying firemen to sit around waiting for a fire.
That works in big cities, with big budgets, but not in small towns who use volunteer firemen when there is a fire.
Both concepts work. Your whining just doesn't make sense. Covid-19 is being battled by BOTH CDC and contracted private doctors and scientists, who are probably way better than the CDC guys sitting around waiting for a pandemic.
Last edited:
the elderly & those in poor health are always in increased risk of getting it. They are susceptible to getting most diseases for that very reason. That isn’t an earth-shattering revelation. But this entire thread is nothing more than partisan rhetoric & fear mongering.

i worked with the elderly - both in & out of a nursing home & know full well what can happen when an illness breaks out. hopefully it won't come down to it - but if people start dying 'en masse' - then will y'all start to take it a bit more seriously than it seems you are?

downplaying a real potential for the worst case scenario is not too bright either, jr.

The worse case scenario has never played out in the US in the past, what makes you think this will be any different?


thousands die every year from the flu here in america, despite having a vaccine available every year - which is only based on best guesses as to what strain(s) will surface..... yet that always seems to be minimized. right now we don't have a vaccine & there's always the chance of mutation. i don't see anyone panicking - but to blow this off as ' the (D)s are fearmongering' is stoooooooopid.

I'm not blowing anything off, we're less than two months into this thing, it takes time to develop reliable tests and vaccines for a new strain of virus. 15,000 test kits will be fielded this week with another 50,000 soon to follow. I've had both types of pneumonia vaccines and still got pneumonia in early Feb, vaccines are never 100% effective. But there is no evidence that the US is any less prepared or will have a worse outcome than with other viruses we've dealt with in the past.


donny just said AGAIN that a vaccine will be available in a couple months after he met with heads of bigpharma. & AGAIN in di-rect opposition of what his science dude said. 12-18months at best is when a vaccine will be available.


18,000 people in the US have died this year from the Flu. Hmmmm.

the flu has been around for months - coronavirus hasn't.

we have a flu vaccine even though they are never 100%.

we have no vaccine for the coronavirus & it will still take months for clinical trials etc when they think they have developed one.

Prove Covid 19 hasn't been around for months, since no one was aware of it, no one was tested for it. I've seen interviews with doctors that said it has likely been around for months, but most people don't present with acute symptoms.


correction: hasn't been around showing symptoms for months NOR do we have a 'coronavirus' season ...

Just saw a news conference with WA officials, they claim the virus has been going around there for at least 6 weeks. That's about the time the world was becoming aware of it.


& it has already 'mutated' from what they think might be the original virus. there is also a possibility that a dog (outside the US ) might have contracted it.

Just saw a news conference with WA officials, they claim the virus has been going around there for at least 6 weeks. That's about the time the world was becoming aware of it.
Not exactly a description of a situation that's "under control."

A situation barely known at that time, no one knew what they were dealing with. Of course you ignore facts in favor of your commie propaganda. Run along commie, we're done.

i worked with the elderly - both in & out of a nursing home & know full well what can happen when an illness breaks out. hopefully it won't come down to it - but if people start dying 'en masse' - then will y'all start to take it a bit more seriously than it seems you are?

downplaying a real potential for the worst case scenario is not too bright either, jr.

The worse case scenario has never played out in the US in the past, what makes you think this will be any different?


thousands die every year from the flu here in america, despite having a vaccine available every year - which is only based on best guesses as to what strain(s) will surface..... yet that always seems to be minimized. right now we don't have a vaccine & there's always the chance of mutation. i don't see anyone panicking - but to blow this off as ' the (D)s are fearmongering' is stoooooooopid.

I'm not blowing anything off, we're less than two months into this thing, it takes time to develop reliable tests and vaccines for a new strain of virus. 15,000 test kits will be fielded this week with another 50,000 soon to follow. I've had both types of pneumonia vaccines and still got pneumonia in early Feb, vaccines are never 100% effective. But there is no evidence that the US is any less prepared or will have a worse outcome than with other viruses we've dealt with in the past.


donny just said AGAIN that a vaccine will be available in a couple months after he met with heads of bigpharma. & AGAIN in di-rect opposition of what his science dude said. 12-18months at best is when a vaccine will be available.



it was a Q & A at the whitehouse & i can't find a video where he said those exact words, i was cetain he did. - but he did say in any youtubes i looked at ,that : bigpharma is 'accelerating & are developing a vaccine very quickly & maybe there will even be a cure' .

he sure is bent on a faster pace than what is possible. i did find this article that shows what went down in that meeting:

Trump’s tone toward pharma shifts, as he looks to drug makers to help with coronavirus response
By Lev Facher @levfacher

March 2, 2020

“Like I’ve been telling you, Mr. President,” Tony Fauci, the director of the National Institute on Allergy and Infectious Disease, interjected at one point. “A year to a year and a half,” he said, referring to the amount of time it will likely take to deploy an effective vaccine to large populations.

Undeterred, Trump continued to ask various versions of the same question: “So what do you think in terms of timing?”

Fueling Trump’s optimism: When questioned by the president, drug company representatives often struggled to differentiate between projections for bringing drugs to late-stage trials and bringing them to market — so much so that Fauci became a de facto referee.

At one point, he responded to Stephane Bancel, the chief executive officer of Moderna, with a stern clarification: “You won’t have a vaccine — you’ll have a vaccine to go into testing.”

But he immediately pivoted to Regeneron’s Schleifer.

“But Lenny is talking about two months,” Trump replied. “I mean, I like the sound of a couple of months better.”
Seeking help with coronavirus, Trump shifts his tone toward pharma
& fauci said at a presser BEFORE that meeting that it will be 12-18 months at best for a vaccine to go to market, yet donny is still in denial about that, given how he fought back about that timeline again in the link i gave you.

lol... look at donny's face & his body language - he didn't want to hear it. he didn't want to hear the truth; 'cause the longer this goes on - the worse he & his administration looks.

the flu has been around for months - coronavirus hasn't.

we have a flu vaccine even though they are never 100%.

we have no vaccine for the coronavirus & it will still take months for clinical trials etc when they think they have developed one.

Prove Covid 19 hasn't been around for months, since no one was aware of it, no one was tested for it. I've seen interviews with doctors that said it has likely been around for months, but most people don't present with acute symptoms.


correction: hasn't been around showing symptoms for months NOR do we have a 'coronavirus' season ...

Just saw a news conference with WA officials, they claim the virus has been going around there for at least 6 weeks. That's about the time the world was becoming aware of it.


& it has already 'mutated' from what they think might be the original virus. there is also a possibility that a dog (outside the US ) might have contracted it.


Researchers say the coronavirus may be more contagious than current data shows
Published Tue, Feb 4 20203:06 PM ESTUpdated Wed, Feb 5 20202:32 AM EST
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BerkeleyJr
  • The so-called R naught of the disease, a mathematical equation that shows how many people will get sick from each infected person, is around 2.2.
  • World health officials caution that it may take months before the true R naught is known as more coronavirus cases come to light.
  • China's health minister, Ma Xiaowei, recently told reporters there is evidence it's already mutated into a stronger variation that is able to spread more easily among humans.
Researchers say the coronavirus may be more contagious than current data shows

A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm
Published Fri, Feb 28 202012:07 PM ESTUpdated Sat, Feb 29 20206:12 AM EST
Noah Higgins-Dunn

  • WHO confirmed that a dog in Hong Kong has tested "weakly positive" for COVID-19.
  • Hong Kong scientists aren't sure if the dog is actually infected or if it picked up the virus from a contaminated surface.
  • Swabs of its nasal and oral cavities tested "weak positive," Hong Kong agriculture

The dog reportedly belongs to a 60-year-old woman who developed symptoms on Feb. 12 and later tested positive, according to The Wall Street Journal. Hong Kong's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said the dog doesn't have any symptoms. Swabs of its nasal and oral cavities tested "weak positive," it said in a statement Friday. The dog is under quarantine at a facility at a port in Hong Kong and will be returned to the owner once it tests negative for the virus, according to the agency.officials said.

A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm
The worse case scenario has never played out in the US in the past, what makes you think this will be any different?


thousands die every year from the flu here in america, despite having a vaccine available every year - which is only based on best guesses as to what strain(s) will surface..... yet that always seems to be minimized. right now we don't have a vaccine & there's always the chance of mutation. i don't see anyone panicking - but to blow this off as ' the (D)s are fearmongering' is stoooooooopid.

I'm not blowing anything off, we're less than two months into this thing, it takes time to develop reliable tests and vaccines for a new strain of virus. 15,000 test kits will be fielded this week with another 50,000 soon to follow. I've had both types of pneumonia vaccines and still got pneumonia in early Feb, vaccines are never 100% effective. But there is no evidence that the US is any less prepared or will have a worse outcome than with other viruses we've dealt with in the past.


donny just said AGAIN that a vaccine will be available in a couple months after he met with heads of bigpharma. & AGAIN in di-rect opposition of what his science dude said. 12-18months at best is when a vaccine will be available.



it was a Q & A at the whitehouse & i can't find a video where he said those exact words, i was cetain he did. - but he did say in any youtubes i looked at ,that : bigpharma is 'accelerating & are developing a vaccine very quickly & maybe there will even be a cure' .

he sure is bent on a faster pace than what is possible. i did find this article that shows what went down in that meeting:

Trump’s tone toward pharma shifts, as he looks to drug makers to help with coronavirus response
By Lev Facher @levfacher

March 2, 2020

“Like I’ve been telling you, Mr. President,” Tony Fauci, the director of the National Institute on Allergy and Infectious Disease, interjected at one point. “A year to a year and a half,” he said, referring to the amount of time it will likely take to deploy an effective vaccine to large populations.

Undeterred, Trump continued to ask various versions of the same question: “So what do you think in terms of timing?”

Fueling Trump’s optimism: When questioned by the president, drug company representatives often struggled to differentiate between projections for bringing drugs to late-stage trials and bringing them to market — so much so that Fauci became a de facto referee.

At one point, he responded to Stephane Bancel, the chief executive officer of Moderna, with a stern clarification: “You won’t have a vaccine — you’ll have a vaccine to go into testing.”

But he immediately pivoted to Regeneron’s Schleifer.

“But Lenny is talking about two months,” Trump replied. “I mean, I like the sound of a couple of months better.”
Seeking help with coronavirus, Trump shifts his tone toward pharma
& fauci said at a presser BEFORE that meeting that it will be 12-18 months at best for a vaccine to go to market, yet donny is still in denial about that, given how he fought back about that timeline again in the link i gave you.

lol... look at donny's face & his body language - he didn't want to hear it. he didn't want to hear the truth; 'cause the longer this goes on - the worse he & his administration looks.

So Trump was talking about when a vaccine might be ready for testing and Fauci was talking about when it would be ready for wide distribution. Got it.

Shutting down departments of the government, and firing or reassigning personnel from those departments, which were established to handle a health crisis like the one we are now experiencing.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Overruling the CDC in bringing back infected Americans from a cruise ship on a commercial flight. Allowing those infected people to expose non-infected people on the flight to the virus.
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice

Employees of HHS were told to deal with potentially infected Americans returning from China without the necessary training or equipment. Those employees then returned to their daily lives without being tested for the virus. The first case of a person contracting the virus from an unknown source happened within twenty miles of where the people returning from China were being housed. Making it likely the first case of infection directly related to the admin's incompetence.
HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.
Two inevitable events are about to unfold. One is the spread of the virus. Incompetence by the admin has already resulted in it spreading faster than it would have if health safety protocols had been followed.

The other is there is going to be a massive effort on the part of the admin and the right wing media cohort lead by Faux, to misinform the public (as it always does) about the admin's already bungled response to this very real threat to the public's safety. We have already witnessed sock puppet Mike Pence heap unwarranted praise on Dear Leader for preparing the nation for an outbreak. That message will be endlessly repeated. It is a bald faced lie.

Look at the total cases and then say Trump isn't doing a great job, fucking moron.
View attachment 309614
dude, trump created it.
Prove Covid 19 hasn't been around for months, since no one was aware of it, no one was tested for it. I've seen interviews with doctors that said it has likely been around for months, but most people don't present with acute symptoms.


correction: hasn't been around showing symptoms for months NOR do we have a 'coronavirus' season ...

Just saw a news conference with WA officials, they claim the virus has been going around there for at least 6 weeks. That's about the time the world was becoming aware of it.


& it has already 'mutated' from what they think might be the original virus. there is also a possibility that a dog (outside the US ) might have contracted it.


Researchers say the coronavirus may be more contagious than current data shows
Published Tue, Feb 4 20203:06 PM ESTUpdated Wed, Feb 5 20202:32 AM EST
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BerkeleyJr
  • The so-called R naught of the disease, a mathematical equation that shows how many people will get sick from each infected person, is around 2.2.
  • World health officials caution that it may take months before the true R naught is known as more coronavirus cases come to light.
  • China's health minister, Ma Xiaowei, recently told reporters there is evidence it's already mutated into a stronger variation that is able to spread more easily among humans.
Researchers say the coronavirus may be more contagious than current data shows

A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm
Published Fri, Feb 28 202012:07 PM ESTUpdated Sat, Feb 29 20206:12 AM EST
Noah Higgins-Dunn

  • WHO confirmed that a dog in Hong Kong has tested "weakly positive" for COVID-19.
  • Hong Kong scientists aren't sure if the dog is actually infected or if it picked up the virus from a contaminated surface.
  • Swabs of its nasal and oral cavities tested "weak positive," Hong Kong agriculture

The dog reportedly belongs to a 60-year-old woman who developed symptoms on Feb. 12 and later tested positive, according to The Wall Street Journal. Hong Kong's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said the dog doesn't have any symptoms. Swabs of its nasal and oral cavities tested "weak positive," it said in a statement Friday. The dog is under quarantine at a facility at a port in Hong Kong and will be returned to the owner once it tests negative for the virus, according to the agency.officials said.

A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm

The Chinese claim it started in animals so an animal "possibly" being infected wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. But from what I read they aren't sure if the dog is really infected. Also there is nothing in your article about a mutation as you claimed, you got anything on that?

Shutting down departments of the government, and firing or reassigning personnel from those departments, which were established to handle a health crisis like the one we are now experiencing.
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response
Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response

Overruling the CDC in bringing back infected Americans from a cruise ship on a commercial flight. Allowing those infected people to expose non-infected people on the flight to the virus.
Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice

Employees of HHS were told to deal with potentially infected Americans returning from China without the necessary training or equipment. Those employees then returned to their daily lives without being tested for the virus. The first case of a person contracting the virus from an unknown source happened within twenty miles of where the people returning from China were being housed. Making it likely the first case of infection directly related to the admin's incompetence.
HHS whistleblower claims US workers received coronavirus evacuees without proper precautions
HHS whistleblower: US workers received coronavirus evacuees without training or protection - CNNPolitics

Downplaying the threat to the public's health. “And again, when you have 15 people — and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero — that’s a pretty good job we’ve done,” he said.

Allowing a political message instead of a science based message be the admin's priority.

Contradicting health experts in the admin's public messaging.
President Trump contradicts health officials on coronavirus response

Not making sure enough test kits are available.
New York Is Making Its Own Coronavirus Test After The CDC’s Tests Have Repeatedly Failed

Not making sure enough protective equipment like the appropriate masks are available.
The Global Shortage of Medical Masks Won't Be Easing Soon

Not making a plan for the increased availability of hospital beds when existing facilities become overwhelmed.
Two inevitable events are about to unfold. One is the spread of the virus. Incompetence by the admin has already resulted in it spreading faster than it would have if health safety protocols had been followed.

The other is there is going to be a massive effort on the part of the admin and the right wing media cohort lead by Faux, to misinform the public (as it always does) about the admin's already bungled response to this very real threat to the public's safety. We have already witnessed sock puppet Mike Pence heap unwarranted praise on Dear Leader for preparing the nation for an outbreak. That message will be endlessly repeated. It is a bald faced lie.

when you’re done being a hysterical partisan hack, you might want to read this...Ex-Obama health advisor: US needs to 'stop panicking and being hysterical' about coronavirus
thousands die every year from the flu here in america, despite having a vaccine available every year - which is only based on best guesses as to what strain(s) will surface..... yet that always seems to be minimized. right now we don't have a vaccine & there's always the chance of mutation. i don't see anyone panicking - but to blow this off as ' the (D)s are fearmongering' is stoooooooopid.

I'm not blowing anything off, we're less than two months into this thing, it takes time to develop reliable tests and vaccines for a new strain of virus. 15,000 test kits will be fielded this week with another 50,000 soon to follow. I've had both types of pneumonia vaccines and still got pneumonia in early Feb, vaccines are never 100% effective. But there is no evidence that the US is any less prepared or will have a worse outcome than with other viruses we've dealt with in the past.


donny just said AGAIN that a vaccine will be available in a couple months after he met with heads of bigpharma. & AGAIN in di-rect opposition of what his science dude said. 12-18months at best is when a vaccine will be available.



it was a Q & A at the whitehouse & i can't find a video where he said those exact words, i was cetain he did. - but he did say in any youtubes i looked at ,that : bigpharma is 'accelerating & are developing a vaccine very quickly & maybe there will even be a cure' .

he sure is bent on a faster pace than what is possible. i did find this article that shows what went down in that meeting:

Trump’s tone toward pharma shifts, as he looks to drug makers to help with coronavirus response
By Lev Facher @levfacher

March 2, 2020

“Like I’ve been telling you, Mr. President,” Tony Fauci, the director of the National Institute on Allergy and Infectious Disease, interjected at one point. “A year to a year and a half,” he said, referring to the amount of time it will likely take to deploy an effective vaccine to large populations.

Undeterred, Trump continued to ask various versions of the same question: “So what do you think in terms of timing?”

Fueling Trump’s optimism: When questioned by the president, drug company representatives often struggled to differentiate between projections for bringing drugs to late-stage trials and bringing them to market — so much so that Fauci became a de facto referee.

At one point, he responded to Stephane Bancel, the chief executive officer of Moderna, with a stern clarification: “You won’t have a vaccine — you’ll have a vaccine to go into testing.”

But he immediately pivoted to Regeneron’s Schleifer.

“But Lenny is talking about two months,” Trump replied. “I mean, I like the sound of a couple of months better.”
Seeking help with coronavirus, Trump shifts his tone toward pharma
& fauci said at a presser BEFORE that meeting that it will be 12-18 months at best for a vaccine to go to market, yet donny is still in denial about that, given how he fought back about that timeline again in the link i gave you.

lol... look at donny's face & his body language - he didn't want to hear it. he didn't want to hear the truth; 'cause the longer this goes on - the worse he & his administration looks.

So Trump was talking about when a vaccine might be ready for testing and Fauci was talking about when it would be ready for wide distribution. Got it.


did you read the whole article? it took several times for him to ackowledge it would take that long. he really didn't want to hear it nor believe the facts. it must be driving him nuts that he can't steer the narrative on this.
correction: hasn't been around showing symptoms for months NOR do we have a 'coronavirus' season ...

Just saw a news conference with WA officials, they claim the virus has been going around there for at least 6 weeks. That's about the time the world was becoming aware of it.


& it has already 'mutated' from what they think might be the original virus. there is also a possibility that a dog (outside the US ) might have contracted it.


Researchers say the coronavirus may be more contagious than current data shows
Published Tue, Feb 4 20203:06 PM ESTUpdated Wed, Feb 5 20202:32 AM EST
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BerkeleyJr
  • The so-called R naught of the disease, a mathematical equation that shows how many people will get sick from each infected person, is around 2.2.
  • World health officials caution that it may take months before the true R naught is known as more coronavirus cases come to light.
  • China's health minister, Ma Xiaowei, recently told reporters there is evidence it's already mutated into a stronger variation that is able to spread more easily among humans.
Researchers say the coronavirus may be more contagious than current data shows

A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm
Published Fri, Feb 28 202012:07 PM ESTUpdated Sat, Feb 29 20206:12 AM EST
Noah Higgins-Dunn

  • WHO confirmed that a dog in Hong Kong has tested "weakly positive" for COVID-19.
  • Hong Kong scientists aren't sure if the dog is actually infected or if it picked up the virus from a contaminated surface.
  • Swabs of its nasal and oral cavities tested "weak positive," Hong Kong agriculture

The dog reportedly belongs to a 60-year-old woman who developed symptoms on Feb. 12 and later tested positive, according to The Wall Street Journal. Hong Kong's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said the dog doesn't have any symptoms. Swabs of its nasal and oral cavities tested "weak positive," it said in a statement Friday. The dog is under quarantine at a facility at a port in Hong Kong and will be returned to the owner once it tests negative for the virus, according to the agency.officials said.

A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm

The Chinese claim it started in animals so an animal "possibly" being infected wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. But from what I read they aren't sure if the dog is really infected. Also there is nothing in your article about a mutation as you claimed, you got anything on that?


i said that a dog MAY have been infected & the chinese say it has mutated & a couple doctors said it as well while being interviewed on tv - that the virus right now is slightly different than what was showing up as positive back in january.... i have no reason to disbelieve them.
Just saw a news conference with WA officials, they claim the virus has been going around there for at least 6 weeks. That's about the time the world was becoming aware of it.


& it has already 'mutated' from what they think might be the original virus. there is also a possibility that a dog (outside the US ) might have contracted it.


Researchers say the coronavirus may be more contagious than current data shows
Published Tue, Feb 4 20203:06 PM ESTUpdated Wed, Feb 5 20202:32 AM EST
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BerkeleyJr
  • The so-called R naught of the disease, a mathematical equation that shows how many people will get sick from each infected person, is around 2.2.
  • World health officials caution that it may take months before the true R naught is known as more coronavirus cases come to light.
  • China's health minister, Ma Xiaowei, recently told reporters there is evidence it's already mutated into a stronger variation that is able to spread more easily among humans.
Researchers say the coronavirus may be more contagious than current data shows

A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm
Published Fri, Feb 28 202012:07 PM ESTUpdated Sat, Feb 29 20206:12 AM EST
Noah Higgins-Dunn

  • WHO confirmed that a dog in Hong Kong has tested "weakly positive" for COVID-19.
  • Hong Kong scientists aren't sure if the dog is actually infected or if it picked up the virus from a contaminated surface.
  • Swabs of its nasal and oral cavities tested "weak positive," Hong Kong agriculture

The dog reportedly belongs to a 60-year-old woman who developed symptoms on Feb. 12 and later tested positive, according to The Wall Street Journal. Hong Kong's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said the dog doesn't have any symptoms. Swabs of its nasal and oral cavities tested "weak positive," it said in a statement Friday. The dog is under quarantine at a facility at a port in Hong Kong and will be returned to the owner once it tests negative for the virus, according to the agency.officials said.

A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm

The Chinese claim it started in animals so an animal "possibly" being infected wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. But from what I read they aren't sure if the dog is really infected. Also there is nothing in your article about a mutation as you claimed, you got anything on that?


i said that a dog MAY have been infected & the chinese say it has mutated & a couple doctors said it as well while being interviewed - that the virus right now is slightly different than what was showing up as positive back in january....
I heard bats, then I heard it was from a Chinese biological strain. It sounds like they have no fking idea. And yet, you know. too fking funny a leftist.
Just saw a news conference with WA officials, they claim the virus has been going around there for at least 6 weeks. That's about the time the world was becoming aware of it.


& it has already 'mutated' from what they think might be the original virus. there is also a possibility that a dog (outside the US ) might have contracted it.


Researchers say the coronavirus may be more contagious than current data shows
Published Tue, Feb 4 20203:06 PM ESTUpdated Wed, Feb 5 20202:32 AM EST
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.@BerkeleyJr
  • The so-called R naught of the disease, a mathematical equation that shows how many people will get sick from each infected person, is around 2.2.
  • World health officials caution that it may take months before the true R naught is known as more coronavirus cases come to light.
  • China's health minister, Ma Xiaowei, recently told reporters there is evidence it's already mutated into a stronger variation that is able to spread more easily among humans.
Researchers say the coronavirus may be more contagious than current data shows

A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm
Published Fri, Feb 28 202012:07 PM ESTUpdated Sat, Feb 29 20206:12 AM EST
Noah Higgins-Dunn

  • WHO confirmed that a dog in Hong Kong has tested "weakly positive" for COVID-19.
  • Hong Kong scientists aren't sure if the dog is actually infected or if it picked up the virus from a contaminated surface.
  • Swabs of its nasal and oral cavities tested "weak positive," Hong Kong agriculture

The dog reportedly belongs to a 60-year-old woman who developed symptoms on Feb. 12 and later tested positive, according to The Wall Street Journal. Hong Kong's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department said the dog doesn't have any symptoms. Swabs of its nasal and oral cavities tested "weak positive," it said in a statement Friday. The dog is under quarantine at a facility at a port in Hong Kong and will be returned to the owner once it tests negative for the virus, according to the agency.officials said.

A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm

The Chinese claim it started in animals so an animal "possibly" being infected wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility. But from what I read they aren't sure if the dog is really infected. Also there is nothing in your article about a mutation as you claimed, you got anything on that?


i said that a dog MAY have been infected & the chinese say it has mutated & a couple doctors said it as well while being interviewed - that the virus right now is slightly different than what was showing up as positive back in january....
exactly. Its not that a dog might be a carrier, and there's no certainty that if it did carry the virus that it could infect humans. But it might indicate the virus is mutating. And that might be bad. Or not. My dog died in July of old age. And my cat too but last weekend.

all's good. (- I may get another dog though. No cats for it though.

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