Mistakes the admin has already made in handling the virus.

You're a little behind on the news. We do have individuals testing positive who have had no contact with anyone traveling overseas. It is in the communities, including two schools.
One death.

I also heard on the news this a.m. that the largest manufacturer of face masks in the US has stopped taking orders from any but hospitals--it is having all it can do to fill those. But the CDC is still urging anyone with flu like symptoms to wear one.

8,400 people in cali are being monitored; & 2 people in a nursing home in washington state tested positive - 1 is a worker & 1 is a patient. the elderly are at high risk of death & chances are more will come down with it.

the elderly & those in poor health are always in increased risk of getting it. They are susceptible to getting most diseases for that very reason. That isn’t an earth-shattering revelation. But this entire thread is nothing more than partisan rhetoric & fear mongering.

i worked with the elderly - both in & out of a nursing home & know full well what can happen when an illness breaks out. hopefully it won't come down to it - but if people start dying 'en masse' - then will y'all start to take it a bit more seriously than it seems you are?

downplaying a real potential for the worst case scenario is not too bright either, jr.

The worse case scenario has never played out in the US in the past, what makes you think this will be any different?


thousands die every year from the flu here in america, despite having a vaccine available every year - which is only based on best guesses as to what strain(s) will surface..... yet that always seems to be minimized. right now we don't have a vaccine & there's always the chance of mutation. i don't see anyone panicking - but to blow this off as ' the (D)s are fearmongering' is stoooooooopid.

I'm not blowing anything off, we're less than two months into this thing, it takes time to develop reliable tests and vaccines for a new strain of virus. 15,000 test kits will be fielded this week with another 50,000 soon to follow. I've had both types of pneumonia vaccines and still got pneumonia in early Feb, vaccines are never 100% effective. But there is no evidence that the US is any less prepared or will have a worse outcome than with other viruses we've dealt with in the past.

You want them to go out and SCREAM WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE......
Well........no...........the mortality rate is only about 2% so we are not all going to die. Nobody is saying that is going to happen. But there will be fatalities. One has already happened. Not coincidentally, in an area where the virus has spread in part because of the admin's incompetence.

18,000 people in the US have died this year from the Flu. Hmmmm.

the flu has been around for months - coronavirus hasn't.

we have a flu vaccine even though they are never 100%.

we have no vaccine for the coronavirus & it will still take months for clinical trials etc when they think they have developed one.

Prove Covid 19 hasn't been around for months, since no one was aware of it, no one was tested for it. I've seen interviews with doctors that said it has likely been around for months, but most people don't present with acute symptoms.


correction: hasn't been around showing symptoms for months NOR do we have a 'coronavirus' season ...

Just saw a news conference with WA officials, they claim the virus has been going around there for at least 6 weeks. That's about the time the world was becoming aware of it.

8,400 people in cali are being monitored; & 2 people in a nursing home in washington state tested positive - 1 is a worker & 1 is a patient. the elderly are at high risk of death & chances are more will come down with it.

the elderly & those in poor health are always in increased risk of getting it. They are susceptible to getting most diseases for that very reason. That isn’t an earth-shattering revelation. But this entire thread is nothing more than partisan rhetoric & fear mongering.

i worked with the elderly - both in & out of a nursing home & know full well what can happen when an illness breaks out. hopefully it won't come down to it - but if people start dying 'en masse' - then will y'all start to take it a bit more seriously than it seems you are?

downplaying a real potential for the worst case scenario is not too bright either, jr.

The worse case scenario has never played out in the US in the past, what makes you think this will be any different?


thousands die every year from the flu here in america, despite having a vaccine available every year - which is only based on best guesses as to what strain(s) will surface..... yet that always seems to be minimized. right now we don't have a vaccine & there's always the chance of mutation. i don't see anyone panicking - but to blow this off as ' the (D)s are fearmongering' is stoooooooopid.

I'm not blowing anything off, we're less than two months into this thing, it takes time to develop reliable tests and vaccines for a new strain of virus. 15,000 test kits will be fielded this week with another 50,000 soon to follow. I've had both types of pneumonia vaccines and still got pneumonia in early Feb, vaccines are never 100% effective. But there is no evidence that the US is any less prepared or will have a worse outcome than with other viruses we've dealt with in the past.


Under socialist medicine - no cure will be developed.

The American capitalist system will save the communists again.
ANYONE who can't come together / unite a ta time where the entire WORLD is being effected by a disaster that threatens the lives of fellow Americans, who chooses to politically weaponize such a disaster for personal / party political gain - to attack and demonize others - is pretty much 'dead' to me - I will never support such a person ever again.

What the Democrats have done so far is typical of their despicable partisan hatred of the President. They 1st condemned him for seeking to restrict people from virus hard-hit nations from coming into the US and now is claiming he and his administration HAS NOT DONE ENOUGH.

They will never say so / admit it, but there are definitely Democrats - like Pelosi and Schiff - rooting for America to be hit hard by a stock market continuing to fall, Americans suffering from a lack of medications coming from China, and the wide spread of Coronavirus - perhaps not many deaths (if any) but definitely for the wide SPREAD of the disease.

There is no limit to the hate Democrats have for this president.
ANYONE who can't come together / unite a ta time where the entire WORLD is being effected by a disaster that threatens the lives of fellow Americans, who chooses to politically weaponize such a disaster for personal / party political gain - to attack and demonize others - is pretty much 'dead' to me - I will never support such a person ever again.

What the Democrats have done so far is typical of their despicable partisan hatred of the President. They 1st condemned him for seeking to restrict people from virus hard-hit nations from coming into the US and now is claiming he and his administration HAS NOT DONE ENOUGH.

They will never say so / admit it, but there are definitely Democrats - like Pelosi and Schiff - rooting for America to be hit hard by a stock market continuing to fall, Americans suffering from a lack of medications coming from China, and the wide spread of Coronavirus - perhaps not many deaths (if any) but definitely for the wide SPREAD of the disease.

There is no limit to the hate Democrats have for this president.
And you don't know the half of it
it takes time to develop reliable tests
The United States badly bungled coronavirus testing—but things may soon improve
The United States badly bungled coronavirus testing—but things may soon improve | Science | AAAS

Speed is critical in the response to COVID-19. So why has the United States been so slow in its attempt to develop reliable diagnostic tests and use them widely?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has shipped testing kits to 57 countries. China had five commercial tests on the market 1 month ago and can now do up to 1.6 million tests a week; South Korea has tested 65,000 people so far. The U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in contrast, has done only 459 tests since the epidemic began. The rollout of a CDC-designed test kit to state and local labs has become a fiasco because it contained a faulty reagent. Labs around the country eager to test more suspected cases—and test them faster—have been unable to do so. No commercial or state labs have the approval to use their own tests.

In what is already an infamous snafu, CDC initially refused a request to test a patient in Northern California who turned out to be the first probable COVID19 case without known links to an infected person.
ANYONE who can't come together / unite a ta time where the entire WORLD is being effected by a disaster that threatens the lives of fellow Americans, who chooses to politically weaponize such a disaster for personal / party political gain - to attack and demonize others - is pretty much 'dead' to me - I will never support such a person ever again.

What the Democrats have done so far is typical of their despicable partisan hatred of the President. They 1st condemned him for seeking to restrict people from virus hard-hit nations from coming into the US and now is claiming he and his administration HAS NOT DONE ENOUGH.

They will never say so / admit it, but there are definitely Democrats - like Pelosi and Schiff - rooting for America to be hit hard by a stock market continuing to fall, Americans suffering from a lack of medications coming from China, and the wide spread of Coronavirus - perhaps not many deaths (if any) but definitely for the wide SPREAD of the disease.

There is no limit to the hate Democrats have for this president.
And you don't know the half of it
Well I really don't know what CDC is contemplating doing if we have multiple thousands of cases … and no one else really does either, and that's what leads to the angst. And Trump is trying to cover for not having standard testing kits or really any vaccine research that we know of, and is farming everything out to pharma, because despite the RW medias attempt to have alternative facts, Trump did cut cdc and science
basketdwellers saying the response is adequate doesn't make it so.
We are going to hear endless propaganda from right wing media claiming, falsely, Trump has handled the preparations for an outbreak very well. All designed to keep the clueless rubes misinformed.

12,000+ dead Americans from swine flu while Obama did nothing.
OMG ... the flu kills people. Trump didn't know that.
basketdwellers saying the response is adequate doesn't make it so.
We are going to hear endless propaganda from right wing media claiming, falsely, Trump has handled the preparations for an outbreak very well. All designed to keep the clueless rubes misinformed.

12,000+ dead Americans from swine flu while Obama did nothing.
OMG ... the flu kills people. Trump didn't know that.
Apparently it caught Barry Hussein by surprise.............or he just didn't care.
basketdwellers saying the response is adequate doesn't make it so.
We are going to hear endless propaganda from right wing media claiming, falsely, Trump has handled the preparations for an outbreak very well. All designed to keep the clueless rubes misinformed.
I'd rather go under military rule then have you ph uks take over. Corona in English translated from Spanish is Crown! In case this is nothing, boy can we be manipulated, huh! Hitler and Stalin and so many others had the Prog media/entertainers that we have. Only a Prog could say they love and have concern for our children by promoting an agenda where they would let the child get ph uked up the azz as a pedophile right.
And Trump is trying to cover for not having standard testing kits or really any vaccine research that we know of .....
WHAT are you talking about?

U.S. companies work on coronavirus vaccine | ShareAmerica

"U.S. pharmaceutical companies are working on vaccines to combat the new coronavirus and stop its spread.

Among the U.S. drug companies involved: Inovio, of Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania; Johnson & Johnson, of New Brunswick, New Jersey; Moderna, of Cambridge, Massachusetts; and Novavax, of Gaithersburg, Maryland."


The United States Military is working on / researching a vaccine


Our ally, Israel, is making break-throughs
it takes time to develop reliable tests
The United States badly bungled coronavirus testing—but things may soon improve
The United States badly bungled coronavirus testing—but things may soon improve | Science | AAAS

Speed is critical in the response to COVID-19. So why has the United States been so slow in its attempt to develop reliable diagnostic tests and use them widely?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has shipped testing kits to 57 countries. China had five commercial tests on the market 1 month ago and can now do up to 1.6 million tests a week; South Korea has tested 65,000 people so far. The U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in contrast, has done only 459 tests since the epidemic began. The rollout of a CDC-designed test kit to state and local labs has become a fiasco because it contained a faulty reagent. Labs around the country eager to test more suspected cases—and test them faster—have been unable to do so. No commercial or state labs have the approval to use their own tests.

In what is already an infamous snafu, CDC initially refused a request to test a patient in Northern California who turned out to be the first probable COVID19 case without known links to an infected person.

Yeah and those test kits in China have proven unreliable, giving false negatives and false positives. I haven't heard about the reliability of other kits, also the US is giving expedited approval to labs around the country that are developing their own test.

BTW stop quoting me out of context within the quote box or I will report your posting violations.

For others this is the post I made in full:
I'm not blowing anything off, we're less than two months into this thing, it takes time to develop reliable tests and vaccines for a new strain of virus. 15,000 test kits will be fielded this week with another 50,000 soon to follow. I've had both types of pneumonia vaccines and still got pneumonia in early Feb, vaccines are never 100% effective. But there is no evidence that the US is any less prepared or will have a worse outcome than with other viruses we've dealt with in the past.

And Trump is trying to cover for not having standard testing kits or really any vaccine research that we know of .....
WHAT are you talking about?

U.S. companies work on coronavirus vaccine | ShareAmerica

"U.S. pharmaceutical companies are working on vaccines to combat the new coronavirus and stop its spread.

Among the U.S. drug companies involved: Inovio, of Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania; Johnson & Johnson, of New Brunswick, New Jersey; Moderna, of Cambridge, Massachusetts; and Novavax, of Gaithersburg, Maryland."


The United States Military is working on / researching a vaccine


Our ally, Israel, is making break-throughs
LOL. Trump has it well in hand. You don't get alternate facts. He cut science and cdc and is now scrambling to find fill ins with pharma and even Israel. Too funny.

But CDC cant' tell us how much quarantine may be necessary in a worst case. If that comes to pass we'll be scared shitless. No reason to be scared yet. Amused at Trump's anti-science stance, but not scared … yet.
And Trump is trying to cover for not having standard testing kits or really any vaccine research that we know of .....
WHAT are you talking about?

U.S. companies work on coronavirus vaccine | ShareAmerica

"U.S. pharmaceutical companies are working on vaccines to combat the new coronavirus and stop its spread.

Among the U.S. drug companies involved: Inovio, of Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania; Johnson & Johnson, of New Brunswick, New Jersey; Moderna, of Cambridge, Massachusetts; and Novavax, of Gaithersburg, Maryland."


The United States Military is working on / researching a vaccine


Our ally, Israel, is making break-throughs
LOL. Trump has it well in hand. You don't get alternate facts. He cut science and cdc and is now scrambling to find fill ins with pharma and even Israel. Too funny.

But CDC cant' tell us how much quarantine may be necessary in a worst case. If that comes to pass we'll be scared shitless. No reason to be scared yet. Amused at Trump's anti-science stance, but not scared … yet.

A total bullshit post with no credible links supporting your stupid opinions.
And Trump is trying to cover for not having standard testing kits or really any vaccine research that we know of .....
WHAT are you talking about?

U.S. companies work on coronavirus vaccine | ShareAmerica

"U.S. pharmaceutical companies are working on vaccines to combat the new coronavirus and stop its spread.

Among the U.S. drug companies involved: Inovio, of Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania; Johnson & Johnson, of New Brunswick, New Jersey; Moderna, of Cambridge, Massachusetts; and Novavax, of Gaithersburg, Maryland."


The United States Military is working on / researching a vaccine


Our ally, Israel, is making break-throughs
LOL. Trump has it well in hand. You don't get alternate facts. He cut science and cdc and is now scrambling to find fill ins with pharma and even Israel. Too funny.

But CDC cant' tell us how much quarantine may be necessary in a worst case. If that comes to pass we'll be scared shitless. No reason to be scared yet. Amused at Trump's anti-science stance, but not scared … yet.

A total bullshit post with no credible links supporting your stupid opinions.

Oh for fucks sake. Easy or whoever was saying Israel was going to save us. LOL
Did Trump Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

Team Trump does NOT get alternative facts. They cut cdc and science. BUT, most likely, at worst this will be a temporary 3 mo recession with about 20k already frail people dying, and Trump's actions, or inactions, didn't really affect anything. Unfortunately some kids will be among the frail. But maybe it'll all blow over.
And Trump is trying to cover for not having standard testing kits or really any vaccine research that we know of .....
WHAT are you talking about?

U.S. companies work on coronavirus vaccine | ShareAmerica

"U.S. pharmaceutical companies are working on vaccines to combat the new coronavirus and stop its spread.

Among the U.S. drug companies involved: Inovio, of Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania; Johnson & Johnson, of New Brunswick, New Jersey; Moderna, of Cambridge, Massachusetts; and Novavax, of Gaithersburg, Maryland."


The United States Military is working on / researching a vaccine


Our ally, Israel, is making break-throughs
LOL. Trump has it well in hand. You don't get alternate facts. He cut science and cdc and is now scrambling to find fill ins with pharma and even Israel. Too funny.

But CDC cant' tell us how much quarantine may be necessary in a worst case. If that comes to pass we'll be scared shitless. No reason to be scared yet. Amused at Trump's anti-science stance, but not scared … yet.

A total bullshit post with no credible links supporting your stupid opinions.

Oh for fucks sake. Easy or whoever was saying Israel was going to save us. LOL
Did Trump Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

Team Trump does NOT get alternative facts. They cut cdc and science. BUT, most likely, at worst this will be a temporary 3 mo recession with about 20k already frail people dying, and Trump's actions, or inactions, didn't really affect anything. Unfortunately some kids will be among the frail. But maybe it'll all blow over.

Oh for fucks sake, just google the CDC to find the flu fighter pandemic response team. If Trump fired any, there are still a lot left. Maybe they reproduce? Anyway, we have a lot of flu fighters left to do the job on Covid-19. Keep lying about Trump, maybe Komrad Bernie or QuidPro Joe will get elected?!

CDC Pandemic Flu Fighters

Are We Prepared?
8,400 people in cali are being monitored; & 2 people in a nursing home in washington state tested positive - 1 is a worker & 1 is a patient. the elderly are at high risk of death & chances are more will come down with it.

the elderly & those in poor health are always in increased risk of getting it. They are susceptible to getting most diseases for that very reason. That isn’t an earth-shattering revelation. But this entire thread is nothing more than partisan rhetoric & fear mongering.

i worked with the elderly - both in & out of a nursing home & know full well what can happen when an illness breaks out. hopefully it won't come down to it - but if people start dying 'en masse' - then will y'all start to take it a bit more seriously than it seems you are?

downplaying a real potential for the worst case scenario is not too bright either, jr.

The worse case scenario has never played out in the US in the past, what makes you think this will be any different?


thousands die every year from the flu here in america, despite having a vaccine available every year - which is only based on best guesses as to what strain(s) will surface..... yet that always seems to be minimized. right now we don't have a vaccine & there's always the chance of mutation. i don't see anyone panicking - but to blow this off as ' the (D)s are fearmongering' is stoooooooopid.

I'm not blowing anything off, we're less than two months into this thing, it takes time to develop reliable tests and vaccines for a new strain of virus. 15,000 test kits will be fielded this week with another 50,000 soon to follow. I've had both types of pneumonia vaccines and still got pneumonia in early Feb, vaccines are never 100% effective. But there is no evidence that the US is any less prepared or will have a worse outcome than with other viruses we've dealt with in the past.


donny just said AGAIN that a vaccine will be available in a couple months after he met with heads of bigpharma. & AGAIN in di-rect opposition of what his science dude said. 12-18months at best is when a vaccine will be available.
Well........no...........the mortality rate is only about 2% so we are not all going to die. Nobody is saying that is going to happen. But there will be fatalities. One has already happened. Not coincidentally, in an area where the virus has spread in part because of the admin's incompetence.

18,000 people in the US have died this year from the Flu. Hmmmm.

the flu has been around for months - coronavirus hasn't.

we have a flu vaccine even though they are never 100%.

we have no vaccine for the coronavirus & it will still take months for clinical trials etc when they think they have developed one.

Prove Covid 19 hasn't been around for months, since no one was aware of it, no one was tested for it. I've seen interviews with doctors that said it has likely been around for months, but most people don't present with acute symptoms.


correction: hasn't been around showing symptoms for months NOR do we have a 'coronavirus' season ...

Just saw a news conference with WA officials, they claim the virus has been going around there for at least 6 weeks. That's about the time the world was becoming aware of it.


& it has already 'mutated' from what they think might be the original virus. there is also a possibility that a dog (outside the US ) might have contracted it.

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